official god

Chapter 276 Design

Yu Dagen followed Xiaxiang, and Yi Ke felt that his mind was smooth, but he didn't ask for it, but there was no ami. When they can keep up with Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang's whereabouts are all public activities. Once it comes to private time, or after he gets off work, they will lose Xiaxiang's whereabouts.

At first, they thought it was because Xia wanted to drive too fast and his driving skills were too good. Later, they gradually found that the other party had known that he was following him and teasing them.

Xu Dagen and others were angry, annoyed, and unconvinced. They sincerely wanted to compare with Xia.

Xia wanted to see that they were quite patient and was about to be angry, so she drove them around the city for more than half an hour. He was also a little tired and calmed down, so he called Lian Ruohan.

Because the last time Lian Ruohan went to Anxian County, he said something in the room, and now he has to ask her if it doesn't count.

As soon as the phone was dialed, Xia wanted to tell him about his meeting with Chen Feng. After listening to it, Lian Ruohan snorted coldly and said, "I guess it was my third uncle's call. He loves many things, is the most enthusiastic about fame and fortune, and has the most bad intentions. I don't care about him. I don't believe how much wind and waves he can set off.

Xia thought again, "It's better to beware. Don't be afraid of thieves, but afraid of thieves. Mayor Chen said that he would definitely find someone else to put pressure on me again.

"If you are afraid, you can say it clearly. I won't bother you." Lian Ruohan is straightforward enough to show a decisive side.

"Say less useless words, didn't you say you were waiting for me today? Go to the International Building and open a room and wait for me. Let's see if I don't clean you up!"

"Ty up and tidy up, who is afraid of whom?" Even Ruohan was not soft, "When have I been afraid of you? Haven't you always been afraid of me?"

A few words aroused her desire. Xia wanted to hang up the phone, so she wanted to get rid of the fly behind her, and then went to find Lian Ruohan. After driving forward for a while, the mobile phone suddenly rang again. When I picked it up, it was Cao Shuhui's call.

Xia thought it was the little girl who misses him again. Now she has started school. She is a senior this year, and she answered the phone casually in the last year of college. Before he laughed, he heard Cao Shuhui's voice crying: "Xia, help me quickly, someone is harassing me!"

Xia was anxious as soon as she heard it, and blood surged up: "Don't worry, girl Hui, make it clear, what's going on

"I was near the school, and I went shopping with the blue socks. I was surrounded by people. He didn't let me go and was drunk. He insisted that I accompany him." His name was Fan Zheng!" No matter how smart Cao Shuhui is, she is not as strong as Lian Ruohan. After all, she has good skills. She can't compare with Xiao Jia's rudeness. She is usually helpless in the face of villains.

It turned out to be Fan Zheng!

Xiaxiang was worried about Cao Shuhui's safety. But he had to force himself to calm down. He asked, "Don't be afraid, girl Hui, I'm here. No one can bully you! Tell me the specific location, and I'll be there in a minute.

"It's in the Blu-ray copy shop outside the school."

Hang up the phone. Xia wanted to see the flies behind him following closely. With indescribable disgust in his heart, he wanted to get out of the car and beat several people. However, he still suppressed the anger in his heart, calmed down and thought for a moment, and there was nothing to fight with Fan Zheng. But wouldn't it be better if we could give him a hand? Let him have indescribable hardships, and let him taste the pain of being stabbed in the back.

Since he dared to harass Gao Jinzhou when he found a few gangsters last time, he will treat him back in his own way today. Xia Xiang made up her mind and dialed Li Hongjiang's phone.

"County Minister Xia, I haven't seen you for a long time. Is it always good?" Li Hongjiang's surprised voice came, "I thought your brother had forgotten me. I don't dare to call you now. I'm afraid it's too high.

"Avoid nonsense, I have something urgent for you. Can you pull someone out to the School of Architecture? Xia Xiang didn't have time to be polite to Li Hongjiang and said viciously.

"No problem, what's going on?" Li Hongjiang heard that Xia Xiang's words were wrong and asked anxiously.

"Arrange someone first. Find all the migrant workers, take the guy, and get a truck without a license plate. It's right away." Xia wanted to turn on the car. At the same time, he told Li Hongjiang about his detailed arrangement.

Li Hongjiang's blood was boiling and blurted out his dirty words: "***, no matter who he is, if he dares to disrespect my sister-in-law, I will beat him. You wait for my brother and arrange it right away. Do you want me to go too?"

"No, it's not good for you to show up. It's not good for people to recognize you. Xia wants to arrange everything. It's getting late and the night is coming. He turned into an alley in a dozen directions. He didn't have time to remove the license plate with tools, directly violently damaged it, and then threw it into the trunk.

Then he sent another text message to Lian Ruohan, saying that Youfeng couldn't go, so he would contact him again.

On the road again, seeing that the people behind him were still following closely, he didn't feel funny in his heart, so he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and ran all the way.

Xu Dagen saw that Xia wanted to not only dismantle the license plate. I accelerated again, thinking that something must have happened. I have been with him for so many days. Today, I saw that I have gained something. How can I let it go easily? The commander must be following closely. Don't lose it.

Xia was so anxious that he called Cao Shuhui on the way. He learned that she and the blue socks were still surrounded by Fan Zheng's group, and several people with Fan Zheng were swearing and even wanted to do anything. Fortunately, the blue socks looked weak, but they were also stubborn. In a few words, they pushed the other party back, and because they Hui's identity. Fan Zheng didn't dare to be strong, but he just didn't let Cao Shu go

Fan Zheng" Xia wanted to grit his teeth tightly, so he wanted to trample his thief's face with one foot.

It's almost time for the destination. Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Li Hongjiang. The migrant workers were already like that everyone had a iron inlaid, and they were all reliable backbones. Xia Xiang listened and looked at Xu Dagen, who followed closely, and reported the license plate number to Li Hongjiang: "The cars at the scene, including Caicai's cars, are not allowed to let go of any of them. The worse the smash, the better."

"No problem, wait for a good show." Li Hongjiang also drank a little wine today. In addition, Xia thought that he had not contacted him for a while, which made him think that he had been neglected. Unexpectedly, as soon as something happened, Xia thought of him first, which moved him a lot. He felt that the friendship with his thoughts had not changed, so he was particularly impulsive.

He heard that someone was disrespectful to Cao Shuhui, and he was even more angry.

Who is Cao Shuhui? It is the daughter of the old leader Cao. Whether he is the son of the deputy governor or who provokes the daughter of the old leader and Xia's girlfriend, he has to be the first to rush up and get angry for Xia.

Xia wanted to prevent him from showing up out of the thought of protecting him, and Li Hongjiang was particularly moved. After all, he is his own brother. Think about yourself everywhere. But how can such a good thing be done without him? Li Hongjiang used to do a lot of trouble with migrant workers. He took out a migrant worker's clothes and wiped some dirt on his face. Mixed in the migrant worker team, he sped all the way to the scene.

Xia Xiang came to the scene one step ahead of Li Hongjiang.

From afar, I saw a group of people surrounding two girls in the middle. One of them was Fan Zheng with a red face. Far away, Xia couldn't hear what he was saying. He shook his head and kept talking. I guess he was either swearing or showing off. Cao Shuqi and Blue Socks hand in hand and glared at him angrily. Although the two were surrounded in the middle and looked thin, they both had an inviolable arrogance. Fan Zheng wanted to touch it several times. They were all beaten back.

He is useless. It's not that I don't dare, but that I feel that the beauty of Cao Shuhui really makes people can't bear blasphemy. It's only fun for her to take the initiative.

Fan Zheng has been doing well recently, and Xishui Villa has suffered huge losses. In fact, for him and Gao Jianyuan, it is nothing to lose hundreds of millions of yuan. Naturally, some people pay for it. Some state-owned enterprises can pay the bill. But the shame of failure made him feel ashamed, because in his opinion! With his intelligence, he can't lose.

However, he lost to the ground.

He was scolded fiercely by Fan Ruiheng, scolding him for being disappointing, scolding him for being nonsense and not doing his job. Fan Zheng knew in his heart that he was blaming him for his huge loss as a trouble, and in the end, he had to rely on him to find someone to wipe it out. Although with the respect of the executive vice governor. It is not difficult to find a way to smooth out hundreds of millions of holes. But Fan Ruiheng has always been cautious. In case this matter falls into the hands of the opponent, it will definitely be used.

Hundreds of millions of yuan, when the top does not check, it can be said to be a mistake in decision-making. A self-criticism even passed silently. But as long as you want to check, you can not only pull him off the throne of the executive vice governor, but also let him spend the rest of his life in prison.

As an official, he is like walking on thin ice all the time. If he is not careful, he may caprate at any time. So if you can't leave a handle, try not to leave a handle. This is also one of the important reasons why Fan Ruiheng has always been disapproved of Fan Zheng's business.

Fan Zheng wanted to raise his eyebrows in front of Fan Ruiheng once, but he didn't expect that he would be disgraced and embarrassed. He couldn't help but be angry, so he asked a few friends to go for a drink. At the intempt of others, he came to the High School to look for beautiful female college students. Unfortunately, he happened to see Cao Shuhui and the blue socks.

After Fan Zheng heard the blue socks tell Cao Shuhui's identity, he was more or less scrupulous. After all, he was all in Yanshi, and he had to leave a few feelings. However, he couldn't afford to make an up for the people around him. He saw that Cao Shuhui's face was pink because of anger, and he was extremely charming in the yellow light. I felt itchy and uncomfortable. I remembered that there was a father of the executive vice governor behind him, and a son of the secretary of the provincial party committee. In the territory of Yan Province, who can do anything to him?

Fan Zheng is also drunk and bold. If he is frustrated in the shopping mall recently, he thinks that maybe it's time to be proud of the love scene. In the sound of the people around him, he reached out and touched Cao Shuyi's delicate face

As soon as the hand was raised, I heard a harsh brake sound in my ear. The loud sound made everyone on the spot look sideways and saw a tall and powerful off-road vehicle in the high light rushing towards the crowd!

Fan Zheng was so scared that he half woke up. How could he care about flirting with a beautiful woman? He pointed to the car and cursed: "What quality, drive *** what high light? What if you want to kill someone? You have the guts to hit me!"

The car switched the lights frequently as if it had heard his words. He flashed around and pressed the thief desperately. The speed did not decrease at all, and rushed straight to Fan Zheng.

Fan Zheng is completely awake. He shouted wildly, "Damn it, don't drink and drive. Run!" Turn around and run faster than a rabbit. He ran to the side of the toilet in a smoky run.

The crowd around Cao Shuhui and the blue socks had never seen such momentum, and they were so scared that they fled one after another. They all ran to the side of the toilet, and no one dared to be a hero and stood in the middle of the road.

After Xia's crazy behavior scared everyone away, he saw several luxury cars parked not far away at a glance. Needless to say, it must be Fan Zheng's car and his friends. He saw from the rearview mirror that the people behind him were about meters away from him, and the speed was not slow. Just one foot down, coming

Xu Dagen's car behind was caught off guard and braked in a hurry. However, the car was not as good as Xia's car. The braking distance was long. Seeing that the rear of Xia's car was getting closer and closer, it was about to crash. Xia Xiang stepped on the accelerator again, and the car jumped forward and speeded up.

"Damn it, are you kidding us?" Xu Dagen was angry and said to the driver's men, "Chase, overtake him, don't him."

Drivers have a road angry temper. Sometimes a person with a good temper is very easy to get angry when driving on the road, which is called road rage. Xu Da had a bad temper at all. He thought about it with Xia for another day and was surrounded by him. He had been angry for a long time. Now he was teased by him nakedly. Suddenly, he was furious, relying on three people in the car. Anyway, Xia doesn't know them, so it's better to say goodbye to him and vent his anger.

Xu Dagen's car is a Santana 2. It's a mid-range car. He doesn't know Land Rover, but he subconsciously feels that the off-road vehicle can't run fast. Especially the body is big and heavy, and he can't beat his car in the city. He patted the driver on the shoulder and said, "Can you destroy him?"

"No, he can't run away." The driver was also angry. It was really uncomfortable to be wanted. He also stepped on the accelerator to the end and said fiercely, "***, you have been playing with us all day and treat us as monkeys? You have to destroy his prestige!"

Santana's blade is getting closer and closer to the Land Rover. It can be seen that the Land Rover is also accelerating, but it is obviously not as fierce as Santana's. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer, Xu Dagen was overjoyed and grinned, "I told you to be arrogant. You will have good fruit to eat later."

There was only one meter away from the Land Rover, and Santana began to turn on the turn signal to overtake. Unexpectedly, Land Rover deliberately leaned to the left and did not allow it to exceed. Xu Dagen was furious: "Super on the right."

Overtaking on the right is generally dangerous, because the driver is on the left. In case of an emergency in front of him, there is often no time to deal with it when the driver finds it. But now a car is in a gas, and no one wants so much. The driver hit the steering wheel, not even the turn signal, and overtake on the right

Strangely, the Land Rover in front leaned to the left, but did not stop. It made a big turn directly. Because the speed was too fast, the friction between the tire and the surface made a harsh sound, and a smoke came out of the wheels.

Xu Dagen was stunned and turn around in place. Do you want to run? He was about to ask the driver to turn around and chase him, but he heard the driver shout, "It's over. There's a car in front of you.

Then, Xu Dagen felt leaning forward. He fell on the curtain plate, and at that time, he hit his head and bled. He doesn't have the habit of wearing a seat belt. Under the sudden brake, it's good not to throw him out of the car. He supported his hands. If I wanted to see it clearly, I felt that the car stopped suddenly. I only heard a loud "dong" and crashed into a car parked on the roadside.

Xu Dagen only faintly heard the sound of "k" from the bones of his arm, and then a huge pain came from his arm. He knew that his hands were broken because of excessive inertia.

The person sitting in the back was better and was blocked by the seat in front of him. Because the driver fastened his seat belt, he hit his head on the steering wheel, only made his nose black and swollen, but it was no big deal. But the car had a big deal, not only the front was badly hit. He was also crashing into the side of a car, crashing the car into both doors and smashing a large area.

What's more shocking is that the crashed car is a valuable BMW!

Xu Dagen was dizzy. Before Ji understood what was going on, he saw a group of people rushing up with iron inlaids and sticks in their hands. According to the BMW and his Santana in front of him, they beat him. In the blink of an eye, the BMW was smashed to pieces, and his car was also beaten to


Xu Dagen didn't dare to get out of the car. His hands hurt so much that he had to curl up in his seat, hoping that the crowd who didn't know the truth would not grab things. Fortunately, the crowd also gave Xu Dagen enough face. They only smashed the car without hurting people. After taking the taxi, they rushed up again, crossed Santana and rushed back.

Besides, after Xia wanted to design Xu Dagen's car hit Fan Zheng's car, he made a turn around and return to the scene. At this time, Fan Zheng and others found that the car had been hit. Suddenly, he shouted and didn't care about Xia's thoughts, so they all ran towards the car one after another. Xia wanted to take advantage of the chaos to come to Cao Shu's side, picked her up, and said in her ear, "I'm coming. Girl Hui, don't be afraid.

Cao Shuhui just guessed that Xia wanted to come to save her. She had been waiting for Xia to think for a long time, so she jumped into Xia's arms and cried: "What a bad guy. If you are a little later, your Hui girl will be robbed."

"If you can't take it away, no one can take away my wise girl. With me, no bad guy has a chance. He took Cao Shuhui into the car and stretched out his hand again, "Blue socks, are you leaving now or staying to watch the fun?"

"It's so romantic, so touching!" The blue socks looked like a nymphomaniac and stared at Xia thought without blinking, "I knew that there must be someone wearing a seven morning holy clothes and stepping on the colorful clouds to save people. It's really you."

Xia wanted to be amused by her funny appearance: "If you don't get in the car, I won't care about you. Why don't you leave?"

Blue socks woke up: "Let's go, of course. Such a handsome prince charming asked me to get in the car. If I don't leave, I'll be a fool. However," she looked back at Fan Zheng and others surrounded by a group of migrant workers, "What should they do? Just let them go like this?"

Prevention: Happy weekend!