official god

Chapter 738 Stage 2: Use the old

Gu Yu blushed, but she couldn't help looking at Xia Xiang, as if she had answered who she liked when Yan Xiao - she reached out and twisted Yan Xiao: "Don't make fun of me. The matter between you and Xiaomu is a mess, and you still want to talk about me? It's more important to deal with your affairs first.

Yan Xiao was ashamed of Gu Yu: "My business is easy to deal with, but you are in big trouble. It doesn't matter who you like, it's just a Fan Zheng and a Zheng Yi, which is enough trouble for you.

Zheng Yi has not had a lou face for a period of time. The accessories base of Zhongda Group has been completed, which is in the eastern neighbor of the hour building materials factory. Xia wants to come to the hour building materials factory this time, and also has the idea of inspecting the accessories base on the spot. Because whether it is the farm of Siniu Group or the accessories base of Zhongda Group, he did not participate in the inauguration ceremony. Fu Xianfeng and Li Han came forward. He was either represented or the schedule could not be arranged. In short, it is obvious that the outside world a message is that the farm and accessories base are not Xia wants to handle the investment.

Putting aside the joke between Yan Xiao and Gu Yu, Xia wanted to suddenly realized a serious problem and immediately asked, "Gu Yu, in addition to busy with the accessories base, has Zheng Yi told you anything else he is doing recently?"

Gu Yu was surprised to ask by Xia. He was also stunned. He thought that Xia wanted to suspect that she had a close contact with Zheng Yi, and couldn't help saying unhappily, "How do I know? You ask me, who am I going to ask? Do you still want Zheng Yi to stay and invite me to dinner, and I'll ask him again? Every time he came, he was driven away by me without saying a word. Who cares what he is busy with!"

Xia wanted to hear the anger of the ancient jade words, and couldn't help laughing: "I just asked if you heard Zheng Yi bragging about something to you. If you didn't hear it, just forget it. There's no need to be unhappy."

Gu Yu immediately calmed down, tilted his head and thought, and remembered something: "Zheng Yi seems to have said that he has met the son of the Vice Premier in the capital, saying that there is a profit of more than 30% of any business. He also wants to invest. Fu Xianfeng did not agree, and he is a little angry. He also said that he was going to ask for 1 billion yuan from his father to invest in real estate and make a lot of money.

Zheng Yi also has a piece of land in the west of the village, which has been idle and undeveloped. The land of Chengxi Village is divided into four parts, one piece of Wentai real estate, one piece of Nanxin and Guangsha, and one piece belongs to Zheng Yi. At present, only Wentai Real Estate has developed the Wentai Community, and the remaining three plots of land are still idle.

Xia's plan is that the land of Nanxin and Guangsha will be left for normal development in the future. Zheng Yi's land has other wonderful uses. Now I heard from Gu Yu that Zheng Yi is really interested in entering the real estate industry. He shook his head and smiled, "Next time he will come to you, and then talk about entering real estate, you can tell him that the real estate market is very risky, and ordinary people can't play, so persuade him to give up the idea."

Gu Yu immediately heard Xia Xiang's voice: "Do you want me to trick Zheng Yi into being fooled?"

"How can it be called cheating?" Xia wants to smile. The soldiers are not tired of cheating. The scheme in the war is called the art of war, and the commercial strategy is called wisdom. He is just pushing the boat along the water. "This is called encouraging investment and contributing to the economic construction of the disemeratement area."

In the afternoon, he returned to the district committee. As soon as he entered the office, Xia Xiang got the news from Li Qin. Yuan Mingliang moved and came out to contact Jiangshan Real Estate again, proposing to buy all the real estate of Jiangshan Real Estate at a high price, and offered an exciting price!

Yuan Ming's action showed that he was anxious. After the administrative means were ineffective, he began to sacrifice the banner of the economy and pulled people into the water with great benefits.

Although Yuan Mingliang is not a politician, he also has a certain political wisdom. Naturally, he knows the rumor of low-rent housing in the country, and there must be political interests. In other words, there must be the support of politicians behind him. If Yuan Mingliang didn't know the connection between Xiaxiang and Jiangshan Real Estate in the past, he can think of something now. At least he should have guessed that there must be some internal relationship between Jiangshan Real Estate and Xiaxiang. No matter what kind of relationship, Yuan Ming's behavior proved that he intended to use the advantage of money to make the final killing move to Xia.

is also basically the saddest level for all officials - the money barrier.

Xia Xiang smiled knowingly. He did not call Xiao Wu directly, but asked Li Qin to tell Xiao Wu, "Let Xiao Wu release the water. As long as the price is right, sell it all to Yuan Mingliang. As long as he dares to buy it, Xiao Wu will not be afraid of too much money."

Li Qin agreed and hesitated for a moment. He still boldly asked, "Secretary Xia, I still don't know what else you have to kill?" It seems that your move has been overcome by Yuan Mingliang's capital advantage. Except for the problem of Shimomahe, which has not been solved for the time being, Jiangshan Real Estate is about to be acquired by Yuan Mingliang. Then Yuan Mingliang can use the mouth of Jiangshan Real Estate to announce the suspension of the low-rent housing plan, which is equivalent to your And in my opinion, the postponement of the water supply of the Xiama River will not have a substantial impact on the housing prices in the Xiama area, which will be delayed for a period of time at most. If Yuan Mingliang is patient enough, he can still be fully able to do it as long as he waits for a few more months.

Li Qin is always the one with the most problems. Xia wants to smile: "You have too many questions... Originally, I didn't want to penetrate too much, but for you, I have to penetrate a little wind, so that you don't want to sleep unsteadily day and night. In fact, the problems you mentioned are all on time. After the Jiangshan real estate was sold to Yuan Mingliang, except for the Shanshui Connected City of Dacai Group, there seems to be no real estate in the Xiama District that is not under the control of Changji Trade, and the Xiama District seems to have no land to approve, but in politics, the means can Not poor..."

Xia wanted to say that he wanted to see through lou Li Qin, but in fact, he still clicked: "You can see it soon. Don't worry."

Li Qin was full of hope that she could hear the answer. Unexpectedly, Xia Xiang still shook her gun. She couldn't help but be angry and anxious, angry and laughed: "What kind of leader are you? Sincerely hangs people's appetite, sincerity makes people unable to sleep..." Maybe she felt that the latter sentence was too frivolous and easy to cause ambiguity. She boldly said, "Although I like Ziaan, it doesn't prevent me from admiring you!"

Li Qin's phone was cut off. Xia wanted to hold the microphone and smiled helplessly. Some women appreciate gentle men, some women like strong men, and Li Qin obviously belongs to the latter.

On the third day, Xiaxiang received a phone call from Xiao Wu and negotiated with Yuan Mingliang!

The condition proposed by Yuan Mingming is that all the existing real estate of Jiangshan Real Estate will be taken over, and the price will be 500 yuan per square meter higher than the price announced by Jiangshan Real Estate, and all of them will be paid in full at one time. Of course, his additional harsh condition is that the external sales and external image of Jiangshan Real Estate are all decided by Changji Trading. After signing the contract, all the funds of Changji Trading will arrive within 36 hours. After arrival, Changji Trading will take over the sales within 24 hours. At the same time, Jiangshan Real Estate will come forward. The issue of low-rent housing should not only withdraw the statement on the construction of low-rent housing, but also make statements that are conducive to the rise of housing prices.

is equivalent to saying that Changji Trade gave Jiangshan Real Estate a big gift, so that Jiangshan Real Estate can make enough profits without any effort, but the prerequisite is that not only the sales rights of Jiangshan Real Estate under construction belong to Changji Trade, but also listen to the image and publicity of Jiangshan Real Estate in a short period of time. Command.

After a lot of bargaining, Xiao Wu insisted that the price was acceptable, but the statement could not be announced. He only agreed to quietly without the following, and did not agree to talk openly - the newly announced low-rent housing plan, he was in a hurry to jump out and regret, which was not conducive to the corporate image of Jiangshan real estate.

Because of Xiao Wu's insistence, Yuan Mingliang finally agreed to the conditions of Jiangshan Real Estate. Finally, the two sides reached an agreement that Changji Trading took over all the real estate under construction of Jiangshan Real Estate at a price of 1 billion yuan. Jiangshan Real Estate is responsible for all infrastructure projects except sales. At the same time, Jiangshan Real Any misleading remarks that are conducive to the rise of house prices, cold treatment of the problem of low-rent housing, and the "three no's" strategy of not taking the initiative, not proposing and not answering to deal with the doubts of the media...

Xia wanted to take a long breath. So far, all the funds in Yuan Mingliang's hand have been trapped in the disema qu. He wants to fight a beautiful turnaround, and if he wants to make waves in the disema area again, he has no money to use!

But from another perspective, he also seems to be old and has nothing to do.

Of course, Xia wants to know more clearly that the reason why Yuan Mingliang is so generous and forthright is actually equivalent to giving him a gift and showing his goodwill to him. Li, Xia wanted to accept it, but the second stage of encirclement and containation will still come as scheduled.

However, Yuan Ming's action was also fast enough. When he got off work, Xia wanted to receive Yuan Ming's phone call.

"Secretary Xia, tomorrow is Saturday. I wonder if you have time? I'd like to invite you to dinner and have a good talk." Yuan's bright voice has a trace of determination, and there is also a faintness of deliberate disguise.

Is it the last dinner? Xia Xiang thought for a moment and also felt that he should meet Yuan Mingliang. If you don't break up your business, you will not break up your friendship. At least you will get to know Yuan Mingliang. Although everyone is different from each other, it is not easy to get to know each other from all over the world. Even if you can't be a friend,

" OK, no problem, you can set the time and place." Xia wanted to agree happily.

"What I admire most is Secretary Xia's quick talk." Yuan Mingliang patted him without a trace, "How about the water restaurant at noon tomorrow? When the last winter cruise ship gathered, now I think it's still like yesterday. In a blink of an eye, it's summer. There will definitely be another flavor when the wine is on the summer cruise ship..."

It is rare that Yuan Mingliang also has a lot of emotions, and Xiaxiang has no objection. Yuan Mingliang has not been in the Xiama District for a long time. Regardless of success or failure, he will always leave the Xiama District. Just like a migratory bird, he will continue to look for a warmer and more suitable environment for growth. It's better to see him off this time.

When he returned home from work in the evening, Xia Dong, who had been running everywhere, rushed into Xiaxiang's arms. Xia Dong could run first, but his words were not clear. He just shouted vaguely, "Dad!"

It's strange to say that whether it's Lian Xia or Xia Dong, the first one to call is his father, which makes Xia think full of pride. Even Cao Shuqi said that Xia wants this cheap father to be worry-free and good-hearted, which is really beautiful.

As for whether Mei Ting will call her father or mother first, Xia is embarrassed to ask Mei Xiaolin. He often called Mei Ting to play the role of "god father" and went to the capital from time to time to visit Mei Ting in person. In a word, the relationship between Xiaxiang and the three children is not bad, so that the three children are dependent on and loved by him, which is also a competent and good father.

Xiao Jia hasn't produced yet, and it seems to be coming soon. Xia Xiang didn't remember the specific due date. Some time ago, I also borrowed the opportunity to have a meeting or business in the capital to visit Xiao Jia. Xiao Jia has a big belly, a happy face, and her face is always full of maternal brilliance. When a woman reaches a certain age, the motherhood in her bones will attack, and she will be full of expectations for the child, and she is eager to have a child and live with her life.

Because of the turbulence and chaos of the real estate market, the intermediary business is not easy to carry out, so Xiao Jia asked Cong Fenger to accompany her. Since the last time he was captured by Bai Zhanmo, Cong Fenger has usually been much more alert. It is rare to go out alone. Even if you go out, you will be accompanied by a female companion and bodyguard. After the last incident, Bai Zhanmo was knocked unconscious by Xia, and the private house was burned by Fu Xianxian. He was much more at ease. He never met again, nor did he hear any news about him.

Xia wanted to have no research on antiques, but after that, he also heard Fu Xian mention it inadvertently. Bai Zhanmo suffered heavy losses.

Fu Xianxian really went to work in the new building materials factory. At the beginning, he pestered Mei Xiaomu every day. Later, he heard that he seemed to be really dead, so he went to work in two or three days. However, he did make a lot of achievements for the hour building materials factory to broaden the sales channels, and attracted a lot of customers The building materials sold by the material factory to the capital are all due to Fu Xianxian. However, because the production capacity of the hourly building materials factory can't keep up now, Fu Xianxian's credit has not been shown, but Yan Xiao knows that if the production capacity is increased, Fu Xianxian has at least pulled tens of millions of businesses for the hour building materials factory.

is also a little witch that people can't see through.

But now Fuxian has a week, three days in Yanshi, four days in the capital, busy every day, and I don't know what she is doing. Xia thought that anyway, it would be good if she didn't bother him.

Cao Shuyu's design company is booming, and the business is running smoothly. Blue socks are waiting to be produced at home, so she hired another professional manager named Ran Dongye to manage the company for her. Ran Dongye is sweet-looking, with a round face and big eyes. He wears a pair of red-framed glasses, and likes to wear a white coat and a red skirt. At first glance, he looks like a college student who has just left school. In fact, Ran Dongye is a professional manager. He graduated from the United States as an MBA and has rich workplace

Cao Shuyu is very satisfied with Ran Dongye's management ability. Xia Xiang has also contacted her twice and feels that she has the same professional ethics and professional ethics as Li Qin. As for whether she has the same keen eyes and extraordinary talent as Li Qin, he doesn't pay much attention to it. As long as Cao Shuqi feels that she can use it and thinks that she can do it, he won't bother to worry too much.

Moreover, Cao Shuyou's design company does not need to be too advanced or too strict in terms of management. The main reason is that the expansion of external business needs to be careful, and the internal management of the company does not need to be too attentive. After all, for design companies, each designer needs a relaxed working environment to give full play to their design talents.

Because of the prosperity of the real estate market in the Shimoma area, and because of the vast real estate prospects of the whole Yan City and the domestic environment, Cao Shuyan's design company's business is very good. Basically, there are endless designs waiting for customers to come to the door, and Cao Shuyan can spend half of his mind on his children.

After the parent-child interaction, Xia wanted to sit down for dinner. Listening to Xia Dong's vague words and Cao Shuying talking about the company's interesting things, I feel that the beauty of life is actually not only the tricks of swords and shadows, but also the warmth of a family that makes people feel.

With that, Cao Shuyou talked about the situation of Cao Yongguo in the Western Province.

Two months ago, Cao Yongguo officially took office in the Western Province and became a deputy governor after the ranking of the Western Provincial Government. Although the ranking is not very high, after Cao Yongguo took office, he was still quite eye-catching in the government team. First, he came from Yan Province, the border of Yan Province and the Western Province, and he has always had a lot of contacts. Second, as soon as Cao Yongguofu took office, he quickly approached the governor Xing Duantai, and had a close relationship with the Minister of the Organization, Lu Yuanyuan.

The general deputy governor may be able to talk to the governor, but for work reasons, there has not been much intersection with the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee. The Minister of Organization may not be willing to sell the face of a deputy governor. In fact, in the eyes of many people, the Minister of Organization is indeed more dazzling and powerful than the general deputy governor At first, many deputy governors thought that Cao Yongguo was an outsider, ranking and kao. After coming to the Western Province, they would not do anything. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took office, he was first given an important responsibilities by the Governor of Xing Province, and had a close relationship with Lu Yuanyuan. At first glance, he had a lot of friendship, so he did not let many people be surprised and immediately looked up at Cao Yongguo.

In the past two months since Cao Yongguo took office, the pace has been quite stable, and it has basically served as a bridge between Xing Duantai and Lu Yuanyuan, which can be regarded as a firm foothold. Of course, Wang Yufen also went to the Western Province with Cao Yongguo. Now Xiaxiang has replaced Cao Yongguo and become the head of the Cao family, leading Cao Shuyu and Cao Shujun.

Xia wants to be very gratified by Cao Yongguo's steady pace in the Western Province. Cao Yongguo is pragmatic. Since he was the executive vice mayor of Yan City, he has been doing more and less. Without being in the limelight, he has come to where he is today step by step. It's just a little bit that Xia wanted to vaguely hear Cao Yongguo talk about the coal dilemma in the western province. It seemed that a large consortium had entered the western province, and there seemed to be signs of coal speculation, which made him a little worried, because unfortunately, Cao Yongguo was just in charge of the resources.

PS: Tuantuan would like to thank the brothers for their support. After returning from the Spring Festival, don't forget that Lao He is working hard and eager for the precious help of his brothers. Continue to work hard today and strive to resume the daily update from nine to five as soon as possible. Generally speaking, if you can stick to ten thousand words for a week, Lao He's confidence will be stabilized. Therefore, I shouted to my brothers again: monthly tickets, recommended tickets, please support the official god as soon as possible! It seems that with another 20 or 30 votes, the official god can enter several people in a row. Please give Lao He hope, thank you. V