official god

Chapter 877 Disaster, Fire and Burning the Body

Chapter 877 Disaster, Fire and Burning

Just as he arranged to arrest Chen Datou, Lu Hongzhan was still at Yin Zhiping's home and couldn't sleep. Yes, he is not young. He can't stand the toss and turns, but he is greedy for Yin Zhiping's beauty and ability, so he reluctantly makes persistent efforts, and it is inevitable to be overworked.

Yin Zhiping was afraid of waking up her daughter, and also to keep Lu Hongzhan spend the night at ease. She turned off Lu Hongzhan's mobile phone when he was asleep.

Therefore, Lu Hongzhan did not know anything about the arrest of the municipal bureau. His cronies could not contact him at all, and he was so anxious that he had no choice but to watch the expression exercise the power of the director and swaggered to Chen Datou's home overnight.

Besides, the criminal suspect was also detained and interrogated in the municipal bureau. When he was identified by the victim, when he first saw the victim's appearance - at that time, he threw the victim down directly from behind, and he did not see what he looked like at all - he even had the heart to die, because the expression of love was dull, obviously A mentally retarded woman is mentally retarded, and she also obviously has the tendency of nymphomaniac. The key is that her appearance is as ugly as that of the phoenix sister of later generations.

The criminal suspect couldn't regret it. At first sight, he vomited, and the whole line of psychological defense collapsed into the night. Because of the summer, Lang City was full of prosperity. Women coming and going on the street either apply grease and powder or wear exposed clothes. No wonder summer has always been a high incidence period of ** cases. Many **s make confessions afterwards. It's not their sexual impulses, but women who are too exposed and **.

A slap can't be slapped, and the woman is exposed, which is to show it to the man. But they want men's appreciation, not invasion. But women don't understand men's psychology, and men appreciate it in order to get it.

Chen Datou knew that Yang Bei would not escape the disaster tonight. He had both the pleasure of revenge and vicious speculation in his heart, hoping that Xiao Wu could destroy Yang Bei fiercely. Xiao Wu is a young man with a thin appearance but strong ability in some aspects that he found from Chen's men, because his monthly income is less than 2,000 yuan, of which 1,500 yuan will be spent on the young lady, which is simply a humanoid motor.

It's already 9 p.m., and Xiao Wu should have made it. Thinking of Yang Bei being killed by Xiao Wu, Chen Datou felt that 30 million yuan was not so painful. He made an appointment with two friends, drinking at home while waiting for Xiao Wu's call.

When he was seven or eight minutes drunk, he was a little impatient before waiting for the phone call to report the good news. He raised his neck and dried half a bottle of wine. He staggered up and said, "A pair of dogs and women will not hook up with each other, make an endless one, and go to open a room again. **, What's the matter with wearing a cuckold?

He took out the phone and was about to call Xiao Wu. Suddenly, he heard someone knocking on the door: "Is Mr. Chen at home?"

Chen Da hated Yang Bei and Wei Hongqing. He knew that Wei Hongqing and Yang Bei had a good relationship. He didn't want both of them to stand on the opposite side of him now. He wanted to grab his business and seize his territory. He thought about greetings Wei Hongqing after cleaning up Yang Bei.

Yang Bei can be sexually hurt, and Wei Hongqing will take away her beloved baby - her son. Chen Datou's idea is to find someone to secretly take Wei Hongqing's son away, and then sell it to human traffickers, which makes Wei Hongqing have a mental breakdown

Dare to oppose him. In Lang City, people who have the courage to challenge him brazenly dare to jump out and hit him in the face before two stinky women, which is the opposite of them.

The two people who drank with Chen Datou were two men of Chen Datou's company. They were more or less sober. When they heard someone knocking on the door, they asked warily, "Who is it? Mr. Chen is not at home.

"Why aren't you here? I'm at home." Chen Datou didn't think so much. He went forward to open the door. How could he have thought that the incident would happen so quickly? As soon as he opened the door, several plain clothes poured in from the outside. Two of them put his hands behind his back and handcuffed him.

Chen Datou shouted, "You caught the wrong person. I'm Chen Datou, oh, Chen's brother. Who is your leader? Let him come to see me. He also looked arrogant and cursed a few words uncleanly.

A fist fell heavily on his stomach, which made him bend down in pain. He couldn't say any more swear words, and sweated coldly. Seeing that the situation was not good, the other two of them relied on Chen's support to come forward to stand up for Chen Datou. One of them also took out his mobile phone to take pictures, saying that the police beat people, and he wanted to post it on the Internet.

Several policemen came forward, grabbed their mobile phones, smashed them to pieces, and one of them rudely opened his bow left and right, slapped two people in the face, and said aggressively, "I received a report from the crowd, you gathered people to gamble, drank and made trouble, and now I will detain you."

The two of them are usually used to prestige. How could they have suffered such humiliation? They were knocked unconscious at once, their legs trembled, and they could no longer be bullish.

Then, the police cleaned up the scene like a remnant cloud, and then took Chen Datou away with the two of them. The purpose of taking away the two people is obvious, that is, they are not allowed to inform Chen.


After 1 o'clock in the morning, Chen was woken up by a rapid phone ringing. In fact, it can't be said that he woke up, because he didn't fall asleep at all.

Oh, Chen felt unprecedented pressure. Although this time Xia wanted to take action, it was probably a silent way to moisten things, which was far less vigorous than the last time. However, although the momentum came last time, he was not panicked and knew that it would end in the end.

But this time it was different. He was always panicked. His intuition told him that Xia thought might have made up his mind to uproot him, because Xia wanted to take action, which made people confused. On the contrary, he was even more uncertain.

It's not that Xia can't grasp the key point and has no direction. It's him who deliberately let others can't find the point of his sword. Xia thought is too bad, too shrewd, and his methods are too endless.

Back to step back for half a year. Oh, Chen doesn't have to worry about what Xia wants to do with him. He is strong in the backstage, and he is deeply rooted in Lang City. No one can and can have the ability to shake his foundation. But now it's completely different. He can't control his panic in his heart. He always feels that Xia wants to kill him under his appearance as if nothing had happened.

How can he sleep peacefully?

As soon as the phone rang, he turned over and got up. In the middle of the night, on the green call screen, a string of familiar numbers were Gu Xiangguo's private mobile phone. Oh, Chen's eyelids jumped and hurriedly answered the phone: "Mayor Gu, what happened to this old road is really fascinating. It's unreliable at the critical moment. It's not a thing." Gu Xiangguo had no mayor's demeanor. He came up with a swear word and scolded Lu Hong Zhan fiercely before saying, "Chen Datou has been arrested."

"What?" Oh, Chen Qian calculated but didn't calculate it. His own brother Chen Datou was arrested again and he was anxious. "What's going on?" In a hurry, he also shouted.

"What's the use of shouting?" Gu Xiangguo scolded Chen angrily, "Isn't it a good thing you did? I have to find someone to ** Yang Bei, human head pig brain, when did it happen, and it accidentally caused trouble. Didn't you give it to others? Lao Chen, you are usually a smart person. Why do you always have a dizziness now?

In fact, Gu Xiangguo complains and complains, and it is also clear that if Chen's Ruyi's calculation is well done, Yang Bei may disappear from the public's sight after being hit, which is indeed a heavy blow to the rise of American paint. Although the method is a little vicious, it is also a good way to work. The point is that it failed again.

It's nothing if he fails. At worst, he won't admit it, but the second thing he didn't expect was that Ai Chengwen was cruel, directly bypassed Lu Hongzhan and arrested Chen Datou.

It is of great significance to arrest Chen Datou. First, to build momentum, once again forcing Chen to the forefront of the storm, humiliating him. Second, Chen Datou is a big agent of occupying paint. His arrest will definitely have a fatal negative impact on the sales of occupying paint.

The development of the situation is getting more and more signs of getting out of control, and the bottom line in the heart of the ancient country has also begun to shake.

But now is not the time to complain and blame, but to work together to fight back. He didn't wait for Chen to answer and said, "Chen Datou has been controlled, and I can't get involved for the time being. I have to wait for the old road to think of a way from the inside of the municipal bureau. The problem now is that we can't mess up... Is there any news about your arrangement in the capital?

Oh, Chen has arranged someone to go to the capital and is secretly investigating Xiao Jia, but after all, the time is still short, and there is no clear news.

In fact, Gu Xiangguo knew that it was impossible to gain anything in such a short time. He was also anxious. After thinking about it, he said, "It's not easy to start simply from the style of life. It's not easy to bring down Xia Xiang. At most, it's possible to make him dirty and let him stop. The main reason is that Xia is too careful to do things. We can't catch him.

Oh, Chen knows that it's not entirely because Xia wants to be careful, but that Xia wants to stand up straight, and it's hard to say in terms of women's sex. Maybe he didn't find it, but in terms of economy, Xia thinks it's really self-disciplined, and there are no economic problems to make a big deal

Oh, Chen said, "There are only two ways to go. One is to make a big fuss with the things in the disema qu in those years, and the other is to find a way to put pressure from above. It's best to transfer Xiaxiang away. If you can't, you should also let him know that the provincial leaders are

Oh, Chen's proposal is very practical, which is exactly what Gu Xiangguo thought. Putting down the phone, Gu Xiangguo thought about it again and then. He felt that it was necessary to report the work to Secretary Fan in person. It was always more sincere and easy to contact feelings than to communicate in person than to talk on the phone.

It's just... Chen Datou was arrested, and the impact was too bad. It was absolutely a disaster for the prospect of occupying the paint.

Gu Xiangguo was worried and didn't sleep all night.

The next day, he drove to Yan City in the name of reporting his work. In fact, everyone knows that Gu Xiangguo went to the province to ask for help. In the past, Gu Xiangguo, who only looked at the capital and did not listen to the instructions of the provincial party committee, now he has no choice but to ask the provincial party committee for help. This time and time, it is also quite ironic.

As soon as Gu Xiangguo left, the news of Chen Datou's arrest had spread in an all-round way, which immediately triggered the panic of all the dealers occupying paint in Lang City. In just a few hours, the return rate of occupying paint soared.

It's okay to return the goods. The main reason is that the dealers have abandoned the paint one after another, and the biggest loss is to switch to the all-American paint camp. For an enterprise, sales channels are the most important, because only with reasonable and orderly sales channels can there be a comprehensive way to sell goods all over the country. Now dealers have left one after another, which is equivalent to blocking the sales road.

Occupy paint held high-level meetings one after another, which was at a loss and reported the situation to the Japanese headquarters, which caused the shock of the Japanese headquarters

Not only is the Japanese headquarters very angry, but even the city occupies the interior of the paint, but also floating people's hearts and worried about the future prospects.

Basically, after several fluctuations of dealers, about half of the dealers who account for paint have turned to all-American paint dealers. The so-called change of sitting on the ground means that the store is unchanged and the location remains unchanged, that is, the storefront is changed and the brand is changed. Now the paint in the United States is working overtime for construction, and it is expected that it will be officially put into production in a month. If the supply is rolled out, as soon as the sales volume goes up, it will be the time to occupy the real pain of paint.

Sato was so worried that he really realized the power of Xiaxiang. What does it mean to subdued others without fighting? Xia's way of thinking is. Xia wanted to be calm, and all the means were used in the open place. Without any tricks, he was forced to occupy the paint that had been monopolized in China for more than ten years. He also took the opportunity to quickly fry the American paint. The high wrist and the wonderful method was the only thing he had seen in his life.

From the perspective of business alone, Xiaxiang is enough to be called a business genius.

Sato used to think that Chinese people have no brains, especially Chinese officials. It's best to deal with it. They are either greedy or lustful. They can often be completely dealt with with a red envelope after a meal. Now he once again realizes the power of another Chinese in Xiaxiang, which is also the root of the Chinese nation standing in the forest of the world for 5,000 years.

Smart, forbearing, generous, and have a clear stand.

Sato decided to talk to Xia for an interview. He wanted to admit defeat in person and asked Xia to let Qi Yima go. If occupying Qi has no foothold in Lang City, it will be a huge loss for occupying Qi, and it is not good news for the economic development of Lang City.


Just when Gu Xiangguo went to the provincial capital to ask for help, Xia Xiang was fine. First, he presided over the executive meeting of the government and deployed the focus of the government's work in the second half of the year. He proposed that while vigorously developing the economy, we should pay attention to protecting the environment, leaving a clear water and blue sky for future The focus of the industry has been adjusted accordingly. It is enough to minimize investment in some pillar industries that are obviously the sunset industry, maintain the existing scale, and no new relevant projects will be approved.

Later, Xia wanted to meet Zhao Xiaofeng and his party.

Zhao Xiaofeng came to Lang City as an investor and intends to invest 120 million yuan to build a furniture factory in Lang City. The furniture industry is one of the pillar industries of Lang City, which is in the ascendant and has broad prospects. Xiaxiang warmly welcomed Zhao Xiaofeng's investment intention on behalf of the municipal party committee and the government, and personally accompanied him to inspect the furniture market in Langshi.

As one of the largest furniture production bases in North China, Langshi produces furniture that sells well in China and is also exported overseas. Zhao Xiaofeng invests in the furniture industry, which can be said to be a venture investment, because the entry threshold is high, although the market is promising, it is not easy to open up the market. Yes, you may make a lot of money. If you lose, you may have no return.

Zhao Xiaofeng was very clear about the market. Maybe he held his breath because of Zhao Quanxin's loss of power and insisted on making a bet. After the investigation, he decided to invest on the spot.

Xiaxiang signed a letter of intent for investment with Zhao Xiaofeng on behalf of the municipal government.

Xiaxiang's calmness and enthusiasm for work have made many people in the municipal party committee see it and secretly admire it. People who only fight and do not build are just politicians, because most of the struggle is caused by destruction, not achievements. It is a skill to deal with people, which is still workable in the ** era, but today, in today, where everything is centered on economic construction, there is only a struggle skill, and an official without business acumen can only be a lame, and it is not easy to go far if it is unstable.

Since Gu Xiangguo became mayor, although he has also made certain achievements, in order to compete with Ai Chengwen for power and gain, in order to consolidate his position, he supported Chen, strengthen his personal authority in the municipal government, and used Tu Yun as a vanguard. The political struggle is outstanding, but the achievements in economic construction are not good enough.

In fact, everyone knows that Gu Xiangguo went to the province instead of reporting his work, but contacting him and complaining to Secretary Fan for help. After a comprehensive comparison, everyone has a scale in their hearts, and they increasingly feel that in contrast, Xia wants to preside over the government's work more promising, because Mayor Xia not only has political skills, but also has a good business acumen, which can bring practical significance to Lang City.

To bring investment to the city is to bring benefits and achievements to everyone here. Every investment can drive the economy of Lang City forward, which represents a large amount of taxes and employment. As a parent official, who has no sense of pride in the depths of his heart?

The image of Xiaxiang is gradually clearer and clearer in the minds of everyone.

Of course, there are also many people who think that Xia is making a show and deliberately covering up the means behind him. After sending Zhao Xiaofeng away, he will also go to the capital or the provincial capital for help. Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhao Xiaofeng left, Xiaxiang inspected Wang Qiangwei's real estate project in Wutang City at the kind invitation of Wang Qiangwei.

Wu Xiaoming, Secretary of the Wutang Municipal Party Committee, and Xiaxiang are both members of the Standing Committee. In terms of level, it is the same, so it is okay for him to accompany him or not. Basically, it is good for the mayor of Wutang to accompany him, but what is puzzling is that not only the mayor of Wutang accompanied Everyone knows the close relationship between Wu Xiaoming and Ai Chengwen. Wu Xiaoming's move has a deep meaning, which is equivalent to sending a very obvious signal to the outside world - the relationship between Secretary Ai and Mayor Xia is closer than everyone's expectations.

Is it possible that in this protracted war, Secretary Ai will support Mayor Xia to the end?

On the one hand, Xia wants to work wholeheartedly in Lang City, introduce investment and inspect work. On the other hand, Gu Xiangguo has not returned in the provincial capital for two days, and the balance in many people's hearts began to tilt towards Xia. However, on the third day, two amazing news suddenly came from the provincial capital, one good and the P>

P: If you love, please love deeply, official god, ask for the care of your brothers. There are very few recommended tickets. It's very sad. Do you have any? Is there anything else? The monthly ticket is one more behind. Why? After I came back last Friday, I stayed up with ten thousand updates every day for five days. It's not good?? The plot is wonderful step by step, don't worry about it? Brothers, Lao He looked up to the sky and shouted, do you still have any recommendation tickets and monthly tickets?? X