official god

Chapter 827 Union, power in hand

"Before rescuing the hostages, Mayor Gu was holding a government meeting. At that time, I proposed to reduce the financial allocation of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, because the financial expenditure of the Lang Municipal Public Security Bureau was comparable to that of the Yan Municipal Public Security Bureau, and there was a suspicion of extravagance and waste." After Xia wanted to sit down, he gave a slight nod to Ai Chengwen, "I have reached a consensus with Secretary Ai on the issue of cutting the financial allocation of the Municipal Bureau. At the government meeting, Mayor Gu and Director Lu also firmly opposed it. The reason for the opposition was that the security environment in Lang City is complex and requires a large amount of police and material resources

Speaking of this, Xia Xiang paused and looked at Lu Hongzhan with bright eyes: "Today's events prove an irrefutable fact, that is, the municipal government has given a lot of financial and material resources to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The Municipal Public Security Bureau should not be shameless to say that it protects the personal safety of citizens, and even the No, I can't even protect the safety of Prime Minister Fu's niece. I want to ask Director Lu in front of Secretary Ai and Mayor Gu, where is the high financial expenditure spent?"

With his personal experience and the fact that Fu Xian was kidnapped, Xia wanted to question Lu Hongzhan face to face in front of a member of a member of the Standing Committee. Lu Hongzhan had not fully woken up from the emergency, and he had long been overwhelmed by the pressure of all parties. He was asked directly by Xiaxiang, and suddenly panicked: I need to know more about the situation before I can answer. I can't say it in too much detail.

Lu Hongzhan's answer was completely upside down, and his performance was out of standard, completely without the previous prestige and calmness.

Ai Chengwen saw that the time was ripe - he was scolded a lot today. In the final analysis, it was all because of Lu Hongzhan. It was strange that he was angry, and Lu Hongzhan was also a person of Gu Xiang. Xia wanted to come straight to the point and speak first without permission. In fact, he was prepared and deliberately The next step is to deal with the entry point of Lu Hongzhan. Now is a good time to strike while the iron is hot...

"The main topic of the Emergency Standing Committee held today is to convey the spirit of the instructions of the Provincial Party Committee, express deep condolences to Comrade Xiaxiang, and deal with Comrade Xianxian's cordial care. Since Comrade Xiaxiang still has topics to mention, it is just time to put forward to discuss together." Ai Chengwen first made an official tone, and then changed his tone, "From the Central Committee to the Provincial Party Committee, many leading comrades have put forward their views on the public security of Lang City. In a word, they are dissatisfied and very dissatisfied. Although I haven't named it yet, as the head of the municipal party committee, I just want to point it out in public. Comrade Hong Zhan, as the secretary of the political and legal committee and the director of the public security bureau, you have done a very poorly and dereliction of duty, which not only disappointed the municipal party committee, but also the provincial party committee and the

In the impression of the Standing Committee, Ai Chengwen has never held a meeting with such a harsh tone and serious expression since he became the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, let alone directly criticized a person at the Standing Committee. Lu Hongzhan was the first member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to be criticized by Ai Chengwen in public, and he was carried The two mountains of the central leadership and the provincial party committee are to let Lu Hongzhan have no chance to quibble.

With the dissatisfaction of the central leadership and the provincial party committee, Lu Hongzhan quibbled again and shirked his responsibility, that is, he did not accept the criticism of the central leadership and the provincial party committee.

The blue veins on Gu Xiangguo's neck burst out, his eyes sprayed fire, stared at Xia Xiang for a moment, and tried to force himself to calm down, but his gaffe still fell into the eyes of everyone. Not only did his fingers subconsciously knock on the table, but his legs trembled impatiently It seems to be cold all over.

Gu Xiangguo did feel the cold, not the cold body, but the cold heart.

It was originally a very simple hostage-taking accident. With Lu Hong's many years of experience in dealing with emergencies, it is generally three ways to deal with it: negotiation, persuasion and one shot. Even if the kidnapped person is the niece of Prime Minister Fu, as long as he is handled properly, he will kill the scar face with one shot, and Apologies can also cover up the past and calm Prime Minister Fu's anger.

Unexpectedly, things have evolved. Xia wanted to go to the meeting alone to save the beauty, and Lu Hongzhan was still far away. The gangster was kicked and fainted for a long time. As the leader of the municipal bureau, he came late. It's really a fool. Where is the usual alert?

Of course, after the comprehensive analysis of Gu Xiangguo, he also came to a conclusion. Regardless of the relationship between Xia Xiang and Fu Xianxian - even if they are lovers, they have nothing to do with him. It is the Fu family who is willing to stick to his daughter - but Xia wants to stand up and save Fu Xianxian, and he was injured. It Wise, in fact, Xia is the smartest. He kills three birds with one stone.

First, it can ease the relationship with the Fu family and make the Fu family grateful to him. Second, you can turn black and white upside down, and say what Scarface did as being instructed by Chen, and pour dirty water on Chen. Third, the topic raised by Xiaxiang as soon as he entered the door just now was financially stuck in the neck of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, so as to achieve the purpose of indirectly controlling the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Gu Xiangguo rubbed his forehead and felt that his blood pressure was a little raised. Xia Xiang, Xia Xiang, is really a hateful but helpless character. He has a decisive side and a messy and profitable wrist. Sometimes the detour makes you think that he has completely retreated, and sometimes he stabbed him face to face, which directly makes you think that How much political wisdom.

Gu Xiangguo now knows that Xia Xiang is a powerful enemy with changeable wisdom on the surface and tough hands behind him, which makes it difficult for both of them to do.

It can be said that this emergency, with the help of Xia Xiang's hand, not only was Lu Hong occupied fooled by him and lost his direction, but the whole Lang Municipal Party Committee also fell into a passive situation, and it seems that the bad impact caused by the incident will be difficult to eliminate for a while.

What makes Gu Xiangguo University most depressed is that Lu Hongzhan must be burdened with a punishment, because he is not only weak in command, but also injured Mayor Xia. Although Gu Xiangguo also listened to Lu Hongzhan that Xia wanted to be injured strangely and suspected of acting, but even if it was a fake injury, he was on the front line, The scenery is hundreds of times stronger - Mayor Xia's injury is only one of them, and the most important hostage is Premier Fu's niece.

A good lever is just in Xia's hand to leverage the interests of all forces in Lang City.

Gu Xiangguo's eyes slanted at Ai Chengwen, and he knew more about Ai Chengwen in his heart. He made a decisive and decisive move. Ai Chengwen was not as soft as he was on the surface, and he also had a crisp side... He couldn't help but feel a headache. In the small Lang City, everyone had two brushes It's not too much.

Ai Chengwen doesn't know much about the inside story as Gu Xiangguo. He also speculates about Xia Xiang's behavior today, but he is not as thorough as Gu Xiangguo. Even so, Ai Chengwen knows that since Xia wants to open the first arrow for him, he also intends to break the prison between Gu Xiangguo and A solid alliance, if you want to get a nail in the municipal bureau, you must take out the authority of a leader.

Ai Chengwen's words immediately aroused a lot of discussion in the Standing Committee.

Gu Xiangguo knows that he must make concessions today, otherwise he can't explain. The rule in the officialdom is that whoever loses has to make appropriate concessions, even if he finds it back in the future, but now he has to make a gesture. After all, there are some conventional rules that must be followed. At least they are all scene people, and they also have a certain level. No matter how painful it is, they should be a little fair.

Gu Xiangguo said: "Today's emergency really proves that Comrade Lu Hongzhan did have some mistakes in his work. In the process of rescuing the hostages, the command was improper and the police force was not strictly arranged. If Mayor Xia hadn't come forward, the consequences would have been unimaginable. Here, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, I would like to commend Mayor Xia for his heroic rescue of people, and at the same time, I would like to criticize Comrade Lu Hongzhan's poor command. As for the issue of financial allocation raised by Mayor Xia, my opinion is that in view of the current serious security situation in Lang City, it is better to slow down and discuss it again.

"It can't be slowed down. The security problem has always been the top priority. As soon as the wind blows, it can alarm the capital. At present, it's almost New Year's Day. How can it slow down? Mayor Gu, we should dare to ask direct problems and not avoid medical treatment. Lv Yike raised his hand to speak. His eyes fell on Xia Xiang's arm, and he looked a little excited. "I think Mayor Xia's proposal is very reasonable. The municipal bureau has always been used to it. He has spent a lot of money and has not seen much performance. And what happened today really makes people worry about the public security of Lang City. I Long proposal. I also suggest that Comrade Lu Hongzhan should make a profound self-criticism"

Many people looked at Lv Yike with a surprised face. They didn't understand why Lv Yike was angry today, and they still supported Xia thought with an aggressive tone.

Xia wanted to nod to Lv Yike and expressed a friendly response to his support.

Subsequently, Zhang Yingji, Liu Yilin, Li Xiaoliang, Tian Huishu, Wu Xiaoming, Pan Shuzhi and others spoke one after another to express their support for Xia Xiang's position. The Standing Committee presented a one-sided situation and was bound to take the opportunity to set the tone of the matter and not give Gu Xiangguo and Lu Hongzhan a

Gu Xiangguo and Lu Hongzhan looked at each other and knew that today's passable pass, so he suddenly realized that without Tu Yun as the vanguard, his right to speak in the Standing Committee was indeed greatly reduced, and there was no momentum. When he thought of Tu Yun, he was depressed again. What happened to Tu Yun was also Xia's black hand behind Xia's back. Why did Xia's mind?

Let's take a step back first. In the future, let Xia want to double the repayment.

"Comrade Lu Hongzhan made an in-depth review, and I also think it is very necessary, but the one-time reduction of one-third of the financial allocation of the municipal bureau is a little too strong, which may cause the lack of police force and passive slow work of the municipal bureau. It is better to have a good compromise..." Gu Xiangguo The local government took a step back.

Liu Yilin took over Gu Xiangguo's words at the first time. Obviously, he has carefully prepared: "The mayor's proposal is also very pertinent. I have an opinion for your reference. One-third of the financial allocation of the municipal bureau should not be cut. It can't be simply Do it one-size-fits-all..."

What is Liu Yilin's position? Her words immediately aroused everyone's speculation. It's not that she and Xia Xiang have a good relationship. How can she listen to her tone? It seems that she still favors the position of Gu Xiangguo?

Seeing that Liu Yilin successfully attracted everyone's attention, she continued: "My suggestion is to divest one-third of the existing financial allocation and set up a special fund to fight against the evil forces. The special fund should be responsible for it. In my opinion, Mayor Xia is the executive deputy mayor and is in charge of finance, so he will be directly responsible for it.

It turned out that there was still a backhand. After listening to Liu Yilin's suggestion, everyone suddenly realized that she just fired a shot. In fact, her proposal was more scheming and more useful than directly cutting one-third of the financial allocation. He deserves to be the Minister of Organization. He knows that in the officialdom, only the personnel and financial powers are the largest. He specially divested out one-third of the financial allocation of the municipal bureau and handed it to Xiaxiang alone, which is equivalent to Xiaxiang's full control of one-third of the financial resources of the municipal bureau.

One-third of the life gate is in the hands of Xiaxiang, and the municipal bureau will act in the future without looking at Xiaxiang's face. Moreover, Liu Yilin's name is a special fund. The so-called special fund is a special fund, and she specially proposed it to use it to deal with the evil forces. It is clear that she gave Gu Xiangguo and Lu Hongzhan a knife face to face.

This woman... is unusual. All the members of the Standing Committee, including Ai Chengwen, were shocked. Liu Yilin's proposal hit the nail on the head and maximized Xiaxiang's power, which is equivalent to Xiaxiang having the power to affect one-third of the power of the municipal bureau.

Even Xia thought was shocked for a moment. He didn't expect the means that Liu Yilin had just said, but he had to admit that Liu Yilin's proposal was higher than his idea. Liu Yilin... With scheming and political skills, she will also have a bright future.

As soon as Liu Yilin's proposal was thrown out, the Standing Committee was immediately silent, because everyone thought about whether it would be beneficial or harmful to themselves once the power of Xiaxiang was raised. In the power field, everyone's starting point is to maximize the power in their hands, instead of letting themselves be controlled by others. The promotion of power will be restricted to everyone accordingly.

Weighing the pros and cons, calculating gains and losses, and focusing on ourselves is the original ecology of all sentient beings in the officialdom.

Fortunately, today's situation is very beneficial to Xiaxiang, and it can even be said that the situation is very good, because Xiaxiang not only saved Premier Fu's niece, but his injury also touched the hearts of countless leaders of the provincial party committee, which made many members of the Standing Committee think more complicated and unspeakable about Xia. I am also soberly aware that the rise of Xiaxiang is uncontrollable. Only by following the trend can it be possible to minimize losses after redrawing the sphere of influence.

Many people's eyes are on Ai Chengwen...

Lu Hongzhan suffered a big defeat today, and there was no light on the surface of Gu Xiangguo. Today, as the second figure of the municipal party committee, the weight of Gu Xiangguo's speech was greatly weakened. Under the situation of the lack of confidence of Gu Xiangguo, Ai Chengwen's authority became more and more prominent. That is to say The opportunity to get one-third of the control of the municipal bureau was all in Ai Chengwen's mind.

Ai Chengwen is also in trouble.

He and Xiaxiang have a limited cooperative relationship, not an alliance, and Xiaxiang's sitting is not an optimistic fact. To be fair, he just wants to gradually weaken the strength of Gu Xiangguo with the help of Xia Xiang's power, but he also understands that if he doesn't give Xia Xiang any benefits, it is impossible. Limited cooperation should also be maintained with interests, otherwise the cooperative relationship will collapse.

But let Xiaxiang control one-third of the financial allocation of the municipal bureau, which is equivalent to letting Xiaxiang have a vital influence on the municipal public security bureau. If he cultivates one or two more cronies, it won't take long for Xiaxiang to even have the strength to control the overall situation.

You can't take it lightly. You can't let Xia want to rise quickly after the ancient country has not been completely defeated. Isn't it that the old troubles have not gone and added new worries? For a moment, Ai Chengwen's mind turned several times, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the people present, and finally fell on Xiaxiang. Suddenly, he thought helplessly that Xia wanted to get hurt first, saved Premier Fu's niece, suppressed Lu Hongzhan for him, and swept away Tu Yun. If he didn't make a little sincere expression If he wants to be disappointed, it also makes the people around him feel cold.

What only worries him is that Xia wants to rise too fast in Lang City. Once he controls the special funds, his overall strength will take another big step forward, and he basically has a place in the municipal party committee.

A difficult problem, a huge problem. Xia Xiang can not only cause trouble for the ancient country, but also give him a difficult problem. Fortunately, Ai Chengwen is not a person without foresight. He knows that if Xia Xiang's rise is unstoppable, it is better to continue to cooperate with him. On the contrary, Lu Hong's matter is just a punishment and will not fall. Gu Xiangguo is still standing. Oh, Chen has not hurt his muscles and bones, and the road ahead is

It's better to look at it for a long time. Ai Chengwen made up his mind and looked at Li Xiaoliang intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Xiaoliang immediately understood and said, "Minister Liu's proposal is very novel and creative. I personally agree with it. Since Mayor Xia is mainly focusing on financial work, he has added more burdens and allocated one-third of the financial allocation of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to set up special funds. Mayor Xia is fully responsible. I believe that he can fully mobilize the initiative of the public security police of the Municipal Bureau and better make comprehensive overall arrangements for the long-term stability of Lang City..." /P>

Li Xiaoliang was eductive and raised Xia's want to seize power to a political level, which basically laid the tone for Ai Chengwen's full support.

Subsequently, Wu Xiaoming and Pan Shuzhi also expressed their support.

Gu Xiangguo lacked Tu Yun, the vanguard, and Lu Hongzhan was hit hard today. He was not energetic and did not have any resistance. Gu Xiangguo sighed secretly, taking advantage of your illness to kill you. It's true that the general trend is gone. Xia thought of the means, Liu Yilin had a good scheming, four As soon as he pushed forward, he firmly grasped one-third of the financial power of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and he could not accept it - Gu Xiangguo lost his temper.

In the end, the Standing Committee all approved Liu Yilin's proposal. Xia Xiang had another financial power that can restrict one-third of Lu Hongzhan's trump card at any time. It can't be said that the Kade City Public Security Bureau is struggling, at least it can also let Lu Hongzhan be restrained, and the Standing And wait for further instructions from the provincial party committee.

After the meeting, many people expressed their condolences to Xia Xiang, and Xia Xiang also responded enthusiastically one by one. Everyone thought that Xiaxiang had achieved a phased victory, and Lu Hongzhan was also suppressed and lost his temper. He should stop for a period of time. What no one expected was that in a few days, the waves would rise again

PS: Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards. They are all hot people and face. Brothers, if you give face, why should you keep it in mind? Without further ado, it is only 20 votes away to advance one, which is the best result in the history of Guan Shen. The first book has been completed, and we should be able to take a step forward. The progress of the official god, there is light on the face of the old man, which is also the glory created by your brothers who like the official god. Thank you V