official god

Chapter 717 Reliance

" The second step, see how long the bottom can be deadlocked. The longer it drags on, the more they will be against the two families, because they will also face strong pressure to return funds. Then wait for a suitable time, such as concoup, and also acquire their real estate into our hands, then their early publicity and efforts, as well as the market impact, have all become the fruits of our victory

After acquiring the two properties of the two companies, Yuan Mingliang initially estimated that he needed at least more than Gangyi's capital. Without Zhao Xiaofeng's Yiyi, he could sell more existing houses in his hand to withdraw the funds. But now with Zhao Xiaofeng's State B, you can temporarily press it down, don't rush to sell, and then wait for the appreciation.

From another perspective, Zhao Xiaofeng's funds are not useless.

Fu Xianfeng has no different views on Yuan Ming's business strategy, because he knows that Yuan Mingliang's business mind is far better than him. Use people to do their best. He will not use his own shortcomings to compare with the other party's strengths, which is an humiliation. "Well, I'll do as you say. I have no objection. Fu Xianfeng expressed his full approval and said, "It is estimated that in another month, I can successfully serve as the mayor of Yan City." After I took office, I completely pulled Li Han over and tried his best to inform me of the land situation, planning, and the approval and establishment of major projects in time. In this way, we firmly grasp Xia Xiang's every move, and it was not so easy for him to deal with us. First of all, Li Han will drag him to death. Even if Li Han can't cure him, there is still me. As a mayor, isn't it a trivial matter to suppress the report of the secretary of the district party committee?

Fu Xianfeng's calculation is that political and economic must cooperate closely and take a two-pronged approach to ensure that the capital is worry-free. If you don't believe that with the authority of his mayor, with a bright and shrewd business mindedness, can you not beat Xiaxiang?

If he loses to Xiaxiang again, it will become a big joke. Not to mention that he is the mayor, even if he serves as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, he has no face to see his uncle and third uncle again. He has to be scolded to death by them.

As long as Yuan Ming's plan goes smoothly, as early as this fall, and at the latest next year, the real estate market in the lower horse area will be swept away. When Yuan Mingliang leaves with huge profits, in the face of the wolf economy in the lower horse area, Xia wants to be the secretary of the district party committee to deal with the main If he remembers a pass, he will also leave a very disgraceful comment in his comments

It's better to have some more major events and directly bury the future of the rethinking in the lower horse area, which also happens to avenge the arrow of that year and take a bad breath for Bai Zhanmo.

Fu Xianfeng thought maliciously that he must create some trouble for Xia, whether it is a major political event or an economic event, as long as he can discredit his resume. When he can't even cover it up and has to deal with the big things that people can't be angry with, he has connections and networks. I can't protect him.

Fu Xianfeng also looked out of the window and looked at a slight layer of green on the trees outside. Suddenly, he remembered that the farm of Siniu Group was also built in the Xiama area. If there is a sudden problem in the farm and a few cows are killed, does Xia think he should also take on the corresponding leadership responsibilities?

The cows of Siniu Group are not ordinary cows, but imported cows, one worth more than 20,000 yuan. Of course, it's not just a matter of value. Siniu Group is a star enterprise in Yan City. It took the opportunity to tell the city about the situation, which gave him enough reasons to trouble Xia.

Anyone can pull the tiger's skin and make an article. Fu Xianfeng has an idea in his mind. If the cause of the death of several cows is still due to the poor water quality in the diseping area, or the environment is not good, anyway, push all the reasons to the reason for the decompartment in the diseering area, If it's easy to decorate, it should be possible to make Xia think of a gray face.

Of course, things may not be so simple. It's just a temporary idea of Fu Xianfeng, but it has taken root in Fu Xianfeng's mind. He is ready to have the opportunity to think about it again and discuss it with Yang Guoying to see how to let Siniu Group cooperate with the acting and give Xia a little bitter taste.

Xiaxiang didn't know that Fu Xianfeng wanted to take the farm of Siniu Group to deal with him. Now he is fully devoted to his work. Now the affairs in the off-horse area are getting busier and busier. There are many things that need to be done by him personally, and he can't slack off at all.

On the first day, Changji's business was calm and there was no response. The next day, it was also very calm. On the third day, Changji Trade finally moved and put forward the promotion plan.

In fact, since Changji Trade bought the real estate of many developers in the Shimoma District, basically all developers have evacuated, the construction has been handed over to the construction company, and the sales have been handed over to Changji Trade. In addition to the nominal real estate, it has nothing to do with each company. The sales rights and independent accounting rights are all handed over to Changji Trading. Therefore, when Changji Trading will be promoted, and the real sales data are confidential.

So when Changji Trade put forward the promotion plan, Xiaxiang was still surprised, because Yuanliang's promotion method was really smart, much better than he thought.

Changji Trade divides the community they actually manipulated into areas, the community in the golden location in the center of the district, buying a house, parking space, garage, and decoration. Communities in remote locations, affordable housing, buy a house and get free furniture, get an affordable car, villa and other luxury houses, buy a house directly get a full set of services, one parking space, fine decoration and a full set of furniture, and also responsible for the free introduction of part-time workers and excellent Baoyao, etc. In short, promotion methods

door. And the score is very detailed, but it is the result of making a detailed and unruly market and making the corresponding positioning.

Because Changji Trade controls about 50% to 60% of the housing resources in the Xiama District, his promotion is so strong that it immediately ignites the real estate market of the whole Xiama District, and there are the sound of promotions everywhere, one after another. The whole Xiadao District is like a lively market, which is very lively.

In this way, almost all real estates are engaged in special promotional activities. The Xiama area is boiling, and Yan City is boiling!

Although the promotion at this time is not the same as reducing the price in disguise, which is a big loss for Changji Business, because Changji Business has a large number of real estate and a large proportion of housing resources, the sales boom brought about by the promotional activities, most of the buyers' money still falls to the bright pocket.

Yuan Ming's counterattack is sharp and powerful, which is faster than Xia's expected, which makes Xia Xi's firm idea. The contact between Yuan Mingliang and Zhao Xiaofeng must involve investment.

Thinking of Zhao Xiao, he accidentally thought of the last time he called first, saying that she knew some inside stories. Ask him to call her. Xia wants to be busy with official business recently. How can she remember to call first? Now that I think about it, I hesitated for a moment, but I still didn't pay first.

Forget it, wait and see, you don't have to know the truth from Fu Xianxian. Maybe there are other channels. It's better for Fu Xian, this little witch, to provoke less. If it's not possible, it's not what Xia wants.

On Monday, March, Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate started construction at the same time, jointly launching Dongmei Xili, a sex community, to Yan City. The highlight of the publicity is "the riverside of the Dama River.

Famous schools gather for a wonderful life! The advertising slogans have enough incitement, and the opening prices of the two communities are amazingly consistent!

is also an amazingly low price.

Another super blockbuster!

One stone stirs up a thousand-layered waves. Dongmei Xili is located in a golden location. It is very close to the district committee. The nearby living facilities are complete. It is only a few hundred meters away from the Xiama River. It is only a distance from Changji Supermarket. Within the surrounding kilometers, there are famous schools, hospitals and banks. Plate.

And the planning and design drawings of the two communities in Dongmei Xili. East and west echo each other, which is very suitable for buying between relatives and friends. It can not only maintain friendship, but also maintain an appropriate distance, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Entering the market at such a low price is a very novel idea, which suddenly attracted the attention of many white-collar men and women who pursue quality life. TV stations, newspapers and other media also came to interview one after another as if they had discovered the New World, and they were in the limelight for a while.

The opening of Dongmei Xili immediately weakened most of the promotion advantage of Yuanliang, and countless people waiting to buy coins turned to Dongmei Xili Community, especially the young men and women who were about to get married. In order to think about the next generation of schooling, they all shifted their goals and flocked to Dongmei Xili Community. For a while, Dongmei Xili Community also became famous.

At the same time, the real estate market in the Xiama District is surging, and there is a sound of tearing up. Real estate developers, big and small, have felt the intention of killing, and everyone is in danger, as if facing a big enemy. Is it true that the Xiama District has entered the Warring States era of real estate developers in advance

At the same time, Yuan Mingliang felt unprecedented pressure. Although it did not hurt his vitality because of the opening of several new buildings, it did greatly reduce his profits due to the low-priced entry of several other companies. In addition, it added an additional increase in Zhao Xiaofeng's essential profit expenditure. Suddenly He felt the double pressure on his shoulders.

Yuan Mingliang turned his eyes to the direction of the district committee. It is difficult to say that behind a series of events, there is no Xia Xiang's pusher in operation, but he still does not fully believe that Xia Xiang has the energy to control several major developers. Developers want to make money, and it is a business strategy to order a high price or a low price. Xiaxiang is unnecessary and does not have to interfere.

But if there is no pusher behind it, how can several developers enter the market neatly and uniformly at a low price? If the market price of Wentai Real Estate is normal, after Dacai Group, it is like knocking down the dominoes, one is lower than the other, and then lower, how can it be?

Yuan Mingliang called Fu Xianfeng, but he was refused to listen. Fu Xianfeng rarely refused to listen to his phone calls. What happened?

Yuan Mingliang walked around the office with a little irritability. Although the profit margin reduction is normal in business, he always feels a trace of conspiracy, which makes him depressed. He over and over conceive whether there is a giant behind him to command everything? If it's just a coincidence, he can deal with it, but if someone really has great energy and can completely control the pricing power of several big developers, he will be in big trouble.

Yuan Mingliang thought for a moment that someone should be manipulated behind the scenes, and then denied his judgment, believing that Nanxin Real Estate and Guangsha Real Estate were new developers. The reason why entering the market at a low price was completely frightened by the low price of Dacai Group and did not dare to raise the price. In addition, there is a lesson of Wentai Real Estate to report a high price first and then engage in promotion. It is also reasonable for the two companies to enter the market with a cautious attitude.

In the heavy blow of Xiaxiang's series of combination punches, Yuan Mingliang finally messed up a little. Lost the self-confidence and calmness of the past.

He held a management meeting above the middle level again to study countermeasures, and discuss whether the next step of the acquisition should start with Wentai Real Estate or Nanxin or Guangsha. Dacai Group will skip it first, because the mountains and rivers can't collect the maple and he doesn't want to use Zhao Xiaofeng's funds for the time being. Once used. Just, there is no way back.

Yuan Mingliang even had the illusion that he could return the funds in full. He is a businessman, and the fundamental purpose is to pursue the maximization of profits. It is painful to think of giving a lot of profits to Zhao Xiaofeng in vain.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided to negotiate the acquisition from Wentai Real Estate first.

Only by controlling all the housing resources in your own hands can you turn things upside down in the market. Finally, a resolution was formed to let Jiang Bin, on behalf of Changji Business, have preliminary contact with Zhao Kang first.

After the meeting, Yuan Mingliang was still wondering what Fu Xianfeng was doing. Why hadn't he called yet? Generally, he calls, and Fu Xianfeng will definitely call again when he is free. Just as he was about to dial again, Fu Xianfeng called in a very timely manner.

"Bright, what can I do for you? The organization department came to talk to me in order to take over the appointment of the mayor. Fu Xianfeng's voice revealed excitement. Although the mayor's candidate has been secretly decided for a long time, it is not a formal procedure after all. Now the Organization Department has come forward to talk to him, which is a gratifying first step, indicating that the mayor's throne can no longer run, and he will also step into the sequence of deputy governor-level cadres Don't you want to be happy?

"The opening price of Dongmei Xili Community is also unexpectedly low. Secretary Fu should also know that we are now suffering from all sides. Do you think we will increase the promotion?" Yuan Mingliang asked tentatively. In fact, he had a plan in his heart. It was only out of respect for Fu Xianfeng that he deliberately said so.

"The low price of one company is low, and the low price of the three companies is also low. The difference is not big, and their market positioning is very accurate, and the conflict with our current real estate is not very big. I don't think it is necessary to increase promotion, otherwise it is equivalent to a positive price war. In fact, we are not afraid of a price war. Now all the developers are united, and we don't have the strength. But doing business is to make money, not to be angry

Fu Xianfeng's words made Yuan Mingliang look at him with new eyes. He originally thought that Fu Xianfeng would propose to continue to fight with the other party to the end. Unexpectedly, Secretary Fu, who had just accepted the conversation of the Organization Department, and Secretary Fu, who was about to be promoted to mayor of Fu, suddenly became a strategy? Can the improvement of political position also improve a person's IQ in disguise?

Or can it improve a person's vision?

Fu Xianfeng was full of ambition. When he was a deputy secretary, he didn't feel anything. Seeing the mayor's throne in sight, he suddenly felt that he was sitting in Yan City. Looking at Yan Province, it seemed that his vision was much wider in an instant, and at the same time, his heart was much wider. For the endless low-priced promotion methods of various developers, he has become surprisingly calm and bright. The difference between anxiety and panic is that he firmly believes that it is just a small farce and will not cause much wind and waves.

Businessmen are profit-seeking, and no one will get along with the money. The reason why they enter the market at a low price is just a gimmick. It won't take long for the price to rise automatically. In the early stage, it is to sell some houses with fame and scraps. The real good floors and good apartments will definitely not

Therefore, Fu Xianfeng was surprisingly calm. First, he advised Yuan Mingliang not to panic, and then advised Yuan Mingliang to deal with it calmly and wait patiently for the opportunity. He didn't believe that several developers could stick to the low price for two months.

Yuan Mingliang smiled and said, "It seems that Secretary Fu is about to become Mayor Fu. It's really different. Our vision is high and we are open-minded. Well, we are calm and calm and continue to maintain the current promotion policy. At the same time, we privately start with Wentai Real Estate and propose an acquisition. As long as we buy He won't be able to sit still. The apparent price alliance will collapse.

"Ha ha, yes, that's it. Anyway, we have enough funds and strength. Who can compare with us? The liquid capital of Blade Billion is bright, enough to set off a big wind and wave in the disema area, and there is no need to be afraid of them, haha!" Fu Xianfengzhi was satisfied and laughed.

One person's pursuit is nothing but power, wealth in the country. Fu Xianfeng is now in power, and huge profits are about to be in hand. There is a kind of boldness: "Bright, sit together in the evening. I invite Secretary Cui, Minister Ma, and several members of the Municipal Party Committee. You can also come, okay. Let's celebrate." "Okay." Yuan Mingliang was also infected by Fu Xianfeng's emotions and was in a good mood. After Fu Xianfeng became the mayor, the whole. Yanshi is in his hands. Who can do anything to him? The difficulties in front of him are not terrible. He has experienced many winds and waves. The disembark area is just a small Xiama River. Can a Xiama River less than 100 meters wide turn over his big ship? When it's time to be bold, you have to be bold. Be cautious every day and tired of living.

At the same time, Yuan Mingliang remembered that he hadn't touched a woman for a long time. He couldn't help but feel itching. He wanted to find a bathing center after drinking tonight. Fortunately, one or two beautiful women. I heard that a new pair of sisters has arrived in Yaochi. They are outstanding in appearance, white and beautiful in skin. Tonight, they will break through the outstanding, and spend a lot of money to buy a beautiful woman with a smile. That is, what are you afraid of? Not to mention the whole Xiama area, the whole Yan City, who is rich?

Yuan Mingliang is full of expectations for the meeting in the evening and the beauty after the meeting.

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