official god

Chapter 619 Worth it

At that time, I did borrow a little money, but it was paid off a long time ago. Now the huge daily charges have flowed into someone's pocket. However, Liu Dehua was not jealous of the person who took the big head, because he took the big head, and he also took the small head. Although he is a small toll collector, his monthly income is more than 2,000 yuan.

In 2003, the average salary in Yanshi was only 700 or 800 yuan, and the better unit could burn Gaoxiang if it reached more than 1,000 yuan.

Therefore, although Liu Dehua is not good-looking, he does not have Andy Lau's handsomeness and extraordinary one by one. He also observes a flower-like wife, because he has a high income and stable job. He not only earns more than 2,000 yuan a month, but also has various benefits and subsidies every three to five times. There are so many In the case of a wild goose, the hair pulled down in a day is full of a train, and it is enough for him to eat and drink.

He is very contented, and he is always happy. Liu Dehua sincerely greets every paid vehicle every day, because every greeting is money. Who can get along with money, can't they? Harmony creates wealth.

Today is Monday, and it is usually busy on Monday. Liu Dehua is so busy that he can't even have time to drool. It was almost 11 o'clock when something happened.

It is said that he got out of trouble, mainly in Liu Dehua's cognition. He had never seen such a grand scene, so he got out of a big thing, or someone made trouble.

A train team came from the west side of Huayu Road, saying that the fleet was a little reluctant, because the car opened the road in the front, and the truck and the bus were mixed in the back. The fleet assembled like a miscellaneous army looked a little strange at first glance, far less shocking than the combination of one-colored vehicles.

Liu Dehua has seen one-color sports car fleet, one-color Audi vehicles, and even one-color military vehicle fleet. As long as the same style of vehicles are combined, the scale can show amazing results. Although the motorcade in front of us is like a miscellaneous army, it also has an awe-inspiring feeling, not because of the vehicle, but because of the people in the car.

If a person's expression is solemn, or it will not have much impact on others. If all three people have solemn expressions and outsiders look at them, they will feel a sinking in their hearts. But if hundreds or even hundreds of people are solemn and solemn, they are all the same awe, and they all stand straight, and no one is laughing, as neat and uniform as soldiers, the shock effect is absolutely amazing!

Liu Dehua was shocked, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, because when the motorcade approached, he found that the workers and villagers standing in the car would be ten. They were all the most unorganized and disciplined workers and villagers in his impression!

Liu Dehua has been charging for many years, and has seen many pick-up and drop-off scenes. He has never seen today's pick-up team. If you pick up a senior official, you will be under martial law in advance. I remember that the last time a deputy prime minister from the central government came to Yanshi, he sent plain clothes to the highway to wait early to clean up unrelated vehicles. At that time, there was also an arrogant little policeman driving a police car and insisted on breaking in. When his ear was pressed to the ground by a plain clothes and a gun pointed at his head, he scared the little policeman to death. He swept the ground majestically and begged for mercy. His dominating in front of ordinary people turned into a snot and tears The policeman is usually the same as the old man, and the level of pretending to be a grandson at the critical moment is also first-class.

Sometimes when you pick up ordinary cadres, there will be subordinates with a banner or a welcome team. Today's team is obviously coming to pick up people, but the posture is a little strange. It seems that there is no unified command, but everyone is very self-conscious. After everyone got out of the car, no one was noisy or laughing. Whether it was workers or villagers, they were spontaneously divided into two teams. Hundreds of people lined up against the enemy, hundreds of meters long, and the waiting area at the highway entrance was completely full.

All people have a longing and excited face, but no one pushes around. They stand steadily and straight. Everyone has a firm face, and their eyes are looking in the direction of the exit, with eagerness and admiration in their eyes.

Who can make workers and villagers so respected and loved? Liu Dehua has never seen primary school students in some leadership organizations to fill the welcome team. The students' fake smiles and disguised eagerness made him feel too fake. But today, Liu Dehua, who has been numb to the pick-up ceremony on the scene, was moved. It should be said that for the first time since he was engaged in charging work, he was really moved. There is a kind of respect that makes people in awe. There is a kind of power that makes people cry.

Although compared with the workers, the villagers helped the old and the young, the team was uneven, and they did not stand straight, but they all looked hopeful and affectionately, especially some of the white-haired old people, who looked like Liu Dehua's parents. In an instant, he was infected by the atmosphere and felt that his nose was sore and The tears of a man who has been numb for many years.

A person who can make people stand upright and loosely, and a person who can make white-haired villagers look forward to as much as their relatives. No matter whether he is a person, whether he is a senior official or not, in Liu Dehua's mind, he is the most lovely person and the most respectable person.

Liu Dehua knows that the person in front of him is not acting - he can't act out a touching effect, can't act out the true feelings conveyed among everyone, let alone the real touch and atmosphere.

Although he is a hundred meters away from the team, he can deeply feel the simplest and most simple emotions and care between human beings!

Yes, everyone is waiting for it, looking at the direction of the exit. Whether it is the turbid eyes of the old man, the hot eyes of the young man, or the clear eyes of the child, they all reveal the same

like desire, the people they are waiting for are the people who deserve their respect and love. All the passing vehicles were stunned by this scene. When many vehicles passed by, they slowed down and opened the doors and windows to look at them in surprise. There were even good people who wanted to make a few jokes. "I was infected by the atmosphere of the scene before I opened my mouth. I couldn't say the teasing words in my chest. I just felt that It's uncomfortable to come.

Liu Dehua's eyes were also wet, his heart was blocked, and his heart seemed to be filled with something. He really couldn't stand the atmosphere at the scene and the doubts in his heart. He called his colleague Luo Li and asked her to take a look for him first. Then he left his post and came to the crowd. He pulled a childish worker and said, "Young man, can you tell me who you are picking up?" What kind of important person is he? How big is he? Let you stand in such a grand team and wait for him?

The little worker looked at Liu Dehua and saw that he had no malice, so he said, "I don't know how big he is, and I don't know how important he is to others. All I know is that his name is Xia Xiang. He is a district chief. He treats our workers like brothers, and the villagers like villagers. I know

The word "good person" is the simplest and heaviest, because the two words contain too many meanings and make most people unable to afford it!

Liu Dehua couldn't ask anything more. When he was close to the team, he could feel the bursting atmosphere in the team that made people want to cry. He hurried back to the guard booth. As soon as he sat down, he saw an Audi with a Yanshi license plate and a business car with a capital license slowly drove into the toll booth.

The Audi car opened the window and paid two copies of the fee. The business car in the back did not open the window and went straight through the guard booth. As soon as the Audi car drove out of the station, the team was restless. When the business car drove to the waiting area, the whole crowd was boiling!

As soon as the whole team moved, it was like a long snake, and it was surrounded by three floors outside the business car. Before the car stopped, a handsome young man got out of the car and waved to everyone with a smile. Because he was far away, Liu Dehua couldn't hear what he was saying, but Liu Dehua had a voice in his heart shouting: Is he the one admired by countless workers and villagers? Why is he so young?

Liu Dehua thought that the workers and villagers were waiting for such a respected old man. He should be kind-looking, or a crane-haired childlike face, or a Taoist fairy bone. Unexpectedly, he is a young man younger than him, and he is much more handsome than him! He was shocked!

Such a young man, what good things have he done can be respected by so many workers and villagers. As soon as he saw him, it was like seeing his relatives. Liu Dehua was shocked and admired him more.

Speaking of which, although his income is good, in fact, he is also a person at the bottom of society. He knows that the emotions of people struggling at the bottom of society have always been simple and honest, and there are many things that money can't buy. Among them, the spontaneous love of the people is more precious than Jin Cheng.

In an instant, Liu Dehua made a decision that surprised even himself. He took out the toll he had just received, gave Luo Li a shout, and ran into the field.

Liu Dehua ran to Xiaxiang, solemnly handed the toll in front of Xiaxiang, and said, "I don't know what kind of cadre you are, and no matter how big you are. All I know is that you are respected by the people, and you must have done good and practical things. Today's travel expenses can't be Time!"

Xia, who was greeting the people, didn't expect that there would be a toll collector to pay the fare back. He waved his hand: "It's natural to cross the road and give his wife. How can you be privileged? Comrade Liu... Comrade Dehua, please accept it. I have received your heart. Thank you. Liu Dehua had a badge, and Xia wanted to call out his name.

Liu Dehua insisted on not receiving it: "Just think that I paid the money. Standing in the middle of everyone, I was excited and let me be noble once, okay?"

The crowd suddenly burst into warm applause and cheers. Many people gave Liu Dehua a thumbs-up, smiled at him, and applauded hard.

Liu Dehua felt a sense of pride that she had never had before. It turned out that there was something better than money in life. The best emotion and identity between ten people.

Liu Dehua hugged the crowd, arched her hand and went all the way back to the post. Her chest fluctuated and fluctuated inexplicably, which made Luo Li ask him puzzledly, "What's wrong, Lao Liu? What are you excited about? Did you see your first lover or pick up your wallet?

Liu Dehua used to feel that Luo Li was charming and charming, with little girl-like innocence and evil, but now she suddenly felt a disgust from her heart, and she believed a sentence: Why is the gap between people so big? It's vulgar, it's really vulgar!

Until many years later, Liu Dehua once saw Xiaxiang on TV, and Chunshi jumped up. Isn't this the young man he exempted from tolls? God, have you become a great official? Later, Liu Dehua was in a difficult situation because of a serious illness. Xia wanted to meet him. Xia wanted to help him solve the crisis.

Liu Dehua clearly remembers that at that time, the total amount of travel expenses he wanted to avoid for Xia was le yuan, and Xia wanted to ask everyone to donate money to save him and raised only 10,000 yuan for him, which made him once again deeply understand the feeling of the crowd who greeted Xia.

Yes, what kind of feeling is it? The workers and villagers present couldn't say anything. Anyway, they saw that Xia wanted to get out of the car alive, and his face was full of spring breeze. The sun hit his face, which made him smo brilliance, and everyone laughed. The black-faced worker showed his white teeth, and the old man showed only a few teeth, all of which were particularly happy and sweet.

However, when everyone laughed, many people cried. Whether they cried happily or moved, the tears from the smile were the most touching and sincere.

Lian Ruohan didn't get out of the car and hid in the car. He looked at Xiaxiang's heroic treatment through the window. He was extremely proud and felt that his nose was sore, and he couldn't help shedding tears of relief. This is the man she loves deeply, firm and sunny. When fighting against political opponents, she has a strong, witty and soft side, but when facing the people, she regards them as relatives, brothers and sisters.

He has always been the man she loves and hates, loves his responsible, witty and persistent side, and hates his impulsive and political side. But in any case, although she didn't understand what kind of relationship with the people and was regarded as the closest relatives by the people, she still shed tears because of the treatment Xia wanted to receive.

It's worth loving him all your life.

The worker led by Xiong Haiyang. He held Xia Xiang's hand tightly. The huge man laughed and cried: "As long as the leader is fine, it's okay. I saw with my own eyes that you are as strong as before, and you can eat and sleep well."

Lu Lao was so stubborn that when he saw Xia, he bent down and was about to kneel down. The guilt in his heart was deeper than anyone else, and he always felt that he had hurt Xia thought. Xia thought not only saved his son's life, but also saved his life. Enbi Mountain was high, and he knelt down. He couldn't think of any way to express his feelings. Xia wanted to force him to prevent an old man from kneeling in front of him again. Let the old man kneel down for himself is to save his life!

Mr. Lu choked stubbornly and said, "Mr. Xia, I'll give you a handful of old bones. If there is anything I want to do in the future, in your words, I'm not afraid of the mountains and the sea of fire."

Xia wanted to feel the strong love of the workers and villagers. He shouted, "Workers brothers, villagers, I'm back!" In the future, I will always be in Yanshi, in Xiama District, and I will always be with you!" The applause was blamed, and there was a cheer - 0 Xia didn't want to go back to the district committee first, but went to the second courtyard to visit Lao Cheng with the workers.

When Xia wanted a group of people to rush to the second courtyard, the whole second courtyard was almost not crowded into traffic jams. Xia thought carefully and let Xiong Haiyang and Lu Lao stubbornly organize workers and villagers to disperse and return to their respective jobs. Don't delay their work because of him. Xia wanted to speak, and the workers and villagers dispersed one after another, which made the people in the second courtyard relieved.

Lao Qian recovered well after the operation, but he hurt his muscles and bones for a hundred days. He was still wearing a plasterboard and lay ** unable to move. Hearing the noisy sound outside, Lao Qian was excited and masturbated something. When Xia wanted to stand at the door with a concerned face, although he had been psychologically prepared, he still couldn't believe his eyes, rubbed his eyes, and then said hesitantly, "Is it really the mayor of Xia?" From the moment he saw Lao Qian, Xia's tears were wet.

Lao Qian's legs were wrapped in thick plaster, covered with gauze and hung on the bracket. Thinking of Lao Cheng's white legs at that time, he could even imagine what kind of pierced pain it was. Thinking of Lao Qian's desperate scene at that time, he could no longer bear the emotion surging in his chest. He came to Lao Qian with tears in his eyes: "Lao Qian, big brother, you have suffered. I feel ashamed in my heart Thank you!"

The eldest brother immediately made Lao Qian cry loudly: "District Director Xia, don't say that, don't say that! I'm ashamed of you. I should have protected you for a long time. It was because I didn't protect you well that you were burned and injured again. You saved me in those years, and I couldn't repay you. If you thank me again, it's just makes me shameless..."

When Lao Qian cried, Xia thought that tears also flowed down. What a good worker, I have always kept a small thing in mind in those years, and always remember to repay him. Now how many officials are squandering their lives with the blood and sweat of the people. They don't know that they are the public servants of the people, the taxpayers are feeding them, and there are even officials shouting that he is the money of the state, not the people.

If the skin doesn't exist, how will the hair be attached? The people are the skin, the country is Mao, and the people are the foundation of the country and the monument that the country will not fall. The only thing that has changed over thousands of years is that the Chinese people are heavy but will never bend the backbone.

Then, Xia wanted to ask Lao Qian's condition in detail. When he learned that Lao Cheng's operation was very successful and he was expected to return to normal walking ability, he smiled happily and reached out to wipe Lao Cheng's tears: "Lao Qian. Be strong. After the leg is good. I'll find you an easy job."

Originally, Lao Qian had stopped his tears. Xia wanted to simply reach out and wipe his tears, which warmed his heart, and his tears flowed again. He is really a good leader with a true temperament. He never pretends to be a leader, nor does he pretend to be his savior. He just blocked him. "I was so worried about the leader. Lao Qian felt that he had lived for most of his life, and he had never been as promising as he is today. In a word, one action is a Tears.

If you don't have a good job, you don't have a good job once. What are you afraid of? Men have tears, just because they haven't reached the sadness. Chief Xia District is worth his blood and bleeding! Bleeding, it's worth it! Broken leg, it's worth it!

P: Tears for tickets, monthly tickets, recommendation. F