official god

Chapter 448 The Wu family has something to do

Ding Chendong nodded slightly and said! The idea is not "feasible one by one... After that, he changed the topic and said, "It's very good that you refuted a few words you learned just now, especially the analysis of monopoly groups. Ha ha, I gave an example of an air company, although it's a little exaggerated. However, it is still very vivid, interesting and interesting. You seem to have different opinions on Cheng Xixue's theory. Can you also write an article to refute his point of view?

Xia thought that he couldn't help but be stunned. Does the Prime Minister mean that he should stand in line?

In fact, from the moment he chose to join the leading group, he has made his position firmly support and implement industrial restructuring. The publication of Cheng Xixue's article indicates that the contradictions at the upper level have begun to intensify, and since he has chosen to move forward. It is impossible to give up the original position and retreat because of an article. Moreover, he also promised Gao Ru to write a rebuttal article, and the Prime Minister specifically proposed that Xia thought that he understood and stood up to publish an article to counter Cheng Xixue's point of view, which was very convincing.

Because I am a member of the industrial restructuring group. It has successfully facilitated the negotiation between Kodak and Dafu, which is equivalent to making a statement, which must be more powerful than Cheng Xixue's paper talk.

Xia wanted to look at Zou Ru with a smile and said, "Prime Minister, I have written a rebuttal article, and he also asked me to write one. I haven't written yet. It just so happens that you also ordered to come down. I will submit the manuscript tomorrow, but I am not an economist. He is not a journalist, so he may not fight back sharply. I can only write as well as possible.

He Chendong said to Zou Ru, "Okay. The old man and Xia wanted to refute Cheng Xixue together. It was also a beautiful talk in the academic world. He glanced at Yi Xiangshi and said, "Tian. After the article of Mr. Department and Xia think of it comes out, you can have a look at it first, and then arrange to publish it.

After He Chendong finished speaking, he left first on the pretext that he had something to do.

Xiaxiang also knew that He Chendong could not give any answer to his questions about the Tonghai Railway. He Chendong is the deputy prime minister and is busy. It's good that he can take care of it, just wait for the Ministry of Railways to report it. He said the last key word. It's very useful.

As soon as Vice Premier He left, Xia Xiang said goodbye to Yi Xiangshi and Wu Caijiang with Gao Ru and returned to the Academy of Social Sciences. Before leaving. Wu Caijiang held Xia Xiang's hand and said, "Xia Xiang, wait for my call in the evening. I have something to talk to you about."

Yi Xiangshi didn't want to say more to Xia. Just explain that he must write the manuscript and give it to him in time. Xia thought naturally knew the importance of the incident. His article was equivalent to a certificate of fame. If he could pass Vice Premier He, it would be equivalent to officially entering the eyes of Vice Premier He. But what he knows better is. His subsequent political future is closely related to Vice Premier He.

Because he is now writing an article to refute Cheng Xixue, it is not only about academic arguments, but also at the behest of Vice Premier He. There is also a political intention. Cheng Xi will regard him as Vice Premier He. I'm afraid I'll suppress him whenever I have a chance.

Political things. It is necessary to stand in line. But standing in the wrong team also has very serious consequences. Fortunately, since Vice Premier He is the leader of industrial restructuring, Xiaxiang is also a member of the leading group for industrial restructuring in Yan Province. He has the same goal with Vice Premier He, that is, industrial restructuring, and Xu Sheng will not be defeated. If you win, there will be a flat river ahead. If you lose, the future will be bleak.

However, as early as the day when Xia wanted to voluntarily jump into the leading group, he was gambling on the restructuring of the industry and would definitely win.

Xia wanted to return to the Academy of Social Sciences with Zou Ru. Gao Ru asked Xia to check the materials by himself and arrange some courses for Xia, so he buried himself in revising the manuscript. Today's debate has given Gao Ru a lot of inspiration, that is, to write time-style articles, you don't need too many gorgeous words, and you don't have to use too many metaphors and descriptions. As long as the point of view is clear. It's good to have a sharp language. To put it bluntly, you need to use the shortest words and the clearest language to tell the reader's views and arguments in the first few hundred words.

Xia wants to take the course schedule given by Gao Ru. I got the textbook first. Then I sat down and read a book. After lunch, I studied hard all afternoon, and I had a general outline of the article that refuted Cheng Xixue.

When he was about to get off work in the afternoon, Xi Ru handed Xiaxiang a manuscript with a serious face and said solemnly, "Xiaxiang, I have revised the article. Can you help me see if there are any major loopholes?

Xia wanted to take a look and couldn't help laughing. The title of the article has been changed to "Three Refutations of Cheng Xi's specious Arguments". Although there are some vivid metaphors and examples in the article, the language is more straightforward. He also directly points out the topic and refutes Cheng Xixue's point of view sentence by sentence. Although Beru was trying to hide his benevolence, he still saw it. Gao Ru is modifying the article completely according to his suggestion.

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Mr. Beo is also an interesting person. Although he has a stubborn side, he can change his mind quickly. Accept the suggestion. Although his method of accepting suggestions is very rigid, it is very valuable for a highly prestigious student to have the courage to be kind.

Xia thought that he would not be stingy with his kind words and greatly praised Gao Ru. Among them, there are many elements of flattery without trace, but he also sincerely praises it. After all, he is a first-class scholar in the world. He may not be the best at writing debate articles, but his writing is rigorous, his language is concise, and he still has a profound foundation. Xia wants to sigh that it is not as good as himself.

The Confucian was praised by Xia, and there was also a faint thing on his face, but he tried to hide it. It's not too obvious. Pretending to be understated, he said, "I also feel that I have made progress compared with the previous draft. It's not that I seldom write refuting other people's articles. It's almost the first time to write, and it's inevitable that I'm new to it."

"Learn with your talent. There are all kinds of knowledge in the world. I can't believe that your first polemist article was so wonderful. As soon as this article came out. Cheng Xixue must be furious. Xia wanted to hold back his laughter. I still gently gave a flattery.

"Hehe. Although Cheng Xixue's views are biased. But he still has some real skills, and he is also a little self-restrained, so he won't be angry with an article. He will definitely fight back and continue to publish articles to refute us.

Xiaxiang also knows that Cheng Xixue will not give up, but may also spread to the whole country. With the arrival of the upsurge of polemics, political resistance will follow.

What kind of difficulties and obstacles will there be in the road ahead!

After work, Xia wanted to say goodbye to the Confucian and went outside. Just as I was about to call Wu Caijiang, I happened to receive his call.

"Come to Kunlun Hotel to attract you."

It had been an hour since I arrived at the Kunlun Hotel. Xia Xiang thought that maybe Wu Caijiang hurried to the room to have a look. But he found that Wu Caijiang was playing with his mobile phone in a sweat.

As soon as he saw that Xia wanted to come in, Wu Caijiang didn't have time to accuse Xia of being late. He quickly handed him his mobile phone and said, "Help me see how to reply to text messages. Why do you have to send a text message if someone doesn't call directly? It's really self-introuble.

Xia thought and laughed: "Mr. Wu doesn't know anything. Text messages are irreplaceable, such as some tips, weather forecasts, etc. It is obviously much more convenient to use text messages than voice. And the text message can be saved, but the voice is high, but it disappears when you say it"

While talking, Xia Xiang helped Wu Caijiang reply to the text message. Coincidentally, the text message was sent by Lian Ruohan.

Although Wu Caijiang didn't ask, Xia Xiang took the initiative to explain the traffic jam on the road and that he went the wrong way. I was only a little late.

Wu Caijiang obviously didn't pay attention to this matter. Just taking advantage of the text message sent by Lian Ruohan, he asked Xia, "Is Ruohan okay in the United States?"

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"She is very good, and there are careful people around her to take care of her. Please rest assured." Xia Xiang was a little unaccustomed to talking about Lian Ruohan with Wu Caijiang. Before he could change the topic, Wu Caijiang asked another question.

"It's not a reason to always be alone abroad. When will you pick up their mother and son back to China?

Although Xia Xiang had been mentally prepared for a long time, he also knew that even the matter of Ruohan's birth could not be hidden from Wu Caijiang. However, when he suddenly heard Wu Caijiang say it himself, he still felt a fever on his face and said awkwardly, "I have to wait for the child to be older to come back. Now I can't help toss around."

Wu Caijiang shook his head and sighed, "It has come to this point. How long can you hide it? It's okay for the old man to hide it. The people around him are measured, and I dare not let them know. Sooner or later, my second brother will know that you don't know his temper. He dared to contradict the old man. He dared not recognize his family, and even said that he was self-recognized from the Wu family. To be honest. Even I'm a little afraid of him. He is old now. I also came back occasionally during the Spring Festival, but I still don't have a close relationship with the old man, and I always feel alienated. He looked at Xiaxiang carelessly. I have more contact with you. I also think you are a good young man. Except for the improper handling of Ruohan's affairs, other things are not at fault. If my second brother knows about you, he will not necessarily do anything scary when he is furious.

Xia Xiang has been worried about the anger of the old man of the Wu family. Unexpectedly, Wu Caijiang is most worried about Wu Caiyang, Lian Ruohan's father, Wu Caiyang, out of curiosity. He still asked, "My second uncle is still serving as the secretary of the provincial party committee in Xijian. Is he going back to the capital soon?"

Xia Xiang just asked casually, but unexpectedly, he guessed it. Wu Caijiang said with a surprised face, "You are really right. The second brother is expected to return to Beijing before the end of the year and be a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Minister of the Central Propaganda Department!"

Entering the Politburo is equivalent to a deputy state level. Wu Caiyang's pace is indeed steady. Sure enough, he is a powerful figure. It is not easy to get to this day under the condition of breaking with the old man of the Wu family.

However, according to the usual practice, Wu Caiyang mentioned the deputy national level. The old man of the Wu family also wants to remove all his duties. Is Mr. Wu going to step down completely? Let's go. Without Mr. Wu's acquiescence, without his nod and help, Wu Caiyang would be more powerful. It is also impossible to be promoted to the vice-national level by personal strength.

"Is the old man going to get off?" Xia wanted to ask.

"Yes, the old man has been in poor health recently." His health is still important, so he began to prepare to retreat. Among the three of our brothers, only the second brother's resume is the best, and the qualifications are enough. No matter how reluctant the old man is, he can only help the second brother take office. The situation is better than people." Wu Caijiang's words were a little lonely. He thought that the old man could still last for a few years, at least after he let him leave a governor, the most optimistic situation was to go to a large provincial secretary and enter the political bureau. No matter how bad it was, he would have to be a stand-up. I can't imagine that the old man's health is not as good as before. The doctor suggested that it's better to rest. Human life is greater than heaven. After discussion, the above decision was made.

If the old man is unhappy, Wu Caiyang is also his own son. Wu Caijiang is not happy. He has no qualifications. Now he can't help him. Sure enough, people are not as good as God.

Wu Caijiang couldn't help but sigh that he couldn't wait.

"What do you think of Minister Wu next?" Xia Xiang is very puzzled about Wu Caijiang's current position. The deputy minister of the Ministry of Education is not an executive, but basically very leisurely. He is young. How can he be willing to stay in the Ministry of Education?

"I'm going to move next. Guess where I'm going?" Wu Caijiang intended to take the exam for Xia Xiang, because even Vice Premier He praised Xia for having a brain and quick reaction. He intended to test Xia Xiang's overall view and whether he had his own views on the situation in Beijing. "A reminder, I'm going to stay in a more idle department for a period of time, but I still took a small step and raised

Xia Niang suddenly flashed in his mind. He blurted out: "The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the League?"

"Bang. With a sound, Wu Caijiang slapped the table in surprise: "Strange, why did you guess?"

The rise of the regimental forces is approaching. Who is Mr. Wu? I'm sure my eyes are like a moment, and I have seen the situation clearly for a long time. He is the light of rebirth, but the old man who has been in the officialdom for a lifetime is not an ordinary person. There are also amazing judgments. Of course. In the political struggle. Everyone will have their own vision and choice, or there will not be many people who will fail miserably because they stand in the wrong team or use the wrong person.

On the surface, Mr. Wu only mentioned Wu Caiyang's entry into the Politburo, and although Wu Caijiang mentioned the main department, when he came to the Central Committee of the League, even if he served as the first secretary, he would be regarded by many people as a promotion and a secret surrender. According to the previous practice. The Central Committee of the League is not a harmful department. There is little chance of promotion in the next step.

But Xia wanted to know that from now on, the Central Committee of the League will truly become the cradle of ministerial-level cadres.

The secretary of the Central Committee of the League is at the ministerial level, and the other secretaries are at the deputy ministerial level. If Wu Caijiang goes there. It is estimated that it will be over half a year in the position of secretary. It makes sense to mention the first secretary again. Wu Caijiang is only Feng Sui. Although he is a little older to serve in the Central Committee of the League, it is reasonable. The key is that after two years, he may be appointed as a governor.

If you do it well, you can also reach the high position of the provincial party committee in the big province. However, as long as Wu Caiyang is in the capital, it will be difficult for Wu Caijiang to return to Beijing to serve. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for both brothers to hold important positions in the same place at the same time. Domestic affairs should also pay attention to avoidance. One of the two brothers must be willing to be insipid, one in front of the stage, and the other must hide behind the scenes.

"The middle ceremony of the regiment is the cradle of cadres and a good place to get out of talents." Xia Xiang didn't say much, so he changed the topic in time. "Minister Wu asked me to come over today. What can I do?"

"There is nothing important. First, let's talk about Ruohan, and second, there is something. I want to persuade you." Wu Caijiang just remembered the main purpose of thinking about Xia today. If anyone knows about Lian Ruohan's matter by Wu Caiyang or the old man. There may be consequences that can't be dealt with. But maybe they won't know for a while, but what's going on in front of him is the most important thing. He thought out of loving Xia. He should also be advised to do it carefully.

"You'd better not write the article to refute Cheng Xixue. Let the scholar write it. He is a professor. If he comes forward, he will only be regarded as an academic argument. And your identity is special. If the article you write comes out, it is equivalent to publicly declaring war on the people behind Cheng Xixue. Anyway, Xia Xiang also has continuous contact with the Wu family now. Although Wu Caijiang is not deeply in love with Lian Ruohan, after all, Lian Ruohan is also a posterity of the Wu family. An uncle called out, which is also a blood connection, and Lian Ruohan is the old man's favorite granddaughter.

The most important point is that Lian Ruohan's son is one of the children of the third generation of the Wu family. That is to say, he is the first person of the fourth generation of the Wu family. Hearing that his surname is Lian, it made Wu Caijiang think about it. If he can change his surname to Wu and let the old man know that In a good mood. It is also conducive to the radical cure of the disease.

Wu Caijiang is a little sure of the old man's temper. With the child, with joy, the old man may calm down. But he is not sure about Wu Caiyang now. He hasn't been in contact with Wu Caiyang for many years. Who knows that he is already a stubborn second brother. What kind of temper is it now?

Xia Xiang, as the father of the child, Wu Caijiang also has mixed feelings for him. He knows Lian Ruohan's temper. He is stubborn and independent, and has a relationship with his family. No one can control her. Since she is willing to have a child for Xia, she must also love Xia deeply. Moreover, Xia Xiang is also excellent. Among the third generation of the Wu family, there are no outstanding talents. Except for Ruohan's outstanding achievements in business, everyone else is unbearable, which is also a headache for the old man.

Although Xiaxiang didn't marry Lian Ruoxi, there was nothing in the relationship and marriage between the two


In this case, the Wu family can also bring Xia Xiang over and cultivate him as a successor. Because of the relationship between the mother and son of Ruohan, if Xia wants to sit up in the future, he will certainly not take care of the descendants of the Wu family. According to Wu Caijiang's recent observation of Xia Xiang, he also came to the conclusion that Xia Xiang is a person, his character is reliable, and it is worth entrusting.

Based on the consideration of all aspects, coupled with what Xia Xiang has done recently, Wu Caijiang thinks that Xia Xiang is a talent that can be made, but the more so. The more he cherishes Xia, the more he doesn't want him to get involved in the differences between the senior management.

Xia wanted to listen to Wu Caijiang's words and bowed his head without saying a word.

Prevention: At the critical time, I need the help of my brothers the most. Today, I will send it to you three times and ask for a monthly ticket loudly,