official god

Chapter 449 The Ideal Road to Promotion

Wu Caijiang's thoughts also guessed that he had come out of his love... At the earliest time, he really hated Wu Caijiang. But what happened later made him slowly change his mind. Especially after Wu Caijiang knew his relationship with Lian Ruohan, he not only did not say a word of objection, but also concealed the truth for him, which also moved him. He felt that Wu Caijiang was actually good to him. Today's meeting was the same. At the beginning, Wu Caijiang mentioned the problem of Lian Ruohan's father Wu Caiyang. The original intention was to make him mentally prepared in advance. In case Wu Caiyang knew the truth. It is inevitable that Wu Caijiang's concern is beyond words.

But concern belongs to concern, and politics belongs to politics.

Xia wants to think that he has been walking all the way, and his pace has been relatively steady. He doesn't want to be a political speculator. Otherwise, with the advantage of rebirth, we will try to rely on the current connections to get to know the future rulers. It's not completely impossible. What he wants is to use his own ability. Move forward as firmly as possible, do practical things as much as possible to seek benefits for the people, and strive for benefits for the country. You can use your ability as much as you can. Take as much responsibility as you have, instead of just being a left-right, long-sleeved and dancing politician.

If so, he might as well not bother to secretly promote the establishment of the leading group for industrial restructuring in Yan Province. Wouldn't it be better to find a way to deal with Cui Xiang and Ye Shisheng, and then skillfully use the contradiction between Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiyuan to make a skillful wall grass? He also has reason to believe that with his connections and American network, if he just wants to study how to get promoted and make a fortune, the speed of promotion will definitely be faster and more stable than now.

But he did not take a road of power promotion. Why? Because since Xia wants to be reborn and choose to engage in politics, he doesn't want to live his life only for power and money. He wants to make a difference and ask for the people to make due contributions to the benefit of the people and the country.

Needless to say more heroic words, there is only one sentence that makes Xiaxiang feel uneased: the rise and fall of the country. Everyone is responsible! The burden on the shoulder is heavy, and the responsibilities on the body are heavy. He just wants to walk step by step, and every step can leave heavy footprints. At every step, the people will get rid of poverty and become rich because of him. His promotion is based on the happiness of the people. Such a road of promotion is his lifelong pursuit!

, Wang Bibibei

It's a little fake, and Xiaxiang rarely puts himself at a noble height. But think about it carefully. From Ba County to Chengzhong Village Renovation Team. When he went to An County, his appearance really changed the fate of many people and brought tangible benefits to everyone.

In the current county, Huang Hai lived a well-off life because of his appearance, and Wan Zhize lived a well-off life because of his guidance. A restaurant was opened at the tourist intersection, becoming the most profitable restaurant on the grassland of Ba County. In the urban village transformation team, because of his appearance. Sun Xianwei made a fortune by investing in the vegetable wholesale market, and Zhong Yiping also changed his fate because of his care. In An County, countless fruit farmers in Danbao Township have solved the fruit tree problem because of the efforts of him and Mei Xiaolin. The old farmer of Ouyang Tieyi finally paid off his debts and made savings. It was also because of his appearance that he saved the life of a worker, so he established unprecedented prestige among the workers. He also built the first park in history for An County, expanded scenic spots, built resorts, opened up mountains and waterways, and shortened the distance between An County and Jing County to less than one time."

Now in the leading group of industrial restructuring in Yan Province, he is actually equivalent to creating a problem for himself in disguise. But in the process of solving the problem, Xia thought clearly that because of the adjustment of the industrial structure, because of the success of joint ventures and the introduction of foreign capital, it will bring employment opportunities to countless people and bring countless enterprises back to life. Let many laid-off families resume their laughter. He will tell himself. No matter how difficult it is, everything you have done has benefited countless people, and it has brought hope to many people, and it is worth it.

He also knows that industrial restructuring is a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, you may accidentally injure yourself. But he is confident that with his wisdom and courage, he can use his tricks and advantages to realize his dreams step by step. Xia also wants to be high, and he also wants to rise step by step. But what he wants more is that in the process of his promotion, every thing he does and solves a difficult problem is a good punch for the people, a contribution to society, and a result for the country, and he is satisfied.

Although the industrial restructuring of Yan Province has achieved a little at present, it will face more difficulties in the future. Xiaxiang is also psychologically prepared. When he came to the capital this time, he originally registered his student status and met with his tutor Ru. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the capital, he encountered a series of incidents, which also made him secretly worried. I'm afraid the road will be more difficult in the future.

As early as when Beru proposed to let him also write an article to refute Cheng Xixue, he had actually made up his mind that he wanted to continue to make achievements and the industrial restructuring of Yan Province to continue to carry out in depth. He can't just hide in the office of the leadership group in Yan Province, but should stand up in time and say his voice loudly. It is necessary to speak out loudly for the next step of industrial restructuring.

Because escaping is not a way, it can't solve the problem. And he has always been the least afraid of complicating things. The more complicated the situation is, the more forces intervene, the more opportunities he can take advantage of. With more power, the situation is chaotic. There is the possibility of profit from chaos, and there are more differences!

Xia Think, who is best at using the means of integrating spirit. In the foggy situation, he took decisive action. Find the most favorable support point.

Now he has found a support point, which is the war of public opinion.

If you master the position of public opinion, you will master the highest point of speech. Today, with more and more people who do not know the truth, whoever has double recognition and speaks more times is the right one!

So in the face of the other party's declaration of war, in the face of Cheng Xixue's aggressive articles in the name of academics. Xiaxiang, as the winner of the actual battle, said that he was the most persuasive game. He must fight and make his own powerful voice.

Industrial restructuring cannot be stagnant. Once stagnant, it will be the great blessing of monopoly enterprises and the misfortune of the free economy. The country has suffered too many great losses between government and enterprises, and we can't go back. Let more private enterprises develop. Only by increasing the proportion of private enterprises in the national economy can we improve the country's competitiveness.

"Write an article to refute Cheng Xixue, not only because I promised Vice Premier He, but also because I want to express a point of view myself." Xia Xiang said calmly and said to Wu Caijiang with a grateful face, "Thank you for reminding me. But I think sometimes if I don't talk, others will think I'm easy to talk. If I speak, maybe they will think I'm shallow. They will look down on me. Being looked down upon by others is also a good thing

Xiaoxia, you don't know who is standing behind Cheng Xixue!" Wu Caijiang aggravated his tone and didn't look good. "Don't be impulsive. Don't be a pawn. No matter which side wins, you may not get any benefits and will become a victim. Besides, the old man is about to retreat. It will take some time for the second brother to keep his word. If you provoke them, if they take action against you during this blank period, you have no way back

Xia Xiang also saw Wu Caijiang's concern. I was also secretly moved in my heart and listened to what he meant. Even if the old man and Wu Caiyang are very dissatisfied with themselves, if something big happens to them, they will not sit idly by because of Ruohan's relationship.

It's just that Xia's mind has been determined. He is not the pawn of Vice Premier He, nor does he mean to win a false reputation. He follows the trend and hopes to make his own voice. If you let the other party gain the upper hand in public opinion and slowly form a trend of thought in China, it will be conservative. It will definitely return to the original state of guarding the city. Maybe the leading group will even survive in the end. At that time, not to mention that the idea of taking this opportunity to promote the market economy cannot be realized, his future, the future of the Song Dynasty, and the future of the whole leading group will be destroyed.

The failure of the leading group indicates the failure of industrial restructuring. The industrial structure adjustment cannot be carried out, and the whole Yan Province is still stagnant and unstopble economic form. And maybe the failure of Yan Province will affect the future of Vice Premier He. Vice Premier He's future is worrying. If no one in Beijing dares to lead the industrial restructuring, it will fall into a passive circle.

Because China has joined the WTO. According to the regulations, the domestic market must be gradually fully opened up. Do not take the initiative to carry out the structural adjustment of production. It will be recognized as a non-market economy country by other countries. It will cause trade disputes. According to past experience, China will lose every dispute. Instead of being beaten to move forward, it's better to take the initiative to move forward lightly.

Xia can't dare to say how big he has. He has a vision of looking at the whole country, but he also knows that his efforts will have unexpected gains and effects. Therefore, he can't back down.

"Thank you very much for your concern and love. Since the Kodak incident has been soaring, I have also been pushed to the forefront of the storm, and today you also see that Cheng Xixue has stood on the opposite side with me after he appeared. I take the initiative to fight is also a war, and the passive battle is also a war. No matter which way. I can't escape. I just thought that there is actually no way back now, and there may be a chance to take advantage of the battle. Xia Xiang looked straight into Wu Caijiang's eyes and said confidently.

Wu Caijiang was stunned for a while and smiled helplessly: "I knew that I would not accept you. Your personality seems to be easy-going, but in fact, you also have the same stubborn side as Ruohan. No wonder she will like you. You two have the same temper. Of course, if the stubbornness of the curtain is on the surface, your stubbornness is inside.

Wu Caijiang is also at the end of the point, and he will not persuade Xia to think about it. He also came out of the intention of maintaining Xia Xiang, and knew better that if something went wrong, He Chendong may not be sure to protect Xia Xiang, and only the Wu family would try their best. He is just preparing for a rainy day. The other party may not really think about Xia. After all, there are many high-level people who support industrial restructuring. The other party asked Cheng Xi to learn to come forward. What they want is just to keep their interest groups.

bi。, wanbibei

"I don't care about you, but there is one thing you remember, don't try to leverage the interests of big interest groups, you just need to move their bottom line. It will definitely be fiercely counterattacked, and it will not stop. Wu Caijiang said solemnly. He said.

Xia wanted to nod: "I know it in my heart. I also think I don't have the ability to do anything far-reaching. What I want is to be able to do more things that are beneficial to the country and the people within the scope of ability. I don't take the initiative to bully others. But if others bully their heads, they have to push their hands away, right?

Wu Caijiang smiled and said, "I've learned your tricks for a long time. You are slippery. It's not that easy to deal with.

Come on, let's not talk about it. Let's eat first.

The food was served with mustard. Wu Caijiang greeted Xia that he wanted to eat. Xia wanted to take a few bites and was full. I always felt that Wu Caijiang still had something to say, so he flattened the bowls and chopsticks and waited for him to speak.

Wu Caijiang was really patient. He drank tea for a while and chatted casually about Confucianism. Speaking of Xia's plans for the future, he said, "You got a postgraduate degree two years later. I will find a way for you to go to the Central Party School for further study for a period of time, lay a solid foundation, and then you can serve as the deputy mayor. At the department level, it's better to walk slowly and steadily, not a woman's heart. Only then can we grow older one by one.

Xia wants to be taught with an open mind. Write it down one by one.

It was very late, and Wu Caijiang looked at his watch. He said, "It's getting late. It's time to disperse."

When he went downstairs, Xia thought he was still wondering. Did he guess wrong that Wu Caijiang had nothing else to do? Looking at his indifferent face, it seemed that everything was over, but I don't know why. Xia thought that he still had nothing to say.

Xia wanted to get into the car and thought that Wu Caijiang would not speak again. He really left. As soon as he started the car, Wu Caijiang waved to him as if he had just remembered something.

It's really good at pretending. Xia wants to laugh secretly. If you have something to say, it's over. Do you have to wait until the last minute? Looking at his serious appearance, Xia thought that he almost laughed out loud. The old fox is the old fox, and he will pretend again. There are also times when the fox's tail is exposed.

Xia wanted to get out of the car and came to Wu Caijiang respectfully: "Minister Wu, please tell me."

Wu Caijiang took a look at Xia Xiang's car and sighed slightly, "When I saw Ruohan's car, I thought of her. I really miss it. That's right. I seem to have heard the news that the Fu family is injuvening about Ruohan's whereabouts. Do you know what's going on?

Xia wanted to shake his head: "I really don't know." Thinking that Wu Caijiang asked him to get out of the car, wouldn't that be the only thing? He deliberately didn't ask. He said again, "I'll inquire about it again after I go back to Yanshi. It shouldn't be a big deal. Do you have anything else to do? If it's okay, I'll go back first

Wu Caijiang stared at Xia Xiang with dissatisfaction. Thinking that he was really confused or pretending to be stupid, he couldn't see that he still had something to say. However, seeing that Xia really wanted to leave, he couldn't help but be angry and laughed, so I didn't take it. Instead, he said it directly: "The last thing. You have a way to persuade Ruohan, and it's better to let the child's surname Wu. As long as the child's surname is Wu, everything is easy to say. The old man is old. If the disease is found, it is inevitable that there will be bad ideas. If you let him know that there is a successor to the fourth generation of the Wu family. It is also very good for his treatment. The old man likes children the most

Originally, Xia wanted to make fun of Wu Caijiang in his heart. It's funny that he is mysterious. Unexpectedly, Wu Caijiang said the above. His mood also became inexplicably heavy, and he nodded solemnly: "I'll try my best to convince Ruohan. As you know, I'm afraid it's a little difficult for her to have an idea. But for the sake of the elderly, I will try my best.

Wu Caijiang also showed filial piety, and Xia Xiang couldn't bear to refuse him. He has been holding back on saying it all the time, and I guess he is afraid that he will turn it back. In fact, he still doesn't know himself, and he is sometimes stubborn. Sometimes I feel so soft.

Back to Xiao Jia's residence in the evening, Xia wanted to lie comfortably on the sofa. After thinking about something for a while, she suddenly asked Xiao Jia, who peeled the fruit for him, "Don't you always want a child? From now on. Pay attention to recuperation, drink less, don't be too tired as much as possible, take good care of your body for a year, and then have a baby, okay?

Xiao Jia's hand shaking while cutting the fruit. She accidentally cut her hand. She didn't notice it at all. She looked at the county in a daze and thought, "You, you didn't lie to me?"

, positive

Xia wanted to find that her hand was bleeding. She hurriedly covered the wound with a tissue and said, "My hand is bleeding. Find a Band-Aid."

"Don't worry about it." Xiao Jia pushed Xia's hand away. Put the bleeding fingers in your mouth. He asked vaguely, "I'll ask you. Didn't you lie to me just now? If you dare to lie to me, I. I will never end with you in the future. You can coax me to lie to me about other things. This is the only thing that is not allowed.

Xia wanted to see Xiao Jia holding her fingers and her eyes were wide open. She looked angry and funny. I couldn't help laughing: "You are too lonely. It's good to have one more person to accompany you, as long as you don't feel tired. One more thing. You can't delay making money by having a baby, otherwise I won't spare you.

Xia thought that he didn't emphasize letting Xiao Jia make money, but that she was afraid that she would be completely divided as soon as she heard that she had a baby


Xiao Jia "Uh-huh. He nodded repeatedly: "I promise to have a baby and make money. I will arrange everything well in another year to ensure that there is no mistakes." As she spoke, her tears flowed out, "As long as there is a child, whether it is a man or a woman. It's all a guarantee that we will always be together. When you are away, I will place all my love on the child, grow up with him, and laugh with him."

Xiaxiang was also slightly moved by Xiao Jia's true feelings. He couldn't bear to see her cry, so he teased her and said, "The crying nose has a bad impact on the child. If you cry again, you won't be allowed to give birth.

"Go, the child is still with you. What does it matter if I cry now?" The amorous feelings between Xiao Jia's eyebrows turned white and Xia thought about it.

Prevention: The first update, thank you very much. Three bows to thank the brothers for their deep affection and kindness, every monthly ticket. The first reward was a fiery heart. You and I have never met. Thousands of miles away, but in my heart, you are as touching as my relatives. Thank you very much, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Today, Bian Xiuling rewarded 20,000 yuan to support Lao He. Five months after the official god was put on the shelves, after the first alliance leader, she finally had a guardian. Lao He expressed his deep gratitude. In addition, students who are obsessed with officialdom also rewarded 10,000 yuan and became the first hall owner of the official god. Lao He was also inexplicably grateful. In fact, Lao He knows that it is not easy for everyone to make money. His greatest wish is to subscribe to the whole process, which is the greatest support for Lao He. After subscribing, the monthly ticket normally consumed will support the official god. He is the perfect reader in Lao He's mind. In addition to subscriptions and monthly tickets, you also reward Lao He's friends. For Lao He, you are the cutest people in the world!