official god

Chapter 716 Potential

Uncle Kang's eyes lit up!" Please ask the leader to explain it to me in detail. I don't regret it.

Too layman, Xia wants to shake his head secretly. If he hadn't pulled Zhao Kang, Zhao Kang would have been a fiasco, or he would have been acquired and manipulated by Yuan Mingliang. He didn't even have any concept of an intelligent community, and he really had a long distance from the real estate industry.

Since Xia thought he intended to guide Zhao Kang to his path, he did not sell any more. He explained in detail what an intelligent community is and the market prospect of an intelligent community.

Zhao Kang listened to this. First, he looked solemn, and then his face relaxed. Finally, he smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, that's great. The intelligent community is the first in Yanshi, and it is also the first in the Dama District. There must be a sales market. Thank you, Secretary Xia. Thank you very much. I would like to give you a drink.

Xiaxiang and Zhao Kang clinked glasses: "The intelligent community is not only the intelligence of informatization, but also the intelligence of building materials, such as the use of new thermal insulation glass, new thermal insulation materials, new radiation-proof paint, etc., which can also attract a lot of attention when publicizing to the outside world."

How did Zhao Kang know this? He opened his eyes wide: "It's really knowledgeable. It turns out that there are so many things to build a house?"

Sun Xianwei interrupted and said, "There is something to pay attention to, and it's also very important to find a woman. Some women are easy to use, some women are martyrs, and some women are more slutty than you. You have to have a vision to understand them to ensure that you are not wronged. At the same time, you are wasted by them.

"Mr. Sun, we are discussing the house, not to mention whether women are good or not?" Zhao Kang looked at Sun Xianwei with a little dissatisfaction.

Sun Xian's great words are not humbable: "The truths of the world are all connected. Whether it is looking for a woman or building a house, one thing in common is that it is not only necessary to waste a penny of the people. This balance is not easy to grasp."

Xia wanted to laugh: "It's not rude, Zhao Kang. If you want to know more about the new materials, you can go directly to the hour new building materials factory to find the director of Yan hour, who will be responsible for introducing and recommending to you. Moreover, the hour building materials factory is the only new building materials manufacturer in the lower horse area. If the first batch of new building materials are purchased by Wentai Real Estate, after the In the main house, give priority to the supply right of the hourly building materials factory.

Zhao Kang narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Thank you. Thank you very much for Secretary Xia's rejuvenation. It's really a good idea. It's worth a lot of money."

Xia wants to sell new building materials to Zhao Kang. Of course, she also has the idea of not flowing from other people's fields. In addition, if Zhao Kang's Wentai Real Estate can really achieve the reputation of an intelligent community, once it succeeds, there must be a lot of developers imitating later. As a result, it will bring a continuous source of customers to the hourly new building materials factory, so that after the new building materials are produced, it will take time and effort to find ways to It costs a lot of advertising.

Publicizing the hourly building materials factory with Zhao Kang's hand is also a method of killing two birds with one stone. At least it can bring the first business to the hourly building materials factory and relieve the financial pressure.

Zhao Kang also knew a little about the new building materials factory when he was a child. He knew that he had Gu Yu's shares, so he didn't care much about Xia to deliberately sell to him. He must support Gu Yu's industry if he doesn't want to sell it.

"I will ask the advertising company to design advertising words, adjust the design plan, and implement the intelligent area as soon as possible." Zhao Kang got Xia's wonderful plan and couldn't help but be happy. He immediately took out the phone and had to call his men.

Xia wanted to reach out to stop him: "Don't worry. Only playing the banner of an intelligent house may not be able to make a beautiful turnaround, and it also requires corresponding promotional activities. For consumers, your advertisements are all over the place, but the price is high. They will not be moved and will not come to see the house on the spot. If you don't see the house, you can't impress them, and there will be no transaction volume.

Zhao Kang was now completely mastered by Xia Xiang, and immediately looked bitter: "Secretary Xia, save me, what should I do? You can tell me in one breath for the face of the chief, okay? I can't stand your surprise.

"It's not three beautiful women waiting for you in **. What can't you stand?" Sun Xianwei joked again, reached out and hugged Jiajia, took the opportunity to touch Jiajia's face, and smiled, "The leader is right. You can't just look at the advertisement, you have to see the curative effect. Jiajia doesn't look thin, but thin has the beauty of thinness. The taste is not enough for outsiders.

Zhao Kang was really speechless about Sun Xianwei's metaphor for women, so he had to pat him on the shoulder: "Brother, women are wonderful, but the body is their own, and the body comes first. I know a person who swills in the flowers every day. As a result, he is not old before he is old, and his body collapses. Now he takes medicine every day. Think about it, there was no one who lived a long life in the ancient emperor, and he knew that the color was a scraping steel knife.

" Sun Xianwei didn't listen to the advice and touched Jiajia's chest: "I'm full to eat, and I'm comfortable. You can continue to get to the point. I will continue to Zhuofu.

Sun Xianwei was originally adding trouble. He is a supporting role and a clown. The main one is Xia, and he knows it very well.

Zhao Kang shook his head helplessly and turned his head to Xia want to accompany his smiling face: "Leader, please give me instructions, I'm being taught."

"Your price has been set high, and it is impossible to reduce the price again. The price reduction is to beat your mouth, but you will lose trust." In Xia Xiang's estimation, in the face of the pressure of Cheng Dacai, Yuan Mingming will certainly have a corresponding response. Among them, the most likely means is promotion. The promotion is an unknown drop but a secret drop, such as buying a house and a garage, a car, decoration, furniture, etc. In fact, it is a disguised reduction. The price of For the sake of face! It's good to see these six stalks in the bright New Year's couplet! Before, let Zhao Kang try the water first, and then block the bright back road.

First, to increase Zhao Kang's confidence and let him see the market prospects, so as not to make him panic in the first round, it will be easy to be easily acquired by Yuan Mingliang. Second, it also continues to create problems for Yuan Mingliang, so that Zhao Kang, as a spoiler, can stand firm in the real estate market in the stormy . Third, after some training, Zhao Kang can gradually mature and learn to do a good job in business.

"It is impossible to reduce the price, but it must be reduced. What should I do? We can only launch a series of promotional activities, such as selling houses and cars, parking spaces, and furniture. Basically, except for the wife, all other daily necessities can be given away, which is equivalent to a disguised price reduction. There is a signboard of an intelligent community. There are promotional activities, and if the advertising is creative, you don't have to worry about customers coming to your door

After Xia wanted to finish speaking, he put a piece of stupid egg in his mouth, tasted it, and praised: "It's really an authentic stupid egg. Now it's difficult to buy a real stupid egg. Nowadays, the eggs in the chicken farm are all large-scale products and have no characteristics. There is no nutrition. Now people have returned again, and they have begun to eat stupid eggs and stupid chickens"

Xia wants to change the topic in order to give Zhao Kang space to think.

"Yes, yes, trendy women are no more popular now. Several bosses I know have turned their eyes to the countryside and are ready to find the right firewood girl." Sun Xianwei interrupted again without losing the opportunity.

This time, Zhao Kang ignored Sun Xianwei's words. Instead, he picked up a glass of wine and fell into meditation. After about half a minute, he stood up and saluted Xia with a standard military salute: "Secretary Xia, my old Zhao Pingsheng is not very convinced. I used to be the most convinced of the chief, but now I am convinced of you. You are really a great man, a real great man. What I said just now, even if I broke my head, I couldn't figure it out. You are so smart!"

On the way back, Sun Xianwei was much more honest. He didn't let go of his hands, and he didn't hold Jiajia. Instead, he said solemnly, "The market for new building materials is very broad, but the price must be relatively high. My real estate can also have a try. The leader asked me to come today. Does it The material community?

"You guessed right. You can calculate the cost by yourself. Contact Yan Xiao to see how the production capacity of her factory is and whether it can ensure timely supply. With the intelligent community of Wentai Community, if you promote the new building materials community, it should also play a role of innovation. It is an innovative idea to work harder. Of course, it's up to you to take the idea. I'll only provide a reference. Xia thought that he only clicked a little, because he did not dare to overestimate the market prospects of new building materials.

"When the leader doesn't seem to have made a mistake, of course not this time." Sun Xianwei has a kind of blind trust in Xiaxiang, because of the first Shilipu vegetable wholesale market. However, he made a lot of money, and now it can bring him rich profits. He has always admired Xia Xiang's creativity.

"I will start with the energy-saving effect brought by new building materials, and then calculate in detail. If solar hot water, solar street lamps, new thermal insulation building materials, coated thermal insulation glass, etc., can save electricity and energy by thousands of yuan in a year, a house will be calculated according to the annual service life. It can save more than 10,000 yuan, which is also a considerable amount. Add more quiet, comfortable and safe living feelings brought by new building materials, hehe. I have the sales prospects of my community. The more Sun Xianwei said, the more excited he became. He said with a fluttering eyebrows, "It's absolutely good to follow the leader. It's really, haha, I made money again today."

Sun Xianwei has much more experience than Zhao Kang, and has a much deeper understanding of real estate building materials. When Xia thought about it, he immediately saw the tricks. He was naturally excited and inexplicably.

The mountain and water-linked city of Dacai Group relies on mountains and rivers to win. Wentai Community relies on the intelligent community as the selling point. The location of Jiangshan real estate is more remote, with affordable housing as the starting point. Sun Xianwei's Tian'an Real Estate focuses on the energy-saving brand of the new building materials community, and And the Xiama River is the biggest highlight. At the same time, there is also the atmosphere of the community. In this way, Xiaxiang's layout has been fully planned, surrounded on all sides, and with their different positions, with the momentum of thunder, hit hard!

On Monday, Wentai Real Estate suddenly announced that it would build Wentai Community into the first intelligent area in Yan City, promote a new intelligent life, and launch a series of promotional activities!

As soon as Wentai real estate was built, sales immediately rose, and even reporters took the initiative to ask for interviews to learn more about the details of Quanyan City and even the first intelligent community in the province.

And the promotion activities of Wentai Real Estate are also quite strong. It caused a lot of response. In short, Wentai Real Estate's move was like a heavy bomb, which suddenly opened a way to live in the real estate market in the lower horse area. One day, Wentai Real Estate, which was originally unknown, suddenly became famous.

After receiving a few phone calls in the office, Xia Xiang smiled knowingly. Zhao Kang is efficient and fast enough. His flag will inevitably stir up a storm in the real estate market in the Shimoma District.

Even if it is not a messy flower that is becoming more and more attractive, it can achieve the brightness of confusion, which makes Fu Xianfeng anxious, and the purpose is completely achieved.

Xia's guess is right, Er'er's order is indeed Weihuo" Fu Jingfeng is also impatient

Because of coincidence, Zhao Kang chose the right time. It was when Zhao Xiaofeng's funds arrived, he announced a new strategy and promotion plan in a high-profile way, which was equivalent to directly giving Fu Xianfeng and Yuan Mingliang a Shanshui City. As soon as the Shanshui City of Mawei Dacai Group opened, Yuan Mingliang's summary data , but it is still within the acceptable range. As soon as Zhao Kang's plan was launched, the sales volume was reduced by more than 20%.

Yuan Mingliang couldn't sit still, so he hurriedly interviewed Fu Xianfeng to discuss countermeasures.

In a leisurely teahouse, only Fu Xianfeng and Yuan Mingliang sat opposite each other. The two were silent for about a few minutes without saying anything, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

"I've said before that there is no need for Zhao Xiaofeng's domestication funds to enter the market. Now that the money has arrived, it can't be refunded. Whether it's useful or not, the profit must be paid. Isn't it equivalent to digging a hole for yourself? Yuan Mingliang was very angry when he thought of Zhao Xiaofeng's blade. Now it has really become a hot mountain, which is not only hot, but also annoying.

Fu Xianfeng knew that there was a little loss. He also knew that Yuan Mingliang's complaint was a little angry. At the beginning, Yuan Mingliang did put forward an objection, but he decided to pull Zhao Xiaofeng on the ship out of family plans and political considerations. Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly changed, and now the situation is suddenly tense.

"Everything has happened, and it's useless to complain. Besides, even without Zhao Xiaofeng's blade, it would still happen. Now we can take Xiaofeng's funds to buy Shanshui City and Wentai Community, so as not to disturb the market and disrupt our deployment. Fu Xianfeng plays with the teacup in his hand. The teacup is crystal clear, just like white jade, and it is very beautiful with the crystal yellow tea.

But in the eyes of Fu Xianfeng, there is no sense of beauty. He doesn't have any taste or appreciation now. It is true that things happened too suddenly. Zhao Kang, like a sudden enlightenment, accurately positioned Wentai Community, and the promotion method was also very superb, which attracted the attention of many consumers at once. Coupled with the siphon effect brought by the fame of Dacai Group, it is currently controlled by Yuan Mingliang. Housing resources, sales are decreasing day by day. You have to come up with a way to deal with it

Otherwise, you will be waiting to die.

"Is it possible that Xia wants to change Zhao Kang?" Fu Xianfeng intuitively believes that there must be a shadow of Xiaxiang in it.

"I also suspected that Yuan Mingliang nodded and looked out of the window.

The sun is shining outside the window, the temperature is rising, and the spring is coming in the north, but now the young leaves have been exposed on some willow trees, indicating that the pace of spring is close at hand. He has always thought that it is difficult to suit the northern climate, but after more than half a year since he came to the lower horse area, The reason for the investment completely ignores the impact of the climate.

Yuan Mingliang can't help but doubt the role of Xiaxiang in it, because Xiaxiang himself has a very good business acumen, and he and Zhao Kang know each other. However, Zhao Kang seemed to take Li Han's route again, which made Yuan Mingliang a little difficult to conclude. Xia Xiang's relationship with Li Han was average. Zhao Kang's relationship with Li Han, how could he help Zhao Kang?

Yuan Mingliang does not have enough understanding of the political complexity and duality. He only analyzed from a business perspective and concluded that unless Xia wants to have significant commercial interests in it, Xia Xiang will definitely not help Zhao Kang come up with ideas, because the best-selling of Wentai real estate will not only affect the housing resources in his hand, but also the impact. To the sales of Shanshui City.

Xiaxiang won't help a Zhao Kang and make it difficult to become a talent!

Yuan Mingliang told Fu Xianfeng his analysis again.

Fu Xianfeng listened, lowered his head and thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "I think we have overestimated Xia's thoughts. There is no need to push anything on Xia's thoughts. Xia thought that he was a man, not a god. He did not have great ability, and he would not help Zhao Kang for no reason. Zhao Kang may have been made a pointer. No matter who he is, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we should come up with the right way to deal with it now

Yuan Mingliang is right to think about it. Instead of guessing who ordered Zhao Kang, it's better to arrange the next step quickly. Anyway, he won't believe that Xia wants to know his hype plan, let alone that Zhao Kang is the first shot that Xia wants to use to deal with him.

"I already have countermeasures" Yuan Mingliang has been in the shopping mall for a long time, and he is not a person who is at a loss when things happen. "The first step now is to also engage in promotional activities, because the low price of Shanshui City and the disguised price reduction of Wentai real estate are equivalent to directly declaring war on us. Since I believe that both Dacai Group and Wentai Real Estate are making money. They will not maintain the current low price without reason. One day, the price will rise. At this stage, we will play with them to see who is more powerful and patient!"

In contrast, Yuan Mingliang believes that he has 10 billion yuan in hand, and the jointness of Dacai Group and Wentai Real Estate is far from his opponent, and there is no possibility of the two companies to join hands at all!

Prevention: Near the end of the year, it is still updated day by day, compared with the old days when the gods righteously ask for leave for the New Year. Lao He's promise is to keep changing during the Spring Festival! Therefore, the official god deserves the careful care of the brothers and give more support to Lao He's painstaking efforts. It is easiest to be discouraged during the Spring Festival. In order to be persistent in the coming year, brothers, show your enthusiasm and don't let Lao He slack off! If you want to know what will happen, please log in to the heart, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading! D