official god

Chapter 825 Cruel, long-sighted

Chapter 825 Cruel hands, long-sighted and scheming

When the scar face saw that there was a trace of calmness first, he couldn't help but admire the little girl for her appearance. Unexpectedly, she also had a little courage, so she said, "If you cooperate with me honestly, I may be able to spare your life." I don't ask for money, I ask for sex.

Just when Scarface saw that Fu Xianxian was about to hijack him into the room to do something wrong, at the door of the room, Fu Xianxian suddenly shouted: "Life is killing"

Fu Xianxian was very smart. He knew that once she entered the room, she could not escape bad luck, so he warned in advance - it was really useful. A shout suddenly shocked the waiter. When he found that the wrong waiter saw that the situation was not good, he shouted, "Call the police quickly, something big has happened"

It was because of an early warning that Fu Xianxian's innocence was saved

Fu Xianxian's voice was very penetrating, and the waiter's voice was panicked. The two shouted one after the other, which shocked all the guests on the 5th floor. With a crash, many people opened the door to see what had happened. As a result, when they saw someone taking hostages, they suddenly panicked.

Scarface wanted to unknowingly do Fu Xianxian, and then create a panic after he got it. Unexpectedly, Fu Xian shouted out to destroy his plan, which made him angry and raised his hand and cut a few knives on Fu Xianxian's arm.

Then Fu Xian was hijacked into the room. There were messy footsteps everywhere outside, and people came and went in a mess, which made Scarface very angry. When the scene was in chaos, he couldn't tell whether there were any policemen coming up, and the situation was extremely unfavorable to him.

Seeing Fu Xianxian's stubborn face again, the scar face was furious. He raised his hand and slapped Fu Xianxian in the face, and then tore her clothes, so he wanted to be violent. Fu Xian resisted desperately. He would rather die. His clothes were torn by the scar face, and he also cut a few times on his arm. Even if the blood kept flowing, he still bit and kicked, making the scar face tired of dealing with it. In the end, he still couldn't make it, so he heard that the police car arrived.

Scarface saw that the plan was completely disrupted, and he was even more angry. He wanted to beat Fu Xianxian. It was really meaningless to beat a woman. He put a knife against Fu Xianxian's neck and opened the door and threatened everyone to leave. At this time, the police also arrived. In order to avoid the expansion of the situation, they evacuate Requirements.

Scarface refused to contact everyone. Only when Xia wanted to meet him would he consider letting go, otherwise everything would be free. If Xia didn't want to show up within two hours, he would kill the hostage and then commit suicide.

Scarface's request was unexpected and made everyone puzzled. But I can't understand it. It's still the first priority to rescue the hostages, so I evacuated the crowd and the police to a safe place according to the requirements of Scarface.

During the confrontation, in order to create full momentum, Scarface was afraid that Xia would not want to exchange. He shouted to the crowd over and over again that Xia wanted to exchange hostages. No one could come, otherwise he would kill someone. Xia thought that if he was a coward and did not dare to show up, it would be entirely his responsibility to die the hostage today.

The effect that Scarface wants to create is to force Xia to have no way back. If you want a good reputation, you must show up. If you show up, there is danger. It depends on how Xia wants to choose. Whether it was to show up to save his lover or a shrinking turtle, it was all between Xia's thoughts. If Xia doesn't want to show up, he will really kill Fu Xian, fight to his death, and let Xia want to lose his reputation.

Scarface underestimated Xia Xiang's courage, and even underestimated Xia Xiang's wisdom. He didn't know that Xia wanted to have a side of hot blood leakage, let alone Xia Xiang's calm and hot hand, so when Xia Xiang really stood in front of him and tied his hands, he was even a little embarrassed for a Xinxia really wants to kill a woman.

But Xia thought that he really looked calm and stood in front of him with his hands tied

Scarface thought for a moment, and a sinful thought flashed in his heart. He killed Fu first, and then Xia thought - he made up his mind and said coldly, "Okay, I'll let the hostages go. You come slowly and don't play tricks, otherwise we will die together."

Xia wanted to nod: "No problem. You let someone go, and I'll go." As he spoke, he took a gentle step forward.

Somehow, Xia wanted to take a gentle step, and there was a sudden chill in Scarface's heart. He subconsciously stepped back: "Wait, you stop first."

Xia wanted to stand still obediently, with no expression on his face.

Fu Xianxian looked at Xia Xiang without blinking. He wanted to find some secret on Xia Xiang's face, but he was disappointed. Xia Xiang didn't have any hints or anger. He was as calm as an outsider.

Scarface hesitated slightly and gently pushed forward: "You are three meters away from him, walk out slowly, don't run, or I'll give you a knife in the back."

At this time, Xia wanted to interrupt: "First, listen to him, don't run, walk slowly, don't worry. The person he is looking for is me, not you."

Xia's words gave Fu Xian a great comfort. She slowly calmed down, and then stepped out, one step, two steps, three steps. When she was about to get out of the reach of Scarface, Scar Face suddenly took action

But what Scarface didn't expect was that he did it, and Xia wanted to do it, and he was one step faster than him

Xia thought that he had already guessed the intention of Scarface. He knew that since he wanted to revenge, he definitely had no intention of living. Since you don't even want your life, how can you let it go first? Scarface is not Chen's confidant. He doesn't know who Fu Xian is and who he is. Even if he knows, he may not be the same as the relationship between the Fu family and Chen. A person who doesn't even care about death will still care who Fu Xian is?

The bigger Fu Xian's head is, the more famous he kills Fu Xian, the more he earns. On the contrary, the shit basin on Xia Xiang's head stinks.

The scar face stabbed Fu Xian's heart fiercely. With so much force, if he was hit with a knife, he would definitely penetrate Fu Xian's eyes on the spot. The scar on his face was ferocious and horrible, and he gritted his teeth like a demon.

Xia wants to be one step faster than the scar face. The scar face has just raised the knife. Xia wants to be close, just between Fu Xian and the scar face. Although his hands are not tied tightly, they are still wrapped in the sheets. He grabbed Fu Xian's hands and said urgently, "Help me untie them."

Before the words fell, the scar-faced knife had stabbed Xiaxiang's back fiercely.

Fu Xian didn't have time to think about it. He subconsciously helped Xia want to untie it three times. At this time, the scar face, which had gone crazy, stabbed Xia's back five times in an instant

Five knives, the knife is stabbed in the deadly place, and it can be seen that the scar face is vicious, which is simply the way to make Xia want to die. He was crazy and almost tried his best.

The scene of scarface stabbed Xiaxiang's body fell in a room 100 meters away from the opposite side. Lu Hongzhan, who was observing the movement in the room with a telescope, could see clearly, and there was a complicated and unspeakable emotion in his heart.

Has Xia really been killed? Did you really die like this?

At the moment when Fu Xian flashed just now, there was an excellent opportunity to shoot, but Lu Hongzhan did not intend to kill the scar face at all, and did not order the sniper to shoot at any time in advance.

Although he had privately talked to Chen on the phone and learned that Scarface was not instructed by Chen. Oh, Chen did not make any hints and let Lu Hong occupy deal with it. In a hurry, Lu Hongzhong did not tell me who the hostage of Chen was. In fact, he also learned that the hostage's name was Fu Xianxian. But she was not associated with Fu Xianfeng at all, because what he received was that Fu Xian first came to Lang City to find Xia, and it was also Xia who wanted to accompany her into the hotel. She was Xia Shan's friend. How could she have anything to do with Fu Xianfeng?

Empiricism killed people - after the event, Lu Hongzhan summed up the lessons learned - but it was precisely because he learned that Fu Xian and Xia wanted to have a close relationship with Xia, he also understood Xia wanted to stand up. He believed that Fu Xian was Xia Xian's lover, the lover was kidnapped, and the scarred face made Xia want He is not bright on his face and loses his trust in his lover. As long as he is a man, he can't go

And maybe there are some disputes such as love triangles between the three people.

I have to say that Lu Hong is on top of the relationship between men and women, and his imagination is a little too rich. However, when he saw that Xia wanted to be stabbed by the scar face with a knife, he still held his breath for a moment. What he thought was how to deal with the aftermath, how to submit a report to the municipal party committee, how to escape the difficulty of reducing the responsibility, etc., but there was no idea of regret for Xia.

Although Lu Hongzhan also despised himself for being too vicious, everyone in the officialdom poured in. At the critical moment, even his own father and son can betray, not to mention being a strange opponent? Besides, everything happened with lightning speed. He didn't even have time to give the order. Xia Shen had already splashed blood on the spot, and no wonder he did anything. Moreover, there are Yingcheng and several special police officers outside to protect Xiaxiang. Xia has come up with a big deal, and they are the first scapegoats.

It's just... Suddenly, Lu Hong occupied the wrong place, and the blood splashed on the spot? Xia wanted to have no blood on his body, and he stood steadily, nothing to do - in the high-power telescope, Lu Hongzhan looked at the scene he would never forget in his life - Xia wanted to suddenly turn around, with a cold face and cold eyes. He didn't know when he had a knife or a special knife in his hand, and the knife flashed After that, the scar face opened his mouth wide, with an incredible expression. The sharp knife in his hand fell to the ground, and his right hand was bleeding, and three fingers were dropped

Lu Hongzhan immediately understood something. The scar on his face was wrong, and Xia wanted to wear a bulletproof vest.

That's right, Xiaxiang was stabbed by the scar face with the advantage of bulletproof vests. Five knives, all in one breath under his back, without a trace of pause, which showed how deep the hatred of the scar face was. It was also because of Scarface's anger that he started too fast, without buffering, and didn't feel anything wrong. After he found that he had stabbed five times crazily, Xia thought that he was not only fine at all. Instead, he shook his arm to numb, and he knew the bad thing. He was fooled. Xia thought that the awe-inspiring back had already done everything.

The bulletproof suit can even prevent bullets. Even if his knife is stabbed, it can't hurt Xia.

However, the bulletproof suit can only protect the front and the back of the heart, but it can't protect the neck - after understanding, the scar face is about to raise the knife again to pierce Xia's neck, but Xia wants to take a step back and turn around. Not only has his hands been untied, but he still has a sarc Become the scariest nightmare in the life of Scarface

Xia wanted to take a step forward. He shook his left hand and waved his right hand. Scarface only felt that his right hand was cold, and he didn't feel anything. The knife in his hand fell to the ground. Then he looked down and saw that the three fingers of his right hand had disappeared.

Ah, how is it possible? Scarface was stunned, and Xia thought that he flew up again and hit his chest. With so much strength, he not only kicked him three meters away, but also smashed the sofa in the corner of the wall, roaring and smashing the sofa to pieces.

It contains Xia Xiang's greatest strength and anger in his life. He used almost all his anger on one foot. With only one foot, he kicked the scar face to break several ribs. When he fell to the ground, he spit blood in his mouth and fainted.

The reason why Xia wants to hate it is that he also knows that Lu Hongzhan will definitely hide on the opposite side and see it clearly. He wants to take the opportunity to show his power to Lu Hongzhan again, so that Lu Hongzhan can clearly see his power. He also wants to use Lu Hongzhan's mouth to formally tell him. Chen Although he does not have the skills of special forces, he has enough self- protection, and dares to face the black hands of the evil forces head-on. He wants to threaten him with violence. I'm sorry, he has enough ability to control violence.

The last time the four dragons were abolished, when Lu Hongzhan arrived, Xiaxiang had already done it, and Lu Hongzhan did not witness Xiaxiang's skills. Today, Xiaxiang intends to take this opportunity to let Lu Hongzhan see a wonderful drama - because he knows that some people in the world will be in awe of you only after seeing your real strength with their own eyes.

Xia wants to stand up today to save first, with three purposes. He is not a hot-blooded impulse, let alone a show, nor does he want to leave a reputation in Lang City, stage a hero to save beauty or establish a righteous and awe-inspiring image, but the person who was kidnapped is Fu Xian, but the scar face hijacking Fu Xian is completely caused by him. He is a man and should protect women. Although It's to come to him. It's not his character to retreat. It's Xiaxiang to face the difficulties. Moreover, Scarface deliberately asked him to exchange hostages in public. If he didn't go, he would have a negative image.

This is one of them.

Secondly, Xia thought it was very clear that there must be a hidden relationship between the Fu family and Oh, Chen, Gu Xiangguo and Lu Hongzhan. According to the reactions of all parties, Lu Hongzhan did not know who Fu Xian was. Oh, Chen probably didn't figure it out. He could take the opportunity to save Fu Xianxian and leverage At a minimum, it can make Fu Xianfeng have a greasy idea in his heart, so as to create cracks.

Third, Xia wanted to be far-sighted. With the help of the scar face hijacking incident, he first demonstrated to Lu Hongzhan and warned Lu Hongzhan that he not only had the courage to face the evil forces, but also had the capital. He was not an impulsive young man with a cavity of blood, and then he opened an After planning, Xia thought it was very clear that in the officialdom, step by step crisis, behind the superficial scenery, there are actually risks that ordinary people can't understand. The so-called wealth is in danger. What he seeks is not wealth, but his position and authority in Langshi, the justice and principles he pursues, and the key point for him to open up the situation in Langshi.

Profits in chaos has always been his best way to save Fu Xianxian. In private, it is a checkpoint that he must face head-on. The troubles caused by him have to be solved by him. In terms of the public, it is a strong evidence of the rampant evil forces in Lang City and the weak public security of

Scarface fainted. The place where he lay was a dead corner, and Lu Hongzhan and others could not see it outside. Xia wanted to come close to the scar face, kicked him in the face mercilessly, kicked him all over his face, the bridge of the nose was broken, the front teeth fell off, and then he bent down to pick up the scar face knife, put his hand down the knife, gently scratched on his arm, and suddenly the blood flowed.

Fu Xianxian was stunned. With an "ah" sound, he didn't understand why Xia wanted to hurt himself. Xia wanted to throw away the knife, and Chongfu first made a silent gesture: "After going out, I insisted that it was the scar face that cut me. Do you remember?"

Fu Xian nodded repeatedly. Shocked by Xiaxiang's bravery, he had lost his judgment no matter what Xia wanted to do.

What Xia wanted to do in the dead corner, Lu Hongzhan and others didn't see it, but he clearly saw the scene where Xia wanted to fly and kick the scar face away. It was fixed in his brain like a movie, and he almost never forgot it. He was shocked and forgot to breathe. The telescope in his hand almost fell to the ground, but he opened his eyes wide, and there was only one thought in his heart that kept echoing: cruel, too cruel. Awesome, awesome.

The last time Xia wanted to abolish the four dragons, Lu Hongzhan did not see it with his own eyes, but only when he cleaned up the mess afterwards did he know how cruel Xia wanted to do it. Although he was cruel, he also knew that it was not Xia who wanted to do it himself, but what his men did, so he just thought that Xia wanted to be ruthless and left a few subordinates, which was also a soft egg.

Today, he saw with his own eyes that Xia wanted to risk his life to save Fu Xianxian. It was the most dangerous scene of the highest-ranking senior official he had ever seen, and he personally cleaned up the most real and unbelievable fact of the gangster. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe I think it's really fierce when you are fierce.

Not only fierce, but also ruthless. Lu Hong occupied the drum in his heart and his legs trembled. He knew in his heart that even he might not be able to subdue the scar face with his bare hands. He was still a professional background, and Xia thought he was just an ordinary person.

However, when Xiaxiang burst into momentum, it was not only scary but also amazing. Lu Hongzhan really experienced Xiaxiang's ability today, and for the first time, he had a deep-rooted fear of Xiaxiang. A senior official with both wrists and self-defense ability. No wonder he dares to face Chen's evil forces head-on. He is really good at it.

Lu Hongzhan has also heard that Xia wants to have a son, but he has committed everyone's common problem and only believes in his own eyes. Today, I saw Xia's skills, which made him suddenly have an absurd idea. In the future, at the meeting of the Standing Committee, don't conflict with Xia. If you can't say it, you can't say it. If you do it, it's not his opponent... Isn't it just that you really can't help Xia think about it

P: Two chapters of ten thousand words, in one go, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, the next plot, more wonderful E