official god

Chapter 692 Cao Yongguo's Next Step

However, when the Fu family intervened in the dairy industry, he thought of the Wu family, the Mei family and the Qiu family. Xia Xiang was also secretly shocked. He didn't know which of the above three companies were involved in 7 monopoly industries and which mass industries they had intervened in. Presumably the monopoly industries that countries such as petroleum, chemical industry, There are four major families, so some popular industries in society, such as genetically modified technology, biopharmaceuticals, highways, medical care, and even primary and secondary education, I'm afraid all four are also involved.

In fact, the whole society is still under the manipulation of many giants. It is visible and invisible. As long as there is a profit, there is a huge force involved in it. If all the inside stories are exposed, I'm afraid it will be bloody and shocking.

Xia also knows that he can't be Don Quixote who hits the interests of the whole industry, otherwise he will have ten lives and not die enough. The interest chain of the interest group of the whole industry is stable and firm, pulling the whole body. If he touches the interests of the whole industry, there will be top-down pressure first, either losing the official or idle. Secondly, there will be bottom-up threats such as personal safety, the safety of family personnel, etc., and the outlaws will come to them.

Xia is not a savior, but he is not a person who retreats with a little difficulty. His ideals are not far away, realistic and practical. If he is an ordinary person, if he meets someone who is bullied by bad people, he will stand up and beat the bad guys away. If he were a rich man, he would fund a group of homeless poor people. If he is an official, he will seek benefits for the people as much as possible, punish corrupt officials, and severely punish bullies who bully men and women. In addition, he will also strive to recruit upwards. Only when the position is higher the position, the heavier the weight, and the greater the power, can he become more.

Xia's thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He withdrew his mind, shook his head and smiled. After taking a look at the call number, he did not pretend to wait for the phone to ring a few times before answering. Instead, he immediately picked up the phone and said respectfully, "Good, Governor Song." It was a call from the Song Dynasty.

After the Spring Festival, I wanted to meet Song Chaodu, but I didn't sit and talk together. I was too busy, especially in the Song Dynasty. Xia thought that he had just breathed a sigh of relief and finished dealing with the matter of getting off the horse area. When he was about to go to the provinces and cities, Song Chaodu's phone number appeared in time. He knew that Song Chaodu must have something important.

Generally, there is nothing important, and Song Chaodu rarely takes the initiative to make phone calls. If there is a private matter, I usually ask Song Yifan to call me during off-duty hours. As Xiaxiang, who knew about the way of doing things in the Song Dynasty, he immediately realized that there might have been changes in the personnel problems in the province and city.

Song Chaodu laughed: "Xiaoxia, Yongguo has been in the hall for a long time

Xia thought that in the Song Dynasty, there was a message about the candidate for the secretary-general of the provincial party committee. Unexpectedly, Cao Yongguo was mentioned in the first sentence. He was moved in his heart. Yes, his father-in-law has been in the position of the hall for some years. According to his seniority, it is time to move up

But moving up, it will definitely not be the secretary-general of the provincial party committee. The secretary-general of the provincial party committee is a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee. "It must be approved by the central government and is not within the authority of the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty was cautious, and he never said more about things beyond his ability. So that is to say, Song Chaodu hinted that his father-in-law could operate the position of mayor of Yan City?

As the mayor of Yan City as a deputy provincial cadre, he is not stingy. He has not only entered the ranks of deputy provincial cadres, but also has real power. At the same time, it is not very eye-catching. It is an excellent transition position.

In fact, Xia thought that he didn't expect his father-in-law's future. His father-in-law has enough qualifications and political achievements, but there is also a defect that he is too short in the position of the leader. Not only has he not served as the head of a city, but he has only served as the secretary of the municipal party The location of Yan City, Yan Province is so critical that it has attracted the attention of the senior management of the central government, and it is difficult to operate.

Fan Ruiheng's pass in the province is good, and Mei Shengping will also give him face. Ye Shisheng, if he comes forward to plead, he is almost 70% sure that he will nod, but the key to the problem is that in this way, his father-in-law will really become a thorn in the Fu family.

The struggle between Xiaxiang and Fu Xianfeng has always been just a matter between the two, which does not involve relatives and friends. Xiaxiang did not blame his father-in-law for pulling him into the water, making his father-in-law the target of the Fu family's rectification. He can cope with the conspiracy and trick of the vanguard, and his father-in-law may not be successfully calculated by the Fu family. Even if he returns it afterwards, it will be a lifelong regret if his father-in-law destroys his future because of this.

At present, the position of the mayor of Yan City must be Fu Xianfeng who is fighting hard. At this time, if Cao Yongguo accidentally kills again, it will inevitably attract the jealousy of the Fu family... But on second thought, the proposal of the Song Dynasty is not unreasonable. You can't give up the benefits of the Fu family because of the attitude I can't make up my mind. After a few thoughts, he said: My father-in-law may still want to lay a solid foundation. I remember that he accidentally mentioned it when he talked to him last time. He may want to work in the capital after the expiration of the term, but your thinking is also very attractive. Let me ask for his own opinion... However, Governor Song, the position of the mayor of It's hot. I'm afraid it's not easy to fight for it.

When Song Chaodu saw Xia, he thought about it a little bit, and he was also happy, so he smiled again: "It's quite difficult, but it's not without any hope. However, now it is not only the mayor of Yan City who can fight for a position. I also have another Siluo for your reference. Duantai serves as the governor of the West Province. He wants to cultivate a trustworthy deputy governor. He just called me to discuss this issue, and Duantai also took the initiative to mention Yongguo.

It is also a good idea to serve as a deputy governor of the West Province. Although there are frequent safety accidents in the West Province, and two consecutive governors have resigned because of major safety accidents in later generations, if it can be prevented, the Western Province is also an excellent place to train people, but Xing Duantai suddenly remembered to let his father-in-law Did he go to serve as a deputy governor just to strengthen his control over the government team?

I'm afraid it's not completely true. Xia thought about it and immediately realized the problem. Like politics and business, it has always been unprofitable. The good things that come to your door must have secrets. Long before Xing Duantai became the governor of the West Province, Lu Diyuan, the former Minister of Publicity of Yan Province, was transferred to the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee of the West Province, and the relationship between Lu Yuanyuan and Cao Yongguo was irreversible!

When Lu Yuanyuan was the Minister of Propaganda in Yan Province, his relationship with Xing Duantai was very ordinary. It is estimated that after Xing Duantai arrived in the Western Province, there was still no progress in their relationship.

Xing Duantai must have been constrained on personnel issues, and Lu Jieyuan did not agree with his position, or at the same time, he grew up in the government team. Now that there is a vacancy, Xing Duantai thought of Cao Yongguo in a very timely manner. If he could transfer Cao When Yongguo comes to him, one can have a powerful assistant, and the other is that Cao Yongguo can become a bridge between him and Lu Yuanyuan.

"It's not bad to go to the West Province. In addition to Governor Xing, Minister Lu is also in the West Province. My father-in-law went there and took care of each other." Xia wanted to know that Song Chaodu must know a little about the inside story, so he deliberately clicked a little, "My father-in-law has always had a good relationship with Minister Lu..."

"I know I can't hide it from you. You can guess anything, hehe." Song Chaodu laughed. When Xing Duantai called him, he repeatedly stressed not to tell Xiaxiang the truth, but he said that Xiaxiang must be able to guess the reason. As a result, he really said correctly, "I told Duan Taiming. It's better to make it clear to Xiaoxia, but Duantai said that he wanted to test your political wisdom I can't stop you."

Song Chaodu said briefly next, which really made Xia think right. It was indeed exactly the same as what Xia thought. Xing Duantai wanted to be transferred to Cao Yongguo in order to strengthen the control of the government team and coordinate the not close relationship between him and Lu Yuanyuan.

Song Chaodu didn't hide Xia's thoughts, and he didn't want Xia to be misunderstood, and he also knew the relationship between him and Xia, so there was no need not to tell the truth. If you have to hide it, Xiaxiang can also guess it, and it's meaningless.

Xia is also the leader of the deputy department at least. Basically, many people call him "Xiao Xia". Instead of it, he doesn't care about it, but feels that it is a kind expression. Whether it is Song Chaodu or Chen Feng, they are all the elders and leaders who watch him grow up. Xia is full of respect and respect for them.

Song Chaodu said the real intention of Xing Duantai. Xia thought did not feel that there was anything wrong with him. No matter how deep the friendship between people is, they also need to be useful to each other for a long time. It is impossible for others to pay you for no reason. Only the friendship of common interests is the long-term way.

"Since Governor Song also thinks it is a good way, I will discuss it with my father-in-law and ask him for his opinion." Xia wanted to give the answer that Song Chaodu wanted.

Song Chaodu said, "I personally think that it is more promising to go to the western province as the deputy governor than to serve as the mayor of Yan City. Yan City is not competing now. Now in Yan City, there are too many conflicts of interest, all forces are gathered, and the political achievements are good, but it is also easy to fall into political struggle

Song Chaodu's view is also Xia's concern. He acknowledged: "I think my father-in-law may not have the idea of coming to Yanshi as mayor." Putting down Song Chaodu's phone, Xia thought for a moment and still dialed Cao Yongguo's phone number.

Cao Yongguo was talking to people at work. He accidentally received a phone call from Xiaxiang and was stunned. Xia wanted to call him very little during working hours. He took a look at the deputy mayor who was reporting his work. The deputy mayor was willing and immediately got up to leave. Cao Yongguo answered the phone: "Xiaoxia, what's the matter?" P: Please continue to support the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. Thank you. The next update is probably later gD