official god

Chapter 374 Something big happened

When he entered the family, he liked the young deputy county very much. Not only was he very expert in building roads, but he never commanded blindly. If there was anything he didn't understand, he also asked everyone for advice. When he encountered disputes, he also discussed with everyone in a negotiative tone. Anyway. Xia wants to show them the image of an arrogant but intelligent and kind-hearted official.

Compared with Xiaxiang, Gao Lao and a group of experts also left a good impression on the workers. Headed by Mr. Gao, the experts put down their prejudices on the workers and said "masters" one by one. When encountering problems, I also discussed with them in the tone of asking for advice, so that the workers who had never met experts in the province were all flattered and felt that it was really an old saying. The wider the officials were, the more arrogant they were and the more approachable they were.

Tao Lao only cares about technical problems. Xia thought about the situation of the workers for a week. He touched the truth of Bian Jinrui's disappearance.

One night, Xia wanted to call the bear ocean. Go for a walk by the mountain. Walking to the ravine, he said earnestly, "Lao Xiong, I don't know you and you know, but why did you hand over the project to you?"

Xiong Haiyang looked grateful and shook his head repeatedly: "I don't know, but I will remember the good of County Magistrate Xia all my life."

"Don't read my good, I just hope you can recognize the current situation.

Someone deliberately won't let us build the road. Now the project has been suspended, and the missing worker has not yet come to a conclusion. Are you willing to spend it like this? Lao Xiong, I have the intention to cultivate you into the first batch of local entrepreneurs in An County. You can't appreciate my feelings. But you must think about your own future and don't give up the opportunity to get it.

Xiong Haiyang listened to Xia's words and lowered his head in shame.

Through a period of contact, Xiong Haiyang also learned about the head of Xia County. While being grateful to the head of Xia, he was also deeply blamed for himself. Now he already knows who is a good official who is single-minded for the people, and who is the real petition for the people!

Xia wanted to pat Xiong Haiyang on the shoulder and didn't force him: "Think about it yourself. The road is your choice, and I won't force you. A mountain road. Connecting the two counties is also a touchstone,"

Xia wanted to turn around and left. He didn't take two steps. He only heard a "plop" behind him. Xiong Haixi knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "Counter Xia, I'm sorry. I'm not a thing. I failed to live up to your expectations. I, I don't deserve to be a man.

Xia wanted to turn around and help the bear ocean, and smiled happily: "If you know your mistake, you will be a good comrade. Come and talk to the office and explain everything clearly."

Bian Jinrui was originally a private miner of Li Chaosheng. After the private mine was nationalized, he was dismissed home because of his poor skills, so he was angry with Xiaxiang. He thought Xia wanted to cut off his source of life. Bian Jinrui and Xiong Haiyang are one of them. The daughter-in-law of the two of them is a sister. Although they are not sisters, they are also cousins. They are very close. Bian Jinrui found Xiong Haiyang, hoping to find some work to do. Xiong Haiyang agreed and let him follow him to do the project.

Shortly after the mountain waterway project was given to Xiong Haiyang, Bian Jinrui mysteriously found Xiong Haiyang in one day, saying that he had a good way to make a fortune and wanted Xiong Haiyang to cooperate with him. Xiong Haiyang shook his head when he heard it, because Bian Jinrui wanted to make money by cheating.

Of course, Xiong Haiyang refused. Bian Jinrui kept persuading him, and finally carried out the Junjie's promise, saying that after the event was completed, in addition to the road construction project that Xiong Haiyang got now, there was also a kilometer-long mountain road near the new resort, which should And the handsome man also praised Haikou. Help him find some big projects in the city to ensure that Xiong Haiyang will become a big entrepreneur in Yanshi within a few years.

Xiong Haiyang was firmly opposed to Bian Jinrui's fraudulent death, because the safety accident would certainly have a negative impact on the whole project, but he could not stand Bian Jinrui's soft and hard bubble, and Bian Jinrui also asked his daughter-in-law to talk about Xiong Haiyang's daughter-in-law, and If it becomes a project, he can't get money, because Deng Junjie is in charge of the financial power, and he doesn't approve. Xiong Haiyang doesn't want to get a penny.

Na Junjie is from An County. His family has a certain power in An County. Bian Jinrui can speak well, under his coaxing and coaxing and coercion. Xiong Haiyang had no choice but to accept Bian Jinrui's plan,

As a result, Xiong Haiyang knew that he had been fooled. The county finance did pay to appease Bian Jinrui's family, but the mountain and waterway project was also ordered to stop. And some people spread rumors everywhere, saying that there were ghosts in the cave, etc., and then Bian Jinrui's family organized people to make trouble in the county committee. Xiong Haiyang finally understood that he was used by others.

But he didn't dare to tell the truth. He thought that officials had been protecting each other since ancient times, and he didn't know what had happened in it, so he had to slap his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. Moreover, in the Bian Jinrui incident, he also played an unhonorable cover role.

After learning all the truth, Xia wanted to be silent for a moment, looked at the panicked sea of bears, and comforted him: "You haven't made any big mistakes from beginning to end, but you are also too timid

"I'm willing to be punished, I'm willing to be punished!" The bear ocean nodded repeatedly.

"Call the workers in the evening, and you take the lead to the cave to break some haunted rumors." Xia said firmly, "If you atone for your sins, you will not be held responsible for your previous knowledge

Xiong Haiyang was so grateful that he couldn't speak.

"The last point, where is Bian Jinrui now?"

"He hid in Jingxian County, and I know the specific location."

It's time to fight back. Xia wanted to suddenly read the latest Children's Day, washed the book, dried the fine recess, and shook the umbrella stove, and gave the order! Old bear. Gather all the people now and go to the cave to see the scenery.

Bear Ocean didn't dare to neglect and hurried out to order. The reason why Xia was in a hurry to let him summon all the workers immediately was that the next arrest plan could not be exposed. Bring the workers together. In the name of breaking the haunted rumors in the cave, it can attract everyone's attention and prevent them from having a chance to inform Bian Jinrui in private.

Xia wants to have reason to believe that among the workers. There is also Bian Jinrui's eyeliner, which will inform him as soon as there is something abnormal. The friendship between workers. It is not as strong as outsiders can imagine, and sometimes it is so blind that it can ignore the consequences of the law.

I heard that there was a lot of fun to see, and Mr. Gao and a s of experts also walked out of the room one after another and came out. As a staunch atheist, Gao Lao and others volunteered to go to the cave with Xiong Haiyang. Xia couldn't persuade them.

But Gao Lao and several experts took the lead. Instead, it aroused the blood of the workers, and everyone asked to go to the cave together. For a moment, the crowd was boiling, and the scene was very warm.

Xia was very happy to see that the time was ripe. In fact, he has been to the cave for a long time during the day. There is nothing in it except a pile of rocks, and there is no danger at all. With Mr. Gao, it made the workers watch the bustle more at ease. He took the opportunity to leave the crowd, hid in a secluded place, and dialed Qiu Xufeng's phone.

Qiu Xufeng had already fallen asleep. Hearing the situation that Xia wanted to report, he was suddenly sleepless and extremely excited. He said, "I will immediately arrange people to go to Jingxian County to arrest Bian Jinrui. You are responsible for appeasing the workers. As long as Bian Jinrui is arrested, the construction can be resumed on the same day.

"I will inform Jingxian to let them arrest people first, so that Bian Jinrui can escape when he hears the news." There is Jiang Tian in Jing County. Let Jing County arrange the police to arrest Bian Jinrui first. It's a small matter.

Qiu Xufeng was very surprised by Xia's ability to solve the problem as soon as he came out. He was very impressed by Xia's willingness to work hard and get along with the workers. He immediately got up from ** and dialed Ji Qidong's phone.

After receiving the order, Ji Qidong immediately arranged personnel to rush to Jingxian County overnight. The leader of the team was Zheng Shaofeng.

The excitement of Xia's desire to break the haunted cave on the construction site has dissipated, and the workers went back to rest. But he didn't want to sleep. When it was almost dawn, the net fell asleep in a daze. The phone suddenly rang, and Qiu Xufeng's slightly excited voice came from inside: "County County Magistrate Xia, I have caught it."

Xia wanted to be overjoyed and saw the sun in the clouds. It was time to fight back head-on.

When Di Junjie learned the news of Bian Jinrui's arrest, he was shocked at the first time. He hurriedly asked Fang Yuhui to discuss countermeasures. After Fang Jihui heard this, he was speechless for a long time. Finally, he only said, "There's nothing I can do, Junjie. You ask for more blessings."

Then, Fang Yuhui reported the situation to Tan Long, and Tan Long only said one sentence to Fang Yuhui: "You don't know what happened from beginning to end."

As Fang Yuhui thought, Tan Long was determined to abandon Deng Junjie's chess piece.

After two rounds, Bian Jinrui handed over everything. As soon as Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin put together, they summarized the details of the incident into a document and reported it directly to the Municipal Party Committee.

Xia wanted to be on the construction site from beginning to end and did not show up. He knew that Li Dingshan and Chen Feng were in the city. He doesn't have to worry about many things. He is now focusing on the project and trying to keep an eye on it for a while. Make up for the lost time.

Half a day later, Xia thought received permission to resume work. Under his command, Xiong Haiyang's fighting spirit was high and he delivered a very appealing mobilization speech. The workers have had enough rest. They are all energetically involved in the construction. Gao Lao and others were also very happy. After waiting for a week, they finally saw the feat of chiseling holes with their own eyes, and their inner excitement can be seen.

Xia wants to come to the front line of construction in person and take command. It gave great encouragement to the workers. They are so energetic that they can finish the usual workload of the day in half a day.

is different from the hot scene on the construction site. At the Standing Committee of the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee, almost no suspensefully passed the decision to deal with Deng Junjie. In addition to Tan Long's statement that "It is not easy for the Party and the state to train a cadre, and we should be cautious", only Vice Mayor He Jianghua said a few kind words of Deng Junjie, and even Chen Without saying a word, he made no comment on the Junjie incident.

That Junjie's approach can be said to make all the members of the Standing Committee present very dissatisfied. Although the yin behind him is a common thing in officialdom, the handsome man has indeed done a little, which is unreasonable. If Xia wants to have something to do, it is also harasible for him to use some unsightly means to make Xia want to appear. But others had nothing to do, but he deliberately framed them. The plot is worse.

In the end, the Standing Committee of the Currency Commission unanimously passed the conclusion and gave Deng Junjie an administrative deme!

Administrative degover punishment should be written into the file. Once in the file, it is basically equivalent to the end of his political life in advance. If there is no miracle in Deng Junjie's future career, he will basically stop at the department level.

Tan Long voted for it in a complicated mood. He understood that if he hesitated on the issue of right and wrong, he would leave a bad impression on others, and it would be difficult to cooperate with others in the future.

An County.

Qiu Xufeng publicized the results of the municipal party committee to Deng Junjie, and on behalf of the county party committee and county government, asked him to be suspended for a week. Deng Junjie's face was gray and his eyes were blank. After a long time, he finally said, "I obey the decision of the organization."

When Qiu Xufeng saw that Di Junjie took over the reality of failure, he didn't think about it any more. He pretended to comfort him and turned away.

The county wants to go to the state... Shi'an County. Because he was worried, he told her back again. He didn't even have time to go to the airport to pick her up in person. Fortunately, even Ruohan understood him very well and didn't say a word of complaint.

As soon as Lian Ruohan came back, he devoted himself to the intensive work, because the city had submitted a motion for the relocation of steel mills and pharmaceutical factories, and Vision Group officially applied to the city for the development of the remaining land.

In the late part of the month, the mountain and waterway project encountered the first problem since the start of construction.

The mountain waterway has pushed forward more than an old kilometer. I encountered a cliff. If you take a detour, it is not only not allowed in time, but also in terms of funds. If the bridge is built, the cost is too high. There is only one way to make a hole, but the problem is that I don't know why the rocks here are so hard that there is no progress in breaking a few drills.

Xia wanted to invite Mr. Gao. Mr. Gao proposed a solution, designed a new blasting idea, and finally took a small step forward. Xia Xiang didn't have a tongue beard for a few days, his hair didn't look good, and his clothes were scratched a few times. At first glance, it was no different from the workers, which moved Boss Gao and boasted, "Xiaoxia, my understanding of you has deepened. You are so motivated; you can eat and live with the workers, can be separated from each other, and win their heartfelt respect. From this point of view, I admire what you have done

Xia wanted to smile with embarrassment: "It's the project I'm responsible for, and I'm responsible to the end. I'm responsible for the people, and I'm also responsible for my own promises!"

Gao Laoqi tightly clenched Xiaxiang's hand and solemnly patted him on the shoulder.

After sending Gao Lao away, Xia wanted to devote himself to the intense construction again. He planned to do it before it was cold. At least repair the prototype of the mountain road. As for whether it is paved with asphalt, it can be slowed down. The key is that the overall communication is the most inspiring.

It rained heavily in a day. There are many rocks and little soil in the north, so mudslides have rarely been formed. But because of the explosion, the stones on the mountain shook, and it rained. Xia wanted to worry about the formation of a landslide, so he let Bear Sea quickly organize workers to move to a safe place.

Bear Ocean had seen a lot of heavy rain in the mountains. If it's another leader, he will probably deal with one sentence. Then pretend to organize a few people to work and pretend to change things, so that they won't really take it seriously. After a heavy rain, the workers' favorite thing is to hide in the house to play poker and chat, or get some small dishes to drink. For them, rain jade is a rare leisure mystery.

However, Xia wanted to keep an eye on the construction site intermittently for more than a month. Xiong Hai could also see that Xia wanted to really think about the safety of the workers, so he immediately became nervous and shouted that everyone should take action and move to a high place as soon as possible. Although the workers are reluctant. But seeing that the governor of Xia County did not play the umbrella, he was drenched and stood in the rain. While moving things and directing the crowd to evacuate, he suddenly put away his scattered psychology and ran like rabbits one by one. In a short time, most of the people moved to a safe place.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, almost pouring rain. People stand in the rain and find it difficult to breathe. Xia wanted to be with the bear ocean, clicked back and went, and found that one person was missing. Xiong Haiyang was infected by Xia's spirit and volunteered to go back to find someone. Xia wants to worry about the safety of the bear ocean. Whatever you say, you have to go with him.

When he arrived at the construction site, he found that there was a man sitting in a temporary tent, picking up coins from the ground one by one. He panicked. He accumulated a pile of coins scattered on the ground, a total of more than ten yuan. For him, more than ten yuan is equivalent to a week's living expenses. Of course, he can't throw them away, and he has to pick them up all of them regardless of danger.

Xia wants to know the poverty of poor workers and their stubbornness. He squatted on the ground to help him pick up the money. The bear ocean was in a hurry, because he found signs of loosening in the mountain. He burst into laughter: "You fool, old money, when did you still pick up the money? *** Is money or life important?"

The old money just picked up all the money on the ground. When he stood up, he found that it was County Magistrate Xia who was helping him pick it up together. Suddenly, he was shocked and stammered, "County Chief Xia, I, I

Xia wanted to put the coin in his hand into his hand. He urged, "Don't say more. Let's go. The flash flood is about to break out."

Xiong Haiyang was furious and scolded and kicked Lao Qian forward: "Get out of here. Do you want the county magistrate Xia to invite you again?"

Lao Qian jumped out of the tent in a hurry and didn't dare to run back to the high ground all the way. Bear Ocean dare not neglect. Based on his experience, he has heard the rumble of water on the mountain, which is a precursor to the outbreak of mountain torrents. He hurriedly held Xia to rush out of the tent. As soon as the net came out, he felt a strong wind coming to his face. The wind is mixed with water vapor. There was also a huge roar in my ear. "It's not good, the mountain torrent broke out.

Bear Ocean looked up and saw that, God, the flood had washed less than a foot away, and he was still a few meters away from the high ground.

In a daze, he suddenly felt a strong push behind him. He couldn't help jumping forward and heard a shout behind him: "Brothers, catch it!"

Comparison: I know that my brothers are very dedicated to Lao He's support, and everyone hopes to be better. I have also exhausted my recent plot, and the brothers should be able to see it. So if you want to update in advance, smash the tickets and give it to Lao He! But now I'm still a little far from my dream of the least humble distilled ticket, roaring. I beg for the monthly ticket! Then go to the gray code words, and continue to save the manuscript. The stream book is exposed to the fine concave and mixed with different body clams. It's easy to read and go out