official god

Chapter 691 Forming a pattern

It happened that the large group unintentionally infected the land of Chengxi Village, and Xia wanted to push the boat along the water. Taking advantage of Li Han's dissatisfaction and chaotic situation, he took advantage of the chaos and took the opportunity to seek more benefits for Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate.

As a concession, as a fog to confuse the vanguard, it also appropriately gave up D mu of land to Zhongda Group. The deeper intention is also to give Li Han a way out, because Li Han now seems to insist on boycotting the big group. As long as Zheng Yi shows up again and gives Li Han some benefits, Li Han will change his style. Or if Fu Xianfeng put some pressure on Li Han, Li Han may even put forward suggestions for the score between Zhongda Group and Wentai Real Estate.

He also came out of the concern that Xiaxiang couldn't force himself. il was also to show balance and fairness. It was proposed by Chen Tianyu. Xia wanted to nod, and then there was the proposal just now.

Xia Xiang's longer-term consideration is that if Zhongda Group also divides a piece of land in Chengxi Village, every move will be under the eyes of Qi Yanan and Li Qin. He is not afraid that Zheng Yi will also start the real estate project. As long as Zheng Yi does not leave the land idle, once the public has a movement, it will

At the same time, the concern of letting Nanxin Real Estate, Guangxia Real Estate and Zhao Kangge Wentai Real Estate together is also to pay close attention to Zhao Kang. Zhao Kang's status as the shortcut of Changji Trade is not bad, but he can't become the shortcut of the real estate market in the lower horse area, let alone play with some empty gloves and white wolves. With Li Qin, as long as he has a bad attempt, he will be found by Li Qin in time.

Under the formation of the above layout, Xiaxiang made arrangements in advance. As his vanguard and firmest alliance, and also the deputy head of the district, Chen Tianyu is the most suitable candidate to put forward the above issues in the Standing Committee. Next, it depends on the reaction of all parties...

Zhuang Qingyun first used his glasses to compare the situation in front of him. Seeing that everyone cast doubtful eyes on him, he couldn't help laughing: "After my careful consideration, I still think Comrade Tianyu's proposal is the most in line with the current situation. According to the theory of not putting eggs in a basket, it is most in line with the interests of the t-horse area to divide a piece of land into four families. At the same time, I also suggest that when dividing the land, we should offer different prices according to different locations, and price according to quality. In the market economy, we should also pay attention to economic benefits..."

"Hehe." Xia wanted to take the lead and laughed, "Comrade Qingyun said well. Although it is not good to sell land to make money, under the market economy, whether it is land or art, the way to make money is a good way." Everyone also laughed..

Compared with the chaos and solemnity just now, the atmosphere is much easier and clearer. After Zhuang Qingyun's hand gently dialed, the focus of the debate seems to have changed from whether to give land to four companies, which one is more and which one is less, which one is better and the price is higher, and so on.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Fu Jianbin interrupted him in time and said, "Why don't we have a bid and mark the price of a good place, and give which of the four companies is more expensive... I guess I can sell millions more, and millions more, so I can buy a lot of office supplies for the district party committee and district government, as It's time to pick up the computer, and District Chief Li should be equipped with a laptop. In addition, there is a mobile activity. If you want to handle the internal number for us, you can get the mobile phone when you pay the phone bill. I'm worried about the money..."

Fu Xiaobin's cleverness is that he has made the land problem affordable again, and he has attracted everyone's attention to sell more money to get more benefits. Moreover, everyone has benefits, which makes everyone here moved. Everyone has the mentality of taking advantage, especially the good things that everyone has. After listening to it, everyone smiles.

Mu Yunshan and Li Han also smiled. Fu Xiaobin released his goodwill and offered to buy them a computer. How could they refuse? Mu Yunshan did not have much interest in the ownership of the land. The housekeeper of the district party committee said a good word, and he said, "If you take the opportunity to give benefits to everyone, there will be more people who miss you. It's good for you to take the rutnium of the public..." Everyone burst into laughter.

Fu Xiaobin hurriedly said, "Okay, if you decide to auction the land, set a base number, and if it exceeds this base, I will use the extra money to improve office conditions and give benefits for everyone. Anyway, there are two leaders, Secretary Xia and District Chief Li, here. If they don't criticize me, they just admit it.

Xia wanted to laugh without saying anything. Li Han also smiled and nodded: "When I first came to the lower the horse area, I thought that the new district must be full of brand-new office furniture. Unexpectedly, I heard that a lot of old office supplies were brought from the municipal party committee, which was also a little shabby. Director Fu's proposal is ..."

At the suggestion of Chen Tianyu, Zhuang Qingyun took the opportunity to play, and then let Fu Xiaobin grasp a key point, successfully mastered the initiative of the Standing Committee, and diverted everyone's attention.

Xia wanted to see that the time was fully ripe, so he made a final statement: "Since everyone has no objection, it has been decided that the land in the west of the city will be taken from each of the four companies. As for the specific number of days and price of each family, Comrade Li Han will negotiate with Comrade Chen Tianyu, and the auction will also The constitution comes out. If necessary, it will be discussed at the Standing Committee at that time.

At a meeting, under the dial of Xiaxiang's ingenious hand, it was chaotic first and then clear, and finally moved the flowers and trees, and received the expected effect.

I also saw that the rhythm of the whole meeting seemed natural, but in fact, it has always been under human control. Zhuang Qingyun is a kind-hearted person. He secretly looked at Xia with a calm face. He thought that Xia was smart, scheming, and knew how to take proper care of other people's feelings. To be fair, he is indeed a leader worthy of learning and respect.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to go back to the office. He was in a good mood. Just as the sun was shining outside the window, he pushed open the window and let in the fresh air.

In any case, his plan went smoothly and completed the first trip with Li Han. In fact, it is not completely a trick, because Li Han's political position is unclear now. He is not appreciated by Ye Shisheng now, and he does not have the remote control command of the vanguard. This time, Xia wanted to soberly realize that Li Han did not firmly oppose it. First, because he had not really established a foothold in the lower horse area, and there was no reliable power around him. Second, Fu Xianfeng is now too busy to take care of himself and has not devoted too much energy to the diseering area.

Because Fu Xianfeng is now competing for the position of mayor of Yan City, I'm afraid he is also anxious. He doesn't have much time to spend on the disema area, so he was given the opportunity to take advantage of it, so that he can calmly complete the layout and lay the foundation for the counterattack of Otherwise, if Fu Xianfeng can free up his hand, he will definitely cause trouble and make it easy for him to get it.

Basically, the pattern has been formed, and the review committee has reached a consensus. After the text is completed, it will be put into action. Xiaxiang also relied on the idea of a springboard. Now the overall situation has been settled. The farm of Siniu Group will be built in the Xiama District, and Zhongda Group will also have interests. Zhao Kang will also get what he wants. Of course, the above is only a long-term plan. The key in front of him is that Dacai Beituan The underground market will definitely wrinkle a pool of spring water.

If the above three developers are enough to trigger a chain reaction, the three new developers of Nanxin Real Estate, Guangxia Real Estate and Wentai Real Estate appeared in the tear-up real estate market in the Xiama District. Is it the identity of the spoiler or the identity of the participants? Will it promote the benign development of the real estate market in Shimoma District, or will it bring vicious competition? One more thing, what will Yuan Mingliang think of the intervention of the three new developers?

Xiaxiang's guess is that Yuan Mingliang will have an optimistic attitude, because the real estate market in the Xiama area will not be saturated in a short period of time. The more new real estate, the more it proves that the real estate market is hot, the more it can increase house prices accordingly. The higher the house price, the more bright the profit.

Whether Yuan Mingliang will be vigilant. Xia is not sure, but he can more or less speculate that there is no bright idea. There are countless large and small developers in the Xiama area. As long as they comply with the policy, they can come in. Anyway, in the tide of the market, life or death depends on their own ability. Yuan Mingliang will still be cautious and optimistic. If he succeeds in one, he will buy one at a high price. If he fails, he will buy one at a low price. In short, all the developers' real estate will be regarded by him as meat in a bowl.

Whether it is fat or lean meat, the meat that can bring him beauty is good meat.

The layout of several real estate companies is aimed at Yuan Ming's encirclement and control. The arrangement of Zhongda Jiyin is a constraint to deal with pioneers, and it is also a response to Zheng Yi's investment confidence. If he really invests, Xiaxiang is also welcoming. If he makes wedding clothes for Changji Business, "Xiaxiang also has a way to deal with it.

The breeding base of Xisi Niu Group is a long-term plan. Now it has been a few years away from the outbreak of the stone gate. Xia wants to have enough time to find out the truth hidden behind the public's eyes. The truth reported by the news media only takes the filtered pure water, and the real inside story is never known in the depths of darkness.

But after inadvertently learning from Lian Ruohan that the Fu family had intervened in the dairy industry, Xia thought made a clear fact. No wonder after the exposure of melamine in later generations, almost all large milk powder manufacturers in China were spared. It turned out that the whole interest chain was worshipped, and there was one behind it. The giant hand I saw was manipulating everything.

Of course, it is a little too early to conclude that the Fu family will bear the overall responsibility for the melamine incident, and it is a little too rash. But since Xia wants to know that the Fu family is the behind-the-scenes manipulator of the dairy industry, he will peel the cocoon and go deep into the industrial chain of In the retail market of the terminal, we can find out the composition of the entire interest chain, so that we can know it and turn the tide at the critical moment.

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