official's direct daughter

Chapter 144 Snow

At the end of the autumn, the ninth sister ran to the account room almost every day and did not hand over the account books to anyone. As small as how much rouge she used in each yard a day, to the monthly cases of the maids, she went through one by one. Even if the accountant below calculated the accounts, she had to carefully reconcile them.

It's not that the ninth sister is diligent. At the end of each year, the second wife has to personally check the accounts of the year. In order to relax during the Spring Festival, I am getting busier and busier now.

Jinxiu and the painting fan each held a large pile of account books in their hands behind the ninth sister. The ninth sister wore a light cyan cloak today, which was a little elegant. As soon as I arrived at the accounting room, I saw three or two accountants calculating with pen and paper. She asked the two maids to put down the books in their hands and began to check them one by one. Her eyes are sometimes dignified and sometimes relaxed. Occasionally, she stopped to think carefully, and it was not until nightfall that she stretched out and left the account room.

After dinner, Sister Jiu began to put a few thick account books on the desk and asked Jinxiu to take out another stack of account books from the box under her bed. At this time, she was more serious than during the day. Until late night, the lights in her room were still on.

"Ninth sister, I don't think I need to check those accounts again. It's impossible for the second wife to see them!" Jinxiu is really worried to see that Sister Jiu has forgotten to eat and sleep these days.

Sister Jiu raised her eyes slightly and rubbed her shoulders. Seeing this, she quickly walked behind Sister Jiu and massaged her seriously. Sister Jiu suddenly felt much relaxed and let out a satisfied moan. These days, she was exhausted. When she saw the account book, she had an impulse to vomit, but she still insisted on checking every account book.

"Fake can never be true!" The ninth sister pointed to the open account book, "Even if we do it seamlessly now, maybe one day someone better than us will see the tricks in it. Don't forget that the old lady is not a vegetarian, but the old lady is sure that even if I will do something on the account book, I won't hurt Xue's house.

Sister Jiu sighed quietly, "Since I took over the account room, the old lady has no objection. Do you really think she is relieved to put the account book in my hand? At that time, I was only nine years old. Even if I was really a genius, it was impossible to manage the accounting room without loopholes at the age of nine.

"The old lady is still strong!"

Jinxiu was silent. Even she would not have believed that Sister Jiu could manage the accounting room so well. Although Yao's mother and she assisted her, it was finally settled. However, Sister Jiu has disappointed some people in the past three years. She has not left any leverage. Instead, she has taken good care of the money in the whole house and set an example without adding a maid. This saved expenses can also make the house squander for a while.

Therefore, there has been no difficulty for the ninth sister to manage the accounting room in the past three years. She did so perfectly that almost no one could replace her.

"Maybe the old lady has regretted it!" Sister Jiu rarely has a very good mood. After all, she is still very proud to manage the whole account of Xue's house.

Jinxiu couldn't help laughing and said, "The old lady will regret that the account in the house has been made up by you, and it is also that you made such a big man to make up for the deficit with your own dowry!"

The ninth sister smiled more happily, "The old lady will regret it even more!"

"It's Sister Jiu, you are so awesome. Who would have thought that you would make such big hands and feet! I'm ashamed of myself!"

Sister Jiu couldn't help wrinkled her nose and gave a white look, "Are you praising me or hurting me?" I just earned a little interest. This money didn't fall from the sky. Naturally, I have to take out a little benefit.

Jinxiu couldn't help laughing. That's not a good thing. She knows best what Sister Jiu has done. It can be said that the money invested by rich and noble flowers are all from Xue's house. Others will be greedy for ink, and the ninth sister will naturally be greedy for ink. It's just that Sister Jiu has done more no trace than others. Who would know that Sister Jiu moved the money in the house?

"When it comes to wealth and flowers bloom, I have ignored it for a while. How is the rich business now? As soon as she talked about business, the ninth sister became serious.

"Very good, better than I expected, and Miss Liu's branch has also begun to make money. This is the net profit of our rich and nobles spent two shops throughout the summer!" Jinxiu stretched out two fingers.

Sister Jiu didn't pick one, "Two thousand?"

Jinxiu shook her head vigorously and said excitedly, "20,000!"

"If the cost of ice hadn't been too high, we would have doubled our money!"


Sister Jiu felt that her brain was a little short-circuited. Although she had never gone out to buy anything, she still read the account book in the kitchen. A catty of first-class pork is only one cent and four percent, and two stones of rice are only one taels of silver. Isn't these two thousand too much? Although those big families are very rich, they spend two or three taels of silver a day, and it is impossible for the ladies in Chang'an to spend 40,000 taels of silver all summer! This data is really scary. Did those officials and eunuchs open a lot of money-making shops? Even if she never worried about money, she was too shocked to hear this number.

"The profit in autumn is very normal, and the two shops add up to only 9,000 taels! The maidservant estimated that the profit should be the least in winter. After all, in summer and autumn, those ladies came to our shop for a cool!"

It's really cool. Which shop has such a large financial resources that dares to bring ice cubes to cool down every day!

Sister Jiu finally recovered from the shock, and the corners of her lips rose slightly. Who said that she couldn't make much money in winter? There are not only a few cakes!

"Since we can make so much money, other pastry shops should make a lot of money!" Sister Jiu remembered the pastry shops that followed the blooming of rich flowers.

"This maidservant doesn't know, and it's impossible for them to show us the account book!"

Sister Jiu nodded. Rich flowers are her biggest trump card. The better the rich flowers bloom, the more confident she will be. Sister Jiu can't even wait to monopolize the whole pastry market, but unfortunately she can't do it. I just don't know if anyone in the court has noticed that rich flowers are blooming.

Originally, she wanted to make the rich and noble flowers bloom in order to compete with the emperor and not to go to the palace. But later, the matter was solved by Princess Xiaochen, and naturally the rich flower was forgotten by her for a period of time.

"Jinxiu, if the Xue Mansion can't stay any longer, we will go to the rich and noble flowers bloom. In addition to Chang'an, I also want to bloom the rich and noble flowers to the whole week. No, I have to go to the Great Britain and let those barbarians see the cakes they invented have been possessed by our past. Will they feel ashamed! Hahaha!" Sister Jiu couldn't help laughing happily.

"Cough, Sister Jiu, are you thinking too much? After all, you are going to get married in the future. How can you open the shop to the barbarians?" Jinxiu coughed gently and felt that Sister Jiu was thinking too much.

Sister Jiu's face was hot and scratched her head awkwardly. She was stimulated by the numbers said by Jinxiu and was a little complacent.

She smiled and said, "Let's talk about it later!"

However, she really kept this idea in her heart.

The late autumn night was very cold, and Jinxiu added another coat to the ninth sister. In the middle of the night, if the ninth sister caught a cold, it would be bad.

Jinxiu has been standing aside to serve Sister Jiu. In the middle of the night, she only felt that her eyelids were a little heavy and couldn't help yawning.

"If you are sleepy, go to the bed in your ear room to rest!" Looking at Jinxiu's tired appearance, Sister Jiu couldn't help sighing. She was not sleepy. After all, this account book is still very attractive to her.

Jinxiu cheered up and shook her head, "You haven't slept yet. How dare I sleep!"

Sister Jiu shook her head. Seeing that Jinxiu insisted on staying here, she said, "Go back and rest and call the painting fan to serve me. By the way, make a bowl of noodles by the way, I'm hungry!"

"The painting fan has been sleeping to death for a long time now. The spirit of the maidservant is much better than yours. I will wait for you to fall asleep! If you are hungry, I will go to the kitchen to make a bowl of noodles for you. Although the craftsmanship is not as good as Mother Li, it can also fill your stomach!"

Sister Ninth nodded and watched Jinxiu open the curtain and go out, but not long after, Jinxiu came in again and said happily, "Sister Jiu, it's snowing outside!"

Nine raised her head, and now it's just the end of late autumn, and it's starting to snow. She muttered, "When the river outside the city is frozen, let Mr. Marco send someone to get the ice. The more the better. Dig the cellar deeper. This year, the ice must be stored enough, otherwise the ice cubes will always go to the palace. Even if the emperor doesn't say anything, those ministers should say that Mr. Marco will climb the wall!"

"Yes, the maidservant will go to talk to Mr. Marco early tomorrow morning!"

"No hurry, it has just snowed, and the winter is still so long. If the ice in the river is removed, let's go a farther place to get it. This winter should be colder than usual!"

Beautiful nodded. It snowed earlier this year, and it was naturally colder than usual!

The ninth sister suddenly frowned, "This winter, the cost of our house should be big again. The price of those charcoal fires should rise this year!" Tomorrow, you can talk to Cao's mother in the account room and spend a sum of money in advance. Before the price of charcoal rises, we will buy more now, so as not to get more trouble! And the same is true in the kitchen. Buy more firewood. If it is not enough, go directly to the farmer's house to buy it.

After ordering these, Sister Jiu's eyebrows loosened and her eyes bent into two-month teeth. She saved Xue Fu a lot of money, and she took over the credit.


Reply to "Qingdai mm": Several times in the article, it is mentioned that "the old lady really loves the ninth sister", but in fact, she only regards the ninth sister as a bargaining chip to support Xue's house, so for the old lady, as long as the ninth sister is in Xue's house. In addition, if you don't perish in silence, it will break out in silence, so the ninth sister will break out...