official god

Chapter 659 Wind and Clouds

There was nothing he could do. Xia wanted to shake his head. He wanted to see Gu Yu and Lao Gu today, so he had to call Gu Yu and said that he would meet Lao Gu in the afternoon or tomorrow at the latest.

Gu Yu seemed to be eating, muddle-huh. After that, he suddenly realized something: "Ah, you won't come until tomorrow?" I've prepared the meal for Grandpa and you... All right, I know you're a busy person. Give me a spoon for a spoon, but Grandpa said that if you don't arrive tomorrow, he will be angry.

Hearing the "du-du" sound from one end of the phone, Xia was stunned for a long time and shook her head with a giggle. Because suddenly he smelled the smell of a period of planning, and felt that Gu Yu seemed to be falsely passing on the imperial edict. From beginning to end, there was nothing wrong with the old man. It should be Gu Yu who directed and acted by himself and deceived him. Never mind, let's meet Mei Shengping first. Xiaxiangxin has an idea that this year and this year, he will not only live a leisurely life, but may also be dazzled. Facts finally proved that his guess was not only correct, but also brought a lot of pain to himself.

Mei Zhai was in Jingxi. He drove all the way to the west and walked for about an hour before arriving at Mei Zhai. Thinking of the later capital restricts the entry of vehicles from other places to Beijing because of traffic jams. Because of traffic jams, people in the capital spend more than 2 hours on the road every day to go to work. Because of traffic jams, Xia wants to shake his head and smile helplessly. Now the traffic jam has begun to be seen. Maybe the experts and professors are Instead, he is busy advocating the arrival of the automobile era.

Experts are all drummers. Unfortunately, it is not the drummer of the times, but the drummer of the manufacturer, and it is often a random beating, no rhythm. When I think of it, I think of it. No, if I have money, I will beat the drum. If I don't have money, I will play the gong. Anyway

So the specialty slowly became a derogatory term in later generations and became the laughing stock of the public. That's right. Whoever thinks he is smart enough to fool the people will be abandoned by the people sooner or later.

Mei's house was hidden behind a high-rise building and entered through a long alley. He thought it would be a broken wall inside. Unexpectedly, when he passed a wall, he suddenly became cheerful, and a house with the smell of Jiangnan garden came into his eyes.

What is different from the grandeur of Qiu Zhai is that the graceful style of Mei Zhai is more obvious, and the layout of rockery flowers and plants is very delicate, which is small and fine. On the land in the north of the capital

There is also such a poetic and picturesque house, which also makes Xia want to learn more. It was Mei Xiaomu who greeted Xia at the door.

The frivolity and arrogantness of Mei Xiaomu and Fuxiang's first meeting at Qiu Xufeng's wedding

has been much stronger. In addition, he has seen Xia Shang's energy recently, and he has been deeply hit hard by Yan Xiao. His nature has restrained a lot. As soon as he saw Xia, he came forward enthusiastically and said with a smile, "Secretary Xia is here... Please come in. Uncle has been waiting for you for a long time. It's not a good thing to let Mei Shengping talk about it. Xia thought clearly that Mei Shengping would definitely speak ill of him. He smiled and politely said a few words to Mei Xiaomu, and followed Mei Xiaomu into the main hall.

Mei Zhai's floor area is smaller than Qiu Zhai's, but the layout is more ingenious and the structure is more exquisite. A three-storey villa stands in front of it, and it has not yet reached the main gate. As soon as he looked up, Mei Shengping stood on the steps and greeted each other. It's enough to give Xiaxiang courtesy.

Xia wanted to be frightened on the surface, but he was not flattered. "He knows that although it is not appropriate to come to Meizhai today as a Hongmen banquet, there will definitely be accidents. The accident was either a surprise or a surprise. Xia wanted to hold Mei Shengping's hand: "Minister Mei, good New Year!"

"Good New Year." Mei Shengping responded cheerfully, but said, "It doesn't matter whether it's good or not. It's good to see old friends. If you can't see old friends but see bad friends, it's not good.

There is something in Mei Shengping's words. Xia wanted to pretend that she didn't understand and didn't answer his words. He pretended to care about Mei Xiaolin: "How's Xiaolin recently? Children can also leave their hands. They should go to work, right?

"It's not urgent to go to work. She asked for a year's leave." Mei Shengping took Xia's hand and went into the room. "Xiaolin is fine recently, and the child is also good. She just came here today. I can meet her."

Is Mei Xiaolin here too? Xia thought to himself, well, did Mei Shengping deliberately arrange a family dinner for today's party?

When he arrived at the living room, Xia thought that Mei Xiaolin was also there. Unexpectedly, there was no one else in the living room, but there was an old man with silver hair sitting in the middle. The old man's eyes were clear, thin and small. He sat on the sofa. Although he was very thin, it gave people a very majestic and solemn feeling. Mr. Mei, the real helm of the Mei family!

Xia thought that he was a little distracted for a moment. He never thought that Mr. Mei would meet him in person, because he didn't expect that there was any reason to meet Mr. Mei at this stage!

Seeing that Xia wanted to come in, Mr. Mei smiled and didn't stand up. He asked, "Are you Xia?" There are slightly southern soft language in the accent. Xia Xing hurriedly replied respectfully, "I'm Xia Xing. Hello, Mr. Mei.

Mr. Mei nod slightly and motioned Xia to sit down: "Come on, sit down, I'm old, but I like to chat with young people most, because young people represent the future and hope, especially the best among young people. I don't dare to call myself the best, especially in front of Mr. Mei. In the past, I didn't dare to support him at all, so I was in a hurry to be modest. I invite you to come today. There is nothing else to do, just meet, have a meal and talk. Mr. Mei spoke softly, which made people feel particularly kind.

Xia thought clearly that Mr. Mei's kindness is not really kind to people, but the condescending kindness he has cultivated over the years. It can be said that it is a performance or a habit that can't be seriously. It's a great honor." Xiaxiang expressed his flattment in time, with a sincere smile on his face.

Mr. Mei was quite satisfied with Xiaxiang's response. At least Xiaxiang's expression was sincere, which made people unable to see the falsehood. He thought that there were countless people, but he didn't see whether Xia wanted to perform seamlessly from the bottom of his heart.

Mr. Mei's initial impression of Xia is that he is a very talented young man, with stability beyond his age and sincerity much younger than his age. His attitude is impeccable. "It makes people feel that he is attentive and sincere. It should be said that at least the first to meet, Xia wants him no fault.

Mr. Mei has always been picky about the sun. Whenever he meets, he can always pick out more or less shortcomings. Today, when he saw Xia, it turned out to be the first nearly perfect young man he had seen in his life, which greatly increased his interest in Xia Xiang.

Mr. Mei doesn't want to meet Xia today. It's a coincidence. Today, he suddenly wanted to see Mei Xiaolin and Mei Ting, so he came to Mei's house. The old man usually doesn't live in Mei's house. He still likes a comfortable house with suitable space. Mei's house is Space is empty. "People are old and don't like houses in space.

After the old man came, he heard Mei Shengping say that Xia wanted to be in the capital, and he wanted to meet Xia. As for Xiaxiang's name, he had heard Mei Shengping, Mei Xiaolin and Mei Xiaomu say more than once. At first, he didn't care much about it. Later, when he accidentally talked to Mr. Fu, he also heard him mention Xiaxiang's name, and his tone was quite bad, and he also had a little words about Xiaxiang. He I'm on my mind.

A deputy department-level cadre far away in Yan City can actually make Mr. Fu remember it in his heart. Not only in his heart, but also very dissatisfied with him, so Mr. Mei can't help thinking, what interests did Xia think of the Fu family have to make Mr. Fu indignant?

After Mr. Mei retired, he basically really did it without asking anything outside the window, which was more thorough to retreat. The Mei family's plot in Yan Province and the national plots were handed over to his eldest son Mei Shengjun to do it. Mei Shengjun did not report to him, and he did not ask.

But later, when chatting with Mr. Qiu again, he heard Mr. Qiu take the initiative to mention Xia's name. Mr. Mei couldn't calm down and couldn't help his curiosity. He took the initiative to ask Mei Shengping about Xia's situation. It's okay if you don't ask. After asking, you will know that Xia wants to have a complicated relationship with the Mei family!

Mr. Mei became more interested in Xia Xiang. He specially asked Mei Shengping to tell him what Xia thought for a long time. Hearing what Xia Xiang did in An County, he was finally moved when he was in the ice and fire in the Lower Horse District. What a hot-blooded young man, what a young man to visit the Prime Minister.

Therefore, as soon as he came to Mei's house today, as soon as he heard that Xia wanted to be in the capital and had not agreed on the date to meet Mei Shengping, the old man proposed that while he was also there, it would be better to hurry up and let Xia want to come over now. He wanted to meet this young man for a

Mei Shengping knew that although his father was gentle-tempered, he had always had a different personality, so he quickly called Xia Xiang.

He has no objection to the old man and Xia's want to meet. He is optimistic. He also believes that the old man wants to see Xiaxiang, not only out of curiosity about Xiaxiang, but also may be related to the layout of the Mei family in the province.

On the surface, the old man no longer cares about any political affairs, but the wind that Yan Province and the capital want to build the economy of Daquan City still touched the old man's nerves.

Compared with other provinces, it is the only province in the country that completely embraces the capital. Although the total economic volume is not prominent in China, the geographical location is very important. It can be said that the importance of the capital is unique in the country in terms of geopolitics. If the economic output value of the capital is greatly advanced, Yan Province will definitely become the most influential province in the politics of the capital in China.

The land of the capital is surrounded by Beijing and Tianjin, and it is also the province of Zhili. In ancient times, the garrison of Yan Province was definitely the most trusted person in Beijing to serve as a general. Otherwise, once there is a mut, it can change in a blink of an eye.

Surrounding Beijing and Tianjin, arching the capital, Yan Province is the natural barrier of the capital, and Yan City is the last south gate of the capital.

Politically irreplaceable geographical location, coupled with the economic hail of the capital, Yan Province and the capital will inevitably be integrated. You have me, I have you, and I have you, which is inseparable. When the economic scale of Yan Province will leap to the forefront of the country, Yan Province will become a dual province of politics and economy.

Only when you start to prepare now can you get the maximum benefit at that time. When Yan Province really becomes a strong province, it will definitely be eliminated.

Judging from the layout in Yan Province a few days ago, the Wu family has the broadest power and the deepest layout. The Fu family is the second, the Mei family is the second, and the Qiu family is the weakest.

The Wu family is the most powerful, and the Mei family is not uneasy, because the Wu family is the most powerful of the four families. Mr. Wu's political skills, even Mr. Mei is convinced. Even if Mei Shengping is not convinced, he has to admit that the Mei family is not as generous as the Wu family in terms of the layout.

However, the power of the Mei family in Yan Province is not as good as the Fu family, which makes Mei Shengping unconvinced.

When he went home for the Spring Festival and discussed the economic situation in the capital with Fu Shengjun, Mei Shengping felt a sense of urgency for the first time.

At first, I didn't think there was anything important in Yan Province, but now the economic situation of a big capital immediately made everyone's eyes shine!" I can't wait to seize the highest point of Yan Province immediately, and grab the position of one or two leaders of Yan Province in my own hands. Yan Province has become a mouthful for everyone in a blink of an eye.

The situation is really stronger than others. The plan can't keep up with the changes, but it is ever-changing, and the interests are still big. Everyone has turned their eyes to Yan Province, and what they are looking for is nothing more than long-term political and economic interests.

Politically, Yan Province may become the cradle of national leaders. The economy is JL. Yan Province is inseparable from the capital in the future. As a supplement to some aspects of the capital, it can also complement the capital. The closer the complementary relationship is, the greater the influence on the capital, and the greater the influence, the greater the right to speak.

How can the Mei family lag behind the Fu family in the competition that is expected to become the largest province in China in the future? In Yan Province, it lags behind the Fu family, and it may lag behind the Fu family in the future. After discussing with Mei Shengjun, Mei Shengping unanimously reached a conclusion. If you want to open the situation in Yan Province, you need to find a spokesperson in Yan Province, a Yan Province person who has influence and network in Yan Province and Yan City, and his level cannot be too high, let alone too low. If it is too high, it is not easy to control, and if it is too low, it is worthless. There is only one person who meets the conditions in all aspects, Xiaxiang.

Yes, only Xia wants to meet the conditions of the Mei family. He is young, capable, networked, and influential enough. At the same time, his level is neither high nor low. But one thing is that Xia wants to meet the conditions of the Mei family, which also meets the conditions of the Wu family, and also meets the conditions of the Qiu family. In addition to the Fu family, who is completely at peace with Xiaxiang, three of the four families have a good reason to pull Xiaxiang over. Moreover, the Wu family also has Lian Ruohan and Xiao Lianxia as the biggest favorable conditions, which is the only one that makes it possible for Xia to fall into the Wu family in an all-round way.

Mei Shengping doesn't want Xia to completely fall to the Wu family. Although he knows more clearly that it is more impossible for Xia to fall to the Mei family, it is most in the interests of the Mei family to maintain the middle position at this stage. He also believes that it is also in the interests of the Qiu family. If the Qiu family is smart enough, it will also make Xia want to try her best to maintain her current center position.

But the problem is that it is impossible for Xia to be impartial among several families. Xia thought that he is a man, not a god. He also has seven emotions and six desires, as well as distant and close relatives. Whoever walks with him more, he will definitely help more. Last time he helped Qiu Xufeng to prevent Fu Xianfeng from taking the throne of the Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee.

And from the current situation, the Qiu family is the weakest in Yan Province. The Qiu family's mind to open up the situation in Yan Province is more urgent than the Mei family. At the same time, Mei Shengping also heard the news that Xia wanted to meet Qiu Renli, and he understood more about what Xiaxiang is. He is not sure, but it The family stepped up the pace of marching into Yan Province and entrisoning Xiaxiang.

Mei Shengping realized that with the finalization of the economy of the capital, with the action of the Wu family and the urgency of the Qiu family, the importance of Xia Xiang rose again, and once again became the object of competition between all forces.

But because of this, Xiaxiang will become a thorn in the side of the Fu family, because the more important Xiaxiang is, the more he will obstruct the Fu family's plan. No matter which one Xiaxiang cooperates with, he will not cooperate with the Fu family. On the contrary, it will create obstacles for the Fu family everywhere.

And the stronger the Wu family, the Mei family and the Qiu family are, the more they suppress the living space of the Fu family.

What is the attitude and reaction of the Fu family? Mei Shengping doesn't care. What Mei Shengping wants to do most now is to ask Xia, which one he wants to help with his heart, or which one he prefers most.

Mei Shengping believes that the relationship between him and Xiaxiang is also a teacher and a friend. He asked half-truthly, and Xia Shang won't think too much.

Now Xiaxiang is sitting in front of you. Xiaxiang, who is respectful, sincere and polite and funny, is no different from before, but in Mei Shengping's heart, he still feels the difference.

In the past, he didn't think how smart and wise Xia wanted was, but now he found that he still underestimated Xia thought. Unconsciously, Xia Xiang has become a key fulcrum. Whether he is invincible to the family or still in the middle, with his skills and ability, he will basically be invincible.

Generally speaking, most of the grass-type characters in the officialdom do not have a good end and will not be reused. Most of the people who want to be left and right are out of tune, and no party will accept him directly. But Xia Xiang is different. Xia Xiang is exquisite on all sides and deeply appreciated by all sides, because Xia Xiang is very smart to do a little bit. He deals with all parties one by one. He is not trying to seek greater benefits for himself, but to help all parties calm the relationship and obtain long-term benefits.

The smartest people never talk about their interests in front of them. They only do it and only help others get benefits on the surface. In fact, while helping others, all those who have received his favor will keep his help in mind.

Let people remember your good is the greatest success of life, which is much better than letting others remember you more and how much energy you have. People are emotional animals, and they will remember to accept a person emotionally for a long time.

As if he didn't know Xiaxiang, Mei Shengping secretly looked at Xiaxiang a few times and thought that it had only been a year, but he didn't see him for a few days, and he felt that Xia thought was different again.

P: The first update will be delivered, and the remaining two updates will be delivered in the evening. Don't tell the lie. Today, there is a monthly ticket. Lao He continues to work hard. Tomorrow, it will still be ten thousand words in three updates. Let's fight! Brothers who have voted for the monthly vote, vote more recommendation votes to give Lao He a reason to work hard. ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in... M, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading! ) F