official god

Chapter 375 What a heavy rain

Before the living, Xiong Hai felt that the body was tight at noon, and he was gradually caught by a few bold people. Then he soared into the air and was taken to the high ground by the workers. Looking back again, I saw the flood roaring past, and Xiaxiang's figure was swallowed up by the flood and disappeared without a trace.

"Xia County Magistrate Xiong Haiyang shouted heartbreakingly, only feeling that his liver and gallbladder were about to crack and painful. In order to save him, Xia County Magistrate was swallowed up by the flood to save his life!

Xiong Haiyang struggled to get rid of the pull of the workers. He turned around and was about to jump into the flood to save people. He was pulled by several workers. Everyone had tears in their eyes and said with grief, "Manager Xiong, you can't go into the water. The water is too urgent to save people at all. Jumping in is a death!"

Xiong Haiyang couldn't help but feel the grief in his heart and cried loudly: "County Minister Xia, why did you save me? Why don't you let me die?" He couldn't wait to be washed away. He couldn't wait to grow wings and fly into the air to save Xiaxiang.

But the flood is vast, where? And the shadow of Xiaxiang?

He is a leader of the county party committee and the executive deputy county magistrate. He actually lost his life in order to save a contractor. Xiong Haiyang's heart is like a flame burning! He tried to break free from the crowd and jump into the water several times. It didn't matter if he couldn't save Xia. If he wanted to die together, he was worthy of the great kindness of the county magistrate of Xia. However, the workers knew his character and were afraid that he would do something stupid. Three or five people worked together to arrest him to death, so that he couldn't move at all.

The most painful thing is the old money.

The moment he found that Xia wanted to be swallowed up by the flood, he was almost dumbfounded on the spot and straightened his eyes for a long time. I didn't move, and my mind was blank. How is that possible? How can it be! The county magistrate Xia was washed away by the water, and the magistrate Xia was in trouble! The county magistrate Xia was washed away by the flood in order to go back to save him, or he would be a dignified magistrate. How can you go back to the dangerous peony

They are all greedy for their own money, all for more than ten yuan coins! Old Qian was stupid for a long time, and suddenly

"Plop. He knelt on the ground, pounded his chest, and kept slapped himself in the face, with tears: "County Chief Xia, it's all my fault. I deserve to die. I'm not a human, I'm not a human. I hurt you. I killed you for more than ten yuan. I lost your life with my old money!"

With that, the old money rushed over and jumped into the flood again. He was dragged to death by the workers, although everyone hated the old money after hearing the truth. But I also know that jumping into the water now is useless except for death.

After this period of time, Xiaxiang's easy-going image of being close to the people has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. All the workers love him very much. He is the county magistrate and loves him like a brother, especially when he pushes the sea of bears hard, he blurted out a sentence, even more like a heavy


"Brothers, catch it!"

A county magistrate blurted out his heartfelt shouts at the critical moment and shouted "brothers" to all the workers. This is the most real manifestation of Xia's sincere respect for them. It is Xia's true expression of Xia's true feelings as county magistrate but regards them as brothers! The workers present, everyone with tears in their eyes, stared at the flood, secretly prayed for the safety of the county magistrate Xia in their hearts, and even many people were willing to exchange their lives for the safety of Xia.

The wind is ringing. The sound of rain crackling. More than a hundred people stood in the rain like more than a hundred pillars, and all of them stared in one direction, looking forward to miracles.


Suddenly, I don't know who's eyes have found something. He shouted, "County of Xia, look, where is the magistrate of Xia?"

Everyone heard the sound and saw a man showing his head on a small tree dozens of meters away. His face was muddy. He just showed his head in the flood, but he smiled tenaciously at everyone. Then came a very familiar voice: "Brothers, hold on, don't worry, I'm fine!"

It's Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to be washed away by the flood, in a hurry. He hurriedly closed his breath and kept rolling in the water. After a hard time, I stabilized my body and accidentally drank a few sips of water, which made me feel uncomfortable. I thought, is it true that my life is here? Then calm down and think about it. I have practiced kung fu before. The foundation is not thin. Although the flash flood is severe, the water flow is urgent but not deep. As long as it is calm enough to deal with it, it should be able to escape.

It was Xia's strange calmness and calm personality that saved his life. Otherwise, he would have been washed away by mountain torrents all the way, and if he would not be drowned, he would be killed by the rocks in the mountains.

Being washed away by the flood, I couldn't help it. For a moment, I saw a small tree in the rapids being washed upside down by the water, but it didn't. Xia wanted to swim through the water, and tried his best to catch the trunk of the small tree. At the same time, he secretly prayed that the small tree must hold on, have the courage to fight against the flood, and not compromise easily.

Xia wanted to be exhausted by the flood. He reluctantly looked at the crowd in the distance and smiled, thinking that it was more than ten meters away, and no one came to save him. It is estimated that even if the little tree can hold on until the flood dissipates, he will not have enough strength. Did you really die here today? It seems that God is really jealous of talent. I haven't married Cao Shuhui, I haven't had a son, I haven't achieved my ideals, and I haven't, "There are too many life goals that have not been achieved!

However, a strange scene of Ling Xia thought appeared. First, Lao Qian jumped into the water with a "plop", followed by the bear ocean, and then Xiaoding, Du Laosan, Er Yanzi Xiao Anzi, Ai Feng, etc., who called the name, not the name. Everyone jumped into the chest-deep water, hand in hand, and connected into a flesh-and-blood Great Wall.

The Great Wall is getting longer and longer, slowly getting closer to Xia.

Xia wanted to be moved. What a good brother, he risked his life to save him. Although they are uneducated, swearing, unhygienic, and have all kinds of shortcomings, at critical times, they are more reliable and cute than any hypocritical person. Their simplicity and kindness. It is the most precious wealth in the world, the most touching

The distance of dozens of meters is slowly shortening, more than ten meters. Ten meters, eight meters." Although the Great Wall of flesh and blood was washed away twice, and a worker was almost washed away by the flood, no one flinched. Everyone's eyes were firm and their expressions were firm. Every step forward seemed to be moving towards an extremely sacred place.

Finally, at the moment when the little tree was overwhelmed and broke, Xia wanted to grab the hand stretched out by Lao Qian!


"The mayor of Xia County has been saved!"

Everyone cheered together, as if they were celebrating a grand festival. Xia wanted to be tightly grasped by Lao Qian. Looking at his eyes full of tears, and seeing the sea of bears behind Lao Qian, he didn't know whether it was rain or tears on his face, or whether he was smiling or crying. His heart was full of emotion, and he felt that everything he had done was worth it.

I feel as if my strength has been taken out. Then when it was dark, he fainted.

Xiaxiang was too tired. He ate and lived on the construction site almost non-interruptedly for a month, and was drenched by the heavy rain for a long time. The weather in the mountains was cloudy and cold, and he soaked in the flood for a long time. He was almost killed by the flood. He was heartbroken and learned Finally, I couldn't hold on and fell into a coma.

Everyone saved Xiaxiang. After cheering, he found that Xia wanted to be unconscious. He touched his forehead again and was frighteningly hot. He knew that he had a high fever. Xiong Haiyang decided to send the county magistrate Xia to the county hospital. Several people got into the car with all their hands and eight feet. They walked out of the net not far but found that the mountain road was broken by the flood. What should they do? The construction site is still more than a dozen away from the county!

Everyone said with one voice: "It's just the back. We should also carry the county magistrate Xia to the county seat."

"Back!" More than a hundred people shouted in unison.

Lao Qian carried the first section of the road, and Xiong Haiyang wanted to hold an umbrella for Xia next to him. Lao Qian said with tears on his back, "County Minister Xia, you must hold on and don't let anything happen. If you have a long and short, how can I have the face to live with my old money?

Xiong Haiyang was also blocked in his heart. Xia thought that if it hadn't been for saving him, he would have jumped to the high ground calmly. But at the critical moment, he gave up the opportunity to live to himself. Every time he thought of the moment when Xia wanted to hold him up, his throat was astringent and his eyes were red. A big man couldn't help crying.

County magistrate Xia, you are a well-deserved good county magistrate of the people! The bear ocean wiped tears while holding an umbrella. I almost burst into tears.

After everyone took turns to carry a few kilometers, someone came up with an idea again. They dismantled the tent and made a simple stand, and the four of them raised Xiaxiang. It's like flying to the county seat. Therefore, the people of the village along the way saw the most unforgettable scene in their lives. A team of more than 100 people carried an unconscious person like the stars holding the moon. All of them were red-eyed, but they all had a firm expression. It rained heavily, but no one wiped the rainwater on their faces. They buried their heads and walked as fast as flying. No one commanded, but no one complained and tired, and no one fell behind!

Just for the most amiable and respectable county magistrate Xia in their minds!

When more than 100 people carried Xia to the county hospital, the whole hospital was boiling.

At the beginning, the director of the county hospital thought that someone was coming to make trouble. He was so scared that he hid in the office and didn't dare to come out. After a while, a nurse ran to tell him that when it was County Magistrate Xia was sent outside, Dean Wen almost jumped up like he was burning his buttocks. Hurry up and take an umbrella and come out to greet him in person. As soon as he arrived in the courtyard, he found that everyone was wet all over. Xia wanted to lie on an awkward stretcher, unconscious, and if there was water on his body, it would be like a net fished out of the water.

Dean Wen was stunned. Before he figured out what had happened, he suddenly realized that his image of holding an umbrella was not very good. He immediately threw away the umbrella and went forward to lift the corner of the stretcher. A series of orders were conveyed: "Rmobilize immediately, emergency, nurse. There are also the best doctors, all on standby, hurry up. Come on, come on!"

Dean Wen didn't expect his subconscious reaction just now, which immediately won everyone's favor. More than a hundred people stood in the rain. Without moving, only Xiong Hai and Lao Qian followed up with the emergency room. But he was pushed out by the nurse again. After briefly understanding what happened, Dean Wen personally put on a white coat and wanted to diagnose and treat Xia.

Xia thought it was just typhoid fever caused by heavy rain, colds and fever, and then loss of strength, which led to coma. Dean Wen personally formulated the treatment plan. After waiting for Xia to settle down safely, he wiped his sweat. Before he could sit down, another nurse found him and said anxiously:

"Dean Wen, go and have a look. There are more than 100 people in the yard who don't leave without saying anything. They just stand still in the rain, which is scary."

Dean Wen hurried outside and looked at it, and was stunned.

I saw more than a hundred people, like a straight poplar tree. No one held an umbrella, let alone moved. They all stood in the rain without any sound. How amazing it is that more than a hundred people have no sound. The visual and psychological pressure caused by people was very great. President Wen was so scared that he almost sat on the ground and couldn't even say anything: "You guys, why don't they leave? What on earth do you want? This is the hospital."

Dean Wen came forward in person to persuade the workers to go back first. The county magistrate Xia will get better after a period of rest, and now he can't wake up for a while. Unexpectedly, he said his words three times in a row, and no one responded, and no one moved his feet. Everyone looked directly at Xia Xiang's ward on the second floor, as if staring at the most sacred place in his mind.

This mystery. President Wen's heart was deeply regretted by the earthquake.

He has been the dean for many years. He has seen more crying and shouting when sending patients, and he has also seen more false concern, but just like more than 100 people in front of him. Without saying a word, their eyes and movements show concern for Xiaxiang, which is sincere from the bottom of their hearts, and there is no false true feelings in the world.

What earth-shaking big event did the governor of Xia County? It has won such a high respect from the workers!

In an instant, President Wen also respected the county. A county magistrate. Let the workers take turns to change hands. I ran more than ten kilometers of mountain roads with manpower all the way. In the heavy rain, not only everyone did not have a complaint. They also love the county magistrate Xia as a real relative. President Wen has served as the director of Anxian County Hospital for more than ten years, and has never seen a county enjoy the people like this


His eyes were wet, and he shouted in a hoarse voice, "Please rest assured, if I can't cure the county magistrate Xia, I will compensate you for this old bone!"

One sentence made many people cry for it, and Lao Qian couldn't help kneeling down in front of Dean Wen with a "plop": "Dean. Please be sure to save the county magistrate Xia. I have a blood transfusion. What I want, I can only save the county magistrate Xia, and it can also kill me

"I have blood!"

"I have it too!"

"We all have blood!"

President Wen trembled and held up Lao Qian with both hands. He is from An County. He knows the character of the native of An County. If it weren't for Xia, he really wanted to move them. They have really won their respect. Even if someone convinces them, they will not come to the hospital to play like this.

They were sincerely convinced by the human nature of County Magistrate Xia!

No matter how President Wen persuades him, everyone just refuses to leave. There was nothing he could do. He called the county to inform him.

In a short time, Qiu Xufeng, Mei Xiaolin and several other members of the Standing Committee, as well as Ji Qidong, the director of the Public Security Bureau, led more than a dozen policemen to arrive in a hurry. As soon as Ji Qidong saw that more than 100 people had gathered, he was shocked. He was afraid that something would happen. He hurriedly called for reinforcements, but was stopped by Qiu Xufeng.

Qiu Xufeng said in a heavy tone, "No, Director Ji, don't you see why they are getting caught in the rain in the yard? They were waiting for the news that County Magistrate Xia woke up. They are not bad people, they are actually

Qiu Xufeng can't go on. He has grown so big. I was deeply moved for the first time.

Xia wanted to be regarded as an eyesore by him at the beginning, then failed in several confrontations, and then had to cooperate with him. It can be said that he has been in a passive state. Even if he wants to cooperate with Xia now, it is quite pleasant, but in his heart, he has always regarded Xia as his opponent, and he has more or Think. And he always felt that Xia thought that he was just a convenience for Yanshi people. In fact, he didn't have any real ability!

However, until this moment, he was completely impressed by Xiaxiang's personality charm.

If he used to think that Xia wanted to be smart, but he was too shrewd in everything, but today when he learned why Xia wanted to be in a coma. Seeing more than a hundred people in front of him, like a mainstay, waiting for Xia Xiang in the rain, his heart was pierced like a needle, followed by a deep sense of guilt and self-reproach. Until now. Qiu Xufeng finally admitted that he was indeed not as good as Xia thought. It's not as good as he has a true side, it's not as good as he has the side of daring to do, it's not as he has a man's responsibility, it's not as good as he knows the difficulties, and he has the determination and courage to do the best!

For the first time, Qiu Xufeng felt wet in his eyes. I feel that my voice is astringent, and I feel that I have been losing to Xiaxiang. I am unyielding, worth losing, and I am convinced to lose.

He stood in the rain, let the rain wet his head, let the rain wet his exquisite clothes, he stopped the secretary from holding an umbrella for him, stood face to face with the workers, and shouted, "Comrades. I am Qiu Xufeng, the secretary of the county party committee, the eldest brother of Xia County Magistrate, and his good friend. Here, with the party spirit of a county party secretary and the personality of his old friend, I will do my best to rescue him, cure his illness, and let him meet you alive, okay? I hope all the comrades will return to the construction site, and the county magistrate Xia doesn't want you to stand in the rain and get caught in the rain, let alone get sick in the rain, which will affect the construction period. As the eldest brother of the county magistrate of Xia County, I am deeply ashamed, because I didn't take good care of him and let him have such a big thing. I also have the responsibility. Here I apologize to my comrades and self-criticize. I hope comrades will accept my apology!"

After saying that, Qiu Xufeng bowed deeply to the crowd.

The county party secretary bowed to everyone in person, and the crowd was restless. Finally, someone boldly took a step forward and asked, "Secretary Qiu, can you guarantee that County Magistrate Xia is all right?"

Ratio: Although the brothers vote for each monthly ticket. The system will automatically post a bow and thank you post. But Lao He still wanted to bow in person and bow to thank every brother for his precious monthly tickets and precious rewards. Thank you, dear brothers and sisters, you have made me realize that I am not fighting alone in this mystery, but with me, you are all together, and have never left. I really feel it"

In addition, I want to say that the official god is no longer my official god, but your official god. I only write for you and do my best. In the last days of this month, you continue to be the same, and you have pushed the official god to the top of the Diwa. You are the great creators. It's just hope. In the last few days, we should not slack off. Lao He will try his best to code words and look forward to more outbreaks. Brothers, please continue to push the official god forward. Because others are also working hard, they also have to chase us. If you are overturned by others at the last minute. Lao He will be extremely depressed, brothers, you will also have no light on your face, because the official god is your official god, and it is only today under your care and careful cultivation. Do you want the official god to be defeated by others?

Finally, I want to ask my brothers that there is no problem with at least two outbreaks of 15,000 before the end of the month. The question is, will it break out after saving enough, or will it break out together for two consecutive days? I listen to everyone's opinions. If it doesn't break out continuously. There will be three updates today. Please answer me with each monthly ticket.

Thank you again.