official god

Chapter 567 Incalculation

You wanted to be a bad customer of Bian Xiuling, so he stood up to welcome the threat※

The weather is getting cooler. Bian Xiuling wore a shirt and trousers, looking plump and mature. First, she smiled and asked a few questions about work and life with concern, and then said what she thought; "The Commission for Discipline Inspection received a report that Comrade Wu Gangde had embezzled and bribery in the process of collection and demolition."

Bian Xiuling only said one sentence, so she shut up and there was no follow-up. According to the regulations, although the discipline inspection committee system is under the leadership of the district committee, it has a strong independence. Not to mention the district head, even the district party secretary is not easy to directly ask the affairs of the discipline inspection committee. Bian Xiuling was able to reveal some relevant information to Xia Xiang, which also gave Xia Xiang a lot of face.

Xia wanted to say nothing, but just nod his head and fell into meditation.

If Wu Gang had committed corruption and bribery in the past. Xia wants to believe it. But in the current situation, Wu Gang has to have no political wisdom. Otherwise, he can't lose a lot because of the small. I believe that Wu Gang is also very clear in his heart. Don't say that he is corrupt and bribed. As long as he has a bad job and a major arsenic mistake, he will lose a lot of points in his own eyes.

Xia wants to believe that Wu Gang has to take a face-to-face statement to him. It's not to make a show, but it's really true


Therefore, Xia Xiang did not believe that Wu Gang would have embezzlement and bribery. He was reported either by Bai Zhanmo, or the manipulators behind Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei, no matter who it was. The purpose is the same, take the opportunity to attack Wu Gangde and attack his prestige.

If his guess is correct, Mu Yunshan is more likely, because now Bai Zhanmo is busy with an investment of 400 million yuan. He should not take the initiative to cause trouble, and Mu Yunshan may want to take the opportunity to disrupt the situation because he is dissatisfied with his failure to intervene in 400 million yuan. Try it out.

After thinking about it, Xia said with a smile, "Recently, the work in the province has been busy, and Governor Song has not been able to make time. I talked to him last time. He said he had a good impression of you. Let's meet again when we have a chance

After hearing the news revealed by Xia Chang last time, Song Chaodu stepped up the pace of activities and went to the capital several times in recent days. Xiaxiang also learned from Song Chaodu that the news was indeed true, and the central government also intended to parachude an executive deputy, but he had not found out who was behind the scenes.

Bian Xiuling knew that Xia wanted to accept her feelings. She nodded happily and said, "G Governor Song must be much busier. The big leader is the big leader." Halfway through her words, she remembered what happened to Wu Gang. Uneasy, he added a little sentence, "Comrade Wu Gang should pay attention to the people around him."

Xia Xiang nodded and said, "Wu Gang has never made any mistakes when he was in the transformation team of the village in the city. I also believe in his person and knows the importance." He also arrived at the point, and he didn't want to talk too much about the reporting. It's right to avoid some things in the officialdom. "When do you have time? Let's sit down and get to know each other.

Xia thought it was just a polite sentence, but Bian Xiuling immediately answered, "If you have time in the evening, it's my treat

Xia wanted to see that Bian Xiuling was very enthusiastic, knowing that she was still a little worried about the cooperative relationship between him and her. It's hard to refuse. He agreed: "Okay. After I talk to Wu Gang. Let him arrange it in the evening.

Bian Xiuling left happily. Not long after she left, before Xia Xiang had time to call Wu Gangde, Mu Yunshan took the initiative to show up.

There are few intersections between the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the district chief. There are not many topics between the organization minister and the district governor. After all, the organization department is the department of the party committee. Huang Weigang is a little confused today. Usually, the deputy district heads and the heads of various bureaus come to report on their work. Today, first the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and then the Minister of Organization. The head of Xia now seems to be the head of Xia, not Secretary Xia.

Huang Weigang has little political knowledge, so he is a little complacent. He thinks that the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Minister of Organization have reported his work to the District Chief Xia one after another, and the District Chief Xia District Chief is actually the leader. He was looking forward to the day when Xia wanted to become a secretary as soon as possible. At that time, his status will also rise. I heard that the secretary's secretary can listen to the Standing Committee. How exciting it should be. The Standing Committee is the core of power.

If Xia wants to know Huang Weigang's idea, he will definitely criticize him severely. Because Huang Weigang's view of the problem was too superficial, Bian Xiuling came because of personal relations. Mu Yunshan came because of the bad comer, and it must be for the investment of 24 billion yuan.

Xia Xiang guessed. After discussing with Teng Fei, Mu Yunshan asked Hu Zengzhou for instructions and decided to come forward again to try to impress Xia Xiang. Because he believes that he has enough cards.

Mu Yunshan first greeted politely, and then said bluntly: "Mr. Xia. I still think that the dog billion investment in Changji Trade is completely led by the district committee, which is not suitable and not up to standard. I discussed with Minister Teng, asked Mayor Hu for instructions, and finally came to a conclusion. I still want to suggest that you change your mind and intervene in the supervision of Gongyi Investment. For the long-term plan of the disemeratement area and the economic construction of the disemeratement area, it is necessary for you to do so. Minister Teng and I expressed our support for you at the Standing Committee. I believe we can make Secretary Bai compromise.

Xia thought it was Mu Yun Rang. He is a person who likes to be reserved. Unexpectedly, he spoke bluntly and directly threw out his point of view, which surprised Xia.

He carried out Hu Zengzhou, implying that Hu Zengzhou was the backstage of him and Teng Fei. At the same time, there must be a backhand and other exchange conditions. Xia wanted to ask with great interest, "Does Minister Mu and Mayor Hu have a good relationship?"

Mu Yunshan can also guess that Xia is a smart person. He must have known the gap between him and Zengzhou and did not hide it. To tell the truth! "Directly under the care of Mayor Hu, Hu Di Feibei is my old leader

An old leader made it clear that the relationship was shallow. Xia thought about it and asked, "Minister Mu is very enthusiastic about investing in Ruyi. As the minister of the organization, he seems to be a little out of the scope of work. Is there any explanation?

Xia wants to see Mu Yunshan really say what he wants to say. I didn't ambush him and asked him directly.

Mu Yunshan didn't expect Xia's problem to be so sharp. He was stunned and said, "In order to maintain the political situation of stability and unity in the dismounting area, I tried my best to advocate the supervision of the investment of the head of Xia District. Although I am the Minister of Organization, I am also a member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and have the right to make suggestions

Xia wanted to smile: "You have legitimate power. I mean, everyone understands. What is the other reason besides the selfless reason?

Mu Yunshan opened his mouth. What the mayor of Xia said was too implicit and too direct. Did he tell the mayor of Xia that he wanted to make the billion yuan become the fuse of discord between the secretary and the district governor?

That's right. Everyone can say grand words, but under the open excuse. Who doesn't have a hidden selfishness? But there is. Mu Yunshan knew that Xia thought he could probably guess what his selfishness was, but he could guess that it was Xia's problem, and it was his problem.

Of course, you still can't say it.

"If you have to find a personal reason, from the perspective of Mayor Hu, he is more willing to seek common things with Secretary Chen than to speak with Secretary Fu Mu Yunshan at a high level. What he said is seeking commons and reserving differences rather than approaching, which proves that it is limited cooperation.

Xia also believes that Mu Yunshan is telling the truth. Hu Zengzhou is still more willing to cooperate with Chen Feng on major events, because although Chen Feng is strong, he is not as insidious as the vanguard. Hu Zengzhou, as the beneficiary of Fu Xianfeng's action this time, will not deal with the gratitude of Xianfeng, because he is also taking this opportunity to see how Fu Xianfeng is. That is, the city is extremely deep. If it doesn't move, it will be a fatal blow. Those who cooperate with Fu Xianfeng will not be willing to live under others with the character of Fu Xianfeng unless they obey his orders.

Hu Zengzhou is the second-in-command of Yan City, and he is even more unwilling to be under Fu Xianfeng. It is acceptable for him to be suppressed by Chen Feng. After all, Chen Feng is the secretary of the municipal party committee. It would be a shame if he cooperated with Fu Xianfeng and was suppressed by Fu Xianfeng. Therefore, in fact, there is almost no possibility of joint action between Hu Zengzhou and Fu Xianfeng.

Naturally, it is possible to cooperate on some small things. But above the major events, there are few places between Hu Zengzhou and Fu Xianfeng to seek commonal and save differences. However, since Hu Zengzhou chose to keep a distance from Chen Feng, his future cooperation with Chen Feng is really seeking commonalities and reserving differences. It is a limited cooperative relationship to seek common interests and compromise in small matters.

Xia wants to see Mu Yunshan's attitude of not being humble or arrogant. Instead, he admired him a little more and nodded and smiled: "The reason is sufficient, but it is not enough to impress me. You are also a smart person. You must also know that I have made concessions to Secretary Bai, and you must have your own plans. Minister Mu, you have to show enough sincerity

In Xiaxiang's smile, there is a trace of playfulness and expectation.

Mu Yunshan originally wanted to bring up Shi Changle's matter as the last killer, but he didn't expect that after a few words, he was forced to have no way to retreat by Xia, so he had to show the card in advance: "The Xiama District Network is established, and everything needs to be funded by the superiors. If the head of Not only can the municipal finance take care of the district finance. Shi Changle will also follow the advice of Director Xia, and at the Standing Committee, Minister Teng and I will agree with your proposal.

The conditions are quite good, and they have temporarily obtained two allies and have financial initiative. No matter how it is, it is a cost-effective business. It is true that the disemerate zone has just been established, and there is no tax revenue, which is very dependent on the financial allocation of the superiors. However, Xia wants to make a big plan in his heart, and he knows the benefits of taking the initiative to send it to the door. There have always been hidden traps, because there is indeed no good thing as pie falling from the sky, and he is not moved by it at all.

Jinyi Investment is a dazzling political achievement on the surface, but it is actually a big quagmire. Even if Gongyi's investment is a real investment, it is to do business and build a factory. Xiaxiang may not want to share a cup with Bai Zhanmo. He is not a person who likes to steal the credit of others. He can do everything for political achievements. He has a lot of ways to obtain political achievements, of course. Deeper concerns still don't want to be the fuse between him and Bai Zhanmo.

Of course, Xia Xiang will not reveal the real idea to Mu Yunshan. He just stared straight at Mu Yunzhi. After a long time, he smiled gently: "I appreciate Minister Mu's kindness. Some things can be done on the surface, just like the conversation you just had with me. Everyone has something to say. It's very good, straightforward and easy to understand, and it's convenient to communicate. But if you do something bad secretly. There is no basis for cooperation. The premise of my cooperation with others. First of all, it depends on whether the partner is worth dating. Does Minister Mu have anything else to do?

Although Xia thought was full of smiles, Mu Yunshan felt a chill from his words and subconsciously moved his steps gently.

He had been standing firmly, and he also felt that standing and talking could show his determination, so he never sat down. But Xia thought that his words seemed to have weight, and he pressed directly on his shoulder, which made him feel unstable.

Mu Yunshan looked at Xiaxiang in disbelief. Looking at Xiaxiang's young face full of self-confidence, he had a glimmer of illusion. He felt that the person in front of him was not the young district chief, but a high-ranking official who had everything under his control

Xia Xiang not only rejected him, but also expressed his strong dissatisfaction with him. For a moment, Mu Yunshan was a little distracted. Xia Xiang guessed that he had instructed people to report Wu Gangde behind his back, and then took the opportunity to blame Bai Zhanmo, so that Xia Xiang would be dissatisfied with Bai Zhanmo, so that under his encouragement, he Does the government supervise the investment of billions?

No, it is seamless to report the incident. Even if Bian Xiuling revealed the information to Xia Xiang, it was impossible for Xia Xiang to guess that it was him and Teng Fei's hand at once? What's the wrong with that?

Mu Yunshan forced his composure again, and was also hit by Xiaxiang's surprise, stunned on the spot.

In fact, there was no mistake in Mingli. He was cheated by Xia.

Xia wants to estimate that Bai Zhanmo will not take the initiative to provoke him now, because he has made the biggest concession in investment. Bai Zhanmo now hates to let go of everything, that is, to repay him. Because Xia also knows that Bai Zhanmo is not a person without political wisdom. The last incident at the Standing Committee showed that as long as he insisted on supervising and helping hundreds of millions of investments, he would be approved by the Standing Committee.

Unless Bai Zhanmo uses a veto, it will be a defeat in the Standing Committee, which is the biggest blow to his secretary's authority.

In the current situation, there is no need for Bai Zhanmo to secretly provoke him. Besides, Bai Zhanmo is afraid that all his energy is focused on Jinyi now. How can he have time to have nothing to do behind his back and insturing others to report Wu Gangde? Unless he is dizzy.

Of course, Xia Xiang was not sure whether it was Bai Zhanmo's handwriting or not just by analyzing the oil. He just casually said to Mu Yunshan, and he also had the idea of giving it a try. Since Mu Yunshan came to his door, don't let go of the good opportunity to test. As soon as he saw Mu Yunshan's stunned expression, Xia thought that he was right to bet, and it was really Mu Yunzhi. With his hands and feet, he had a faint anger in his heart. There are many conspiracies and conspiracy in the officialdom, but Xia wants to be plotted by the vanguard. He hated the action of a knife behind his back. Mu Yunshan was also Hu Zengzhou's person. Hu Zengzhou left him at a critical moment, which made it even more difficult for him to accept Mu Yunshan's forced palace.

Seeing that Mu Yunshan had not recovered, Xia wanted to smile again and said, "I like honest people, but I don't like people who are not as good as the one on the surface."

Until Mu Yunshan returned to his office, he still felt a little dizzy and a little confused before seeing Xia. He is full of his political wisdom. Take two means, one dark and one light, and pretend to be honest in front of Xia Xiang. And if you say your sincerity bluntly, you can definitely get the favor of Xiaxiang, and then negotiate with him.

After a few words, Xia Xiang completely took the initiative, and in a few words, he set out his card, and pointed directly at him behind his back to let people report Wu Gang's incident. He also rudely refused his suggestion, and even issued an eviction order!

Recalling Xia Xiang's attitude at the Standing Committee, Mu Yunshan shuddered. Xia Xiang's performance today was completely different. He was not weak and had no political wisdom. He was simply a political genius. He not only fully grasped the rhythm of the conversation, but also completely fooled him in the palm of his hand.

Mu Yunshan finally knew that Xia Xiang did not have a voice against Bai Zhanmo in the standing committee. He did it on purpose and showed that the enemy was weak. It was not that he did not want to intervene. B investment, but definitely has another plan, will definitely get the greatest benefit than investing in Jinyi.

Mu Yunrang. I just remembered the previous contempt for Xia Xiang and the report made after deciding to have an interview with Xia Xiang. Wu Gang had to try to blame Bai Zhanmo for his failure, and he couldn't help sweating.

It's a miscalculation, a big loss!

Mu Yunshan called Teng Fei and asked him to meet and discuss countermeasures.

Xia wants to have no worries about how Mu Yunshan will take the next step. He has enough confidence and skill to deal with Mu Yunshan, and he also believes that Mu Yunshan will be beaten by him and should be restrained for a period of time.

Xia wanted Wu Gang to come to his office immediately.

Wu Gang had to hear that Xia wanted to have an order, how dare he neglect it. Arrived in a hurry. Hearing that Xia wanted him to pay attention to the people around him, so as not to fall into reality, he became old and immediately realized what was wrong. He hurriedly asked, "Leader, is there someone behind my back?"

Xia wanted to just nod his head and didn't say anything.

Wu Gang has been in the officialdom for many years, and small tricks and small plots can't hide his political sense. The way of the whole person is much better than Xia thought. He thought about it and knew who it was, so he said viciously, "Don't worry, leader. My hands and feet are very clean, and I will never do anything wrong to the leader's trust. Someone wants to smear me to make the leader look ugly. Humph, they have the wrong calculation!"

Xia wants to laugh: "Let's have dinner with Secretary Bian in the evening and get to know him

Wu Gang immediately understood the important role that Bian Xiuling played in it, and immediately smiled: "It's my treat, it's my treat."

Xia Xiang didn't care how Wu Gang had to clean up the people around him, and he didn't have to worry about small things. After Wu Gang left, he thought that Cui Xiang had been much more honest recently, and he didn't know what he was planning.

Prevention: Brothers, don't see Lao He's usual explosion. Lao He's two updates are equivalent to other people's three updates. I often see people shouting the fifth update every day. Click to have a look, and each chapter is not concave, the so-called fifth update. It's just the third update of Lao He. The second update is sent. Later, there will be a third update, which is equivalent to the fifth update of the Zhang Party. Strong call for monthly ticket support. Helping Lao He keep his ranking, Lao He was grateful with tears. Yi Xun's book shows the fine concave and says that it is a different body clam F