official god

Chapter 876 Show the sword, the sword goes side by the front

Chapter 876 Show the sword, the sword goes to the front

Gu Xiangguo's eyelids jumped, and his heart tightened. Xia wanted to light the fire?

"What's the matter? I'm in a panic. It's not like a word." Gu Xiangguo pretends to be calm, and the mayor's demeanor cannot be lost at any time.

Liu Linyan forced himself to calm down: "I just received the news that Yingcheng and Lifei took away all the files of the coke electricity, and went to Yanshi overnight with Jiao Da and relevant witnesses."

At this time, it was getting late, and the night had come. Yingcheng and Li Fei suddenly left Lang City, which showed that Xia wanted to pluck the sword

"Where is Lu Hongzhan?" What annoyed Gu Xiangguo was that Lu Hongzhan, as the head of the municipal bureau, did not report to him at the first time, which was a great dereliction of duty.

"No, I don't know. I didn't contact the road bureau." Liu Linyan saw that Gu Xiangguo's face was pale and his expression was gloomy and scary. He was so scared that his voice turned down. "I heard that the Road Bureau has been with the Third Lady recently."

The third lady refers to the third of the four wives behind the cold square, named Yin Zhiping. She is 33 years old, with white and beautiful skin and a 7-year-old daughter.

Gu Xiangguo knew that Lu Hong occupied ordinary people with five people and six people. In fact, he had a special hobby, that is, he liked widows the most. Among the four wives of Leng Zhifang, the third lady Yin Zhiping is the most beautiful. It is understandable that Lu Hongzhan hooked up with her through work, but when is it now? There is still leisure to fool around with women. This old road is really stupid.

Gu Xiangguo immediately opened Lu Hongzhan's personal mobile phone and told him that Xia Xiang had done it.

Lu Hongzhan was shocked.

As expected, Lu Hongzhan did fool around in Yin Zhiping's home.

Lu Hongzangang waited for Yin Zhiping's daughter to sleep. He was taking a shower and was planning to do good deeds after taking a shower. Gu Xiangguo's words were like a basin of ice water splashed on him, pouring cold water.

Poison, accurate, ruthless

... The above Lu Hongzhan's evaluation of the time when Xia wanted to take action. After the evaluation, he took a cold breath and made it clear that the relationship between him and Yin Zhiping had long been clearly understood, because he took the opportunity to take a leisurely move when he was fooling around and took people away from Lang City overnight.

The intention of leaving Lang City is obvious, but he doesn't want to give him a chance to intervene. Last time he was stranded in Yanshi. This time, he took people directly to Yanshi. In short, the means are different but the purpose is the same, that is, to let him stand aside and not make trouble.

Lu Hong occupied the leak * point suddenly subsided, put on his trousers, and despite Yin Zhiping's foggy eyes, he hurried back to the municipal party committee and conspired with Gu Xiangguo. At this time, it has been half an hour since Yingcheng left, and it is too late to send someone to recover it.

Lu Hongzhan called Yingcheng and turned off the phone. Then call Li Fei, the line is busy. After calling for half an hour in a row, the line was always busy, and he was so angry that he dropped the phone.

An hour has passed, and 100 kilometers have been out. Lu Hongzhan knew that Huitian was powerless. He was unwilling and called an acquaintance of the provincial department again. After a few words, he remembered that the Jiaodian case wanted to be overturned and had to go through the Provincial High Court, so he remembered his acquaintance in the Provincial High Court, Vice President Gao Yandong.

Lu Hongzhan and Gao Yandong talked on the phone for half an hour, and he felt a little relieved. Then he discussed with Gu Xiangguo again and decided to start with Lang City again. He must not let Jiaodian reverse the case. He must try his best to kill the evidence.

Gu Xiangguo also contacted a lot of relationships in all aspects. When he breathed a sigh of relief, he found that it was late at night. Regardless of the identity of the mayor, he called Yangfu again.

After learning that Yang Ming, Yang's son, had gone abroad and became an American citizen, Gu Xiangguo finally breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaxiang is a waste of effort. Even if he can reverse the case for Jiaodian, if Yang Ming does not return to the United States, it will be difficult to be extradited back to China. Yang Ming doesn't come back and doesn't confess in person. It's a joke to want to reverse the case.

However, what Gu Xiangguo did not expect was that the news came from the Provincial High Court at noon the next day that the Provincial High Court attached great importance to the case of Jiaodian and will be re-accepted in the near future. In the afternoon, there was another rumor from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection that the cold party embezzled and accepted bribes of more than 40 million yuan, most of which have mastered the first-hand evidence. The relevant parties are requested to voluntarily turn themselves in and will be given a reduction or exemption according to the seriousness of the circumstances. If you do not turn yourself in on the 15th, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will cooperate with the Provincial Procuratorate to carry out the arrest.

Whether it is the news of the Provincial High Court or the news of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, it is not outflowing through official channels, but the hole will not come. Obviously, some people deliberately let the news. It is really aimed at the bribers or to listen to people with intentions, it all depends on everyone's comprehension ability.

Gu Xiangguo knew that the wind was really tight. The first wave of shock wave is coming.

At the same time, the disturbance between the paint and the American paint is getting worse and worse. Is it a coincidence between the paint in the United States and the paint occupying the paint in the United States, or is it intended to create a maze for Xia Xiang? Gu Xiangguo is puzzled, but he has to pay part of his energy to pay attention to the progress of the incident.

What he didn't understand was that a simple appointment in the United States somehow touched Sato's nerves, causing Sato to come to him in person angrily and ask him to interfere in the decision of the United States.

made Gu Xiangguo very embarrassed and didn't understand why Sato reacted so fiercely.

... The cause of the matter is that the United States Paint announced the appointment of Wei Hongqing as the marketing director of the United States Paint, responsible for the promotion and sales of the United States Paint to the whole country.

Outsiders may not feel anything, but they just wonder who Wei Hongqing is. How can he suddenly jump from an unknown nobody to the marketing director of the United States paint? What on earth is she from?

Gu Xiangguo did not know about the enmity between Sato and Wei Hongqing. It can even be said that few people in Quanlang City knew the inside story, but among a limited number of people, it happened that Xia was one of the insiders, and Sato clearly realized that Wei Hongqing's acting as the marketing director of the United States was definitely Xia Xiang

It's completely done with a knife in the chest, which is more fierce than hitting the face.

If Yang Bei opposes Chen Datou's money against Zhanzhi Lacquer, which makes Sato feel angry and funny, and Wei Hongqing's act as the marketing director of the United States paint makes him so angry that he almost lose his mind, and it is not even an exaggeration to say that it makes him feel chill.

Xia's method is too sharp, and he is too good at grasping everyone's weakness. Yang Bei is Chen's big head's weakness, oh, Chen's weakness, and also occupies the laughing stock of paint. Although no one knows who Wei Hongqing is, she is his weakness and a nightmare that he will wake up if he is not careful

Sato is about to leave his anger.

But he could not make it clear to Gu Xiangguo that he had ** Wei Hongqing in those years, and Wei Hongqing also brought up his child. He only urged Gu Xiangguo to come forward as the mayor on the grounds of disrupting the market, and asked the whole American paint to stop using the reputation of occupying the paint to hype his shameless behavior.

Gu Xiangguo is now too busy to take care of himself and can't understand the meaning of Sato's requirements, so he had to agree vaguely. As soon as Sato left, he called Chen again to ask for a clear understanding.

Oh, Chen probably knew the entanglement between Sato and Wei Hongqing, so he said it implicitly, and finally sighed a few words: "Xia thinks that this person is sharp and his hands are extremely accurate. He often hits people's pain as soon as he takes action, which makes people uncomfortable and bitter. Mayor Gu, we are too passive now. We have to find a way to fight back.

Gu Xiangguo originally wanted to leave his means at the end, and hit Xia by surprise, but now it seems that if it continues, there may be no chance to display it, so he said, "What do you have any ideas? Let's talk about it first."

Oh, Chen also thought about the countermeasures, so he didn't hide it and tell it out.

Gu Xiangguo listened and did not say anything about Chen's plan, but directly said his plan: "Xia wants to leave a hidden danger when he knocks down Bai Zhanmo in the Xiama District. Later, Bai Zhanmo also found out the truth. At that time, the woman who deliberately tricked him into being deceived was called Cong Fenger. Now Cong Fenger is in the capital, working in the company of Xiao Jia, a famous cold beauty in the capital. Bai Zhanmo has enough evidence to prove that Cong Fenger deliberately falsified. His purpose is that even if he can't turn over the case, he will deduct a pot of shit to Xia's head..."

Oh, Chen Daxi: "Is there really such a thing? Great, no matter what means, as long as Cong Fenger admits that it was Xia who wanted to trick her into Bai Zhanmo, if the charge of Xia wants to frame the head of the party committee is implemented, the consequences will be serious, hum.

Suddenly I remembered something. Oh, Chen exclaimed again: "Cong Fenger works in Xiao Jia's company. Does Xiao Jia and Xia want to have an improper relationship? I heard that Beauty Xiao has never been married. It seems that she has a child. Who is the man behind her? I think if I spend 1 million to find out who the father of the child is, and there must be a brave man under the reward, will I find a surprising result?

Oh, Chen's idea also brightened Gu Xiangguo's eyes. If Xia wants to have any adultery with Xiao Jia, and there are children, hey hey, it's difficult for Xia not to fall

Oh, Chen took the initiative to contribute, why not do it? Gu Xiangguo greatly appreciated Chen's idea and encouraged him to do it immediately.

Oh, Chen was as excited as he had discovered the New World. He put down the phone and began to do it. He sent his most powerful men to the capital to investigate Xiao Jia. What he didn't expect was that the investigation of Xiao Jia not only really angered Xia Chang, but also let him taste Xiao Jia's wrist. After that, he regretted it, because he opened a Pandora's box.


After the first wave, Lang City seemed to have regained its apparent calm. Xia wanted to go to work and get off work as usual, and the previous close relationship with Ai Chengwen was restored. Xia Chang's figure can often seen in Ai Chengwen's office, and every time Ai Chengwen greeted him very politely, and the secretary of the municipal party committee The attitude of the deputy mayor is more eager than the attitude towards the mayor.

Bright-sighted people can see that in addition to his close relationship with Secretary Ai, Mayor Xia's interaction with Secretary Zhang has also been strengthened. In the past, I heard that Secretary Zhang and Mayor Xia often had the same position, but they didn't have a lot of contact outside of work, but now they are different. They are together almost every day and don't know what important they are discussing.

After Yingcheng and Lifei arrived in Yanshi, they reported their work to Lu Hongzhan. Although Lu Hongzhan was very dissatisfied, he did not blame them for anything. First, because the two had the acquiescence of Xia Xiang and Zhang Yingji. Then, they could even carry out Ai Chengwen and let Lu Hongzhan know that it was useless Second, Lu Hongzhan is very clear that he has fallen into the hands of two people. Although knocking on the widow's door is not a big deal, he is the secretary of the political and legal secretary. He is indeced and damaged in the image. It's better not to have any short-term.

Although he was caught, Lu Hongzhan still did not regret going to Yin Zhiping's bed. He has to admit that Yin Zhiping does have a set. He not only has a first-class figure and excellent kung fu, but also flattered him to his bones, so that he can't stop eating the marrow. After several dry firewood fires, he even died in Yin Zhiping's heart.

Lu Hongzhan felt that he was rejuvenated in the second spring, and he knew that he had experienced a lot of women before, but compared with Yin Zhiping, he was all third-rate. He was even glad that the cold quality had died well, otherwise he would not have a chance to enjoy an unexpected blessing. At the same time, he was also jealous of the cold quality. He actually hugged and married four women, and a bad old man actually occupied Yin Zhiping for several years. What a conscienceless old man.

Lu Hongzhan, who was immersed in the gentle hometown, did not have a clear understanding of the reminder of the ancient country and the current dangerous situation, which eventually made him miss a good opportunity and almost made a big mistake.

Since ancient times, heroes have been sad about beauty. In fact, whether they are heroes or not, as long as they are men, they are sad about women. Otherwise, over the ages, how many men have fallen into the arms of women?

Lu Hongzhan's power collection action was originally carried out smoothly, but because he accidentally harvested Yin Zhiping, he did not pay attention to the next arrangement, so he just made the reason empty and tried a ridiculous ** case.

The reason why it is ironic is that when the careless ** criminal was interrogated, he was still proud and satisfied, as if he had taken advantage of it. Finally, when he heard the victim's name, he couldn't believe it and asked the police officer to repeat it again. When the policeman saw him, it was really It was a little funny, so he reluctantly repeated the victim's name again. As a result, the prisoner cried bitterly and claimed that he was the wrong person.

The police officer has never seen such a stupid ** criminal, but he is also aware of the seriousness of the problem, because the other party implements it with a purpose. There may be another case behind the case, which is retaliation. It is not a rush case, so he strengthened the interrogation. As a result, a case in the case was tried

According to the criminal suspect's account, the person he wanted to be ** was Yang Bei. As a result, he drank some wine and followed the wrong person. In addition, he was a little night blindness. When he committed the crime at night, he only saw that his clothes were the same, so he dragged him into the woods and carried out criminal activities.

In fact, he was completely calm at that time, but he felt that the victim's resistance was not too fierce, and it seemed that there was a little cooperation. He was lustful again and was ready to implement the second **. He was just found by two passers-by and caught on the spot.

As soon as he heard that the suspect wanted to be the person who wanted ** was Yang Bei, he immediately realized that the case was serious and immediately decided to lead the case. At this time, when Lu Hong was happy, he let the expression seize a major opportunity.

It was also due to Chen's bad luck. He originally wanted to make people ** Yang Bei, and wanted to destroy Yang Bei's body and psychology. Unbe thought about it. Yang Bei was on guard under the reminder of Xiaxiang. Every day when he went out, there must be a driver with him, and he also invited a bodyguard. Fortunately, at that time, the suspect was staring at the wrong person. If he was targeting Yang Bei himself, it would be good not to say that he could do it and not be crippled on the spot.

But everything is always a coincidence. It is precisely because of the criminal suspect's blind collision that not only made Xia want to find the entry point of the sword, but also let him seize the opportunity to attack from the side, let him fight with Gu Xiangguo. There is reality in the virtual, and in reality, which has completely become an unexpected drama

At the beginning, the criminal suspect resisted stubbornly and refused to confess. He only said that he was greedy for Yang Bei's beauty, and even if he was in prison for a few years, he would deal with her. Later, unable to withstand the offensive, he was slowly broken through the psychological defense line and admitted that he was instructed by others to destroy Yang Bei's innocence.

In the end, after the collapse of his psychological defense line, he completely told the truth, said that he was entrusted by Chen Datou, and also said that he heard people's private discussions, Yang Bei was still a virgin...

Chen Datou's privacy did not come out through Yang Bei's mouth, but it was accidentally spread out through a gangster's mouth, which finally made Chen Datou the laughing stock of Lang City.

He was shocked. At that time, he bypassed Lu Hongzhan and reported the case directly to Ai Chengwen. Ai Chengwen knew very well that it was a critical period for Xia Xiang to compete with Gu Xiangguo. After much deliberation, he called the capital for instructions, and then asked Xia Xiang to meet and have a secret conversation.

In the matter between Xia Xiang and Gu Xiangguo, Ai Chengwen took a neutral position at the beginning, but just after a phone call with the capital, he received new instructions to cooperate with Xia Xiang's actions as much as possible, because the confrontation between Gu Xiangguo and Xia Xiang has risen to the height of politics. The central government A compromise has been reached between the senior officials.

What specific compromise has been reached? The superior did not disclose it. Naturally, Ai Chengwen did not dare to ask more questions, but he knew that the competition between the major factions had begun to win or lose in the upcoming large-scale adjustment of provincial and ministerial cadres, but in Lang City, there was another specific and minor political struggle that was more symbolic. The meaning of sex, or in other words, as department-level cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels, it is impossible to really enter the eyes of the high-level without a cruel political struggle.

What's more, the battle between Xia Xiang and Gu Xiangguo has reached the point where there is no way to win, and it is basically close to the battle between provincial and ministerial levels. The winner is expected to become a reserve at the provincial and ministerial level, and the loser may sink from now on.

No matter what compromise he reached between his behind-the-scenes figure and Xiaxiang's behind-the-scenes figure, anyway, if the superior has a clear spirit of instruction, he will fully implement it.

After a ten-minute secret conversation with Xia, Ai Chengwen immediately decided to cooperate with Xiaxiang from the side and immediately arrested Chen Datou in the name of abetting the crime

The fire was fueled, and the situation in Lang City suddenly became tense

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