official god

Chapter 878 Spread, the fire is so great

Chapter 878 Spread, the fire is so great

The good news is that the mayor of Tianze is on time. The province intends to transfer Xia to Tianze City as the mayor. Compared with the current position of executive deputy mayor, it is equivalent to direct correction, which is a great good thing for anyone.

As an official, everyone wants to hold a full position, and no one wants to be a deputy. Moreover, Xiaxiang, who has only served as the executive deputy mayor for less than a year, can be corrected in one step, which is definitely a good thing in the world.

Although Tianze City and the charter city are listed as the two poor cities in Yan Province. The charter city is in the southwest of the capital and Tianze City is in the north of the capital, after all, the mayor is also the official position, and ordinary people will not hesitate to accept it as a rare opportunity for promotion.

Yu Xiaxiang has a different opinion. He is very clear that the third release of the news that he will leave Langshi is not just a test, but it is very likely to move the real person. Someone really wants to move him away.

The mayor of Tianze is not good, which is the consensus of all mayors of Yan Province. Because Tianze City has many mountains and grasslands, but few land, the development positioning of the whole Tianze City is tourism, resources and location. It sounds good. In fact, there is only one road for tourism. In addition, there are no industrial and agricultural advantages, and even mineral resources are not as good as the charter market.

Mayor Tianze has few political achievements. Basically, several mayors are in their 50s and work until they step down, which is equivalent to finishing the last shift. Let's not talk about whether the release of the rumor really wants him to go to Tianze City, that is, it is really a piece of order. He also knows that the purpose is not to promote him, but to praise him.

If the so-called good news does not bring any expectations to Xia, the bad news that comes out at the same time as the good news will surprise him even more. He knows that the other party will do everything in order to move him away or pull him.

The bad news is that Bai Zhanmo, the former secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee, submitted evidence to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection that someone had tempted him to be fooled at that time, and ** The mastermind behind his woman was his political enemy

Who doesn't know that the person who didn't deal with Bai Zhanmo at that time was Xiaxiang.

The two news are like two re-listing bombs, which caused an uproar in Lang City. The timing is very **, and it is difficult not to doubt the intentions behind it.

Xiaxiang, who was on the cusp of the storm, was not as panicked as everyone thought, but was still idle. When it was time to preside over the work, he presided over the work. When it was time to meet the investors, he met the investors. He even hurried to the suburbs to inspect Yang Wei's sightseeing and agricultural projects, and Discuss.

Everyone is puzzled. No matter which piece of news, as long as one is true, whether Xia wants to rise or degrade, what he is doing in Lang City now will have no meaning. Why does he not let go and has been exhausted for the economic construction of Lang City?

If others don't understand, Xia Xiang doesn't need to explain. His belief is that he can't tolerate the ancient Xiangguo and the cold side working together to create false cases, and can't tolerate the ancient Xiangguo acting as the umbrella of Chen. He must move the ancient Xiangguo away and return the people of the city to a clear.

It is not enough to have Tomb-sweeping Day, but also to bring real benefits to the people of Lang City. Whether he leaves or stays, as long as he is still in Langshi for one day, he must do every job at hand, not a tiger or a snake.

Just like in Ba County, Yan City, An County, or Xia Ma District, more than 80% of the projects he worked on in those years are still making profits, and there is a growing trend. Xia wants to understand that political struggle is indispensable. Officialdom is a place of fame and fortune, and competition is inevitable. But the competition is to better develop the economy, not just to defeat the opponent and then get promoted and make a fortune.

He also knows that if he wants to transfer him to leave Langshi, want to bring up the past, and let Bai Zhanmo secretly blacken him. No matter what the means, don't think of succeed easily. It's not that he doesn't have strength or wrists. The other party only released the wind and did not take practical actions, which shows that the other party has no confidence and is not sure, otherwise it will not thunder or rain.

Xia Xiang ignored the other party's empty shot and did a good job at hand step by step. Just in the absence of Gu Xiangguo, he boldly promoted his own governance concept, adjusted some policies and guidelines on a small scale, and resolutely refused some unreasonable demands for occupying the paint.

Under the leadership of Xia Xiang, the municipal government has boosted the atmosphere, and even Shao Ding, the most determined follower of Gu Xiangguo, rarely expressed his opposition.

At noon the next day, Gu Xiangguo returned from Yan City. As soon as he came back, he held a working meeting as soon as possible to inform him of the details of his work reported to the leaders of the provincial party committee.

Those who can make a briefing at the meeting are all official articles, which are not worth listening to. They are nothing more than official clichés. However, there are also insinuation. For example, Gu Xiangguo repeatedly stressed that the leaders of the provincial party committee especially pointed out that the good situation of stability and unity in Lang City cannot be changed, and even if some economic interests are sacrificed, a stable situation should be maintained. As the bridgehead of Yan Province, Lang City must submit a satisfactory answer to the provincial party committee with good public security and a good political atmosphere.

It is equivalent to implying to Xia not to overdo it, and not to make the leaders of the provincial party committee unhappy

Xia thought that on the surface, how did Gu Xiangguo listen to what he said, but secretly there was a sneer, Lang City stable and united? Is there a great sight in Lang City? Oh, Chen is the big cancer of Lang City. Gu Xiangguo is the protector of the cancer. The evil forces of Lang City are so rampant that Gu Xiangguo turned a blind eye to him. Instead, he accused him of undermining the security and unity of Lang City. It will really turn black and white upside down

Reversing black and white is not just talking to the country. The next day, the provincial party committee informed Xia Xiang to come to the provincial party committee for a meeting immediately

The situation is more severe than expected, and the sharp counterattack of the opponent also shocked Xia. However, it is understandable to think about it. In the face of major choices, everyone's reaction will be omnipresent.

The only thing I didn't expect was that after a year, Bai Zhanmo also came to join in the fun and wanted to take him... Does he still have the face to appear?

Xia wanted to call Xiao Jia on the way to Yanshi. He said that Bai Zhanmo jumped out again and asked Cong Fenger to be careful not to be caught by Bai Zhanmo.

What surprised Xia was that Xiao Jia's first sentence was: "I don't know what Cong Fenger has been busy with these days. She heard the wind that Bai Zhanmo jumped out to stir up trouble. I advised her to stay in the company honestly. She didn't listen and wanted to make Bai Zhanmo look good... I can't persuade her Advise her."

Xia wants helpless. Cong Fenger is weak on the surface. In fact, she has a great personality and is also very stubborn. I guess that even if he comes forward, he can't persuade him. In addition, he really can't find time now, so he gave up the idea of contacting Cong Fenger. He All, pay attention to whether there are any strangers around.

Xia thought that he was about to hang up the phone, but Xiao Jia suddenly remembered something and said, "Don't say it. In the past two days, I really found that there were many suspicious people around me. At first, I didn't pay attention to it. As soon as you said it, I remembered it again."

Xiao Jia's community is a very noble residence in the capital. Usually, there is a strict management system for entry and exit, and outsiders usually can't get in. But since Xiao Jia had a daughter, she likes to take her daughter for a walk in a street garden in front of the door. It seems that since the day before yesterday, she always feels that there is a tail behind her. Xiao Jia admitted that she had not offended anyone in the capital. In addition, she has faded out of public attention in recent years. Basically, many business friends and opponents in the past did not know that she still lived in the capital.

After doubting, she observed it again and felt that it might be that she was too careful. It is not surprising that strange faces often appear in the garden in the street.

But today Xia wanted to remind her that she thought about it carefully, and more and more she felt that there were indeed a few strange faces that were always wandering not far from her - Xiao Jia had a complicated experience in her early years. Although it had been smooth in recent years, she still maintained a sense of vigilance. Especially now that Xia wanted to face the critical moment I realized that there may be someone who wants to take advantage of her relationship with Xiaxiang to make a fuss.

Putting down Xiaxiang's phone, Xiao Jia looked at her sleeping daughter with happiness in her heart. She stretched out her waist and twisted her crotch. She thought that she hadn't moved her hands and feet for several years. Unexpectedly, now that she is stable, who dares to hit her? Thinking about the time when her business in the capital had just been booming, how many famous people pulled her into the water in various ways, intimidating and seducing her. She did not compromise and dealt with it calmly.

Now that she wants to live a peaceful life, there are still people who don't have eyes to attack her and want to deal with Xiaxiang from her? Xiaojia had always thought that she had never wanted to do anything for Xia. Now that the opportunity came, she decided to cut off the black hand behind her.

Xiao Jia immediately called Li Qin - Li Qin had always wanted to work with Xia Xiang to work in Lang City, but the situation in Lang City had not been smooth. After the Xiao Wu and Wei Xin incidents, Xia Xiang let Li Qin return to the capital - Li Qin was furious as soon as she heard it, but after all, she was a rational person and calmed After that, he planned a series of counterattacks for Xiao Jia.

Xiao Jia has billions of wealth and has been operating in the capital for many years. She wants money and people to have people. With her order, countless people immediately took action. It only took half a day to find out the truth. Sure enough, someone tracked it, and found out that the master behind the scenes was Chen

Oh, Chen is one of Xiaxiang's biggest opponents, and Xiao Jia is naturally very clear. Oh, Chen sent someone to track down her whereabouts. It's self-evident. Xiao Jia has not been angry for many years. Today, she is finally angry.

Li Qin was also angry.

She had experienced the dangerousness of Langshi personally. She knew what difficulties and obstacles Xia wanted to experience in Langshi. Unexpectedly, the other party also wanted to use Xiao Jia to make a big deal, so she couldn't help scolding a dirty word: "Son of a bitch, if you want to harm others, it's strange not to clean up

Xiao Jia and Li Qin plotted all night. After learning about the distribution of all Chen's industries in the capital, they formulated a series of sniper plans. Li Qin's genius business acumen has been useless since He Xia wanted to experience the sniper Yuan Mingliang in the dismounting area. Now she finally waits for the opportunity, and she is almost inexplicably excited.

Oh, Chen also has a lot of industries in the capital, among which real estate accounts for the majority. It happens that Xiao Jia has a stormy influence in the real estate industry in the capital.

The fire of war spread from Lang City to the capital, and the fire soared to the sky, and finally burned many people to the outside and tenderness.


Xia thought of Yan City and went straight to the provincial party committee. He received a notice from the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee. He wanted to discuss countermeasures with Song Chaodu as soon as he entered the Provincial Party Committee compound. Unexpectedly, he was seen by Wang Pengfei as soon as he entered the door, so he was the first to enter Wang Pengfei's office.

"Minister Ma proposed to transfer you to Tianze City as the mayor. Governor Song held an objection. I haven't made a statement yet..." Wang Pengfei didn't have any politeness and went straight to the point. "My opinion is that although there is a suspicion of moving away from you, it is also a rare opportunity to take the opportunity to go down It makes people accept the favor again.

If Xia hadn't wanted to know Wang Pengfei's position, he would have thought he was a lobbyian for. Admittedly, Wang Pengfei's starting point is also for his own good. From the deputy hall to the main hall, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Sometimes many people can't cross it all their lives, and it doesn't mean that all the executive vice mayors will definitely serve as mayors.

However, does Xia want to leave Langshi now and leave a mess that can't be cleaned up for later generations. The main reason is that he knows too well how much ordinary people in Lang City long for a bright blue sky. Chen Zailang City has been rampant for too long. It is no exaggeration to say that at this stage, only he can disintegrate Chen's huge empire from the front, and he has walked more than half of the journey. It's a pity

I'm sorry for my ideals and ambitions, and I'm sorry for the expectations of the people of Lang City. Although the past youth leakage * point has faded and tolerated with the growth of age and the improvement of his position, Xiaxiang is Xiaxiang, what remains unchanged is his feelings for the country and the people, and what remains unchanged is the ideal country he pursues.

"The Secretary-General's opinion is also very reasonable, but I have always done things from beginning to end. Mayor Tianze is a very tempting position..." Xia Xiangwei paused and hesitated whether to say the real thoughts in his heart. Looking up and saw Wang Pengfei with a light smile, he suddenly became confident, "I hope you support me to stay Continue to finish the unfinished work.

Wang Pengfei smiled and said, "Well, since you have the confidence to continue, I will support your choice."

Wang Pengfei also asked Xia's opinion in private with a try attitude. Since Xia is still willing to stay in Lang City, he will support it.

Because of the delay in Wang Pengfei's office, Xia thought that he didn't have time to see Song Chaodu first, but went directly to Fan Ruiheng's office.

After Fan Ruiheng became the secretary of the provincial party committee, he did not move into Ye Shisheng's original office, but vacated a new office for decoration. The decoration style is very different from Ye Shisheng's style, which also implies that Fan Ruiheng's governing style is far from Ye Shisheng's.

In fact, to be fair, Fan Ruiheng has a lot of similarities with Ye Shisheng. He cherishes feathers, pays attention to fame, and is not very strong. However, in contrast, Ye Shisheng's personality is softer and affectionate. Fan Ruiheng is strategic, but he is mean.

Under the guidance of the secretary, Xia Xiang entered Fan Ruiheng's office of the secretary of the provincial party committee for the first time - he had been to his governor's office before, but after Fan Ruiheng became the secretary of the provincial party committee, Xia Xiang was still in the office for the first time, facing Fan Ruiheng.

Xia wanted to come in, but Fan Ruiheng just bowed slightly and nodded: "Come on, sit down first."

Xia wanted to shout respectfully, "Secretary Fan." Then he sat on the sofa and waited for the instructions of the provincial party secretary.

In fact, at Xia's level, it is not easy to see the secretary of the provincial party committee. How many municipal party secretaries and mayors queue up to see Fan Ruiheng but can't get what they want. It's a rare honor for him to be directly summoned by the provincial party secretary.

Fan Ruiheng was on the phone, and he didn't know who was reporting the work. As he spoke, Fan Ruiheng got angry, roared at the phone, and then threw the phone angrily.

When he saw Fan Ruiheng's gaffe for the first time, Xia thought he somewhat understood that Secretary Fan might have deliberately lost his temper and wanted to give him an implicit warning.

"The Provincial Party Committee is very satisfied with your work in Lang City. It believes that you are conscientious in Lang City and have made outstanding contributions to the economic development of Lang City." As expected, he first put a high hat on him, which obviously raised his tone. Then Fan Ruiheng smiled again, "It just so happens that Mayor Tianze is on time. Comrade Ma Xiao suggested to the Provincial Party Committee that he intends to transfer you to Tianze City as the mayor. Today, the Provincial Party Committee just wants to ask for your opinion."

The assessment cadre is the responsibility of the Organization Department, and it should also be the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to ask for his opinion. Even Ma Xiao doesn't have to come forward in person. At most, a deputy minister is enough to give him face. Now it's better to come forward with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to meet with

Xiaxiang did not feel flattered, because he knew that the reason why Fan Ruiheng lowered his posture and lowered his dignity was not really approachable, but the great impact brought by the last Liu Jun incident, which made Secretary Fan understand the fact in his heart that he was not an ordinary deputy department-level cadre at the mercy of others. He was in Yan The provincial network is complicated, and many people will be unhappy if they want to pinch him at will.

Even if Fan Ruiheng is the secretary of the provincial party committee, he can really feel how unnegligible Xiaxiang is. Just one Song Dynasty is enough to give him a headache, not to mention Wang Pengfei and Gao Yazhou now.

There is also Li Yanhong

Fan Ruiheng first threw a bait. Before Xia wanted to make a statement, he said earnestly, "Recently, there have been some bad statements. I don't believe it, but some leaders in the province think it is necessary to investigate... You may have heard about this matter, that is, Comrade Bai Zhanmo accused you of inturing others Harm him. If it is true, Comrade Xiaxiang, it is a very serious political problem to frame the head of the party committee behind it. Party discipline and national law cannot tolerate such behavior"

The way of literature and martial arts, one by one, the way of officials, radish sticks. Fan Ruiheng promised to make a profit first and took out a red carrot. In a blink of an eye, he carried out the white ink, which was obviously a threat and pressure.

The means of coercion and inducement are used very skillfully.

Fan Ruiheng thought that he put down his body and talked face to face with Xia, and put on enough sincerity. Xia thought would definitely compromise immediately and give him the respect he deserve as the secretary of the provincial party committee. Unexpectedly, Xia's answer made him furious and decided to forcibly pass the proposal and move Xia from Langshi.

The war spread from Lang City to Yan City, and burned many people to the full skin

P: I just tried to ask for a monthly ticket. The monthly ticket was successfully improved a little, and some vests jumped out. It's a long talk to crack down on the official god. It's better to write your book well than anything else. The official god has 4 million words. Don't bother that idle grandma. Is such a trick still in If you don't believe it, you can ask for a monthly ticket. Let the official god stride forward. I also ask for the monthly ticket for a recommendation ticket. Let's see if the brothers support Lao He. If you don't ask for 100 tickets today, you won't sleep. Brothers, give me some strength. Thank you.