official god

Chapter 465 Wind and Influence

At the end of the meeting, the ten pioneers found Tan Long and asked directly how to "port"

Tan Long looked helpless and a little hesitant, but in the face of Fu Xianfeng's repeated questioning, he still made the matter: "Secretary Cui said that if you focus on the big and the small, Zhong Yiping's matter will take a step back in exchange for the nomination of Zheng Guanqun through the Organization Department of the Provincial Party

Fu Xianfeng did not pay attention to Cui Xiang's arrangement of Zheng Guanqun as the executive vice minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. He thought that it was enough for the Provincial Party Committee to have Ma Xiao. An executive vice minister, and then the executive, are too different from the level and power of the minister.

It's no wonder that the vanguard is not careful. He landed directly from the capital to Yanshi, but he still lacks the experience of political struggle. His views on many things are superficial. He doesn't know that sometimes even if the symbolic victory is greater than the actual victory, it is also a major victory.

That's why Ye Shisheng insisted on moving away from Fengli. And Cui Xiang insisted on inserting Zheng Guanqun's stalemate again.

The stalemate is still because Mei Shengping did not pass Zheng Guanqun's nomination, nor does it mean that he did not pass at all. He just said that he was still under investigation, and there was a "drag" trick.

Then there was a middleman to inform Cui Xiang. It is said that the key to the incident is the personnel arrangement of Yan City to An County, because Zhong Yiping's nomination was opposed by Fu Xianfeng.

Cui Xiang weighed the pros and cons. He believed that a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee of An County and the Executive Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee could not be compared. Although he also knew that Fu Xianfeng valued the interests of An County, and because of Xia Xiang's relationship, he despised Fu Xian It's good to achieve a balance and compromise, and you still want to win a complete victory? There is almost no possibility.

He did not come forward to persuade the vanguard to make concessions. Because he understood Fu Xianfeng's character, he had put down his hard words at the meeting, and it was difficult for him to let Fu Xianfeng change his words. Fu Xianfeng has always been an official under the eyes of the family forces in the capital. He has always been used to being tough, and he thinks too high. There is a sense of arrogance of the princely Party and contempt for the officials of Yan City in his bones. Persuasion is that he can't be persuaded. It's better to let Tan Long and He Jianghua fight back in the Standing Committee. It not only achieves Fighting is not a battle of will. It's a struggle for interests, and it's not easy to miss a good opportunity because of anger.

So there was a scene at the Standing Committee.

If Cui Xiang knew, he tried his best to transfer Zheng Guanqun to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. On the surface, he wanted to win back a game and put his people in the Propaganda Department. In fact, Xia Xiang came from behind his back and secretly pulled Zheng Guanqun over. He made wedding clothes for others, and let Seize the opportunity. Zhong Yiping was placed in the Standing Committee of An County. Cui Xiang figured out the context of the matter. Maybe I will vomit blood in anger!

Fortunately, he didn't know the truth and was immersed in joy.

Just after Cui Xiang and Fu Xianfeng talked on the phone and comforted Fu Xianfeng again, he received a notice when he put down the phone, saying that the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee had passed Zheng Guanqun's announcement

The Standing Committee of the County Party Committee changed to the Executive Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and made a profit. Cui Xiang was still slightly happy. Although he was moved away by Ye Shisheng and made him lose his face, then he put his own man on the top, which was also the most tied.

It's just that the profit has been sacrificed.

After Fengli learned that he had become a victim. When he found Cui Xiang, he cried with a runny nose and tears, hoping that Cui Xiang could pull him. Cui Xiang also felt a little sorry for him at the beginning, but after seeing his cowardly appearance, he felt more disgusted. After all, I thought that Fengli had also worked for him, so I comforted him a few words, saying that the old cadre bureau is also a good place to make friends with old cadres. Maybe it will be very rewarding. After working hard for a few years, maybe it can rise again.

Fengli naturally doesn't believe Cui Xiangyan's insincere words. He knew that as soon as he left the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, he would be immediately forgotten by Cui Xiang. But when he saw Cui Xiang casually sending him away, he was discouraged. Knowing that there was nothing he could do, he first hated Cui Xiang for crossing the river to tear down the bridge, and he also hated Xia for trying to make trouble.

Fengli firmly believes that he was moved away by Ye Shisheng because of Xiaxiang. Because last time he went to scold Xia Xiang, he was speechless by Xia Xiang's rebuttal. After going back, he said a lot of bad words about Xia Xiang, how to disrespect the leader, how to speak ill of each other, how to have a bad attitude, and so on. After sparing no effort to spread the benefits, Xiaxiang became a leaderless and tricky image in the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and his dialogue with Xiaxiang was said to be an attack and abuse of Xiaxiang.

is also because of the publicity and exaggeration of wealth. Only then did Xia want to have a bad image.

Fengli also knew that Xia Xiang had been very close to Ye Shisheng recently. It must be Xia Xiang who said a lot of bad things about him in front of Ye Shisheng. Then he was taken down by Secretary Ye.

But it was also because of the credit of Fengli. After Xiaxiang's notoriety was established, it suddenly appeared that Fengli was transferred to the old cadre bureau, so everyone in the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee heard that Xiaxiang's name changed. Xiaxiang was too cruel. Fengli just said a few bad words about him Ministry and bureau? If it's too bad, you have to report it, right?

But on second thought, it's too scary to kick off an executive deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee! However, everyone would rather believe what happened in the officialdom or not. As a result, it spread around and sighed; Xia wanted to do something bad behind his back. Because of the quarrel, Feng Tanfan was moved away ※

Fortunately, the rumor is only circulating within the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, otherwise it will spread throughout the Provincial Party Committee. Xiaxiang really wants to cry without tears. He doesn't know what to say.

Because of Fengli's transfer and Zheng Guanqun's transfer, he made a fuss behind his back, successfully paving the way for Zhong Yiping, and let Cui Xiang suffer a dumb loss. He secretly won back a game. It can be said that this battle is very beautiful.

It's just that the beauty doesn't fall on the surface, but it's a secret benefit, and it's a pity to walk at night. Fortunately, Xia thought that he was a good co-exam who liked to have nothing to do, so he hid his pride in the bottom of his heart.

Two days later, the provincial standing committee held a standing committee to discuss personnel issues. Comrade Fengli was officially transferred to the director of the Old Cadre Bureau of the Provincial Party Committee, and Zheng Guanqun, Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, took over as the Executive Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. It is said that the Standing Committee basically had no objection, but Ma Xiao complained about Fengli's transfer to the old cadre bureau, and also implicitly expressed his opposition, but he couldn't do it alone, so he had to give up.

As the weather enters midsummer, the debate on industrial restructuring in the media in Beijing and Yan provinces has also entered the first wave**. The abundance of the capital. A group of academic figures led by the Ministry of Confucianism began to list examples, starting with the successful restructuring of Lingnan Province, and finally to the current stage of Yan Province


However, the opposition led by Cheng Xixue listed examples of the failure of Lingnan Province, and the heavy loss of state-owned assets in the process of restructuring. It is even said that the proportion of the state-owned economy in Lingnan Province is getting lower and lower. However, the private economy has risen sharply, raising the major proposition of whether the surname is the community or the capital,

After seeing the article, Hyde was furious. He instructed the Propaganda Department of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee to organize forces to attack Cheng Xixue. As Lingnan Province joined the debate, several southern provinces heard the news and also joined the ranks of the debate. Without exception, the southern coastal provinces are all supporters of industrial restructuring.

Because of the intervention of Lingnan Province, supporters gradually gained the upper hand in the debate in the capital.

However, Yan Province is still in a stalemate.

Ye Shisheng couldn't sit still. He couldn't wait for the leading group to make achievements again, and he wanted the debate in Yan Province to achieve a phased victory. Just urge Xia to come up with a plan as soon as possible.

Xiaxiang has already taken measures to deal with it.

In the office of the leading group, Xia wanted to take a look at Wang Linjie, who was buried in his work, and ordered, "Lin Jie, you and Fangge went to Dancheng for a trip to investigate the current situation of the Taiwan winery on the spot, and give me a detailed report when you come back."

Wang Linjie answered and turned to find the square to arrange specific matters.

Wang Linjie is Wang Pengfei's nephew and has been working in the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. As soon as Wang Pengfei left, his life in the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee would be better than to work hard. Xia missed that he had a good relationship with Wang Pengfei in the past, after Zhong Yiping took office in An County. He transferred Wang Linjie to the leading group.

Therefore, Wang Linjie is very grateful to Xia.

Of course, Zhong Yiping is even more grateful to Xia. Although he was indeed a little reluctant to leave Xia, Xia wanted to exaggerate the opportunity he won for him, which was a once-in-a-lifetime. Otherwise, as an ordinary organ cadre, it is impossible for him to go to the grass-roots level. What's more, he is a member of the Standing Committee, and he has stepped from the section level to the deputy level, which is simply a good choice for the world.

Since then, Zhong Yiyang has regarded Xia as a lifelong teacher!

After arranging Wang Linjie's work, Xia wanted to say to Gu Yu again, "Gu Yu, go on a business trip to Baoshi with me tomorrow

Gu Yu agreed and said, "Mei Xiaolin has returned to the capital. Did you see her off when she left? I'd like her to give her a gift, but it's a pity. She left without saying a word.

Gu Yu accidentally mentioned Mei Xiaolin, which made Xia want to sigh with emotion. No one was notified when Mei Xiaolin left. Unexpectedly, he returned to Beijing quietly, which made him very depressed. But when she thought about it, maybe she deliberately hid herself. I don't think too much. She doesn't want to see herself. Isn't it just that she made a mistake at that time? I'm fine. After all, a woman is a woman, and maybe she still has a grudge in her heart.

Xia still didn't think much about Mei Xiaolin.

The next morning, Xia wanted to go to Baoshi with Gu Yu.

The car arrived in Baoshi in more than an hour. When he got off the highway, he found that Qiu Xufeng had arranged someone to meet him at the exit. The concave said to be dumped

Qiu Xufeng is really enthusiastic. In the intimacy of Xiaxiang, there is not only a friend-like enthusiasm, but also the attention to the leading group. After the polite service, Qiu Xufeng personally accompanied Xiaxiang and Gu Yu to the production base of solar photovoltaic products in the high-tech zone.

Baoshi High-tech Zone is located in the northwest of Baoshi. When the network was established, it was still very desolate, after several years of development. Now it is connected with the city. From afar, many new office buildings and factories are shining in the sun, but there is also a thriving scene.

Especially the scattered solar photovoltaic product base, through the railing, you can see the neat and staggered light energy products lined up under the sun, just like a large area of sunshine. They are all facing the sun and shining black and bright. Convert solar energy into light energy. According to the introduction. The electricity generated by more than a dozen solar power generation devices in front of us in a day is enough for a family to use for a year. It's just that because the cost is too expensive, it is almost impossible to enter an ordinary family at this stage.

In fact, the use of solar energy is promising.

The solar energy absorbed by the desert on the earth in 6 hours. More than a year's consumption of human beings, so to say, if Dayang energy can be popularized in the year, it will consume all the energy consumption. Solar energy is the cleanest and most inexhaustible energy, but. Due to the high manufacturing cost of solar photovoltaic products, the popularization of solar energy has been difficult for several years

In view of the service life of the battery board and system. Households using solar energy cost nearly 2 yuan per metric electricity. It is two to three times higher than the price of residential electricity, and it is not economical to generate electricity by ourselves. Generally, the power generation system of the blade and tile can meet the needs of household electricity at the maximum root. For such a system, the current quotation is about 10,000 yuan, so few people buy it. At present, domestic individual consumers are limited to villa users with strong environmental awareness.

After visiting several solar photovoltaic product enterprises, Xiaxiang and his entourage came to a small conclusion that at present, almost all of the solar energy products in Baoshi are exported to Europe and the United States, especially in Germany. Because Germany has government subsidies for solar power generation, and there is also a model for households to sell electricity on the grid. In all households that use solar power generation, the daytime electric table is sold to power companies at a high price. Buy low-priced ordinary electricity at night.

In terms of promoting solar energy and environmental protection, Germany has reached the forefront of the world.

With the current domestic economic level and environmental awareness, the German way cannot be achieved.

However, Xiaxiang provided another idea.

Looking at more than a dozen small and medium-sized solar energy enterprises in Baoshu, they are basically one hundred and ten hundred employees, with an output value of one or twenty million yuan. They export more than one million dollars of products every year. It is said that exporting to generate foreign exchange is good on the surface. In fact, the profit is extremely low, and Factory. There is neither independent intellectual property rights nor innovative technology. To put it bluntly, it is completely a processing base for production.

High-tech enterprises without intellectual property rights are actually just high-end processing workshops. He put on a high-tech coat and claimed that it sounded better.

Xiaxiang's thoughts are also sorted out based on the experience and some sporadic ideas of later generations. Of course, it is impossible for him to guide Tai Nengyang manufacturers to produce solar aircraft to produce high-end solar products, and he does not understand the technical links. Xiaxiang's biggest advantage is that in later generations, through the joint efforts of the government and the people, the forms of solar energy products began to diversify and began to enter many industries, and more and more applications were used in urban municipal facilities, buildings, park lighting and other fields.

Sitting in Qiu Xufeng's spacious, bright and luxurious office, Xia thought couldn't help sighing: "Your office is more luxurious than the office of Governor Song. It's too corrupt."

Qiu Xufeng stretched out his hands and said to himself, "I'm willing to do such a superficial article? You can't do it without doing it. I am responsible for attracting investment, Secretary Cao said. My office is going to be decorated into the best office of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. As a result, all the leaders came and said a few strange words, which made me have to explain it every time. It's really boring

Before coming to Qiu Xufeng's office; Xiaxiang had already met with Cao Yongguo and only said a few words. Cao Yongguo still had something to do, and there was no need to be polite with Xiaxiang. Just let Qiu Xufeng be responsible for entertaining Xiaxiang. However, when the leaders of the Baofu Arts Committee and the municipal government heard that Xia wanted to visit, they all asked to meet Xia, and they all wanted to meet the great meritorious officials of Baoshi. Qiu Xufeng was afraid of affecting Xia's work, so he declined one by one.

But I couldn't stand the large number of people and excessive enthusiasm, so I had to verbally promise to hold a reception dinner in the evening. Please be sure to attend if you want to attend. There are a lot of talents

"At the way, how is Gu Yu's performance in the leading group?" Qiu Xufeng asked.

After accompanying Xia to inspect the whole solar energy industry, Gu Yu excused himself to leave with something to do and said that he would come back in the evening. Xia wants to know that she went to Wanli Automobile Factory to check the investment situation. As an investor, she naturally pays attention to the development of Wanli Automobile Factory, which is understandable.

"It's okay, low-key and pragmatic." Xia wanted to ask with a smile, "You haven't told me the way Gu Yu and Lao Gu?" The concave said to be dumped

"Lao Gu is highly respected in the army, but he is a confidential service. Some information can't be found. Don't ask too much. It's not good." Qiu Xufeng obviously knows more about Lao Gu and Gu Yuxiao than Xia, but it is also limited. "Gu Yu's parents were both killed in an accident, and it is also unfortunate that Lao Gu lost his son in his later years. Gu Yu's mother is a Chinese-German and is of mixed race, so Gu Yu is small, isn't it exotic?

Xiaxiang was sighing about the misfortune of Gu Yu, but he heard Qiu Xufeng suddenly talk about the amorous feelings of Gu Yu. I can't help laughing and scolding, "I found that after you get married, you like to attract men and women in everything. Isn't it a little too sexual?"

Qiu Xufeng was awakened by Xia, stunned for a moment, and thought about it. He said, "It's really interesting. It seems that it's really related to marriage

It is rare for Qiu Xufeng to admit it honestly. Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Ocline, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about business. You have also read the feasibility report I wrote about the integration of solar energy resources in Bao City. Point out some opinions

"There are a lot of opinions, but the most important thing is the capital.

. Qiu Xufeng smiled and said almost scoundrelically, "As long as you can find a foreign thongrel, Baoshi wants policies, land with land, and people,"

mouth: continue to beg for monthly tickets sadly and indignantly"