official god

Chapter 551 The road is uneven

What Yiyou wants to appreciate most is a socially responsible enterprise, and what he hates most is the cave industry and the shameless local government. A Hong Kong businessman once donated a bridge to a local government in Lingnan Province. The local government used the free bridge to collect tolls from the citizens, and did not mention the donation of Hong Kong businessmen. It was enough time to collect the last war of resistance. It is unknown how much money was charged during the past eight years, and no one knows where the huge amount of money was used. In the face of questions from CPPCC members, the local government also said that the toll-by fees collected were used to repay the loan without spending a penny. How can the bridge repay the loan?

In the end, the discredited Hong Kong businessman came forward to clarify the facts, saying that he had donated all the money to repair the bridge. And I haven't taken a penny from the bridge crossing fee. Not now, nor in the future!

The local government was slapped in the face, so they had no choice but to stop the shameless toll collection. Xia wants to think deeply from this incident. Road and bridge construction is part of the public service. Don't forget that the highway is surnamed Gong. The loan for the construction of highway and bridge should not be repaid by the road and Enterprises with conscience and responsibility bear part of it.

For example, although domestic highways are developed. But it is also the country with the largest number of toll roads in the world. It is also the country where the director of the Department of Transport has been oused the most, but the most fees and the service is the worst. At the same time, in the country with the most traffic accidents, it can be seen how many people have a vegetarian meal and do not do practical things.

The government collects a large amount of taxes every year, which should be taken from the people, and cannot be spent on squandering and eating and drinking. Xia also knew that he could not stop the unhealthy trend at the root, but at least under his men, he was not allowed to eat and drink. For a moment, he thought a lot. Xia wanted to see that it was not too early, and he was also worried that the old conductor could not stand it, so he was ready to go back and go to the office of Yuanjing Group to have a look.

Suddenly, in the drizzle in the distance. A middle-aged man holding a child stumbled around. He had a beard and a haggard face. With a frightened face, when he saw Xia wanted to wait for someone from afar, he was stunned. Suddenly, he turned around and jumped into the river without saying a word!

Xia thought that he was about to go back with Mr. Gao. Xiao saw this scene and was shocked. In a hurry, he didn't care about his identity as the district chief, and he was about to jump into the river to save people. Chen Tianyu was quick-eyed and grabbed Xia and thought, "Mr. Xia, you can't go into the water. It's too dangerous. I'll do it!"

Chen Tianyu was so strong that he wanted to pull Xia back. He was about to run forward when he heard a person next to him say, "Don't panic, Director Xia and Director Chen. I'm a good swimmer. I'm here to save people.

Before he finished speaking, he only heard a "plop", and Huang Weigang jumped into the river without even taking off his clothes.

A middle-aged man is still holding a three-year-old child. It sank under the fluttering in the water. Xia wanted to see the situation and was anxious. He knew that Huang Weigang could not save two people alone, and he was going down the river again. At this time, Zhang Liang, the driver who had been following him, arrived in time and shouted, "Don't worry, Director Xia. I will definitely save someone."

Zhang Liang also jumped into the river and plunged into the water. Soon, he saved the adults and children one after another with Huang Weigang.

The adults are fine. The child has been choked into a coma. Zhang Liang skillfully helped the child squeeze his chest. Soon, the child also vomited a mouthful of water, woke up, hugged the adult and cried loudly.

Xia thought that he did not have a deep impression of Zhang Liang. After this incident, his impression of Zhang Liang was greatly improved. He nodded to him and said, "The water quality is good. He performed very well.

He praised Huang Weigang and said, "Weigang is very brave and worthy of praise."

Both Huang Weigang and Zhang Liang said with embarrassment, "The leader has flattered a small matter." In fact, they were very moved, because Xiaxiang's action just now was to save people sincerely. There was no show at all. If it hadn't been for Chen Tianyu's quick hands, the first person to go down the river would have been Xiaxiang.

The district chief of Xia District does not forget to sacrifice himself to save others at the critical moment. As subordinates, they have to perform better.

Chen Tianyu was scared and broke out in a cold sweat. In case Xia wanted to go down the river to save people just now, and there was something wrong, he would cry without tears. However, he is also a little puzzled. Usually, the mayor of Xia is very calm. Today, as soon as he sees someone falling into the water, he is completely as impulsive and rich as a normal young man. The mayor of Xia is really a complex and elusive person. As the mayor of the district, he also has the side of saving people regardless of .

Xia wants to wait for the middle-aged man to stabilize his mood. He scolded and said, "What's the difficulty that you have to make a short story?" You are a man with arms and legs. Can't you feed yourself? Besides, if the child is fine, why do you let him die with you?

The middle-aged man looked at Xia, looked at the people around him, and asked timidly, "Who are you?"

"Don't care who we are, why do you want to jump into the river?" Xia wants to continue to ask. He also knew that no one was willing to give up his life. Moreover, it seemed that men and children must be a father and son. If there was no way to go, who would be willing to die with their young children?

Xia wants to know that there must be hidden unknowns

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, looked around, saw the tall old man behind him, and his eyes showed trust. Seeing this, Mr. Gao took a step forward, half squatted down, put on an equal posture, and asked, "What's your name?" Don't worry, we are not bad people. What's going on? Tell me, maybe we can help you solve it.

"My name is Liu Guangguo, and I'm from Shimoma Village. Because of the land requisition, he had a conflict with Hong'an Company and deleted it." Before Liu Guangguo finished speaking, he heard shouting in the distance

"I just heard the sound of diving. Didn't Liu Guangguo jump into the river?"

"Jump, jump, die, pull down, nail household, die one less!"

"Isn't it good to kill people?"

"It's none of our business. They want to jump into the river themselves, and we didn't force him or push him. Isn't it?"

"Yes, this fool, it's easy to jump into the river. Damn, a trouble-man, if he wants money but no money, if he wants no one, how dares to make trouble? If you die, you will take advantage of him. If you don't die, grab him back and beat him first. Then show it to the public

Xiaxiang's face sank.

While talking, a Santana Lili came from a distance. The four windows were all open, and several heads were poked out. One of them, a man with a pimple on his face, shouted, "Hey, have you seen it? Does the man go there with the child in his arms?

Then he found Liu Guangguo, who was surrounded by Xiaxiang, and said happily, "Liu Guangguo is not dead! Come on, arrest him and just take him back to let those shameless unruly people have a look. This is the end of the nail household!"

Among the district government personnel who accompanied Xia wanted to inspect, only Chen Tianyu, Jin Hongxin and Weigang, plus a driver Zhang Liang.

Yuanjing Group only has Gao Lao and a driver. As a dignified district governor and the core figure of Yuanjing Group, Xiaxiang and Gao Lao's travel can be described as light and simple, not outstanding at all, let alone powerful. It's normal for a few young people not to pay attention to it.

Jin Hongxin had no chance to perform when she was diving to save people just now. Now that the opportunity has come, she took a step forward and said loudly, "Who are you? Dare!! He forced people to jump into the river, and even opened their mouths to arrest people. Who gave you so much power?

"Who am I?" Acne jumped out of the car. Then all the people in the car came down, and there were six people. Acne admits that although the number of people on his side is not dominant, it is obvious that the momentum has the upper hand. In his eyes, Jin Hongxin and others are just old, weak, sick and disabled, so they gently laughed and said. Who are you? Do you mind your own business if you eat too much? Do you know that this area is covered by me? Who am I? I'll scare you when I say it

Huang Weigang was young and angry as soon as he heard it. He shouted, "You speak with respect and know who is standing in front of you, don't you?"

Jin Hongxin looked at her face and knew that Xia wanted to show her identity. He had been playing in the officialdom for many years and had a wink of more eyes than Weigang. Knowing that Xia wanted to find out, it was difficult to ask questions after showing her identity, so she quickly coughed and interrupted Weigang's words and said, "We are Who are you? Why did you arrest Liu Guangguo?

A small flat head next to him recognized Gao Lao and whispered to the acne, "Brother Niu, that old man is indeed the old man who often appears in Vision Group. Vision Group has a little bit of a head. Are we

Brother Niu was very bullish and dissatisfied and said, "What's wrong with Vision Group? On one mu of land of my cattle and gold, even a dragon has to be coiled as a worm, right?

Xiao Ping nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes. Xiama Village is the world of Brother Niu. Brother Niu wants the wind and rain, and everyone has to give up three points.

A person next to him said, "What is Xia Ma Village? In the future, the whole disema area will be under the world of Brother Niu.

Niu Jin raised his head and said with an invincible look, "Yes, it doesn't matter who my father is. My father is Niu Qi. Do you think the Vision Group is big, or my father is big?

Xiao Pingtou nodded cooperatively and smiled, "Of course, the bull situation is big. If Yuanjing Group is not filial to the bull bureau, don't want to do it well in the Xiama area." But Yuanjing Group is quite arrogant, and it seems that it has not been filial to the bull bureau?"

Niu Jin thought for a moment and was angry: "That's right. Damn it. Tell my father later to make trouble for them. You still don't show filial piety to my father in the Xiama District. Do they really have the support of the city and don't pay attention to us? In a minute, I'll let them know what a county official is better than managing now!"

Xia wanted to suppress his anger and asked, "Listen to what you mean, what kind of director is your father?"

"What is the director? Can you speak? Niu Jin was angry, stared at him, and said aggressively, "Listen clearly, my father is Niu Qi. It's the deputy director of the Xiama District Public Security Bureau. How about it? Have you ever heard of the famous bull situation? Xia thought that he really didn't pay attention to Niu Qi, and there were enough personnel from the district government. Now he only remembered a few leaders of the overall situation. The deputy in each bureau has no impression.

Xia wanted to tell the truth and shook his head: "I really haven't heard of it."

"Then you know now, is it time to make way?" Niu Jin snorted from his nose. It doesn't matter if you don't know my father's name. Just be sensible."

Xia wanted to laugh angrily: "You have to make it clear what happened before we consider whether we will let people go. Otherwise, Liu Guangguo will have to go with us.

Niu Jin quit. He was originally short and full of acne, but when he spoke, he spoke with his head held high and put on a nostrils facing the sky, as if others were going to look up to him. He came to Xia Xiang in two steps. His small eyes turned a few times and scolded, "Don't think that you are Hong'an company's gossip, let me tell you that our Hong'an company has a lot of people. There are people in the district and people in the city. You don't have to destroy yourself for a trouble-prosy person. Well, that's all I've said. It's up to you whether to let go or not. If you don't let go, don't blame us for being rude.

Seeing that Xia's attitude seemed to be shaken, Liu Guangguo cried with a runny nose and tears: "This leader, you have to make the decision for me. My wife was ill, and she relied on a few acres of orchards in the field to make money to treat her illness. They took my orchard old, but they pushed down all the fruit trees with a bulldozer according to the price of the wasteland. In anger. My wife died of illness. They still didn't do it and insisted on tearing down my house. My son and I have no way to live. If you are caught by them, there must be no good end. "Please help me!"

Xiaxiang's anger is getting stronger and stronger.

At the beginning of the Xiama District, the city was responsible for the land acquisition and demolition, and the general direction was handled by the dragon. The specific affairs are arranged by Gao Hai. After the establishment of the Xiama District, Xia wanted to hand over the land requisition and demolition work to Liu Dalai, the deputy head of the district, and repeatedly asked him that there must be no forced demolition and construction. Unexpectedly, Liu Dalai turned his words as a deaf ear. Unexpectedly, he let the son of a small deputy director of the district public security bureau do something If he hadn't met them today, maybe Liu Guangguo would have thrown himself into the river and died!

Forced demolition and construction are common in all parts of the country, and even the county magistrate came to the scene in person. The evil ** incident of someone on the roof happened. In the end, although the local secretary and the county magistrate were dismissed. But after all, the dead have gone and cannot be resurrected, and have caused an extremely bad impact among the people. It is easy to cause opposition between officials and the people.

Xia can't control others or other places, but under his rule, such a lawless and ugly incident has happened. He must be seriously investigated and dealt with, and he will never be soft.

"How did I hear that District Chief Liu is the one who focuses on demolition and land requisition work. You force people to kill people to requisition people's land indiscriminately. District Chief Liu doesn't care?" The county thinks that since the cattle are so angry, I will take this opportunity to make it clear. You don't have to check it when you go back.

Niu Jin was stunned: "There is too much nonsense. If we don't let people go, we will do it."

Xia wanted to suddenly look stiff: "If you make it clear, why doesn't District Chief Liu care about you? Who else is there in your city? If we can't afford it, we will definitely let them go. If you don't say it clearly. If you do it, you may not be beat us."

As soon as Xia thought about it, Chen Tianyu didn't react. Jin Hongxin and Huang Weigang both rolled up their sleeves, showing the posture of fighting. Zhang Liang and Gao Lao's drivers are also eager to try.

Niu Jin saw that Xia thought that there were a lot of people on the party. If he really wanted to do it, he may not be able to please him, so he continued to threaten and said, "If you don't see the coffin and don't cry, I'll tell you." District Chief Liu and my father have a very good relationship, In addition, our Hong'an company also has a big backer in the city. It's Minister Bo who scares you! Minister Bo, do you know that he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee!"

Bo Houfa, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of United Front Work? Xiaxiang was stunned. Although Bo Houfa has an average relationship with him, he has helped him before, and Bo Houfa has a good relationship with Li Dingshan. He has also been echoing Chen Feng in the municipal party committee. He is a member of Chen Feng's faction. Why is Minister Bo also involved in the land acquisition incident?

Think about it again and figure it out, in the officialdom. Which one has no intricate social relationship? Whether it is the support behind it or hidden stocks, as long as it is involved in real estate developers and demolition companies, it is inextricably linked to the officialdom. In the final analysis, it is also the root cause of forced demolition and construction in demolition, because the demolition company believes that it has a background, so it is not afraid of one or two small unruly people.

Xia wanted to have an idea in his heart. He turned around and said to Wei Gang, "Call Liu Dalai and Niu Qi. Come to the scene immediately!"

Niu Jin heard that something was wrong. Seeing that Xia wanted to speak harshly and had an official tone, he hurriedly asked, "Who the hell are you?" You are not from Vision Group. Why do you seem to be an official?

Xia wanted to ignore Niu Jin and said to Zhang Liang, "Help Liu Guangguo and his son to the car

Zhang Liang answered and helped up Liu's father and son and got into the car. Niu Jin shouted, "What do you want to do? What do you want to do?" He turned around and shouted at several young people who came together, "Don't stand stupidly and rob people."

Several young people stretched out their arms and sleeves and were about to rush over, Chen Tianyu, Jin Hongxin and Huang Weigang. And the tall and old drivers all stood up. Standing in front of Xiaxiang, especially the old driver was obviously prepared, holding a throwing stick in his hand, which made him look like a trainer.

Mr. Gao was not in a hurry. He narrowed his eyes and smiled. He whispered to Xia, "My driver is not an ordinary person. It's not a problem to let them down alone. How about Xiaoxia's hand?

Xia wanted to nod at the old driver. He also knew that his current identity was no longer suitable for hand-to-hand combat in person, so he said to the driver, "If they do it first, you can make them a long memory.

When Niu Jin saw that the other party was full of momentum and hesitated not to do it, he suddenly flew a stone from nowhere and hit his head. He screamed in pain. In anger, he shouted, "Fight, all hit it. If you hit someone, then rob someone. Damn, if you dare to blackmail me, I won't be a cow if I don't clean them up!"

Several people were anxious when they saw that Niu Jin was beaten. Just up and up. Seeing this, Mr. Gao's driver wanted to nod his head and motion, and then he was like a tiger entering the sheep. With his hand under the stick, he beat the cattle and gold into pieces, fell to the ground and rolled everywhere, and a ghost cried and wolf howled.

Especially Niu Jin was beaten the most. The driver first removed one of Niu Jin's arms, and then kicked and broke a few of his ribs. Obviously, he didn't like his arrogance and arrogance, so he deliberately made a cruel move! C