official god

Chapter 620 People's hearts are changeable

Ye heard Xia Shen's voice next door. At first, he thought it was tame. Looking at him, he deliberately combed his head and wanted to pay attention to the image. Unexpectedly, Xia thought about the door but did not enter, and went straight to Lao Qian's room next door.

Hearing the enthusiasm, warm laughter and all kinds of touching voices from the next door, Kang Shaoye's mood became worse and worse. In Xia's eyes, he is not even as good as a migrant worker? He is the deputy secretary of the district party committee. Even if Xia wants to have no personal friendship with him, he should visit him.

The more Kang Jianye thought about it, the angrier he became. He was in a hurry and almost fell ill.

In fact, most of his condition has improved. He has been refusing to leave the hospital, and he also wants to avoid the limelight. Although the fire tree building incident has not been found on the party and government leaders in the lower horse area, in case there is any clue pointing at him, isn't it troublesome? Just hide in the hospital. On the grounds of recuperation, no one will have to go to the hospital to ask questions. When the wind passes, he will be discharged from the hospital, just to avoid all kinds of troubles.

It's just that today Xia wanted to accidentally appear next door to visit Lao Qian, which also stimulated Kang Shao's fragile psychology.

Xia wanted to talk to Lao Qian in the room when suddenly a man unexpectedly appeared in front of him. It was Li Fei.

Li Fei came to the second courtyard to visit his father-in-law. Hearing the noise outside, he thought something had happened. Out of his career **, he rushed outside to have a look. The crowd had automatically dispersed. As soon as he inquired, it turned out that Xia wanted to come back. Suddenly, he was overjoyed and hurried to Lao Qian

Xiaxiang said to Lao Qian with a guilty face, "The murderer has been caught, but the main murderer is still on the run and is chasing. I haven't had time to ask about the specific situation. After I know the details, I will give you an explanation. Lao Qian, your blood can't be shed in vain, and your legs can't be broken in vain.

Although Lao Qian also hated the murderer from the bottom of his heart, he rarely thought of hating the person who beat him because he had been thinking about Xia. Now Xia wants to be fine. Lao Qian thought about the murderer's viciousness and said angrily, "Catch him, you must clean him up. It's too cruel. He's just a beast!"

What Lao Qian hated was the murderer's viciousness against Xiaxiang, but he forgot that the shovel fell on him in the end.

As soon as the old money said, several workers in the room, including Xiong Haiyang, were sad and angry and gritted their teeth with hatred.

Just in time, Li Fei pushed away the crowd and came in. Before I could report to Xia, I took Lao Qian's words first: "Let me tell you some good news. Several murderers mixed with the villagers were detained in the detention center. Because they were too active in the detention center, some of them tripped over shoelaces and injured their arms. Some of them choked when drinking water and choked all the time. Some of them were naughty. They broke their heads when playing hide-and-seek, and some people had too much energy and As a result, he sprained his waist, and what's more ridiculous is the person who hurt his old money. He fell down when he took a shower. As a result, his small body was too weak. Not to mention breaking his arms and legs, he even broke a few ribs. He hasn't recovered yet."

Before Li Fei's words were finished, there was a lot of applause in the ward. The workers may not understand the obscure meaning of Li Fei's words, but after they knew that evil was rewarded, they could not hide their happiness.

Although Xiaxiang knows the tricks in it, it is not easy to say anything. There are also unscripted regulations within the public security system. For some villains who are indeed particularly bad, some corporal punishment will be secretly carried out, and the relevant parties are also turning a blind eye.

When the demon Jin Zhichao, who once made the huge explosion in Yan City, was executed, there were rumors that the execution bailiffs secretly flattened the bullet, in order to create a greater terrorist effect with one shot to dispel the hatred, because the huge explosion caused by Jin Zhichao took the lives of many innocent people.

After Li Fei's eyebrows finished speaking, he "popped" and made a small courtesy to Xia: "Leader!"

Li Fei after the Fire Tree Building incident. Because of the misfortune, he was entrusted with the heavy responsibility by the Huang Jian Military Commission, took over the work of a stall in charge of 6 communities, and became the third-ranked deputy director of the District Bureau.

Of course, Li Fei knows it, not because of his outstanding ability. It was not because he performed well in the incident of dealing with the Fire Tree Building, but that Xia wanted to control the situation. Although he was injured, he still had a decisive influence, so Huang Jianjun would vigorously promote him.

Li Fei is very grateful to Xiaxiang. In the final analysis, he has known Sun An for many years, but with the help of promotion, Xia, who has just known him for a few years, remembered the decisive role, which made him not only look up at Xiaxiang, but also determined.

At that time, Xiaxiang's bravery and generosity were vivid in his mind. Li Fei was also a hot-blooded man, and he was also impressed by Xiaxiang's behavior. He felt that Xiaxiang was not only a person but also an official, and it was worth his pursuit.

Therefore, the salute and leader just now are all manifestations of self-sincerity.

Xia wanted to see that Li Fei was in a good mental state. Knowing that he was in power and in a good mood, he laughed and scolded the local sentence: "You are comfortable, aren't you? Have you been on a good road lately?

Li Fei hurriedly smiled and said, "It's all cultivated by the leader. I specially came to thank the leader and specially reported on the work. Niu Qi's whereabouts now is unknown. Niu Jin is hospitalized. However, according to the doctor, it may not be able to save one leg. It's a pity, and he doesn Who is to blame for falling from **? I feel sorry for him."

Li Fei also has a certain level of acting. He shook his head and sighed, as if he was still really sad for Niu Jin: "The director of the detention center was criticized for this, and I heard that he also carried three months' salary. But this matter

has attracted the attention of the municipal bureau. He decided to carry out the sub-an bottle to strengthen the bed within the warehouse market. He remembered something and smiled mysteriously, "Secretary Chen made a big fire and went to all parts of the city bureau to inspect the work. He either picked his nose and eyes, or a big thunder. He also ordered an investigation into the Niu Jin's fall injury. He thought it He was born in the public security system, and his unprofessional conclusions have aroused the doubts of many public security officers

Xiaxiang also knows that Chen Yulong, as the secretary of the political and legal committee, is also the Fu Xianfeng department. Naturally, he will not easily let go of the Niujin incident. He must be strictly investigated. He can't find out the truth for the time being. Even if it is only for the purpose of Shuwei, he will not let On the other hand, he also wants to show Niu Qi.

Although Xiaxiang didn't know what kind of transaction there was between Fengqi and Kang Shaoye or Bai Zhanmo, it made Niu Qi take the risk to go to Ning Province to chase Wang's cannon. But he can guess that Niu Qi would rather ask for long-term sick leave to chase the murderer at this time. Obviously, he was desperate and even gave up his future voluntarily. For Niu Qi, except for his son who is worth doing, nothing else is out of his eyes.

From this, it can be judged that Niu Qi almost exchanged his life for the safety of Niu Jin.

As for the incident of Niu Jin's leg injury, Xia wanted to dare not jump to conclusions for the time being. Maybe it was Jiang Yuhan's handwriting, or Chen Yulong and others deliberately did it, just to force Niu Qi to submit. No matter which one, Niu Qi has now been shackled.

Xia Xiang sat down for a while and talked to Lao Qian. After receiving phone calls from Li Hongjiang, Feng Xuguang, Fan Zheng, Sun Xianwei, Shen Lichun and others. One by one, they called in one, either condolences or playing tricks to pick him up the wind and dust. He was so busy that he had to excuse him off one by

What Xia didn't expect was that just as he was about to leave the ward and return to the district committee, Yan Xiao unexpectedly appeared.

During his hospitalization in the capital, Yan Xiao visited Fan Zheng once, but there were many people at that time. She and Fan Zheng left without much stopping. They handed in their homework to the old man and didn't say a few words. I didn't want to go back to Yanshi online. When Yan Xiao heard the news, he actually chased him to the hospital.

Yan Xiao is dressed in a windbreaker, a gray elegant windbreaker, boots, long legs, and a red gauze scarf tied around his neck, which is even more charming. Among the several women that Xia wants to know, Yan Xiao is the best at dressing up, and his clothes are the most charming.

People rely on clothes, which is true at all. Yan Xiao was originally a bright and beautiful person, coupled with the background of the clothes, it looks more colorful and beautiful. At the current station, many workers are ashamed of themselves and automatically give up the space. Yan Xiao smiled, held a bouquet of flowers in his hand, put the flowers at the bedside of Lao Qian, and said, "I wish Brother Qian a speedy recovery

Then she waved gently to Xia: "The mayor of Xia is back? It seems that you are in good health. It's really a good thing.

Xia thought she would say something else, but she just waved goodbye and turned away, leaving everyone with a fantasous back.

Xiaxiang did not look at Yan Xiao's back, but secretly laughed at Yan Xiao's style just now. In fact, she was angry. Although her face was full of smiles, in fact, there was a faint anger in her eyes. She can hide it from others, but she can't hide it from Xia.

As for why she was angry, Xia thought didn't bother to guess. Woman's heart, undersea needle, he doesn't have to work hard to find a needle in a haystack.

Xia thought that he did not disturb anyone and returned to the courtyard of the Xiama District Party Committee alone. Lian Ruohan went to Yuanjing Group, Xiao Wu returned to Jiangshan Real Estate, and everyone else was busy. Xia also knew that many people in the lower horse area should have heard the news and knew that he was in Yan City, but no one knew when he would return to the district committee, and Bai Zhanmo also deliberately did not ask, which means that if you don' .

Xia wanted to stand in front of the district party committee with a lot of emotions in her heart. Although it was only a few days, there was a sigh that something was wrong. He knew that when he re-entered the gate of the district committee, the disemortal area would usher in new turbulence.

On Monday, near noon, everyone was busy. Xia thought just slipped all the way into his office when people were not paying attention. Sitting in a familiar chair and looking at the spotless table and the neatly tidy room, he knew that Jin Hongxin and Huang Weigang were still useful.

Seeing that there is too much time, Huang Weigang must have gone to dinner.

Xia thought that he was not hungry at all. He sat down and thought about things for a long time, straightened out his mood, and made an in-depth analysis of the current situation.

In the province, Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng are at a deadlock because of Fang Jinjiang's position, and they urgently need someone to relieve the siege.

In the city, Fu Xianfeng and Yu Fanran have returned from the capital and began to enter the state. 6 They continued to carry out their respective work, which is relatively calm. However, because of the Niu Jin incident, politics, law and the public security system are carrying out a political struggle to stand and queue. Chen Yulong seizes the opportunity to cultivate cronies in the public security system and compete with Sun Dingguo for territory, which is also expected.

He doesn't have to worry about this matter. Sun Dingguo has been in the public security system for many years. His power is intertwined and deep-rooted. Even if Chen Yulong can pull away a few corners, it will not become a climate.

In fact, the most critical problem in the city is the same as the deadlock in the province. It is not the transfer of Fang into the river, but the choice of the minister of organization in the era of the rear into the river, which is the top priority at this stage.

The position of an organization minister is bound to affect the nerves of many people. Politics, sometimes speak by strength, and sometimes by all kinds of opportunities, the timing is right

is the decisive factor

If the powerful party drops the chain at a critical moment, it is also annoying. Just like someone with good luck, wherever he took office, the weather will be smooth. And some people have bad luck. Wherever they go, there will be disasters. What if you have the strength? We should also bear political responsibilities.

In ancient times, some people said that they did not protect the sky. Although I won't talk about it now, it's actually the same. When a country or a person provokes anger and resentment, it is a natural disaster. On the contrary, everything will be smooth, the government order will be smooth, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment.

There are too many examples to investigate in real life, but unfortunately, many people selectively ignore it.

Therefore, Xia wants to be cautious and optimistic about who will be the candidate for the organization minister of the Municipal Party Committee in the end. It doesn't necessarily mean that someone will get a discount in the end, because there are many winds and grass will affect the balance of the situation, especially now that Ye Shisheng is swinging so much that he is not sure to persuade the head of the provincial party committee.

The main reason is that maybe the Fu family will make a lot of capital. At that time, Fan Ruiheng will have to make concessions if he doesn't give in. Political competition is originally a competition of interests. When you feel that the effort and return are disproportionate, no one will stick to it desperately.

The situation in the disediment area. In contrast, the situation at the provincial and municipal levels is more important in the eyes of Xiaxiang.

No other, just because although the diseping area looks like a mess at present, after the situation is clear, the series of turbulence caused by the diseping area is likely to become the fuse at the provincial and municipal levels, which will detonate the whole Yan province.

Now, the fuse has been lit, but I don't know how long it will take to explode and blow up a clear sky.

When Xia wanted to think about it, Huang Weigang came back after dinner. As soon as he entered the door, Xia wanted to sit in it. He was stunned and couldn't believe his eyes. The lunch box in my hand was not firmly held and fell to the ground.

"Leader" Huang Weigang also rubbed his eyes, "Why are you here?"

Xia wanted to smile: "My office, I'm coming to work, why can't I come?"

Huang Weigang knew that he had lost his words and smiled awkwardly: "Leader, I, I'm too excited to say something wrong. Don't care." Why don't you say hello and let me pick you up with Director Jin?

"A little thing, I won't work with you." Xia wanted to wave his hand and didn't want to pester on irrelevant issues anymore. He asked directly, "Told about the recent situation in the district

The work in the lower part of the horse area is in a semi-stagnation state. The situation that the government is responsible for is almost normal. In terms of the district party committee, the work has encountered many obstacles. On the one hand, it is because Kang Shaoye is hospitalized and many jobs cannot be carried out, and on the other hand, it is When Bai Zhanmo's words were conveyed, the taste changed, and no one carried it out with their heart. In fact, it is also people who change their minds. They want to wait for Xia to come back and see what kind of situation will be after the situation is clear.

Some people will even guess whether the weather will change in the disema qu?

Those who hold the same idea are not only several members of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, but also many clerks. As the newly established Xiama District Party Committee and District Government, the cohesion is insufficient, and the coordination between the personnel is poor. One district chief and one deputy secretary are missing. Although it is not so panicked, many people take the opportunity to Or wait for an opportunity.

After all, a big thing has happened. Now that the murderer has not been arrested, who knows who will be involved after the murderer is arrested? So you don't have to work hard now. Who can you show it to? If the superior leader is dismissed at that time, wouldn't it be in vain? People's hearts are fickle.

In fact, it also has a lot to do with Xiaxiang. In the eyes of many people, Xiaxiang is the backbone and the day of the disemorator. Bai Zhanmo can't control the overall situation and can't plan the future of the sub-horse area. In case Secretary Bai's decision is denied after the head of Xia comes back, and the work in the early stage is thankless. Who will do such a stupid thing?

No matter what kind of thoughts you have, in short, everyone in the dismount area is in a wait-and-see state. To put it bluntly, they are waiting for Xia to come back. During Xia wanted to be hospitalized, not many people in Xiama District went to the hospital to express their condolences, because Xia wanted to be the first to say, did not engage in false etiquette, and did not have to go all the capital to visit him, because Xia thought clearly that no matter who went to comfort him, he spent the country's money, which was unnecessary

Bai Zhanmo also called and proposed to visit him in person. Xia wanted to refuse, and then Bai Zhanmo did not mention it again.

Xiaxiang was talking to Huang Weigang in the office. Jin Hongxin passed by outside and saw that the door of the district chief's office was not closed. She thought that Huang Weigang was not a careless person. Why didn't the door be closed today? It seems that he has to remind him that even if District Chief Xia is not there, he can't be careless, because Huang Weigang is the secretary and he is the director of the office. Both of them are the closest people around District Chief Xia. Every move represents the image of District Chief Xia.

Before Jin Hongxin pushed the door in, she stood at the door and heard Xia wanted to speak. Suddenly, her heart shivered and she couldn't believe her ears: Is Director Xia back? Did the leader recover from his illness and be discharged from the hospital? God, why did you sit quietly in the office?

Sigh: The gods in front of us are almost single chapters every day. We won't open single chapters, okay, brothers? As long as your support is in place and awesome, Lao He will code carefully and write hard. If you are not in a good state, improve your state, you will not be in good spirits, and you will be forced to support you. However, monthly tickets and recommended tickets should also keep up, okay? I really long for the support of monthly tickets and recommended tickets! F