official god

Chapter 470 Why is he so smart

"Yes. Xia wants to slip through the temple, and he doesn't leave a handle in doing things. There is no problem of incubation. Is he really as clean as water and doesn't like women? Or is he doing things hidden so that we can't catch any loopholes? Ma Xiao said thoughtfully. Xia wants to be young, and it's impossible not to like women. It's impossible not to like money. If you can make a breakthrough in these two aspects, you don't have to worry about defeating him. As soon as Xia thought arrived, there was no core figure in the leading group. Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng also lost the bond of maintenance. As long as there was no common interest thunder between Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng, we would have an opportunity to take advantage of"

Cui Xiang nodded: "Xia Xiang is really a key link. It is not only the core figure of the leading group, but also the basis for contacting Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng's cooperation at this stage. Not to mention, think about it carefully. Xiaxiang is really an indispensable fulcrum. As soon as Xia wants to fall, the situation in Yan Province will return to the previous state of scattered sand, and our opportunity will come. It's just that Xia wants to be young. He acted steadily, even if his wife Cao Shuhui started a design company, he also handled it very secretly, so that people could not pick out any problems. Economic aspects. It seems that he really can't catch his loopholes. That is, the car he drives is the car of Vision Group, which is worth millions of yuan.

Ma Xiao shook his head slightly: "The relationship between Vision Group and Xiaxiang is indeed too close, but Xiaxiang does have design skills. Even if the plan he designed for Vision Group is publicly quoted, it is nothing for Vision Group to pay a lot of design fees for him. I have studied the design that Xia wants to participate in. The price he wants is not high, and it can even be said that it is lower than the market price. I really want to start from this aspect. In the end, it made a big deal, but it became a publicity for him.

Cui Xiang said helplessly, "He and Lian Ruohan. He was very close to Yan Xiaoxiao and Mei Xiaolin. Among the three women, Lian Ruohan is investigating in the United States. Because of the relationship between Yan Xiao and Fan Ruiheng, it is not easy to investigate, which is easy to cause Fan Ruiheng's rebound. Mei Xiaolin is the Mei family. It's hard to say whether her words are effective or not. If you get angry, Mei Shengping will be in trouble. Mei Shengping doesn't sell anyone's face, but he just wants to look at Xia differently. Xia thinks that this person is really scheming. Not only can't people find problems financially, but in terms of life style, it seems that there are several women around who may have an ambiguous relationship, but they are all so good that people dare not investigate easily. Why is he so smart? The concave said to be dumped

While talking, Cui showed a sense of frustration on his face.

"There is a girl in the office of the leading group. Recently, Xia wants to walk closer. Xia wants to go on a business trip and always takes her with her. Her name is Gu Yu. Ma Xiao suddenly remembered something and said, "I heard that Gu Yuxiao and Xiaxiang have known each other for a long time, and Gu Yu and people are beautiful and young. Can Xia think about it? How about checking if there is any problem between them?

Zheng Guanqun, sitting aside, heard that the two were talking about how to frame Xia and how to find ways to kill Xia, and couldn't help but despise the two. Originally, I thought that the senior deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the minister of propaganda were so respected, but now I can see that I have actually lost my position and aura, which is no different from ordinary people, and even three points worse than ordinary people.

The two bigwigs are calculating the little one. Don't say that no one believes it. Even if he sees it with his own eyes, he can hardly believe his eyes and ears. Xiaxiang is just a department-level cadre. Is it worth the conspiracy of a deputy secretary and a propaganda minister? It's too high for Xia to think!

It's just that the truth is the truth. In addition to sighing, Zheng Guanqun also set up a criterion for himself. Don't take the money you shouldn't take, and don't mess with women. Otherwise, in the officialdom, I'm not afraid that you have no problem, but that you have no political enemies. Once you have a political enemy, there is only one way to die.

Flies don't keep an eye on seamless eggs, unsealed eggs. When you meet a political enemy who wants to kill you quickly, the other party still wants to knock out a crack. What's more, if you are an egg with a seam, you will definitely be hit by the egg white and egg yolk, and there is no place to be buried!

Look, in order to rectify Xiaxiang, even the little girl Gu Yu suffered. How unfortunate it is.

But what Zheng Guanqun is not clear is that if the two really want to use Gu Yu to frame Xiaxiang. What is unfortunate is not Gu Yu, but Ma Xiao and Cui Xiang.

Fortunately, Cui Xiang was calm enough. He shook his head and said, "No, Gu Yu can work in the leading group. It's also a big deal. I was still strange at that time. After checking, I couldn't find the details of the ancient jade. I can't find out the details of the people, which proves that her origin is so confidential that she can't even reach my level.

Ma Xiao was shocked: "What kind of people are they? Why are they all people who can't afford to provoke? Xiaxiang is simply a demon. He said reluctantly. His eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Isn't Xia thinking that there is no economic problem and no style problem? OK, let's find a way to create a major economic and style problem for him..."

Xixiang was shocked: "What's the matter?"

Ma Xiao took a look at Zheng Guanqun and didn't say anything more.

Zheng Guanqun stood up in a hurry and said respectfully, "Secretary Cui, Minister Ma, if there is nothing to do, I'll go to work first?"

Ma Xiao didn't say anything, just nodded.

Zheng Guanqun walked out of Ma Xiao's office, and his disgust became stronger and stronger. What is it? It's really humiliating to come up with a way to frame Xia. Unfortunately, he didn't hear the specific method later, but no matter what, it was still necessary to remind Xia. It's better for him not to be careless.

Zheng Guanqun felt ashamed of Cui Xiang's trust in him when he secretly wanted to associate with Xia. He felt much more relaxed. The image of Cui Xiang and Ma Xiao in his mind has plummeted. Now he is very lucky to get close to Xia, and even regards Xia Xiang as his life goal. What is a successful person, Xiaxiang is. He can calmly maneuver between the secretary and the governor, becoming the bond of balance between the secretary and the governor. He can make the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee not find his shortcomings, and he wants to rectify him, but he has nowhere to do it. Whether Xiaxiang really has no problem or hides it deeply, it is a rare success.

Zheng Guanqun walked to a deserted place and immediately dialed Xiaxiang's phone.

At this time, Xia thought had woken up from the joy of winning the counterattack and began the next step. He made an appointment with Zia Nan to meet at the Yanjing Hotel. Find funds for the next restructuring of the Taiwan winery in a single city. Qiannan is the most suitable investor in Xia's sight.

Meeting at Yanjing Hotel, it is much easier to arrange dinner. It happened to be noon when Xia wanted to arrive, and Qi Yanan had already arranged everything. Xiaxiang was welcomed into the luxury private room as soon as he entered the door.

Not only Qi Yanan is here, but Qi Donglai is also here. The concave said to be dumped

As soon as Xia wanted to see Qi Dong coming, he hurried forward and said a few words politely.

Although Qi Donglai has something to do with the province, he dares not be too big in front of Xiaxiang and speaks very politely. Qi Yanan was even more careful, respecting and afraid of Xia. What I respect is that Xiaxiang has never coveted any benefits of the Qi family since dealing with the Qi Group. What I'm afraid of is that the last time Xia wanted to introduce him and Fan Zheng, his skills were wonderful. He was afraid to think about it afterwards. Only then did he know the smartness of Xia's thoughts, and he had a calculation in his heart. In the future, he had to keep an eye on it at all times when he wanted to deal with Xia.

I'm not worried that Xia will hurt him, but I'm afraid that I will miss some major opportunities if I'm not careful.

Xia wanted to take the initiative to meet him this time, and there must be something big, so Qi Yanan accompanied him to be careful. When Qi Donglai heard that Xia wanted to come over, he felt that it was not appropriate for him to meet as the boss of the Qi Group, so he came to accompany him in person.

There is also a decisive factor that makes Qi Donglai want to see Xia. He wants to see with his own eyes whether Xia has changed from before. Xiaxiang, whom he knew before, was only famous and influential in a small range. Now it's all right; as soon as the Yan Provincial Daily was released, the name of Xiaxiang spread all over Yan Province overnight, which made many experts and scholars who supported the adjustment of the industrial structure, and made many experts and scholars who opposed the adjustment of the industrial structure hate it.

Even Qi Donglai shouted loudly for Xiaxiang's article. He specially bought thousands of Yansheng Daily on the same day and placed them in the lobby of all hotels of Qi's Group, so as to contribute to the adjustment of the industrial structure.

Qi Donglai saw that Xiaxiang was still as slow as before. He talked and laughed with Qi Yanan, and couldn't see any change. He was determined to let Qiyanan follow Xiaxiang closely. Xiaxiang is a person who does great things without being arrogant or discouraged. Qi will be handed over to Qi Yanan sooner or later. Although Qi Yanan Jingxia wanted to introduce the governor's son Fan Zheng, in contrast, Qi Donglai thought that Xia would be more promising and influential than Fan Zheng.

After the last Maosheng pickled vegetable incident, Qi Donglai also agreed with Qi Yanan's statement that millions of yuan was wasted, and he made friends with the governor and sold Xiaxiang at the same time. It kills two birds with one stone, and millions are worth it. Xia wanted to help Qi's Group many times, and never reached out once. Even if he gave him millions directly, he should have given him millions.

It's just something that Qi Dong never thought of. Soon after, news came from Maosheng Pickle Factory that after Maosheng's restructuring, the sales volume was amazing. In just two at the same time, the sales volume had more than tripled. The millions invested now have more than one million in dividends alone. If it goes on like this, all the investment can be recovered in less than a year. Only then did Qi Dong understand. Xia Xiang did not reach out to ask Qi for money, but sent money to Qi, not only to send money. He also sent favors, so that the Qi family took the opportunity to catch the line of Governor Fan.

Qi Donglai, who saw the faces of countless greedy officials, was moved for the first time. He was not greedy for Xia's ingenious strategy. Although he also knew that Xia must have his purpose to help Qi, not selfless.

But at least Xia thought did not show any idea of profiting for himself, so he made Qi Dong come to admire Xia's character. In fact, the character is almost extinct among the officials. But in a young department-level cadre, Qi Donglai saw a long-lost light.

Therefore, Qi Dong said everything he wanted to see Xia today, and expressed his gratitude and respect to him.

Xia thought didn't understand Qi Dong's thoughts. He didn't have much purpose to help the Qi Group. He just thought that Qi Yanan could make friends, and it would be a good thing to have many friends in the future. In the opinion of the Association, if he can help, he will try his best to help. As for the benefits of the Qi family, he really has no idea. Not to mention Qi, Xia Xiang never thought of getting any benefits from helping any group or company.

It is Xia who is not short of money and is not greedy for other people's money and gifts. Second, he always feels that as a government official, he should make full use of the resources in his hand, contribute his own strength to the happiness of the people and the development of the enterprise, which is within the scope of his work, and should be so. Besides, helping others is equivalent to helping yourself. Qi's investment in Baoshi. It not only increases the political achievements of Cao Yongguo, but also allows Fan Zheng to make money, so that Fan Ruiheng can rest assured, and Qi also has more

Yuanhua's idea, at the same time, for the large-scale development of Maosheng pickle factory to lay down the good things that Yao has won in one fell swoop. Why not?

For Qi Dong's politeness, Xia thought didn't think too much about it. Qi Dong has been in the business world for more than ten years. He is not young. Xia wants to be regarded as an elder. It was not until Qi Donglai hinted to Qi Yanan that he wanted to thank him well that he realized that Qi Donglai wanted to give him a gift.

Qi Donglai said very enthusiastically, "It is because of the help of Director Xia that Qi's development has become more and more diversified. The bathing center, lush pickles, etc. have made Qi's progress more stable. As beneficiaries, it seems that we are too bad at human beings without saying anything to Director Xia.

Qi Donglai gave a suggestive look. Qi Yanan reached out and took out a card, gently pushed it in front of Xiaxiang, and said with a smile, "A little meaning, no respect."

Xia wanted to hold the card in his hand with a smile. It was a savings card of CCB. He asked with interest, "How much is it?"

When Qi Yanan saw that Xia wanted to care about the amount, he thought he was going to accept it. With joy in his heart, he stretched out a finger and said, "It's a number! The password is the last 6 digits of your mobile phone, "

What's the number, old ten thousand or a hitman? Xia wants to be too lazy to guess. I didn't ask, but put down the card gently. Instead of collecting or returning, he rushed to Qi Dong and said, "Uncle Qi, do you have any good dishes? I'm really a little hungry. In addition, I'll have a bottle of wine to drink."

Qi Donglai also thought that Xia thought he had accepted it, and said happily, "No problem. I will go to Yanjing's best specialties immediately, and there is a lot of wine. What do you want to drink?"

"Come and have a bottle of hometown wine to taste. Do you have any Taiwanese wine?" Xia wanted to ask with a smile.

"Zhatai wine?" Qi Donglai said, "The grade is a little low. It should not be available in the hotel. We have to let people go out to buy it."

Yanjing Hotel is now a four-star hotel. It has reduced Taiwan wine from one or two hundred yuan a bottle in the past, but now it has generally been reduced to a few yuan or even a dozen yuan a bottle, which is really not popular for Yanjing.

Xia wanted to nod: "Then let someone buy a bottle."

Qi Donglai also had an impression of Zongtai wine, so he asked curiously, "Does Bu Xia like to drink Zongtai wine? In fact, the wine is not bad, and the brewing process is excellent. The wine has a pure taste and a sweet aftertaste. It is a relatively good kind of low-grade liquor, but it is not famous. In the past, it was okay. When the wine was famous, it sold well all over the country. Now it is basically a local enterprise. In addition to being a little famous in a single city and some sales in some areas near a single city, basically, people who drink now have forgotten to drink Taiwanese wine.

Wine, like tobacco, depends on fame. When inviting guests to dinner, they are generally willing to give the best wine to the guests, even if they are not the best. It should also be famous. Without fame, no one can remember the brand, naturally there is no market. There is no market, and the hotel will not buy goods. Occasionally, someone asked, but they didn't push it away. Over time, a vicious circle will be formed, and the market will become smaller and smaller.

When Qin Chi was famous, many people had to taste it with a curious attitude. There is a tradition of meal supremacy in China. There may be many meals every day, just a curious taste. It is enough to make Qin Chi's sales in the country reach an amazing number. The concave said to be dumped

In fact, when Chinese people drink, they follow the trend and compare their fame. How many people really know wine? Especially for liquor, few people can drink the difference between the two kinds of alcohol blending and the real brewing. At least it is a traditional old factory with technology. There is craftsmanship and heritage. After revitalizing the strong wind, Xia wants to have reason to believe that it can be heard all over the country.

Buy Taiwanese wine in a short time, simple packaging. The featureless glass wine bottle, even a low-end wine of ten yuan a bottle, is better than its packaging. Xia wants to open the cap and give everyone a bite. He said, "Come on, Uncle Qi, Yanan, taste the wine and feel what it tastes like." While talking, he called a service around him. He whispered a few words. The waiter dared not agree. He looked at Qi Dong with an expression of asking for instructions.

Pao Donglai waved his hand: "What Director Xia said is what he said. In the future, when I'm not here, he will come to the hotel. What should I do?

The waiter answered. Go out in a hurry.

Qi Donglai has also drunk Zhangtai wine before, but it has been nearly ten years. Today, he tasted a mouthful of Zhangtai wine again and sighed slightly: "Jiangtai wine is really not bad, and the taste is very pure. He still uses the traditional brewing process, but unfortunately his brand and technology have been reduced to a local enterprise. It's not even a third-tier brand. I guess it's just barely maintained now.

Xia wanted to nod to agree with Qi Donglai's opinion. He asked Zianan again, "How does Yanan feel?"

Ziaan took a sip of wine, frowned, shook his head and said, "It's really not as good as the big-name wine. I always feel a little short, but I can't say it."

Xia wanted to laugh and didn't say anything. It happened that the waiter came in and sent a few bottles, including Maotai, Wuliangye, Jiannanchun and Qin Chi. Xia wanted the waiter to pour a cup each and let the Qi father and son taste it in turn.

Bibi: Brothers, can the support of the monthly ticket be more fierce? Lao He's wish is. I want to see it today! Four votes, now it's very close to the hitter's song ticket, but I don't know why it feels so difficult? The third update will be sent later!