official god

Chapter 280 Cloud Movement of All Parties

When people are old, the room is silent, which is the liver that Xia wants to never experience. The secretary of the secretary always has the right to call for the wind and rain. Xia wants to shake his head and smile bitterly, which restricts personal freedom and can't be contacted with the outside world. At present, there is only one thing to do to sleep.

Thinking that I have been busy every day, and now I finally have such a good opportunity to rest in peace. How can I let it go? Seeing that the bedding in the room was fully prepared, he lay down and slept beautifully, and soon fell asleep heartlessly.

Yue Fang and Bao Yueming waited for a while and heard no sound. The two of them went over curiously and saw that Xia was already asleep. I couldn't help sneering: "Do you really think someone can save you? Secretary Gao spoke in person. Your case will definitely be an iron case, and you can't run away. In the territory of Yan Province, Secretary Gao wants to make you a small deputy county magistrate, isn't it the same as cleaning up an ant? Go to bed. When you wake up, you will never have a chance to sleep well.

Bao Yueming and Yue Fang returned to their room and said, "Lao Yue, you said that we should complete all the materials of Xia Xiang and put him to death. We will definitely offend his backstage. I heard that he still has a little trouble. Will he trouble us in the future?"

"What are you afraid of? You didn't hear Secretary Fang say that this is a case that Secretary Gao personally nodded and questioned. Once we have confirmed Xia's crime, we will make it public. At that time, we are all meritorious officials, and our names will be remembered by Secretary Gao, and we will definitely be promoted step by step in the future. No matter how hard Xiaxiang's background is, as long as his crime is determined, who will protect him? I can't wait to get out of my relationship with him. You and I have been handling cases for many years, and we have never seen such a thing? At the beginning, it was for the sake of friendship, and I had to say a few good words for him. Once the charges are determined, everyone hides far away, and no one admits that they have a good relationship with him. Everyone pushed the wall down, and that's what happened in the officialdom.

The two of them muttered for a while. I don't think it's a problem to take Xia. No one can be locked up for a week without taking the initiative to talk to someone. If you talk about it, you will spill the beans, and you will almost have to explain the problem


Yue Fang and Bao Yueming have enough patience to wait for Xia to take the initiative.

The disappearance of Xiaxiang caused an uproar.

First, Lian Ruohan heard the news at the first time and immediately called the capital to threaten to break off the relationship, but to no avail. Then she called Gao Jinzhou and asked Gao Jinzhou if he would help him. Gao Jinzhou said vaguely.

Lian Ruohan called Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng's answer was very resolute. He assured that he would do everything he could to help Xia think and let her not have to worry. He knew everything about Xia thought, and he would definitely give him justice. At the same time, Chen Feng also advised Lian Ruohan not to panic. He believed that Xia wanted to deal with it, and all the The calmer you are, the more powerful you are.

Even Ruohan slowly regained his composure. Knowing that she could not panic, it was easy to make mistakes when she panicked, so he tried to force himself to calm down, and then told Gao Lao that Xia, whom he admired most, wanted to be taken away by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and his whereabouts were unknown.

I don't know what Mr. Gao called Gao Jinzhou and said. Gao Jinzhou called back immediately, and he told Lian Ruohan. Whether there will be a result in this matter for a while, and it is not convenient for him to intervene. After all, it involves the interests of the family and the high secretary. It is impossible for him to brazenly fight against the family, and he can only deal with it secretly.

Even Ruohan is not polite. He replied directly to him, "Politician, I don't have the burden."

She doesn't care whether Gao Jinzhou can't lose face or not.

Then she received a call from Cao Shuhui.

Cao Shuhui cried: "Sister Lian, save Xiaxiang quickly, okay? You must save him. I know you like him and he likes you. As long as you can save him, I would rather give him to you!"

Originally, Lian Ruohan was quite strong. I'm ready to use my father's strength to put pressure on Yan Province through the capital. She thought she was strong and would not be easily defeated by difficulties. Even if Xia wanted to be taken away, she kept comforting herself. He will be fine, and he will be able to hold on. It's not easy to establish strength and faith. But he was defeated by Cao Shuyi in one sentence.

Even Ruohan cried.

She cried sadly. I don't know whether she was worried about Xia's safety or Cao Shuhui's sincerity. She choked on the phone and said, "Hui girl, I'm sorry for you, but I really can't help liking him. Don't blame me, okay? I will always be your sister, and Xiaxiang will always be your Xiaxiang.

Cao Shuji also forced himself not to cry. When Lian Ruohan said, he also cried bitterly: "Sister Lian, I'm so scared. I'm afraid I'll lose him! I am willing to sacrifice everything to save him. If you still have scruples, I would rather you marry Xia, as long as you can save him. Sister Lian, in the past two days, I have nightmares every day and wake up crying every day. You don't know how worried I am."

Lian Ruohan sighed deeply in her heart. She and Cao Shudai, two women, just want to worry about Xia alone. I don't know how this cold-faced man is doing now? Can he stand the crime of being locked up?

Cao Yongguo originally wanted to find the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection directly, but he was furious. Xia wanted to be taken away inexplicably like this. Even the secretary of the provincial party committee could not be so lawless. Chen Feng stopped him and advised him not to be impulsive. Let's observe for two days.

Chen Feng didn't know where the confidence came from. Instead, he advised Cao Yongguo: "Yongguo, Xia wanted to be taken away by them calmly in An County. With what you and I know about him, do you think he can suffer losses under the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection? I know that there are several secret places of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in the city. The more we move, the more we measure. I think Xiu Wee is determined to have a stomach. Xia wants to die. Shen Cai... The situation is that we can't do anything on the periphery. We can only see if Xia can stand it. If we can't let it go. If they can persist for a week without breaking through, they will have to let people go. I, an old face

After listening to Mr. Shi's analysis, Li Dingshan was even more worried: Xiaoxia is young after all, in case he is cheated by them. After saying what you shouldn't say, is this life over like this?

"The key is whether Xiaoxia has anything to do with him?"

"No. I can guarantee that he won't do anything illegal. I know more about Xiaoxia's person.

"You have to believe in your own vision, and you should also believe in Xiaoxia's ability." Shi Laoruo was thoughtfully silent, "I can't be anxious now. It's not the time to openly confront Gao Chengsong, and I think Xiaoxia's affairs not only affect our eyes, but also involve forces in all aspects. Ding Shan, don't be impatient

Li Dingshan had no choice but to nod.

Of all the people who follow Xiaxiang, Xiao Jia is the easiest one. Because she only contacts him once a week. And recently, she has been busy with real estate speculation. In addition, she is not an official. She doesn't know what happened to Xia, so only she doesn't know that Xia wants to be locked up.

Unlike Li Dingshan's irritability, Qin Tuofu revealed his impatience in his uneasiness. If Wang Pengfei hadn't stopped him, he would have come forward to order Yue Fang and his wife to let Xia come out.

In a quiet tea room, Qin Tuojian grabbed a card in one hand, held a teacup in the other hand, drank a few sips of tea, and threw off the card again: "I don't play, I'm not in the mood. Secretary Wang, you can really calm down. Tell me about it. Fang Zili didn't tell me until now, as if nothing had happened. Pretending not to know, you said that he also bullied people too much! You can't rely on the support of a high secretary. Don't you even understand the basic rules in the officialdom?

"And. Xia wanted to be caught in without saying a word. Even if he didn't know that Xia wanted to have a good relationship with me, didn't he know that Xia wanted to get close to your Secretary Wang? After arresting the person without saying a word, he still turns around the whole department of the Commission for Discipline Inspection every day, clearly trying to seize my power? Isn't this a slap in the face of you and me?"

The more Qin Tuofu said, the more excited he became. He stood up and turned around in place.

"Sit down, Lao Qin, sit down!" Wang Pengfei was unmoved at all and said with a smile, "How old are you? When things happen, it's just like a hairy young man. If Xia wants to be like you, he won't come out again as soon as he goes in. Don't worry, it's useless to be in a hurry. Secretary Gao spoke, and Fang Zili naturally had to be arrogant for a few days. After a few days, he couldn't find anything. At that time, you can confidently ask him to let him go. If he doesn't let go, I will press him on behalf of the municipal party committee. He can't only see the province in his eyes. There is no city. But now, I have to put up with it.

Qin Tuofu sat down and said, "I know I have to put up with it. Secretary Gao's face cannot be refuted directly. There must be a buffer period. But Xiaoxia is young after all. What if she can't get out of the trap?

"I'm also very worried about Xiaxiang, and even Mr. Cheng was shocked. He called me and asked me to figure it around. Because Dacai Group has just signed an investment agreement with An County, Cheng always decided to invest in An County in An County. If Xia is not here, he is not sure about the investment and may consider withdrawing. And Mr. Cheng is also very optimistic about Xia, and he doesn't want him to have no future.

"Cing Dacai is rich. Can he influence Secretary Gao?" Qin Tuofu sat down. Sometimes he was indeed a little careless, but he also had a thick and thin side. "I know that Mr. Cheng has enough influence in Yan Province, but if you want to talk about Secretary Gao, I'm afraid it's much worse."

"Mr. Cheng, as a leader in real estate. His influence is not in politics, but in the economic field.

Lao Qin. Now is the era of political achievements, and the economy determines political achievements. Therefore, the economy and politics are inseparable. All right, let's not talk about it. Tell me what you want to do with the self-reliance of the house?

"He has the support of a high secretary, and I can't help him for a while, but I dare to play this with me. He wants to have a good life in the Commission for Discipline Inspection in the future. How can I be the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection? Let's wait and see." Qin Tuofu's opinion on the self-production of the house was not ordinary, and he said angrily.

"I support you, Lao Qin." Wang Pengfei said with a smile, but a trace of worry flashed in his eyes. Can Xia think he survive?

Compared with the ups and downs of Yan City, An County is not calm. On the third day after Xia wanted to leave, Dacai Group announced in a high-profile way that it would suspend its investment plan in An County and when it would start. Risks need to be re-evaluated. Anyone with discerning eyes can see that Dacai Group's move is because of Xiaxiang.

Li Dingshan and Shanda didn't feel anything. Qiu Xufeng's face was as ugly as he was. He didn't expect that Xiaxiang's influence was so great. Not only did many reporters who were scheduled to come to An County to interview the follow-up report of 10,000 sets of tables and chairs donated by Jiajia Supermarket, but they had to postpone the interview. The tens of millions of investment of Lian Dacai Group may also be ruined. He was so angry that he said with That's great. Don't think that without you, An County can't develop. I don't believe it."

Prevention: Ask for a monthly ticket, just like a ticket, I know, the strength of my dear brothers is infinite. Give Xiaoxia strength and let him overthrow the Gao family as soon as possible"

The more uncertain I am. If we all mess up. Instead, I gave it to the old and the old! Machine. I think so. Drag it up. It's not necessarily a good thing.

Cao Yongguo calmed down and thought about it, and also felt that Chen Feng's words were reasonable, but his concern was chaotic, and he was still not at ease: "What if Xia wanted to lack experience and was tricked by them?"

Chen Feng waved his hand and smiled implicitly: "When Xia wanted to be in the transformation team of the village in the city, did he see few national traps? Have you ever seen anyone who has successfully used him? I think it's good that he doesn't take advantage of others.

"And, do you know that he has a good relationship with Secretary Wang?" Chen Feng asked with great interest.

"I know a little, not in detail. Xia wants to do things on his own. He didn't say much to me. Cao Yongguo replied.

"Do you know that the relationship between Secretary Wang and Secretary Qin is extraordinary?"

"Qin Tuofu, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection? Cao Yongguo was stunned and shook his head.

"It is impossible for Secretary Wang and Secretary Qin not to know that Xia has come up with something to mind. With their friendship with Xia, even if they don't come forward to help, they always have to ask. But they are all fine, just like people, which illustrates the problem. And Li Dingshan didn't do anything, let alone the Song Dynasty. But Minister Fang came to me once. He asked me a few words.

When Cao Yongguo heard Chen Feng talk about a series of people's names, he suddenly realized that unconsciously, Xiaxiang had grown into a strong sapling. He couldn't see anything on the surface. In fact, the roots were already intertwined, and there was a network of enough weight. He alone has touched the nerves of enough people, which is really not simple.

"What's the matter?" Cao Yongguo's heart slowly let go.

"Minister Fang asked about Xia's recent situation, and said that when Xia thought had news, he asked him to come to him. He asked Xia to bring some clothes to Fang Ge." Chen Feng shook his head with a smile. You see, if you care about it, it will be chaotic. So many people are optimistic about Xiaxiang. If you think he can come out safely, Yongguo, you can relax and do whatever you have to do.

Cao Yongguo nodded and smiled.

Compared with Cao Yongguo's urgency. Li Dingshan is actually restless. Although Song Chaodu can let people sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, how can he stay firmly? After thinking about it, I drove to Yanshi and found Mr. Shi.

The relationship between Li Dingshan and Shi Jie is still not far away. Jia Jie may also be indifferent and no longer forced to ask for it. Recently, she has never mentioned remarriage. Li Dingshan knocked on the door and nod to Shi Jie: "Where is Shi Lao?"

"I just woke up and was walking in the yard. Ding Shan, my son said he wanted you to accompany him. If you have time, you can take him to the park to play, okay? Shi Jie didn't look well and looked tired.

Li Dingshan asked with concern, "Okay. I will definitely spend time with my son. "What's wrong with you? It seems that you don't look good?"

"Nothing, I just didn't sleep well. Dad is old. He has been catching a cold recently and is not in good health. I asked a doctor, but no problem was found. I'm always worried about him." Shi Lao is not only Shi Jie's biggest reliance, but also her only reliance at present, so Shi Lao's condition affects her fragile nerves.

Li Dingshan softened in an instant. He remembered that Shi Jie had divorced him for so many years, and he always took care of his children alone and had to take care of Shi Lao. Although she has a bad temper, it's not easy. He is also a person of many years now. What else can I ask for? Shi Jie is also old and her temper has restrained a lot. Maybe it's time to get back together.

Li Dingshan sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and thought for a while. When Shi Jie put a cup of tea in his hand, he suddenly recovered and grabbed Jia Jie's hand: "Shi Jie, let's get back together."

Shi Jie was stunned and looked at Li Dingshan in disbelief. After a long time, she burst into tears: "I'm sorry, Dingshan, I was wrong. I was not good to you before. I was too wayward and ignorant. Now I know that it's not a good thing for a woman to be too strong. I will definitely

Li Dingshan is also full of emotions. He said softly, "Don't say this, don't say this, it's all over. I also did something wrong. It used to be too strong, "

Meet each other and cry for enmity.

After Mr. Shi came back from a walk, he saw that the atmosphere was not right, but he didn't break it. He smiled and said, "No wonder my eyelids always jump. It turned out that there was a happy event for Xiaojie. Do you want to have a big deal?"

Shi Jie said with embarrassment, "Dad. How old am I? What else should I do? Just ask a few good people to sit down together."

Li Dingshan agreed: "It's not appropriate to say it, it's not appropriate to say it."

In the past, Shi Jie would definitely ask for a big deal, and would also make a lot of excessive demands. Sure enough, time has changed, and she has matured a lot.

Shi Jie went to work, leaving space for Shi Lao and Li Dingshan.

Because of the reunion of Li Dingshan and Shi Jie, Mr. Shi was particularly happy, but after he heard Li Dingshan say what Xia thought. He looked solemn and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Gao Chengsong, who I have been with before, is a narrow-minded person who loves everything and does not allow others to challenge his authority. It's cruel to hit the opponent, and it can even be said to be unscrupulous. Since he directly asked the people of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to come forward. If you dare to take Xia away without having conclusive evidence, you must think that he can cover the sky in Yan Province. As long as he wants to do someone, he will definitely not have a chance to turn over.

The crutch skill in Mr. Shi's hand knocked heavily on the ground and said sadly, "If you want to talk about talent, Gao Chengsong also has it, but his character is not good,