official god

Chapter 739 That's all

Secondly, because Zhe Shiliang stepped up the closing action in the Xiama area, Xiaxiangmu asked Cao Yongguo about the specific situation and details. Today, Cao Shuhui mentioned the western province again. He couldn't help but be moved. Is it possible that the investor who speculates in the western province and Yuan Mingliang are fellow travelers? With this question, Xia Xiang sweetly hugged Cao Shuhui and fell asleep.

At noon the next day, Xia wanted to step on a steady pace and appeared in Yuan's bright sight on time.

Yuan Mingliang, who was waiting on the bank of the Xia Ma River, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xia Xiang, who came towards him with a faint smile. For a moment, he couldn't say what it was like.

If Xia's youth at the beginning was beyond his accident, and made him even despise his political wisdom at the beginning, a series of fights and events showed that the handsome and always calm young man in front of him was far more terrible than the feeling of peace he gave people on the surface. In fact, he He is a ruthless and step-by-step opponent.

Always follow his pace, firm and slow, without any mistakes.

Until today, when Xiaxiang's cards emerge one after another, when Xiaxiang's backhand's every move kills people to the ground, Yuan Mingliang really has a kind of despair. How can a little Xiaxiang, a deputy department-level cadre, even if he is the leader of the off-horse area, no one can stop what As a result, even Fu Xianfeng's position as mayor does not seem to have any effect on him! And I also heard from Li Han that Ye Shisheng had a good impression on Li Han in the past, but suddenly he became indifferent to him again. When he reported his work to Ye Shisheng, Ye Shisheng also had an alienated and indifferent attitude and no longer expressed any views on the affairs of the disemerate zone.

There are various signs that Xiaxiang seems to have regained the favor of Ye Shisheng.

Xiaxiang is almost without omission, blocking the back road of Changji business everywhere, can it be said?

Xia thought that he really wanted to seal up Changji Trade in the Xiama District and refused to let Changji Trade live? Yuan Mingliang took a few steps forward, shook hands with Xia, and smiled: "Secretary Xia, your spirit is still the same, and your demeanor is better than before. Congratulations."

Xia thought clearly that Yuan Mingliang's insincere words were polite, and smiled: "Mr. Yuan is also in brilliance. Is it because of the gratifying prospect of Changji City?" Changji City is indeed promising.

The profit expectation was estimated at the beginning, and even Feng Xuguang's Jiajia City, which really responded to the old saying that he had no intention to insert willows.

Yuan Mingliang was just regarded as the only real estate investment that was a big success. Should it be a blessing or irony for him? Feng Xuguang's Jiajia City is a step behind, and it is too close to Changji City. The flow of people is far less prosperous than that of Changji City. It also makes Feng Xuguang think hard, carefully learn from the management and tally experience of Changji City, takes Changji City as an example, and is determined to comprehensively rectify the management model

On the other hand, the success of Changji City is equivalent to sounding the alarm for Feng Xuguang.

Any enterprise will have a bottleneck to a certain extent. Now, whether the bottleneck of Jiajia City can be broken out depends on Feng Xuguang's business acumen.

Xia Xiang boarded a cruise ship under the guidance of Yuan Mingliang.

The restaurant is still the restaurant where Yuan Ming invited him to eat during the Spring Festival. However, compared with the cold winter, the current water restaurant is indeed overcrowded, and it needs to be booked three days in advance.

Otherwise, not to mention that there is a cruise ship to take, there is not even an ordinary seat near the water.

Yuan Mingliang asked Xia to get on the boat. Compared with the last cruise ship, the restaurant owner obviously increased his investment, and the interior of the cruise ship was not only much more spacious.

And there are a lot of facilities. A medium-sized cruise ship can accommodate at least the rest of the old people. It can not only open the windows, but also close the doors and windows, and even provide projects such as dancing and singing. It can be said that there are all kinds of things. As long as you have money, you can play comfortably.

Although there were only two people, Yuan Mingliang still asked for a medium-sized cruise ship to show respect.

The interior is beautifully decorated and spacious and bright. After getting on the boat and sitting down, there is a cool breeze.

Looking at the vast river outside the window, it is really refreshing.

After enjoying the relaxation of the game, Xia wanted to recover his mind. He knew that today's meeting might not be easy.

Yuan Mingliang was even more unintentional to pay attention to the scenery outside the window. He tried to be calm in front of Xiaxiang, although he had the confidence to successfully acquire Jiangshan real estate.

But somehow, from the moment he saw Xiaxiang, his heart sank inexplicably.

Is it possible that Xia Xiang still refused to let go of Changji Business after making huge concessions and showing enough sincerity to him?

Do you have to kill it all? Yuan Mingliang wanted to toast to Xia: "Secretary Xia, I'll give you a toast! I have been in Yanshi for a while. There are not many opportunities to eat with you, and I don't have a deep friendship, but between people, you don't have to sit together often to be friends. Some friends are friends of wine and meat, and some friends are gods. I always thought that between me and you.

It's a friend with a certain tacit understanding." Xia wanted to nod and smiled and drank all the wine in the glass: "Actually, I have always admired Mr. Yuan's means. If it weren't for the bad luck, Mr. Yuan had actually succeeded. Unfortunately, there is an old saying that is good. People are not However, they are still different from each other. When you are friends, you are not talking about friendship, but in the shadow of the sword.

Yuan Ming's face darkened and he was stunned.

Still reluctantly smiled: "Different people don't plan, but everyone has their own bottom line. Secretary Xia, make a price.

Everyone has something to discuss, and Qiu Yi has to tell the winner.

In fact, we can also get to the center of the river when the cruise ship shakes at this time.

The river in the Xiama River is not turbid, and you can see fish swimming around in the water.

Xia wanted to play for a moment. He reached out and took some fish food and put fish food on the boat, which was specially used for guests to feed the fish. Then he clapped his hands and smiled: "How much do you think my bottom line is worth?" Yuan Mingliang hesitated for a moment, said too much, and quietly suffered a loss by himself. He said less. He was afraid that Xia would be unhappy, so he took an intermediate value: "Billions of millions, it should be very sincere to make friends.

Thousands of coincidences?! Xiaxiang was also a little surprised. If he accepts it, I'm afraid it will be the largest single bribe in China. Which corrupt official dares to take bribes of hundreds of millions at a time? It's not that I dare, it's the price of ordinary corrupt officials, it's not worth it.

It happens to be such a huge sum of money.

I have to say that Yuan Mingliang really looks up to him, and the chips he opened are high enough! If it were an ordinary person, they would definitely be knocked down.

Imagine how many people are facing it.

Can you make a huge amount of money without changing your face? Even Xia thought that he held his breath.

Xia thought that he didn't hold his breath because he was greedy for a lot of money.

is the blood book of Yuan Mingliang.

He was silent for a moment, and his face remained unchanged.

shook his head slightly: "A gentleman loves money and has the way to take it.

I also love money and want to have hundreds of millions of wealth.

But I don't want my money to come from the wrong way.

The second is the blood and tears of the people behind it, "Mr. Yuan, if you have too much money, you will bite your hands and kill people."

Yuan Mingliang's face changed, and he tried to restore his calmness, and squeezed out a smile: "I have acquired Jiangshan real estate, Secretary Xia, and now the whole housing resources in the lower horse area are under my control. What other means can you have to stop me? What I came out.

Thousands of coincidences, just to make friends.

In order to pay tribute to you, in order to allow Vision Group to be completed as scheduled!" Your respect is so expensive that I can't stand it.

Xia wanted to smile and waved his hand, "The morning and evening when the river is flooded, it will not have a great impact on you. At most, delaying a little time will not have a fatal impact on your plan. Can you not even wait for two months? Do you want to get out of the disema qu in time?

Think of other places and then hype up other projects.

For example, butterfly charcoal?" Xia wanted to raise his glass and signal to Yuan Mingliang.

tried to throw out the doubts in his heart.

In any case, Yuan Mingliang is one of his biggest opponents at this stage. In addition to inevitably standing against him because of his different positions, he also looks up at Yuan Mingliang in other aspects.

Yuan Mingliang is calm and witty, and has more merits than Fu Xianfeng. The methods used are also on the surface, and it can even be said that he is more respectable than Fu Xianfeng.

Today, I took the opportunity to meet Yuan Mingliang for the last time. Xia thought about it. It should be the last time to meet. After that, it was an endless situation. No matter how hungry he and Yuan Mingliang were, it was impossible for him to sit together and drink happily. Thinking of Cao Yongguo's situation in the Western Province, he might However, it is not clear that, in fact, many things have been put on the table between the words.

Yuan Mingliang didn't expect Xia to change the topic. After thinking about it, he neither admitted nor denied it: "It's hard to say whether it's hype on coal.

But now is indeed the best time to leave the disema qu, and it can't be delayed any longer." But Secretary Xia doesn't want me to leave. "to the second fund, you can't swallow it in one bite. If you are not greedy enough to swallow the elephant, you will also die.

It's not as good as everyone's good as me. Let's take what we need.

"There is nothing you need, Mr. Yuan, you also know that the profit you want is the hard-earned money of the people, which is a blood-sucking record at the cost of destroying the economy of the whole disema area. As the secretary of the disequity district party committee, all I have to do is to protect the people .

We are basically from two camps, and there is nothing to discuss.

"The common people?" Yuan Mingliang smiled contemptuously, "The people were originally cheap laborers who contributed profits to us, and officials stepped on the ladder of promotion!" Secretary Xia is really good at joking. How many officials now care about the people? Besides, what's the use of ordinary people for officials? Promotion does not require the votes of the common people! Wealth.

You don't need the reputation of ordinary people! You said, if you care about the people, what can you get from them? Yuan Mingliang didn't believe what Xia thought. He thought that Xia thought was just self-proclaimed and arrogant. He either made a mystery or wanted to sit on the ground to raise the price, thinking that the price he offered was too low.

Yuan Mingliang's heart is faintly angry. "If you think it's too little, Xiaxiang is too dark.

Xiaxiang estimated that he has received a lot of rewards from various businesses, and now it is easy to get the old 100 million yuan.

I have no worries all my life.

He even said what was for the benefit of the people in front of him, which was simply a nonsense! Xia wanted to hear the disdain in Yuan Mingliang's tone, which was also very unhappy in his heart.

He admires entrepreneurs who make money in a down-to-earth way, conscientious entrepreneurs, and philanthropists who do charity for the country and the people. He only doesn't admire a small group of people who do not necessarily rely on any means to get rich. When they have money, they are restless and down-to-earth. They just

Such a person, even if he has hundreds of millions of wealth and has a rich life that everyone envies, in the eyes of Xiaxiang, he is also a personality... You.

is a clam-like person. It is the existence of a parasite. Although Yuan Mingming is a hype that has exploited a legal loophole, he is still not fundamentally different from financial fraud. In the final analysis, it is still the same hypocrisy as Soros and Madoff.

"Mr. Yuan, I just want to tell you one sentence," Xia wanted to look directly at Yuan's bright eyes and said word by word, "It's not only two things for people to live. People's pursuits are different, and you can't see the height of some people!" Yuan Mingliang's face suddenly changed greatly and he stood up: "Secretary Xia, if you say so, you have to be with me?" I don't have trouble with anyone, I just protect the interests of the disema qu! In his position, seek his own government, this is my principle of being a man!" Xiaxiang also made a sound.

Yuan Mingliang shouted angrily to the waiter outside, "Go back to the boat!" Xia wants to sit still.

Seeing Yuan Mingliang's uncontrollable anger, he still looked calm, as if he was not angry at all.

The boat moved and slowly landed. Yuan Mingliang stood in front of the window with his hands on his back and thought to Xia on his back.

No word.

As soon as the ship docked, Xia thought still did not take the initiative to stand up and didn't say anything.

Yuan Mingliang's back obviously moved, and he persisted for a moment. He still took the initiative to turn around and changed his face with an apologetic smile: "Secretary Xia, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now. Your Excellency, forgive me for my recklessness."

If it was an unhappy party, Yuan Mingliang would disappoint Xia too much.

Because he wanted to see it in the summer, Yuan Mingliang thought that he was in his best place. The reason why he took the initiative to give him hundreds of millions of yuan of benefits today was just to make it safer and safer to close the palace in the lower horse area. He was afraid that he would suddenly change again at the last moment.

Just now, Yuan Mingliang changed his face and became angry, which was just another form of temptation. With Yuan Mingliang as a person and the city government, even if it is not appropriate today, he will not leave.

The shopping mall is like an officialdom, and the superficial polite appearance must be maintained.

Even if everyone is angry, there is no need to tear their faces to their faces.

The real competition is always behind.

Xia smiled and said, "No, no, Mr. Yuan is polite. It's common for everyone to speak and speak in discord. Even in a meeting of the district committee, there are also times when you clap the table and scold your mother."

Yuan Mingliang smiled and said, "I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Secretary Xia in the future. To be honest, I yearn for you very much. I have always felt that if I join hands with you, I will be invincible."

For Yuan Ming's flattery, Xia wanted to go into his left ear and out of his right ear, waved his hand and smiled: "So, today's meal, or did you invite me?" Yuan Mingliang's smile did not change: "I'd like to invite you. You can't spend a lot of money, and you have to spend a little money to show sincerity."

At the end of the separation, Xia wanted to shake hands with Yuan Mingliang: "I wish Mr. Yuan could take root in the disegated area.

You see, from the Xiama River to next year, the two sides will be green, living in a villa by the river, and you will also have a panoramic view of the boundless scenery.

Yuan Mingliang said, "The world is very big, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly. If you stay in one place all the time, it is easy for people to be lazy. It's better to look at the world."

Xia wanted to smile and didn't say anything more. That's all. After he and Yuan Mingliang met this time, as soon as they turned around, they would turn to each other.

Yuan Mingliang said goodbye to Xia and returned to the office. He was still puzzled. Why could Xia think that he could be intercepted in the disema qu? No matter what method Xia wants to use, there is only one way to go now: to suppress the house price, squeeze his profit margin, and pull the house price back to a reasonable price.

He has now controlled more than 70% of the housing resources in the disema qu, and now there is no place to approve in the disema area. Xia wants to refuse his huge red envelopes and put on a posture of worrying about the country and the people.

Is it true for the sake of the people, or is there something else to do? What exactly is he looking for? Yuan Mingliang couldn't understand Xia's idea." Two days later, Vision Group suddenly announced that after a field investigation by foreign experts hired by Xiaojing, it was concluded that the leakage of the original underground river was just an underground cave, not an underground river. Sealed technical measures can be taken to deal with it, which did not affect the long construction period. It is expected that The whole line will be flooded by the end of August.

As soon as the news came out, Fu Xianfeng took a breath and thought that Vision Group's move was reasonable and did not deliberately take a hand from the municipal government. Could it be said that Xiaxiang had no way to compromise? After hearing the news, Yuan Mingliang frowned.

If Xia wants to seize the matter of the whole line of the Lower Horse River, it seems that he has no means to do it. Now he suddenly stops the matter of Vision Group. Thinking of Xia's attitude of not giving up at the last meeting, he vaguely feels that it may be a bad thing.

Yuan Mingliang urgently called Fu Xianfeng and said his worries, but Fu Xianfeng said easily, "What's the panic? Xia thought he should have compromised. Although he didn't dare to accept your big red envelope because he was afraid of being caught by me. The bribery of more than 100 million yuan is enough for him to be shot. You should also say less and let him dare to accept it. However, now there is still the number of real estate in the land in the lower horse area. What tricks can you play? Don't worry, don't worry about the next closing work, and leave it to me to deal with Xia's thoughts, and he will be in a hurry.

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