official god

Chapter 463 Start Layout

Only Zheng Guanqun, but he knew it in his heart that Cui Xiang mentioned his divination. Even if he barely got rid of his heart, the future work would not be easy to carry out. Although he is in the municipal party committee. However, it is also extremely concerned about the every move of the provincial party committee. I also know Cui Xiang's status and weight in the provincial party committee very well. On the surface, Cui Xiang is very strong. Together with three or four members of the Standing Committee, several struggles seem to have won, but in fact, Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng are getting closer and closer, and on the surface, the independent members of the Standing Committee are not united, but in fact, there is one person among several people who can keep them together. This person is Xiaxiang.

Xia wants to have the influence of several members of the Standing Committee to make the same voice at any time. He just needs to create a chance for him!

Zheng Guanqun knows why Cui Xiang transferred him to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Kicking away Fengli was either Ye Shisheng or Fan Ruiheng's idea. Cui Xiang was forced to fight and wanted to replace Fengli as his microphone. After arriving at the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, if you follow Cui Xiang closely, you are bound to become the target of Ye Shisheng or Fan Ruiheng again. Those who are upset by the secretary or the governor will have a good life in the provincial party committee? Thinking of being in a dilemma, Zheng Guanqun even felt that he would rather stay in the municipal government than be a political victim of the provincial party committee.

But Cui Xiang has mentioned his name, and he can't be disobeying the organizational arrangement. Zheng Guanqun has been thinking about a way. Even if he can't do it, he can't die on a tree in Cui Xiang. In fact, since he and Hu Zengzhou have talked about the past, the relationship with Cui Xiang has also faded a little. Of course, the superficial friendship is still maintained.

It is not Zheng Guanqun's change of opinion, but that he also feels that Cui Xiang's political concept is different from Cui Xiang's opposition to the industrial structure adjustment policy.

Zheng Guanqun supports the industrial structure adjustment policy.

Of course, he is still grateful to Cui Xiang from the bottom of his heart. It was Cui Xiang who helped him to the position of Secretary-General of the government. The concave said to see Shan

As soon as Xia wanted to speak, Zheng Guanqun's mind became lively and probably guessed Xia's thoughts.

Everyone knows that Xia wants to have a good relationship with Mei Shengping. Ke, the deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee may not speak in front of Mei Sheng's plane. Xia Chang's words are the most useful in front of Mei Sheng's plane. Zheng Guanqun knew it. Xia Xiang came to test him, because Cui Xiang also said that the key of his appointment was in Mei Shengping's hands. The organization department did not let him go, and Cui Xiang could not use his strength. And Cui Xiang has never had much restriction on Mei Shengping, because Mei Shengping does not cultivate his own power in Yan Province, and if he has no desire, Cui Xiang can't find the opportunity to Kame Shengping's neck.

You can only rely on the deputy secretary to put pressure on Mei Shengping, but whether Mei Shengping is selling the debt or not. Anyway, Cui Xiang has no right to exempt Mei Shengping from his position, and the Organization Department is known as the first in the world. It is indeed extremely powerful. Mei Shengping is also casual, and there is nothing Cui Xiang can do with him.

Thinking of Xia's influence on Mei Nianping, Zheng Guanqun knew that his opportunity had come.

Although I also know that after the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, it is not easy to walk between Cui Xiang and Ye Shisheng, and it is dangerous, people in the officialdom cherish every opportunity for promotion, otherwise they may not be able to wait for a lifetime next time. The tightrope walks well. It can also be a smooth road, and many people can't walk if they want to! In fact, Zheng Guanqun's desire to go further is also very strong.

"Ha ha, I know that Xiaoxia and Mayor Hu have a bad relationship. As early as the time in the charter market, you appreciated it very much when Mayor Hu. Now he is in Yanshi, and he is still close to you, which shows. Mayor Hu and you are both nostalgic people. Zheng Guanqun said with emotion, "Actually, I'm also a nostalgic person. After talking about the past with Mayor Hu, I met him too late. And after a period of contact, I was impressed by Mayor Hu's far-sighted wisdom and far-sighted views. I am now deeply influenced by Mayor Hu, from my previous lack of understanding of industrial restructuring to understanding and strong support.

Zheng Guanqun is a smart man. Xia wanted to listen to Zheng Guanqun's words and really came to a conclusion.

Zheng Guanqun looked at his face and saw that Xia was slightly happy in his eyes. Knowing that Xia was thinking right, he said, "Actually, as early as I followed the old leader Secretary Cao, I was deeply influenced by Secretary Cao. Secretary Cao is now carrying out industrial restructuring in Baowei and has made gratifying achievements. I am envious. And I am sincerely happy for the old leader.

Zheng Guanqun expressed his support for industrial structure adjustment twice, and also brought out Hu Zengzhou and Cao Yongguo. Xia thought naturally knew his mind, and he had an idea in his heart. He smiled: "Industrial structure adjustment is a good thing, benefiting the country and the people, which is also the general trend. If the Secretary-General also works in the provincial party committee, you can see the vitality and enthusiasm of the leading group with your own eyes"

While talking, Xia wanted to stand up and said, "It's getting late, so I won't disturb the Secretary-General's work."

Zheng Guanqun didn't keep him: "I know you still have something to do. I won't keep you. Next time I have a chance. Have a meal with Mayor Hu. When Secretary Cao returns to Yan City, let me know and I will visit the old leader.

When Xia wanted to return to Chen Feng's office, before Chen Feng finished the meeting, he thought that it seemed that the meeting was quite enthusiastic.

Xia wanted to guess that the meeting was not only warm, but also very fierce!

For the secretary and county magistrate of An County. Fu Xianfeng did not have much opposition, but firmly opposed Zhong Yiping's nomination. I won't let go of anything.

There will be a total of four people at the meeting, Chen Feng, Hu Zengzhou, Fu Xianfeng and Fang Jinjiang. Fang Jinjiang nominated Jiang Tian as the secretary of An County and Zhang Jian as the county magistrate. Basically, there was no objection and it was passed unanimously.

Later, Fu Xianfeng proposed that Fang Yuhui be appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and deputy county magistrate, but Chen Feng and Hu Yaochuanduo did not state their position. Fang Jinjiang expressed his support. But then he proposed Zhong Yi Niukou Party Committee and the Secretary of the Party Committee of Danbao Township, but Fu Xianfeng firmly opposed it and did not give in at all.

"Zhong Yiping's qualifications are too shallow, and he has no grass-roots work experience, so he can barely serve as the secretary of the township party committee. But it is not appropriate to serve directly as a member of the Standing Committee. The promotion of cadres should be fair and just, so that cadres with both morality and ability should not be allowed to come up, and cadres who have no relationship and no ability can come up. I think the position of the thug group is Xiaxiang's confidant, and he has a good relationship with Fang Ge. It must be Xiaxiang and Fang Jinjiang's idea to promote him. How can Xiaxiang's people enter the Standing Committee of An County? If Zhong Yiping goes down, it will definitely add chaos. No, absolutely not! Fu Xianfeng was so angry that he had to stop Xiaxiang and prevent his conspiracy from succeeding.

It is a good reason for Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou to want to place their own people in An County. After all, they are the first or two leaders of Yan City. Why does Xia want to? A small department-level cadre and still wants to intervene in the personnel affairs of the deputy department-level cadre. It simply doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth! Fu Xianfeng's anger also came from the fact that Xia wanted to dare to fight against Cheng Xixue. In the newspapers in the capital, he joined hands with the Ministry of Confucianism and carried out a wanton attack on Cheng Xixue. Who doesn't know that Cheng Xixue has a close relationship with the Fu family?

Xiaxiang Jianzhen deliberately quarreled with the Fu family. It's no wonder that Fu Xianfeng can allow him.

The more important reason is that the industrial restructuring that Xia wants to vigorously promote has touched the interests of the Fu family.

Originally, Fu Xianfeng did not pay attention to the leading group. Suddenly, Xiaxiang made a big deal to persuade Kodak to invest in the old dollar, which led to the adjustment of the industrial structure of Yan Province into the upper level, among which there was the background of Fu Jia and Cheng Xixue.

After consultation, the two figures found that once the industrial structure adjustment is successful, it is very likely to touch the interests of the monopoly group they support. Although it seems unlikely at present, if you think about everything in the long run and do great things, you should take three steps. Only then could we ensure that we could do it for a long time, so the two of them hit each other and decided to beat Yan Province.

As a result, Cheng Xixue published an article.

It's just that Fu Xianfeng didn't expect that Xia thought that it was a coincidence that he could cause trouble when he went to the capital to worship the Confucian as a teacher, and he couldn't wait to jump out. How dare you write an article to refute Cheng Xixue! Fu Xianfeng's impression of Xiaxiang plummeted. He believed that he was an ignorant clown and a political speculator who wanted to take the opportunity to win political bonus points.

Fu Xianfeng hasn't taken the initiative to find trouble yet. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to place his people in An County. Is there such a good thing in the world? Fu Xianfeng sneered a few times in his heart and did not hesitate to refuse Zhong Yiping's nomination.

And what makes Fu Xianfeng most angry is. He and Cui Xiang plotted to find Xia Xiang's trouble, but they didn't find the trouble. Instead, Cui Xiang got into trouble and was ignored by Ye Shisheng. Maybe there was also Xia Xiang's shadow. Xiaxiang also organized forces to write articles to continue to carry out propaganda war in the media in Yan Province. How could the county be so annoying? He jumped out everywhere and had to go with Cui Xiang. Do you want to be embarrassed with the Fu family, and you want to embarrass him?

Fu Xianfeng stood in his own position. Naturally, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Xia was abominable. He made up his mind that he could not let Zhong Yiping go down to An County to cause trouble and become Xia's eyeliner and chess pieces.

When Fang Jinjiang heard Fu Xianfeng's discontented voice of opposition, he smiled faintly: "Secretary Fu, if you object, you have to object. You don't have to be indignant. We are discussing personnel issues, not policy guidelines,"

Fu Xianfeng was stunned, and Fang Jinjiang's words were insinuated. It's not easy. In his impression, although Fang Jinjiang also has a high-level attitude commonly seen by cadres of the Organization Department, it is generally acceptable. Among the organizational ministers he knows, he is a good talkative person. If you don't want to say something unpleasant, it's also very harsh to downplay. The concave said to be dumped

Fu Xianfeng frowned slightly: "I'm talking about the matter. I want to ask Minister Fang why he nominated Zhong Yiping. He is just an ordinary section-level cadre. He has no qualifications and no achievements."

Fang Jinjiang indifferently interrupted Fu Xianfeng's words: "Zhong Yiping is a top student of Shanghai Jiaotong University and has a degree. First, when he worked in the transformation group of Chengzhong Village in Yan City, he made outstanding achievements, and later served as the deputy team leader. During his tenure as deputy team leader, he dealt with several emergencies and showed a mature and safe side. Therefore, when the leading group for industrial restructuring in Yan Province was established, it was personally named by Governor Song and transferred to the leading group. Such comrades still have no qualifications and no achievements. Is it possible that you have to start with the village head and become the township head and party secretary step by step to be qualified?

Fu Xianfeng said disapprovingly: "Zhong Yiping has never stayed at the grassroots level and served as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee in one step. Isn't it too much to pull out the seedlings? My opinion is to let him go down to the countryside to serve as a township head for a term, and then serve as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee, so as to lay a solid foundation. Besides, progress in order to show organizational fairness.

"Excellent cadres will be promoted exceptionally." Fang Jinjiang didn't give up. He saw that Chen Feng seemed to be smiling, but Hu Zengzhou had an attitude of being out of the matter. He thought that the two old foxes would not be able to do anything before the point. Anyway, he would fight for the vanguard, and in the future in terms of personnel. There was less conflict with Fu Xianfeng, so he said, "For example, Secretary Fu, who is less than the deputy secretary of the provincial city is the best of the young generation of cadres. The policy of our party is to make cadres younger and more knowledgeable. Comrade Zhong Yiping said, "Two or two points, I think, meet the conditions for promotion." Zhong Yiping has no experience in politics at the grassroots level. He has rashly served as a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. If the foundation is unstable, it is easy to fall. I still don't agree with him as a member of the Standing Committee. What do you think, Secretary Chen and Mayor Hu? Fu Xianfeng was a little angry. Fang Jinjiang used him as an example to hurt his self-esteem. He thought who Zhong Yiping was and that he should be compared with him?

Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou looked at each other and had an idea in their hearts.

Of the four people present, only Fu Xianfeng was the princelings. In fact, officials from the grassroots class naturally have an instinctive resistance to the Prince's Party. After all, the growth of the Prince's Party is too smooth. There are too many conveniences to borrow, so in the view of grassroots officials, most of the princelings are arrogant and superior. There are more arrogant people on an empty stomach, and few real scholars. Basically, the whole officialdom in China is the same. There is a natural antagonism between civilian officials and the Prince's Party.

The princelings can't see the officials of civilian origin. They think that they are noble, come from a good background, and have huge family power to help. Officials of civilian origin also look down on the prince party. They think that they do not have real ability. With a father with ability, they can easily get to the high position that it will take years or even more than ten years for others to reach. They are the privileged class that should have been decorated for a long time and are a stumbling block to social development.

But there is the existence of the princeling party at any time. After grassroots officials climb to the high level, the next generation cultivated will become the new princeling party.

Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou are fine, and their views on the princelings are normal, because they have been in contact with many princelings, among which there are many people who guard themselves. There are few arrogant and ignorant people, which also makes them basically look at Fu Vanguard's attitude from an objective standpoint. Fu Xianfeng's resolute opposition was both unexpected and a little unexpected.

Fu Xianfeng will definitely raise an objection, but he didn't expect that he would object so firmly without any intention of giving in.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment. You understand Xiaxiang. It is also clear that Zhong Yiping was rushed to the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. It's really a little too hasty. But Xia thought that it must be a rare opportunity at the moment, and he must seize it. And what Xia wants to say is also reasonable. Zhong Yiping went down to cooperate with Jiang Tian's work. However, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he must also adhere to a neutral and fair position, and should not be too biased. Moreover, he has taken the position of the secretary of the county party committee of Anxian County. Thinking of Xiaxiang's firm smile, he has an idea and said, "Since everyone can't argue, let's discuss it at

Hu Zengzhou has no impression of Zhong Yiping. But Xia wanted to ask him for help, but he didn't give face. Fu Xianfeng's resolute attitude also came out of his surprise. Seeing that Chen Feng also adopted the strategy of retreat as progress, he was happy to send a smooth favor: "I also agree with Secretary Chen's proposal."

Fu Xianbei didn't say anything and looked at Fang Jinjiang.

Fang Jinjiang was puzzled. Didn't Xia think he said hello to Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou? Hu Zengzhou's attitude is relaxed. If he doesn't express his support, it is understandable. The relationship between Chen Feng and Xia Xiang is really rebellious. How can he listen to his tone? It seems that there is also a meaning of concession? The concave said to be dumped

However, since the secretary and the mayor had said something, Fang Jinjiang nodded and echoed.

Fu Xianfeng also said that it is the same

Chen Feng returned to the office and found Xia sitting leisurely on the sofa drinking tea. He couldn't help laughing and scolding, "You're relaxed. I just had a meeting, but I was under a lot of pressure."

Although Xia Xiang was casual in front of Chen Feng, he also maintained a respectful heart. He hurriedly stood up, handed a cup of tea with both hands, and smiled, "Secretary Chen, thank you for your hard work. Please drink tea."

Chen Feng took the tea and took a sip: "There will be no result when we meet. I didn't insist. You also know that as a leader, you must maintain a fair and neutral image. Zhong Yiping's qualifications are indeed a little shallow. If I have to insist, I have to make some concessions in other aspects. However, Fu Xianfeng did not object to the selection of the secretary and county magistrate. Zeng Zhou and I can't do too obviously in Zhong Yiping's affairs. What Zeng Zhou and I can do is not resolutely support, let alone oppose, but maintain limited support.

"It's enough for Minister Fang to insist on nominating. As long as you and Mayor Hu do not raise any objections. After being submitted to the Standing Committee, at a critical moment. It's up to you and Mayor Hu. Xia thought that he did not intend to let Chen Feng and Hu Zeng Zhou support Zhong Yiping, as long as the two of them did not object, and then when the supporters of the Standing Committee were in the majority, it would be a smooth person.

Chen Feng looked at Xia with great interest and thought: Xiaoxia, what clever way do you have? Let's talk about it. Looking at you, you should already have an idea, right? On the Standing Committee, Zengzhou and I will not first express our support. Fu Xianfeng will definitely firmly oppose it, and Jinjiang will firmly support it. Others saw that Fu Xianfeng was resolute. Tan Long and He Jianghua would be consistent with Fu Xianfeng. Lao Qin would wait and see, and might even oppose it, because Zhong Yiping's nomination was indeed a little abrupt. According to my understanding, Chen Yulong, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Hui Yongyi, the Minister of Propaganda, may also vote against it. Ding Shan and the United Front Minister Bo Houfa will support it. In this way, the situation is not optimistic. There are many opponents and few supporters. In the end, if I make a finale, it can only be put on hold.

Comparison: Comrade Xiaxiang began to prepare to take advantage of the scum. Brothers, looking at the face of Xiaxiang's use of magical means, Lao He continued to cry blood to ask for a monthly ticket, and then chased the soldiers fiercely. The ranking defense war has begun. Brothers, you can't hesitate any more. When it's time to take action, please take action. It's important, it's important!