official god

Chapter 888 The wind is going to change

Chapter 888 The wind direction is going to change

Chen Datou is a celebrity in Lang City. Although he is not as famous as Chen, because he is a big agent who occupies paint, and he is the famous brother of Chen, and almost everyone in Lang City knows it.

The news of Chen Datou's suicide immediately caused a sensation.

Even Xia wanted to be surprised and very angry. Before he called to ask, Lu Hongzhan reported the incident to him as soon as possible.

It's ridiculous to say that he is only the executive vice mayor, but Lu Hongzhan has to report his work to him in a panic. He doesn't comply with the rules, but there are many things that don't comply with the rules in the officialdom. Xia thinks clearly that Lu Hongzhan doesn't really report his work to him, but

Chen Datou committed suicide by hanging himself with a shoelace in the detention center. The death was very miserable and funny. Chen Datou's shoes are a famous brand, and the shoelaces are very strong. The whole person is almost hung up, but it is continuous.

Because Chen Datou is a public figure and has a certain identity after all, a single room is arranged in the detention center. No one expected that he would commit suicide. When he found it the next day, the body was cold.

Chen Datou didn't leave a word. No one knew what he had thought before he died.

Xia wanted to believe that Lu Hongzhan had no hands or feet in Chen Datou's suicide.

Lu Hongzhan is very shrewd. Now he is not far from Gu Xiangguo. He is not particularly estranged, and he did not participate in the final resistance of Gu Xiangguo and Chen. Lu Hongzhan also knows about political affairs, which are unpredictable. Xia Xiang mainly wants to bring down Gu Xiangguo and Chen, not him. If he doesn't block the road, he won't be in the eye.

It's not eye-catching. If you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, no matter how much communication and report more work, no one will have to quarrel with you, right?

However, after all, people were still dead. Lu Hongzhan still dealt with several dereliction of duty police officers and held a press conference to report the investigation results of the Lang City Public Security Bureau on Chen Datou's suicide case.

Chen Datou's suicide, oh, Chen's blow is huge. At the moment of hearing the news, his eyes darkened and he fainted on the spot.

I woke up in the hospital, and Chen cried for a long time. He and Chen Datou were deeply in love for decades. Unexpectedly, the eldest brother died in the detention center in the end. It was so sudden that he could not accept the fact that Chen Datou committed suicide for a while.

Gold and silver Jasmine accompanied Chen, and her eyes cried red and swollen.

Oh, after Chen woke up, he was sad for a while, and then remembered something. He quickly said, "How's the situation now?"

The most loyal old thief has been guarding him and replied, "It's not very good. The people of the capital gang come to make trouble every day, and a lot of people from the Jincheng gang have come to the past recently. Our people have left and dispersed, and the rest is less than one-third."

God, is it really going to collapse? Oh, when Chen saw Jin Yin Jasmine crying heartily, he suddenly felt irritable for no reason. Unfortunately, he gave birth to a pair of daughters. If he had two sons, even if he died, no one dared to think of him.

In addition, his daughter yin*Xia almost got it. At the last moment, he lost his best. Is it true that he is exhausted and everything can't go well?

As soon as Chen Datou died, oh, Chen was a few years old again. He hid in illness and thought about it and decided to stop. Xiang Xia wanted to admit defeat, but only wanted to save his life.

The old thief's phone rang. After receiving the phone, he looked at Chen with a strange expression and said, "Mr. Chen, someone in the capital said that as long as you send your daughter there, they will come forward to clean up Xia Xiang for you..."

"Get out, let them all get out of here." Oh, Chen Qi coughed fiercely.

"Dad" Jin Yin Jasmine jumped into Chen's arms together and wept.

Silver Jasmine clenched her silver teeth: "I'll go, I'll go to the sea of knives and fire. As long as I can let my father go, my daughter will die, and it's worth it."

Oh, Chen He thought that he would fall to where he is today. He always burst into tears and grasped the hand of gold and silver Jasmine: "Daughter, even if Dad fights to death, he also wants to save you." He also said to the old thief, "Go through the overseas formalities for Xiaomo Xiaoli as soon as possible. Don't be afraid of spending money. The sooner the better."

The old thief agreed and went out to do it immediately.

Oh, Chen decided to send his daughter abroad. He held on alone. It was best to stick to the turning point mentioned by Gu Xiangguo. Even if he couldn't, he would die alone. As long as he could save his daughter, he would die without regret.

He endured the pain. Oh, Chen appeased his daughter and felt a little better. Jin Yin Jasmine fed him. While eating, the phone rang again.

Oh, when Chen saw that the call was the number of the capital, his heart jumped and hurriedly answered.

is a call from the head of the capital branch.

"Mr. Chen, the industry in the capital... can't be preserved. Several major shareholders joined together and accepted the low-priced acquisition of another company, as well as our listed company, whose market value has shrunk seriously and is on the verge of bankruptcy"

"Puff" Oh, Chen rushed to attack his heart, spit out a mouthful of blood, and splashed gold and silver jasmine in the shape of **, leaving a shocking blood red on their bodies.

Oh, Chen's life has been black and white. He has never lost, and he has always thought that there is no way out of heaven. Now that he is sober, he is finally desperate by the cruelty of reality.

The industry in the capital is the link between him and the high-level officials behind the scenes. The high-level officials behind the scenes do not greet him, but directly cooperate with the shareholders - where the shareholders are, they are all relatives of the high-level officials behind the scenes - just see that the prospect is not good, make another sum at the last minute, and

It was not until this time that he understood a truth that officials * business * collusion, businessmen, always at a disadvantage, may become the fish on the official's chopping board at any time, slaughtered and at the mercy of others.

He is now my swordsman for the fish and meat, and the other party is so cruel that he is better than Xiaxiang.

Under the double blow of Chen Datou's suicide and being abandoned by the high-level officials in the capital, oh, Chen finally couldn't stand it, and he was in a severe coma

The six gods of gold and silver jasmine are ownerless, and the two of them have a headache and cry...

Just when Chen was unconscious, another big thing happened in Lang City.

In fact, it is a little reluctant to say that it is a big thing, and it is not appropriate to say that it is a small thing, because the incident has caused a lot of sensation. The cause is related to Regan's move.

I thought that there would be no twists and turns when Regan moved. Xiao Wu led people forward. Now, Chen is in the hospital again. His power is close to the verge of collapse, and there is still time to cause trouble? Therefore, Xiao Wu didn't pay too much attention to it. He only brought less than ten people to help Regan move.

Rigen said that it was really moving, and the action was quite fast, as if he didn't want to stay in Langshi for another day.

It started to go smoothly. Xiao Wu and a group of brothers were only responsible for vigilance and watched the people in the moving company busy. After the furniture was installed, when I was about to leave, something happened.

I don't know where a group of people came from, a full of forty or fifty people, fierce. Everyone held a guy in their hands and surrounded the moving company's car. Without saying a word, they smashed things, saying that they were in debt to pay off. It's natural. If you want to go, there is no way.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu and others were present, otherwise the old Regan couple would have been smashed a car of things even if they were not injured. Things may not be worth much, but the purpose is to cause psychological panic.

Xiao Wu's eyes were sharp, and he could see who was the leader at a glance. He made a quick decision, took a wrong step forward, and punched the leader on the shoulder.

The leader was broad-armed and round-round, and Kong Wu was powerful. He was punched on the shoulder by Xiao Wu and shook it. He just stepped back, and another round of iron bars in his hand hit Xiao Wu fiercely.

Xiao Wu was shocked and dared to fight against the other party. He dodged to the side. Unexpectedly, he dodged the other party's blow, but the iron bar just hit Colin's head behind him. He immediately hit Colin's head and bloodshed, and his body fell to the ground.

Colin is Xiao Wu's brother. He was born and died with him. He was injured, no different from Xiao Wu's own injury. And it seemed that he was seriously injured, with a big hole in his head and blood gushed.

Xiao Wu was anxious and got entangled with the other party when he went up. As soon as they fought, they knew that the other party's fists and feet were really hard. After only a few face-to-face, Xiao Wu suffered a little loss, but the other party did not please him. It can be said that they had both wins and losses.

Xiao Wu met a difficult opponent for the first time. His blood surged, and he fought with him desperately. However, there were many people on the other side. There were less than ten people on Xiao Wu's side. There were forty or fifty people on the other side, all of whom were big-shaped men, and everyone had a few punches and feet. In a moment, Xiao Wu's group was knocked down to the ground.

Xiao Wu was also seriously injured. One arm was broken and one rib was broken. He waited for Xia to come to ask for help, because he knew that the other party's defeating them was only the first step, and the second step might be detrimental to the Reagans. He came to protect Reagan's safety. Any mistake Regan made was his dereliction of duty.


When Xia wanted to receive the news, it had been ten minutes since the incident.

He was discussing the next investment plan with Yang Wei in the office. When he received the news, his face changed. Yang Wei was not an outsider, so he did not hide it and told Yang Wei the truth.

Yang Wei was also angry and pressed his finger and snapped: "I'll go with you to have a look and see who is so arrogant."

When Xia wanted to rush to the scene with Lu Hongzhan and Yang Wei, forty or fifty people were smashing cars and beating people. Xiao Wu was knocked to the ground and was besieged by a group of people.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Hongzhan pulled out a pistol and fired a warning, bringing a total of 50 or 60 policemen, but he was still not strong enough to deal with organized gangs.

It's too late. Xia wanted to jump out of the car, strode forward, and casually picked up an iron bar from the ground - a special iron bar for beating people. It was just right to hold it in his hand, and the weight was moderate. He knew that the other party was probably not a gangster in Lang City, because the other party' The mob of Chen's men are comparable.

Xia thought of three steps and came to the field in two steps. He picked up his hand and fell. He was hitting the head of a man who kicked Xiao Wu's back hard. The man only said "ah" and looked back at Xia. As soon as he turned his eyes, he fainted.

Xia wanted to be angry and was cruel, regardless of the status of the mayor. Someone beat his brother to death. What's his demeanor?

He shook his hand with another stick, and immediately knocked a person unconscious. His purpose is obvious. If he wants to fight, he will be knocked down, so that the opponent will completely lose his combat effectiveness

Yang Wei also arrived at this time. He saw that Xia wanted to be extremely brave. He knocked on his head one by one. He was also bloody. He picked up an iron bar and joined the regiment. However, he was not as good as Xia. He was the first to hit the head. Instead of being knocked unconscious, he was kicked. The second hit the head, the hand was heavy, and the other party was bleeding like a lot of blood.

Yang Wei and Xia wanted to fight back to back and blood. Although they also failed, they were proud and laughed: "I didn't expect that there would be a glorious journey when I fought side by side with Mayor Xia in the future." It's not just brilliance. When Yang Wei recalled it one day, he was simply frowned. He said that none of the senior provincial and ministerial officials present believed it

Even now Lu Hongzhan can't believe his eyes

Xia wanted to get angry. His vigorous figure was in the crowd, suddenly in the crowd, and the iron bar in his hand waved, just like a tiger entering the wolf pack, one by one. Those who were beaten all cried their father and mother, either fell into a coma on the spot, or rolled all over the ground...

The last time Xia wanted to rescue Fu Xianxian, he moved very quickly and far away. The visual impact on Lu Hongzhan was not strong, but now Xiaxiang is in front of him. He desperately inserted a knife for his friend's ribs. His hands were fierce and his good skills brought Lu Hongzhan an extremely strong shock and impact.

God, what kind of mayor is Xia? He is simply a brave and invincible special policeman. No, the bit policeman is brave.

Lu Hongzhan's tongue is bitter, his mouth is astringent, and his eyes keep blinking, which looks very funny. Only he knows his inner struggle and regret. If he had seen the scene in front of him earlier, why would he still hold on in the previous competition and fight against Xia? What does he rely on?

Yes, Xia wants political skills and political skills, economic minds, and skills. What can he compare? **, if I had known that Mayor Xia was so awesome, how good would it have been if I had surrendered to Mayor Xia earlier? Why should I take a punishment now and feel so uncomfortable in the municipal bureau?

Just as Lu Hong was thinking about the ups and downs, suddenly, Xiaxiang was accidentally pushed by someone, and a man hit Xiaxiang's head fiercely with an iron stick.

Lu Hong is in a hurry.

All public security officers are anxious

According to the comparison of power, the public security officers at the scene thought that they could not control more than 50 thugs, so they urgently called for support, and then surrounded the scene. The policemen who are used to bullying people with a large number of people do not want to join the chaos, because they can see that they are facing a group of poor and desperished people. Everyone is holding iron bars. Everyone is extremely vicious, and their faces are fierce. At first glance, they are not Langshi people, but long-standing veterans.

Unexpectedly, the police were unbelievable that the dignified Mayor Xia was the first to rush into the crowd, knocked down a few with a stick, and fought side by side with Yang Wei, majestic, heroic and free

In an instant, Mayor Xia's male image inspired every public security police officer present.

Men have blood, especially men who are policemen. Even if they are cowardly and cowardly, they are men after all. When everyone's eyes fluctuated with every swing of Xiaxiang's stick, their mood also followed Xiaxiang's figure, ups and downs.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Wei was injured, his nose was broken, his blood was all over his face, his arm was injured, and he could not lift it up, but he still had a sad smile and tightly protected Xiaxiang. In a blink of an eye, Xiaxiang was also injured. He was beaten and pushed again. Someone raised an iron bar high and was about to hit him on the head...

The policemen's eyes turned red and their anger was ignited. Without waiting for Lu Hong to issue an order, they shouted, and gathered a rolling torrent and rushed into the crowd.

Lu Hongzhan didn't want to order, but his blood was boiling. He had long forgotten that he was the director of the public security bureau. At the moment when Xia wanted to be attacked, he only knew that he was a man, a policeman who would be humiliated if he was one step behind. The leaks and impulses that had long Sheng made a move that even he felt crazy - he took off his coat, rushed to the crowd with bare arms, and was kicking on the waist of the person who attacked Xiaxiang, when the man was about to kick him unconscious.

Then he laughed and stood back to back with Xiaxiang and Yang Wei, and said loudly, "Mayor Xia, I'm also a teenager crazy. Damn it, I'll fight with them."

Xia wanted to look at Lu Hongzhan with approval: "Road Bureau, the heroism is no less than that of those years, which makes people look at it with new eyes."

Being recognized by Xia, Lu Hongzhan was comfortable in his heart: "I'm old and useless. I don't think it's a problem for me to play three in those years. But today, I'm going to fight for my life, and I have to kill a few.

No one would have thought that the two members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee of Lang City fought side by side, fought fiercely, and staged a thrilling melee

After many years, when it came to fighting side by side with Xia, Lu Hongzhan always thought that it was the most energetic moment in his life, and he would never forget it for the rest of his life.

Yang Wei saw the clue and whispered, "Mayor Xia, this group of people are from the capital. I seem to have seen some of them. They are a very famous princely party in the capital."

Xia wanted to vaguely guess something. Today's thing should not be Chen's handwriting. Oh, Chen was hospitalized and was overwhelmed. Then it was Gu Xiangguo's handwriting, but one thing is that Gu Xiangguo seemed to have changed from a person since the last sudden full of confidence. He not only showed his wisdom, but also recovered. The previous self-confidence, coupled with today's action, proves that the wind is likely to change.

But it was clear that Song Chaodu did not hear any news.

What the hell is going on?

But at the same time, it also shows that Gu Xiangguo obstructed Regan's move, probably not only to intimidate Regan, but also to destroy some evidence. Why did the other party have to smash the furniture desperately?

After straightening out the internal connection of the matter, Xia Xiang knew that the reason why Gu Xiang made such a crazy move was that he did not hesitate to transfer troops from the capital to fight in the future. Regan's move must make him feel like he was on his back.

In the hands of Reagan, what evidence is there that makes Gu Xiangguo so afraid?

Xia couldn't figure out the entanglement between Regen and Gu Xiangguo, but he saw it clearly. The superficial calmness of Gu Xiangguo could not hide his inner panic, because the last moment was coming...

P: First of all, I wish my brothers a happy May Day. During the May Day holiday, why did it break out from time to time, with a guarantee of 10,000 yuan. All the efforts and efforts are only to make the brothers feel comfortable. In this way, with a sincere heart, I beg for a guaranteed monthly ticket. Don't go away, there is a second update A