official god

Chapter 660 The Way of Balance

In fact, Xiaxiang has not changed at all, the level has not changed, the smile has not changed, and everything has not changed. Mei Shengping also knows that what has changed is not Xiaxiang, but his state of mind and the situation. It is the change of the situation that has raised the importance of Xiaxiang to an unprecedented height.

"Xiaoxia, no matter what matters today, no matter how important your reason you are, don't leave. You must leave a thousand for dinner, otherwise it won't give me face." Mei Shengping was not polite. He directly said to Xia in a half-joke and half-command, "What, do you have any objection?

"No." Xia wanted to simply respond, "It's a good thing to have a meal. How can there be a problem?" No one will have a hard time eating, right? Besides, Minister Mei has a lot of face. How dare I not obey?

Mei Shengping smiled and said, "That's not bad. I love to hear it." He looked at the old man again, hesitated for a moment, or asked, "How's the conversation with Qiu Renli?"

Xia wanted to see Mei Shengping ask directly, so he smiled and answered very directly: "It's okay, it's basically the effect that both sides want." What effect does the Qiu family want to achieve? Mei Shengping was not implicit at all and asked directly.

"The proposal of the capital economy was put on the agenda, and everyone was a little anxious. The urgency shows that the stakes are stake, but the urgency can't eat hot tofu. The Qiu family now has a minister of the organization of the municipal party committee in the city. In the province, they also want a secretary-general. Xia wanted to know that he couldn't hide anything. As soon as the Qiu family started to operate, the rumor would come out immediately. Moreover, he will also contact the Zhi family in Yan Province. At that time, everyone will know that his handwriting is among them. Instead of letting Mei Shengping learn the truth from others, it is better for him to say it in person now.

"Qian Jinsong wants j!:\} a move?" Mei Shengping frowned and thought for a moment. Suddenly, he said with half a complaint, "Xiaoxia, I didn't criticize you. Why did you tell Qiu Renli about such a good thing but didn't tell me? Do you think it's far from me?" Only Mei Shengping can really ask these words. If it were someone else, I really couldn't say it

Xia wanted to laugh, took a look at Mr. Mei, and then said, "Minister Mei, I not only want the Qiu family to take the position of secretary-general, but also want you to come forward to help, stop the small movements behind the Fu family, and withstand the pressure on the front of the Wu family." Mei Shengping's face darkened: "Xiaoxia, you can't joke about some things."

"I'm not kidding, I'm telling the truth." Xia Xiang was not surprised at all when Mei Shengping's face changed greatly, but he still looked at Mr. Mei with a smile and said with a smile, "Sir, Minister Mei used the authority of his organizational minister to suppress me. You can judge me."

Mr. Mei has been squinting his eyes and thinking about things since Xia wanted to say that the Qiu family wanted the throne of the Secretary-General. Xia wanted to say to him. He seemed to have just woken up, and his eyes widened again. He wanted to make a nod to make a little, and then turned his head to Mei Shengping Don't come down to greet the guests..." Obviously, it means to rush Mei Shengping away.

Mei Shengping was not embarrassed at all. He also smiled at Xia. There were some meaningful things in his smile, and then went upstairs by himself.

Mei Shengping, there are only Xiaxiang and Mr. Mei left in the living room. Xia wants to know that the old man is going to test him in person.

"It is rumored that among the four major families, the strength of the Wu family is the first, the Mei family is the second, the Qiu family is the third, and the Fu family is the fourth. In fact, this is not the same thing." Mr. Mei's words were amazing, and the first sentence surprised Xiaxiang√ Bu. I would like to listen to the old man's teachings. Xia wants to see that the old man intends to reveal some family secrets to him. How can there be no reason not to hear it? He immediately put on a listening gesture.

"It is true that the Wu family is the first. For so many years, no one has caught up with the Wu family. Not only is the old man Wu with the highest wrist and the most accurate vision, but also because there are a large number of capable people around the Wu family. Of course, everything is related to the superb layout of Mr. Wu. Old man Wu has a long-term vision and is the best way to take one step and three steps. His method is beyond the reach of several old guys. While talking, Mr. Mei laughed at himself. "In fact, to be more accurate, the reason why the Wu family has today's strength is that Mr. Wu is supported by his shrewdity alone. So the Wu family is the first, even I am convinced. But the remaining three families, who go up and who go down, each family has a ranking in their own heart...

"The four major families are not immutable, and they are just names that good people have to make up. In fact, not only the capital, but also there are family power all over the country, and there are many. There are dozens of large and small families in the capital alone, but in general, in recent years, "Wu, Mei, Qiu, The four families are the most powerful, so they are called the four families. The old man looked out of the window and looked calm. " Among the four families, the Wu family and the Mei family have the greatest influence. The neighbor and the Fu family have only been squeezed into the four families in recent years. If the time is pushed forward, there is no Qiu family and the Fu family among the four major families. The other two families have declined for various reasons, Take it instead."

"There is nothing in the world that will never stop, and so are the four families. Qiu and Fu can replace others, and they can also be replaced by others. In the same way, the Wu and Mei families may also lose their strength due to a major mistake and eventually be squeezed out of the four major families. Mr. Mei's Mandarin with a slightly southern accent is very soft and pleasant to listen to. He speaks very fast, and every sentence he says has a slight pause, as if he is carefully considering the words, "Although the four families are just a false name, when they have come to the top of the sky, no one can escape a reputation, and because of the four families The reputation is getting louder and louder, and it has influence in the capital and even the whole country, which is a huge invisible political wealth!"

Company property can be divided into tangible property and intangible property, and sometimes intangible property even accounts for a larger proportion than tangible property. Xia wants to fully support what Mr. Mei said about intangible political wealth. Politics, in the final analysis, is a kind of influence, an authority that makes others obey you. Well, there are two ways to make others obey a person. One is that this person is highly respected, and everyone is convinced and spontaneously obeys. One is that he is in a high position, has power and decision-making power, and others have to be convinced.

For the four major families, the political high position is the most basic guarantee to ensure that the family has enough strength to influence the policy direction of a certain province or even the country in order to seek greater benefits from it. There is also an invisible influence. If the name of the four major families is loud enough to have an impact on the decision-making levels in various provinces, it can even influence their judgment so that they will not make decisions that are unfavorable to the family power. In this way, the reputation will be transformed into actual benefits and benefits.

has the same effect as the celebrity effect. When a celebrity arrives at the locality, the local government will send heavyweight officials to receive it, because celebrities can bring economic benefits to the locality. Although the four families are only in vain, they are not in their fame. They have always listened to the wind and rain in the officialdom, paying attention to mystery and background. Moreover, the four families are all in the capital. It is difficult to know how much energy they are in the place. Invisibly, they are afraid of the four families.

With fear, there are practical actions, and the four families have the real strength to affect the localities. Therefore, although the four families may cause the disgust of the top figures from the grassroots at the highest level, no one in the four families can move their foundation, and no one will have to give an order to say that the four major families are not allowed to spread everywhere. It would be ridiculous to do so. .

Out of the consideration of vested interests, out of the long-term plan, out of the starting point of both fame and fortune, the four families began to be called by good people, and finally formed a huge invisible political wealth, and then became a conventional title, measuring whether the power of a family can be listed as a country. Within the ranks of the top families, the four families are now deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and have an unparalleled influence in the domestic political pattern. Influence is political interests, economic interests, and the guarantee of both fame and fortune!

After the economic situation of the capital was put on, it is conservatively estimated that it can also form a trillion-scale commercial situation around the capital. Who doesn't care about the scale of trillions? Fu Xianfeng tried his best to use ZD billion yuan, and what he was trying to do was only make a profit of dozens of yuan. The scale of trillions, not to mention how many employment opportunities can be brought and how many millionaires can be created, the construction of infrastructure alone, local financial investment alone, and the radiation and driving effect brought about by it are unlimited.

Not to mention that after Yan Province has increased its political weight, it has become a strong political province, which will create many ministries and commissions and even high-ranking officials at the national level. All these things have moved all four major families.

Because whoever seizes the opportunity of Yan Province may rise among the four major families. Even if he is the last-ranked Fu family, he may take the opportunity to become the first. And if anyone misses a good opportunity, he will not only be thrown further away by others, but may even be squeezed out of the four major families and completely fall.

Now the four major families are not only a false name, but can bring tangible benefits and great benefits to each family. No one wants to be removed from the name, and no one wants to be forgotten.

Xia wanted to tell him the original intention of the secret of the four families. Although the real secret of Mr. Mei will not be revealed, he is also the first person to tell the name of the four families and the relationship between the interests of the four families, which benefited Xiaxiang a lot and deeply felt deeply. The place and the way of human beings. Mr. Mei pays attention to treating people with sincerity, at least treating him sincerely.

"Intangible wealth is not the end, but the transformation into tangible wealth is the end." Mr. Mei saw the change of Xia Xiang's expression and felt a little gratified. His painstaking efforts were not in vain, and finally moved Xia Xiang. "Now the reputation of the four major families is getting louder and louder, the influence is getting wider and wider, and then the benefits are getting bigger and bigger. The greater the benefit, the more people don't want to give up what they have... Ha ha, to be honest, Xiaoxia, I'm old and didn't want to be in charge of the affairs, but the proposal of the capital economy still moved my old bones and couldn't sit still.

"At the beginning, I was promoted to Yan Province, mainly because I liked that Yan Province was close to the capital. It was easy for him to go home and transfer back. Unexpectedly, by mistake, it turned out to be the right step. Originally, I meant to let Shengping stay in Yan Province for two years, and when the time was ripe, he would be transferred back to the capital. Now it seems that it is necessary for him to stay in Yan Province again, the longer the better..." Mr. Mei said enough ** and began to cut into the topic, "But Shengping is still alone in Yan Province. If the If you speak with a voice, it will be much better.

Xia wanted to be slightly stunned. He didn't understand what Mr. Mei meant. He wanted to say that after the Qiu family took the throne of the Secretary-General, he wanted the Qiu family to join hands with Mei Shengping, or did he say that the Mei family was going to take the position of the Secretary-General directly? If it's the former, it's okay. If it's the latter, it's troublesome.

Then thinking about it, Xia couldn't help but feel a headache. Just now, Mr. Mei patiently told him a lot about the four major families. If he just wanted the Qiu family to interact and cooperate with the Mei family after getting the throne of secretary-general, he would not have to bother to tell him so much. It seems that Mei Lao The old man was also moved by the secretary's long position. Xia thought that he didn't know how to answer Mr. Mei for a moment.

In terms of his personal interests, among the four major families, in addition to the Fu family, the other three families want to come to Yan Province to install forces. He will not stop it, and he is also optimistic about it. With the strength of several companies and the geographical location of Yan Province close to the capital, Yan Province has always been the first choice for senior officials of many ministries and commissions in the capital. Although now it is no longer a springboard to come to Yan Province, but to seek long-term benefits, in fact it is still the same. Judging from the inseparable interaction between Yan Province and the capital, as the economic circle of the capital is known by more and more people, Yan Province will become a must-have place for all forces.

Xia wants to start from the perspective of selfishness. Political JL pays attention to balance and constraints. A single family will not last long, and it is not in line with the current far-reaching society. Only a few families have reached a stable balance, and only when he lives in it can he maximize the benefits.

As for the public, only a few companies are evenly divided, and each has its own income and has its own checks and balances, so as to ensure the stability and unity of Yan Province and enable Yan Province to develop its economy continuously and steadily. Any family that is dominant in Yan Province is not the situation he wants to see.

And in the long run, I'm afraid that some people at the top do not want the family to grow stronger and stronger, which will eventually affect the balance of the whole political situation. But considering the interests of the family, everyone wants to be the only one. Even if you can't be a real family leader, you still want to overwhelm others as much as possible.

The Mei family's position on the position of the Secretary-General &qu;, although Xiaxiang was slightly surprised, it was also reasonable to think about it carefully. Because of their work, the Secretary-General and the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee have close exchanges, and they also play the role of the housekeeper of the Provincial Party Committee. Although they do not have much real power on the surface, in fact, they have a wide range of jurisdiction, and it is easy to establish contacts in the Provincial Party Committee.

In addition, with Mei Shengping in the Organization Department, the Mei family can really win the throne of the Secretary-General. One secretary-general is around the secretary of the provincial party committee, and the other minister of the organization is in charge of countless official hats. The strength of the Mei family in Yan Province will rise sharply.

To be fair, Xia Xiang did not expect to reveal the news that Qian Jinsong was going to move to the Mei family in advance. He also imagined what kind of situation it would be if the Mei family had won the position of Secretary-General. As a result, he finally denied his idea. After a comprehensive comparison, it was in everyone's interest for the Qiu family to get the position of secretary-general. Of course, it also includes his interests.

The Mei family is stronger than the Qiu family, and it is also stronger than the Qiu family in Yan Province. If the Mei family takes the position of Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee again, the right to speak in Yan Province will be directly on the left family. No, even the influence of the provincial party committee will surpass that of the Wu family.

In this way, the Wu family will definitely be dissatisfied. It is uncertain whether it will prevent the Mei family from working, but it will definitely deliberately make difficulties with the Mei family on some things and prevent the Mei family from continuing to grow in Yan Province. Because the strength of the Mei family is second only to that of the Wu family, every move of the Mei family will definitely make the Wu family vigilant.

But the Qiu family is different. The layout of the Qiu family in Yan Province is the most \{, and the power is also the weakest. After the Qiu family took the secretary-general, it is equivalent to just opening the situation in the provincial party committee. At least the Wu family can accept it. Even if the Fu family is dissatisfied, it can barely accept it. Compared with the situation that the Mei family's action to operate the secretary-general is easy to cause the joint opposition of the Wu family, the Fu family and Small.

It is precisely because the Qiu family has the least power in Yan Province that the Qiu family takes action. Although the other three families are on guard, they will not take the initiative to stop it even if the Qiu family is able to do so, they will not take the initiative to stop it. Even if a family secretly tampered with it, it should be able to be resolved by the Qiu family.

Needless to say, the Fu family wants to get the position of Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. First of all, Xiaxiang will not agree, and will secretly obstruct it. If the Wu family takes a fancy to the position of the Secretary-General and wants to take it for itself, it will arouse the joint opposition of the other three families, because the Wu family is now the most powerful in Yan Province. After winning the Secretary-General, it has absolute strength. No one wants to see this result. I'm afraid that more than three companies are unwilling, and no one in the central government will agree.

Xiaxiang also knows that with the growth of the family's power, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of some key figures in the high-level central government. He doesn't know others, and he knows the position of the prime minister alone. Yan Province and the capital unite to Malaysia the capital economy. It is normal to cause a series of open and secret disputes between the four major families, but if the struggle is too fierce or even affects the political stability, it will inevitably lead to the dissatisfaction of the high-level opposition to the family faction.

P: The second update will arrive later. Continue to ask for the monthly ticket. You can get the mutual knife ticket today, and continue the third update tomorrow! ∫! D