official's direct daughter

Chapter 145 Snow 2

No one expected that at the end of this late autumn, there would be a university, and snowflakes fell on the ground. In just one night, the earth was wrapped in silver. Thick white snow also accumulated on those still green leaves.

Yao's mother sorted out a few box niches of the ninth sister and chattered: "This year, this cloak has been made in white. Fortunately, the big maidservant of last year has not been thrown away, and the house will send it out a distribution later!"

The ninth sister's daily life is now taken care of by beautiful and painting fans. The fish is similar to the ninth sister. When the ninth sister remembers of going to the study, she goes to serve her. As for Zhuan'er, it is the most leisurely without account books these days, and Feng's mother did not let Zhuan'er be idle and asked her to learn to cook some snacks with her. This is bitter. Although she is a maid, she only serves the old lady when she is around, or learns to manage the accounts with a few mothers. The work in the kitchen has never been touched.

Yao's mother was born in Suzhou, and there is no problem with embroidery. Naturally, all the clothes of the ninth sister were handed over to Yao's mother. What's more, Yao's mother is the nurse of the ninth sister, and she is afraid that the clothes worn by the ninth sister will not fit. Well, she is complaining that the winter cloth has not been allocated in the courtyard, and Sister Jiu has to wear the clothes of the previous year.

Sister Jiu is not very particular about dressing, as long as it is clean and warm.

The painting fan put a thick fox coat on her, and Sister Jiu couldn't wait to go out. Although it snowed every year, she was particularly happy this year. The snow was too timely.

"Mom Yao, painting fan, let's take the account book to the main courtyard and let the second wife check it." After saying that, Sister Jiu left the yard first.

For good, it's not snowing now, and Yao's mother and the painting fan don't have to worry too much.

Along the way, the whole yard felt much quieter. The sky was a little cloudy and pressed by the thick clouds, but the ground was indeed white. Occasionally, some little maids walked through the path and saw that Sister Jiu just bowed her head and left in a hurry.

When she arrived at the main courtyard, the ninth sister saw Fanghua and Ying Hong throwing a lot of clothes in their hands in a corner, with a satisfied smile on their faces.

Yao's mother said, "These clothes are all the second wife's spring and autumn clothes. Now it's almost winter, and she won't wear them next year, so she gave them to the maids below."

Sister Jiu looked at the pile of clothes and thought fiercely: There are so many clothes of the second wife. No wonder Mother Yao always complains that her clothes are too few. Xue's account book is well managed in her hands, but she can't stand it.

"People in the house are used to luxury. Which one is not extravagant? Even if they know the money in the house, the second wife can't treat herself badly. What's more, now this account is in your hands. You also know how much money is spent every month and where it is spent!"

Of course, Sister Jiu knew that she had doubted where she had spent so much money every month, but now she finally knows something about it.

"Although you are in charge of the account, you have never seen how each room is costed, and you just write it down on the account book."

The ninth sister pulled a big mantle and couldn't help shaking her head. No wonder that the maids of the big family lived better than the ladies of the small family.

Entering the room, the ninth sister saw the second wife leaning lazily on the soft couch, holding a hooka rod in her hand and spitting out a mouthful of white smoke. The second wife half squinted, which was obviously extremely enjoyable.

Sister Jiu quickly invited her, and Deng's mother brought a mattress and put it on the stool. It's cold this day, and the stool is very cold. She straightened up, put her hands on her knees, and watched the second lady puff.

"It's cold today, but Sister Jiu is diligent!" The second wife exhaled a mouthful of white smoke and said something.

Sister Jiu'er smiled and said, "Jiu'er also wants to have fun in winter for a while. Jiu'er is also lazy. It's too cold to move." She took out an account book from the painting fan and said, "These are all this year's account books. Please ask your second aunt to check it again. Jiu'er is afraid of making a wrong account."

The second wife's eyes linger on Sister Jiu's face, took another breath, and then said, "You have been in charge of the accounts in recent years, and you have never made mistakes. I'm relieved about this! Mother Deng, take those books to my room!"

Nine's heart relaxed slightly, and then said, "I think this year's day is colder than usual, so I asked Jinxiu to discuss with Cao's mother in advance to take out a sum of silver to add more carbon and firewood! It just snowed last night, and I don't think the price has risen yet.

The second wife was a little unhappy in her words, "Those things in our house have been prepared for a long time. Why did you spend so much money to buy so much money?"

Sister Jiu was a little stunned. How could the carbon in the house be enough, but now it's not easy to brush off the second wife's words and whispered, "It's Jiu'er who is not well thought about it!"

The second wife waved her hand and said, "Buy it. Those things won't cost much!"

Sister Jiu sneered in her heart. Whether it is firewood or heating carbon, the house is the best. Even if one catty rises by only one copper plate, the cost of the house this year will be much larger than the previous year. But I can only think about this in my heart and dare not say it.

However, she knew that her decision had made the second wife a little dissatisfied, and perhaps the reason why the bracelet was "sent" by her. In a word, although the second wife is kind to her today, she is also looking for trouble with her.

"If Jiu'er has any ideas in the future, she will definitely discuss with her second aunt first!"

Seeing that Sister Jiu admitted her mistake, the second wife's face eased a lot. "It's really not easy for you to manage the account book of the whole house at a young age. It's okay to make a little mistake. Well, you give the account book of the part of the kitchen to Cao's mother to take care of. It also makes you feel much more relaxed. I will ask Deng's mother to help Cao share some of it. Do you think this is good?"

The ninth sister's heart tightened and looked up at the second wife, just in the fierce eyes of the second wife. Obviously, the second wife wanted to take this opportunity to withdraw the account book from the ninth sister. The ninth sister sneered more and more, as if she was a little unwilling, but she had to look like this, "It's up to the second aunt!"

The second wife's eyes suddenly softened and nodded, "Good boy, the second aunt is also thinking about you, and I don't want you to be too tired! Originally, I gave this account book to you because of Yao's mother to help you, but recently I learned that you only let Jinxiu and that sealer help you do something. Where did their mother Yao do a good job? I don't want your body to be exhausted either!"

The second wife said kindly.

"Thank you, second aunt, for your concern. Jiu'er thinks too much. Please forgive me!" Sister Jiu said gratefully.

"Go back first and have a good rest. When I was a girl, I was much more naughty than you. Naturally, my aunt is for your own good. You have been in Chang'an for three years, but you don't even know what Chang'an is like. Well, you can let the maids accompany you around Chang'an this winter.

Sister Jiu'er suddenly became happy, as if the power that had just been taken away had not been paid attention to it for a long time. "Jiu'er thanked the second aunt!"

When she came out of the main courtyard, the ninth sister couldn't help looking up at the dull sky, and the joy on her face was gradually replaced by solemnity. "If it's still early today, it's good for us to go to Nanyuan and talk to the third sister!"

Yao's mother was stunned, "Ninth sister, the second wife just now..."

"The second wife just wants to control the accounting room in the house. In the past three years, I have managed to fill in the deficit in the house, and the second wife will naturally be a little impatient! Don't forget, we have received a lot of help from our third sister in the past three years!"

Yao's mother suddenly understood and looked at Sister Jiu's eyes with vague admiration.


From today to Saturday, the manuscript box is on your behalf. A Xia went to Chengdu with her friends for a few days. When this chapter was released, it was estimated that Xia was squatting on the train. If you like this article, please collect it ^_^