official god

Chapter 552 Chain Reaction

Friends want to stand aside. There is no compassion in my eyes. The son of the deputy district chief of the Death Security Bureau dared to be so bold. It seems that it is very necessary for him to strengthen his influence on the public security system, and it is also necessary to establish the authority of the district chief. Even if he has an advantage in the Standing Committee, his subordinates in the government team are against him. . He said that he wanted to build the disema qu, and it would be good not to be dragged into the water by some incompetent bureaucrats.

Xia thought hard to rectify Niu Qi. Killing chickens and monkeys gives Huang Jianjun a chance to take a stand.

As a member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau, Huang Jianjun's position is very critical. His position is unclear now. He neither showed his closeness to him, nor did he obviously favor Bai Zhanmo.

Xia wants to show his ambitions and defeat Fu Xianfeng in the upcoming storm. It is necessary to get the support of Huang Jianjun. As the district chief, he can't control the power of public security, so it is difficult to control the political situation of stability and unity. There is no stability and unity, and there is no good investment environment. If the interests of investors cannot be guaranteed, it will be difficult to continue the work of attracting investment.

In the past, the public security system in Yan City was too **, and the police treated investors too rudely and unreasonable, resulting in an extremely poor investment environment in Yan City. It was once called Zuo City, and there was even a bad ** case of the boss of star enterprises being detained!

In particular, Xiaxiang is well aware of the bad impact of the police system** and darkness, and the attack on investors is more serious than any official**. It can also make a place a disaster area that all investors talk about.

Xiaxiang has been trying to get Huang Jianjun to take a stand. Before he found an opportunity, he didn't expect that an inspection would trigger a chain reaction.

However, a small Hong'an company bowed out thin and thick hair, which made him somewhat surprised, and I don't know how much thin and thick hair was trapped...

A siren sounded from far to near. Four or five police cars came to the scene in a flash. The first person to get off the bus was Liu Dalai, the deputy district chief. With a simple and honest face, he was usually as steady as a mountain. He jumped up from the car and moved quickly as a young man.

Then a middle-aged man with a eagle-eyed mouth and a straight nose and wide forehead got out of the car. First, he only looked at Xia, and then his eyes fell on Niu Jin lying on the ground, and the anger in his eyes flashed. He wanted to put up with it, but he couldn't help it. He ran to Niu Jin in a few steps and carefully checked his injury.

Needless to say, he is Niu Qi, the old man of Niu Jin.

Liu Dalai saw that Niu Qi was so gaffe and rude in front of Xiaxiang, and he couldn't help frowning. He immediately came to Xiaxiang with a smile on his face and asked with concern, "District Director Xia, are you all right? As soon as I received the call from Secretary Huang, Niu Bureau and I rushed over as soon as possible. What happened?

In fact, Liu Dalai has already guessed what happened on the way. He has a good relationship with Niu Qi and has always been a trencher. He knows that Hong'an Company has been forcibly demolished and built. First, because Hong'an Company has a back office, he can't afford to provoke Xiao Er. He also has interests. He also knows that Niu Qi's son Niu Jin has shares in Hong'an Company and is mainly responsible for pulling out nail households. He also persuaded Niu Qi many times to let Niu Jin restrain a little. The common people are easy to bully, but in case of death, once the matter is big, no one will end well.

Niu Qi agreed verbally, but he didn't think so. He has been at the grassroots level for many years. He has always thought that he has to coax and cheat the people, because there are too many unruly people now. If they don't clean up a few, they will ask for a sky-high price, and even fight against the government and never move. Can the government still be threatened by the people? When it's time to use the power of dictatorship, they should use it to let them know that it is powerful, and they will be honest.

It was because of Niu Qi's domineering style that Niu Jin thought that he was the first in the world. He was the second, and he took a few people to rampage. He did everything he could, not only forced Liu Guangguo's wife to death, but also almost forced Liu Guangguo to death.

The first time Xia wanted to see Niu Qi, he had the idea of kicking him out of the public security team. I don't understand any manners without mentioning Niu Qi. The district chief and the executive deputy district chief are here, and they don't even look at it. There was only his son in his eyes, and when he saw that his clothes were untidy and his eyes were red, it was obvious that he drank wine online. Drinking during working hours, as a deputy director, his clothes are crooked. Is this the image of the People's Police? With Niuqi's style, how can we maintain public security and reassure investors?

Xia wanted to take a cold look at Niu Qi and said to Liu Da angrily, "Comrade Dalai, I once ordered three times to enforce the law in a civilized way in the process of demolition, with strategies and means, rather than forced demolition and construction. Just now, Liu Guangguo jumped into the river with his child in front of me. If it hadn't been for the water of several people around me, I would have to go into the water to save people. Do you know why Liu Guangguo jumped into the river to die with his child in his arms?

Liu Dalai forced to calm down and smiled bitterly: "I really don't know what happened. Please ask District Chief Xia to give instructions."

"Do you know what cash crops are mainly planted on the land of the villagers in Xiama Village?" Xia wants to continue to ask.

"No, I don't know." Liu Dalai left everything to Hong'an Company to deal with. There is a demolition company. How can he use a deputy district chief to go to the scene in person to give instructions? Naturally, he doesn't know the specific Red Cross.

"Do you know how many villagers there are in Shimoma Village and how many acres of farmland there are in total?" Xia's face is getting darker and darker. Is this the work he has repeatedly handed over? Is this the deputy district chief in charge of the specific work?

"What's the matter?" I don't remember, I don't know!" Liu Dalai fell to his age this year and was ready to retire after finishing a term. He used to serve as a deputy director in the Weibei District Government Office. He had always been a small second merit, but he was used to begging for Dan. When he came to Xiama District, he was promoted. He is not a real gentry. At his age, he felt that it was very faceless to be scolded by Xiaxiang, a young man in public. He was angry, and his tone was a little stiff when he spoke. "There are so many things in the district, how can we remember the data of a village? The mayor of Xia's district is a little difficult.

"I don't know if you ask three questions, but you, the district chief, still complains that I am forced to be difficult?" Xia wanted to make it impossible for him to step down on the spot because Liu Dalai was a little old. He turned back to Chen Tianyu and said, "Tianyu, do you know the details of Xiama Village?" Chen Tianyu knew that Xia wanted to do something with Liu Da, so he couldn't help looking at Liu Dalai pitifully. I don't want to figure out what's going on. Regardless of the discord between the secretary and the district chief, he is in the stage of secretly competing. Even the mayor of Xia is also a real and practical leader. All those who want to muddle along in the Xiama District can't get through the Xiaxiang barrier in the first place.

Chen Tianyu immediately replied fluently: "The head of Huixia District, there are many people in Xiama Village, and the farmland is more than four mu. Because the farmland is fertile, the cash crops are mainly fruit trees, mainly pear trees and apple trees. The middle income of the villagers is because the villagers in Xiama Village are right The dependence of farmland is high, when the government formulated the land requisition policy. There are two different sets of standards for farmland and wasteland. For specific refinement, there are also different standards for fruit fields and ordinary farmland.

The sweat on Liu Dalai's forehead flowed down, but he still said stiffly, "Mr. Xia, I'm old, and my memory is not as good as that of young people can understand. I hope Mr. Xia won't make things difficult for me."

"Is it difficult for you?" Xia wanted to see Liu Dalai with his neck, with an attitude of relying on the old and selling the old. Instead, he smiled, "Okay, if Comrade Dam feels that it is difficult for you to arrange work for you, I will take good care of your feelings in the future work arrangement."

After saying that, Xia wanted to say to Niu Qi again, "Mr. Niu, these people gathered to commit murder, besieged government officials, and tried to hurt people. They took them back to the bureau first and severely punished them."

Niu Qi stood up with an angry face: "Chang Xia, Niu Jin is a staff member of Hong'an Company. He arrested Liu Guangguo because Liu Guangguo resisted the law violently. It is also a big plan for the construction of the disema area. Instead, you said that he besieged government officials. Why didn't I see him? Government officials were injured, but Niu Jin and several people were beaten all over their bodies?

Xia wanted to be contradicted by Liu Dalai first, and then was refuted by Niu Qi to his face. Originally, the huge anger calmed down. I thought that his prestige as the district chief was still not enough. It was normal for a deputy district chief to contradict him, but a drunken director of the public security bureau also dared to say that no government officials were injured, which was really fearless.

It is necessary to stand up and strengthen the control of all departments of the government. Xia wanted to take a look at Niu Qi and said, "Do you mean that hurting me or hurting District Chief Chen is a bad ** case?"

One sentence made Niu Qi speechless!

Xia wanted to wave his hand and said to Jin Hongxin, "Notify all deputy district governors by phone to hold an emergency government meeting immediately, and no one is allowed to ask for leave!" He also ordered Weigang to say, "In the name of the district government, inform Comrade Huang Jianjun to also attend the meeting."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia thought and said a few words with Gao Lao, and then took the bus with Chen Tianyu, Jin Hongxin, Huang Weigang and others. Yang Chang went to the young general Liu Dalai and Niu Qi at the scene and ignored it.

Xia wants to give them a multiple-choice question.

As soon as Xia wanted to leave, Liu Dalai and Niu Qi looked at each other in constered face and were stunned for a moment. Liu Dalai said first, "It doesn't matter. Xia wants to be the district chief. At most, he just adjusts my division of labor. He has no power to touch me. If you want to move me, you have to nod to the municipal party committee. You are the deputy director, and if you want to be touched, you need the consent of the municipal bureau. Although Xiaxiang is the district chief, he is also young. Sometimes when the mind is hot, it is normal to get angry. I will explain the situation to Secretary Bai now, and you can also communicate with Director Huang immediately. As long as Secretary Bai supports me and Director Huang supports you, Xia Xiang can't do anything to us!"

Niu Qi nodded and looked at Niu Jin again. Yu said angrily, "I'm not afraid of him. Let's see if he can move me?" I hit my son and wait. I will definitely return it if there is a chance.

Liu Dalai hurriedly advised, "Don't talk nonsense. No matter what, he is also the district governor. You have to give him three points. At least give him enough face on the surface, and it's okay to stumble secretly.

"Do you just listen to him and take Niu Jin back?"

"I didn't tell you. Please ask Director Huang to talk about it later."

Then Liu Dalai and Niu Qi called Bai Zhanmo and Huang Jianjun respectively...

Xia wanted to return to the district committee and immediately asked Jin Hongxin and Huang Weigang to arrange a meeting. After he sat down, he also made several phone calls.

After Xia wanted to call the Internet, Huang Jianjun arrived in a hurry. As soon as he entered the door, Huang Jianjun first asked Xia with concern if she was injured, and then said that he had understood what had happened, and ordered Niu Qi to immediately take Niu Jin and others to the branch to wait for processing.

At least Huang Jianjun's attitude was correct, which made Xia want to be unreasonable for the time being, and Xia wanted to nod. He said again: "Comrade Jianjun, the Xiama District is a new area, but it is precisely because it is a new area that it is the focus of all parties' attention.

Every move and bad things in the dissipation area will be found and reported by the news media with a magnifying glass. If today's incident is reported by the news media, you said that the reputation of the dislocation area will be damaged and the work of attracting investment will be affected. After the blame of the Municipal Party Committee, the main responsibility can be borne by Liu Dalai and Niu Qi, but as the head of the Public Security Bureau, it is inevitable that you will leave a political stain.

Dian Hu's words were deliberately heavy, just to see Huang Jianjun's

Huang Jianjun is only young, and he is very enthusiastic about the future. What he fears most is to leave a political stain. Xia's words obviously have the meaning of knocking. How could he not understand in his heart?

Huang Jianjun is the deputy secretary of the small political and legal committee of the standing committee of the district party committee and the director of the public security bureau. He also knows that his position is very critical and must stand selectively between the secretary and the district chief. Administratively speaking, both the secretary and the district head can make demands on him. However, the secretary focuses on personnel and presides over the overall work, which is reasonable to have more power than the district chief. However, Huang Jianjun found Xia's character on the first day of the Standing Committee. At the same time, he wanted to make a comparison between Bai Zhanmo and Xia, and came to the preliminary conclusion. In the near future, maybe Xia Xiang's voice is weak at the Standing Committee, but in the long run, maybe Xia Xiang will be a strong district chief. It's just that the time is not ripe. Huang Jianjun didn't want to take a stand earlier and planned to observe for a while. And political matters. No one can guarantee that there will be any unexpected changes in the sudden. Another point is that Huang Jianjun also wants to wait for Bai Zhanmo's Jinyi's capital dust to be settled, and then observe the positions of several members of the Standing Committee who did not make a statement. It's not too late for him to decide to stand in line.

I didn't want to, but suddenly there was a Niu Jin incident.

Huang Jianjun, who is Niu Qi, is also not happy, because Niu Qi is very perverse by relying on the people in the municipal bureau. Although the appointment of the public security system also belongs to the local government, if the higher authorities do not agree, the local government will not forcibly pass it. It is two sets of procedures. Niu Qi relied on his relationship with the municipal bureau. In the past, he had a bad relationship with the leader when he was in the Anchang branch, but now he has been transferred to the sub-bureau, although he has restrained a while. He has respect for him, but he still shows an arrogant attitude from time to time.

Despite this, Niu Qi has such and such shortcomings, but his ability is not bad, especially to deal with emergencies and **. With rich experience, Huang Jianjun will listen to it. After all, it is impossible to have subordinates and colleagues who fully meet the requirements, and employees should ignore them with their advantages. Disadvantages.

What happened today is a little unexpected to Huang Jianjun. To be fair, he doesn't think it's a big thing. In the process of land acquisition and demolition, it is inevitable that things will get out of control. Thousands of people and thousands of faces are not necessarily the reasons for law enforcement officers. There are also some people who are indeed unruly people. They put forward many unreasonable demands. If they don't agree to them, they will be pestered. They are unreasonable and don't listen to advice. They just want to get compensation for one demolition. Three generations can't be eaten

Huang Jianjun hasn't learned more about the details of the matter. After he received a phone call from Niu Qi. I know the bad things. It's okay if it falls into the hands of Bai Zhanmo, but it will definitely not end well if it falls into the hands of Xiaxiang. Bai Zhanmo's stability is old-fashioned. His personality is conservative. At the same time, as a secretary, he will definitely cover up if something happens. Xia wants to be different. He is also steady, but there is a radical side in his stability. After all, he is also young, and in Huang Jianjun's opinion, he is too young. Young people will have ** momentum, and they can't tolerate some chaotic situations in their own jurisdiction.

After all, Xiaxiang is the district governor. It is also his duty to make demands on public security issues.

Huang Jianjun is not in a hurry to get closer to Xia, because Xia wants to be too young. He always feels that he is a knife-year-old man to get closer to a flying man, but he still can't lose his face. Of course, youth is not the main reason. The most critical point is that between Bai Zhanmo and Xiaxiang, it is not clear who is more popular and who is more skillful.

Since Niu Jin bumped into Xiaxiang, Huang Jianjun knew that whether the district chief Xia was really angry or acting, the necessary attitude must be taken out, otherwise he would be disrespectful to the district chief. He immediately criticized Niu Qi and ordered him to be taken back to the bureau immediately. Niu Qi also wanted to defend a few words, saying that Niu Jin's injury was serious and he had to be sent to the hospital for treatment first. When Huang Jianjun saw that Niu Qi was not interesting, he became angry at that time and said angrily, "If you die, you have to carry me to the bureau." If you don't carry it, I'll send someone to invite you!"

After receiving the notice, Huang Jianjun knew that the purpose of Xia wanted him to attend the executive meeting of the government must be related to the improvement of the public security environment. He knew that things would not pass easily, and District Chief Xia must have a backhand.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard Xia's heavy words. I was measured in my heart, but I was still not in a hurry to make a statement, but said ambiguously, "If something serious, it's my responsibility. I will take the initiative to bear it. I won't escape, and I won't smear the diseland."

Xia wanted to understand what Huang Jianjun meant. He still held a wait-and-see attitude, so he didn't say more. He stood up and said, "Well, the courage to take responsibility is a good comrade. Let's have a meeting first."

At the government meeting, the personnel have arrived. Liu Dalai sat in the front of the three deputy district chiefs and watched Xia want to come in with Huang Jianjun.

As soon as the district director and the director of the public security bureau came in, everyone stood up together. Xia wanted to suppress his hand and said with a smile, "Sit down, comrades, please sit down."

Huang Jianjun looked at Xia in surprise, thinking that the head of Xia was really hard to figure out. Originally, he thought that Xia would have an angry meeting, but he didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, he was full of smiles. He couldn't see the angry behavior just now. He had such self-restraint at such a young age. He knew that District Chief Xia was probably more difficult to deal with than Secretary Bai. C