official's direct daughter

Chapter 119 followed by a yellow finch 2

Feng's mother broke out in a cold sweat behind her. If it hadn't been for the old lady's words, she really thought that the scene with Yao's mother was really perfect, and she really thought that their play had been believed by everyone in the house. Obviously, although their mantis catch cicadas, there is still a yellow finch staring behind them, ready to harvest the booty at any time.

"Don't worry. The child of Sister Jiu is down-to-earth and will not favor anyone. If you are good to Sister Jiu, then mother Yao can't climb on your head. Just go back and talk to Sister Jiu." The old lady said this to mention Feng's mother, and she was also telling Feng's mother to leave.

"Thank you, maidservant!" Feng's mother kowtowed three times on the ground before leaving the yard.

The old lady squinted, looked at Feng's mother's back, and said, "Mother Ge, I know that there is a gap between you and Feng's mother, but you have to learn from Feng's mother about these things!"

Ge's mother was stunned. Previously, the old lady was dissatisfied with Feng's mother, but now she has said good words about Feng's mother. She bent slightly and said, "My wife taught me a lesson."

The old lady took a look at Ge's mother and was obviously not very satisfied with Ge's mother's attitude. Sure enough, Feng's mother was suitable for her own heart, which was also the reason why she asked Feng's mother to go to the ninth sister.

Feng's mother returned to Dongyuan and went to Sister Jiu to receive the punishment. There was always an indescribable feeling in her heart. Unexpectedly, after the scene performed by her and mother Yao, there were still people contributing to the scene, but for a while, she couldn't think of anyone who would want the house to be in chaos. The ninth sister is originally in charge of Xue's account. If the two powerful mothers around her have internal strife, it will be strange that Xue's house is not chaotic.

After thinking about it, I decided to discuss it with my ninth sister.

From the moment she entered the ninth sister's room, Feng's mother saw the ninth sister's tight face, and the poem "What's wrong with the world's floating clouds? It's better to lie high and have extra meals" written on the desk. The ninth sister is only 12 years old this year, and she actually wrote such vicissitudes of poetry. For a moment, she didn't know whether Sister Jiu knew that there was no conflict between her and Yao's mother at all, but just a play. But now she can't say it clearly, so she said, "After I went back, I thought about it for a long time. In the future, it is definitely impossible for me and my mother Yao to live in the same room. Please allow me to move to Jinxiu's room."

The ninth sister was cold, and her voice was cold, "Mother Feng, are you threatening me?"

Mother Feng couldn't help fighting a cold war and quickly said, "The maidservant didn't mean to threaten the ninth sister. The maidservant is just... The maidservant knew that she had made a big mistake, and now it is impossible to make friends with Yao's mother, but the maidservant is loyal to the ninth sister and doesn't want to be tricky again when doing things in the future!"

"Isn't this a threat and what is it? Feng's mother, you should know that I don't like people threatening me. I'm my subordinate, so I should do something for me. No matter what you and Yao's mother have, forget it all for me. I'm not an unreasonable person. Now that this matter has started, it's definitely impossible if I really want you to have no gap as before!" The ninth sister paused and looked at Feng's mother with a layer of joke in her eyes, and her words softened. "As long as your affairs are not on the table, as long as you have done everything I told you, I will never care about you."