official god

Chapter 889 I will not give up

Chapter 889 I will not give up

More than ten minutes later, the melee was over, and the desperate police burst into unprecedented blood. More than 20 people were arrested on the spot, more than 10 were injured, and more than 20 people fled.

Rigen was not hurt at all. He brought Xia in front of him with tears: "Mayor Xia, thank you for saving me today. Thank you so much..."

Xia wanted to appease Ruigen with a few words, and asked people to send Xiao Wu and other injured people to the hospital. Speaking of which, since Xiao Wu followed him to Langshi, he was injured for the second time. Langshi's danger is also a thrilling vortex for Xiaxiang of the two generations.

Xia wanted to be heartbroken. Looking at Xiao Wu's brothers in a coma, his heart surged with anger. Seeing that he was about to spread out the last card, Gu Xiangguo was still a thief. He hurt his black hand, and his sinister and cunning were not half as good as Chen.

If Xia wanted to move away from Gu Xiangguo in the past, now he has changed his mind. He wants to completely dust Gu Xiangguo, so that he will never turn over.

Perhaps because of Lu Hongzhan's presence, Regan had no hint. After cleaning up the mess, Lu Hongzhan sent several police cars to escort Regen to Yan City. Xiaxiang also specially called Huang Jianjun, the director of the Xiama District Public Security Bureau, and asked him to pick up Regan, and asked him to protect Regen's safety in Yan City. Huang Jianjun agreed.

Whoever wants to toss the storm in Yan City will definitely be suppressed by Huang Jianjun. Sun Dingguo is the director of the public security bureau of Yan City, and Yan City is also the place with the deepest relationship between Xiaxiang.

Before leaving, Reagan shook hands with Xia and handed a key to his hand: "Mayor Xia, take care of my house when you have time. I have lived there for more than ten years. I have feelings and I don't want to sell it. He also specially emphasized, "There is nothing valuable in it, there is a pot of flowers. If you have time, just water it for me..."

After Reagan left, Xia Xiang went upstairs accompanied by Yang Wei - Yang Wei was not seriously injured, but he refused to go to the hospital. He insisted on accompanying Xia Xiang, which also moved Xia Xiang's heart - the room upstairs was empty, and there was only a pot of flowers in the middle of the living room. Although it was not as lush as his office, I still recognized it at a glance...

Autumn Begonia


The situation in Lang City, with the retrial of the coke electric case, suddenly became tense again

From the beginning of the retrial of the coke electric case, to Yang Ming's coma, to the confession after waking up, it has always attracted the attention of countless people. Even ordinary citizens are looking forward to a formal result. Now that the case has been pushed back, many people are eager to it.

There was no suspense in the process of the retrial. Yang Ming made a full confession, confessing that at that time, the Yang family paid for the money to bribe the public security police, opened up the relationship between the procuratorate and the court, and spent more than 3 million yuan to bribe the late president of the court. Finally, he pointed all The case made Jiao Dian suffer injustice.

At the same time, Yang Ming also provided a lot of inside information, including Gu Xiangguo's personal participation in the process of forging evidence, as well as the extraordinary relationship between Gu Xiangguo and the cold party, and even several wrong cases jointly created by Gu Xiangguo and the cold party.

Yang Ming was determined that Gu Xiangguo was going to force him to death. He hated Gu Xiangguo so much that he did not hesitate and explained everything clearly.

Because it involves important party and government cadres in Lang City, the part that should not be disclosed was not disclosed to the public. However, in this reversal of the case, the three parties of the People's Procuratorate and the People's Procuratorate were linked, and the efficiency was so high that it had never been seen before. Jiao Electric was acquitted in court.

Luo Xinsheng, the new president of the court, solemnly bowed and apologized to Jiao Dian in front of countless news media. On behalf of the Lang City Intermediate People's Court, he sincerely apologized to Comrade Jiao Dian and asked Comrade Jiao Dian for forgiveness.

Regardless of whether Luo Xinsheng has the element of a show or not, his behavior has won him a great reputation, which made the Lang City Court famous. It swept away the negative impact caused by the bad incident of the four wives of the cold side, and made the Lang City Court re-establish a good impression in the minds of the citizens.

The news media chases Jiao Da and Jiao Dian's father and son, hoping that they can talk about their feelings. Jiao Da didn't say anything to the news media. He took Jiao's hand, pushed the crowd away, and went straight to the municipal party committee.

Many reporters were surprised. The Jiao family and his son did not thank the leaders of the People's Procuratorate and the People's Procuratorate. What did they do with the Municipal Party Committee? Many people followed Jiao Da and Jiao Dian all the way to the municipal party committee.


Xiaxiang is in a meeting. It is a meeting of the Standing Committee of Personnel Adjustment, which is attended by all the Standing Committee. At the meeting, Gu Xiangguo supported the person he nominated as the deputy director of the general office of the municipal government. Liu Yilin tried her best to object. Zhang Yingji had not yet made a statement, and Ai Chengwen also seemed to be opposed. Xia wanted to look at Gu Xiangguo's performance with a stand-by-side posture, but guessed in his mind The position, Gu Xiangguo, obviously did not mean the position itself, but that he wanted to re-establish his prestige in the municipal party committee.

At the time of the reversal of the Jiaodian case - in fact, with Ai Chengwen's acquiescence, Xia Xiang nodded. Lv Yike has reported the evidence of the Jiaodian case involving Gu Xiangguo in the name of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and reported it to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. The situation is already very serious - Gu And he also intends to raise his head again in the municipal party committee. What kind of medicine does he sell in his gourd?

And according to Xia Xiang's secret observation, Gu Xiangguo is not pretending, but really confident, which makes him more confused - if Xia wants to know what Gu Xiangguo said, he will be more vigilant.

It's just that political affairs have always changed, sometimes step by step, sometimes with ups and downs, which makes people confused about the situation.

The senior management employs people and pays great attention to strategy. Economic policies should be consistent, but there has never been a fixed case in the employment of people. In ancient times, it was a emperor and a courtier. In modern times, it is false, and true is false.

Of course, it is also related to the differences and different governing concepts between the current high-level officials.

Xia can more or less speculate that it may be that the high-level wind direction has changed, or Gu Xiangguo has connected a certain relationship, but he still don't understand why Gu Xiangguo borrowed the position of deputy director of the general office of the municipal government, and insisted on showing his weight in the Standing Committee? Did he think he could still work for a long time as the mayor of Lang City?

The serious consequences caused by the coke electric case, even if it is not a heavy bomb, are not small in power. After Gu Xiangguo is hit, he will be seriously injured if he is not killed. The most conservative estimate is that even if he is protected, it is mostly a gloomy end.

But now, the ancient country is in the limelight and has the posture of reorganization of rivers and mountains.

Xia wanted to guess, but he didn't get the point. It was time for him to speak. He withdrew his mind and threw the ballpoint pen in his hand: "I don't have any opinion. I also read Comrade Wang Jing's resume. As the deputy director of the General Office of the municipal government, I am completely competent. I have no objection

Out of a fair starting point, Xia's speech was very pertinent, but before his speech, he deliberately threw a ballpoint pen with great meaning, which made many people look at him a few more.

In the end, the Standing Committee passed Wang Jing's appointment, and Gu Xiangguo won a big victory, which was the first time since his recent depression.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to meet Ai Chengwen first and exchanged views. Gu Xiangguo's abnormal behavior also aroused Ai Chengwen's suspicion. But Ai Chengwen didn't hear anything, and he was puzzled.

First put aside the abnormality of the ancient country, Ai Chengwen also concluded that the ancient country could not escape the disaster of the ancient country.

In the case of the previous attack on the police car, after investigation and visit, several teenage and a half-year-old children were arrested, and they did not ask why. They only knew that they were instructed by others. After in-depth investigation, they would definitely be able to dig out some clues, but it was unnecessary.

Because it will take a long time, and it's not a big deal. In the end, there are a few people in the middle. Even if the evidence points to Gu Xiangguo, he has the aura of the mayor, but he can't help it.

Of course, it is also because the coke power case can completely overturn the ancient country.

Yang Ming's confession is very unfavorable to the ancient country. He not only has a confession, but also provides a lot of material evidence. It may be a little exaggerated to describe the cold side and the ugly facts that the ancient country has done, but it is not too much to use a lot of crimes to describe the cold side and the ancient country.

It's not a short time for Ai Chengwen and Gu Xiangguo to work together. He didn't know that Gu Xiangguo had such a sinister and despicable side, and he was furious.

Yang Ming's confession triggered at least four or five cases of injustice and falsehood, among which the blood and tears complaint made Ai Chengwen sweat profusely, very ashamed, and saddened for his dereliction of duty. As a superior, he will have a heart to love the people. He is heartbroken to think that countless people have been unjustly imprisoned under his rule, and even some people have become the wronged souls under the gun, all because of power and money trading, all because of the cold quality and Gu Xiangguo's own selfishness.

Ai Chengwen left his anger.

In the past, he thought that Gu Xiangguo was only good at calculating and calculating, and only fought with him for power because of different governance concepts. Now that he understands the person of Gu Xiangguo, he has made up his mind that he must bring Gu Xiangguo to justice and return the people of Lang City to a bright universe.

Xia wants to see that she has fully won the support of Ai Chengwen, which is also a great comfort. It is inconceivable to do anything in Lang City without the approval of the secretary. Ai Chengwen has both a bureaucratic side and a righteous side, and he is also upright.

and Ai Chengwen set the tone for the next step. Xia wanted to go back to the office and sit in a chair and meditate.

Xiao Wu and others only suffered skin injuries. It was no big deal. When they woke up, they all shouted that they were going to be discharged from the hospital.

The captured murderer was very hard-mouthed and refused to say anything, and he was indeed not from Langshi. After Yang Wei returned to the capital, he checked again and confirmed that they were all subordinates of a certain princely party. It can be said that a certain princely party was the backstage of the ancient country.

It is still related to Gu Xiangguo, but this matter cannot be studied in depth and can only be dealt with in a low-key way. Just after the person was caught in the municipal bureau, someone in the capital called. He was very arrogant and asked to let him go immediately, otherwise the Langshi Public Security Bureau would be good-looking.

In the past, Lu Hongzhan would have let people go without saying a word, but now it's different. He also held back an evil fire. No matter who he is, let his men clean up the more than a dozen people who were caught. Lu Hongzhan also took it easy. The county official was not as good as being in charge now, not to mention that the second ancestor came forward, as long as the head did not come forward - the head would never come forward to surrender his identity.

Therefore, Lu Hongzhan cleaned up the people without fear before letting them go. If you commit the crime on the boundary of Lang City and leave again, do you really think that he, the director of the public security bureau, is a dry meal?

The beating incident can't be used to make a fuss, and Xiaxiang doesn't feel sorry. The only pity is that he hurt Xiao Wu and others, which makes him sad. But it's not without harvest. A begonia given to him by Reagan was a heavy gift for him.

Two begonias, one in the office, one in Regan's family, and one in the basin of the two plants, there is an evidence hidden in each, which records many inside stories between Gu Xiangguo and Oh Chen. As long as Regen knows and has experienced, it is recorded in detail, as well as recording and video materials - I don' At the beginning, he left a backhand. Anyway, the more Xia wanted to look at it, the more shocking it became. It was not for the many problems between Gu Xiangguo and Oh Chen, but for Reagan's preparation and planning.

Judging from the record time, as early as the time of Chen and Regan's initial contact, Regen had already figured out the way out, which made Xiaxiang have to sigh and admire it. It's really admirable.

What he admired more was not only the evidence, but also the evidence and stubs of Chen's bribery to Ruigen. Every stolen money has a detailed explanation of the time and place. No wonder Reagan is more cautious. Handing over the above evidence is equivalent to handing over his life to others.

Xia wanted to know that Regan finally gave him all the evidence, which was a sign of 100% trust in him, and it was also a move of Regan to trust him after a cold look.

Now it seems that we can't blame Ruigen for making a mystery. It has been delayed until today to hand over the evidence. The above evidence is positive and can overturn the ancient country. On the contrary, it will also bring reckless disaster to Reagan.

Xia thought that the evidence of Reagan was still being sorted out and was not handed over to Ai Chengwen. It's not that he doesn't trust Ai Chengwen, but that the recent abnormal behavior of Gu Xiangguo has made him more careful. He can't show all the cards, otherwise he may be overthrown by his opponents.

It's better to leave a backhand - although Xia Xiang also knows it, Gu Xiangguo must have guessed that Regan will have evidence against him, otherwise he would not have made great fus to block Reagan's move.

It's time for the final showdown. Xia wanted to decide to directly poke the problem of Gu Xiangguo to the provincial party committee. Under the evidence is conclusive, if you don't believe that Fan Ruiheng dares to cover it. If he dares to cover it, someone dares to poke it to the central

I will not give up

As for Chen's fate, in Xiaxiang's imagination, he can't escape the fate of legal sanctions. Oh, Chen's hands are dripping with blood. He has a life. Even if there is no direct evidence to him, he will be sentenced to at least one term.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

is a call from Lian Ruohan.

Xia wanted to ask in a relaxed tone, "Mr. Lian, what's your advice?"

"Less talkative." Lian Ruohan was in a good mood. "Successfully completed the goal. Oh, Chen's listed company was successfully acquired by me. The price was so low that you couldn't imagine, which surprised me. It seemed that someone was in a hurry to take action and didn't care much about the quotation."

Xia wants to naturally understand the inside story. Rumor has it that, oh, Chen has the backstage of Vice Premier. Whether it is true or not, some things can never be put on the table for certification, but oh, Chen's industry in the capital is scattered, and has been united by shareholders to dive for sale, completely throwing Chen aside. To be clear, someone can't wait to draw a clear line with him and squeeze Chen's final use value.

It doesn't matter if the price is low. Anyway, a part of the money that belongs to Chen is regarded as a shrinking market value, as long as the selling price is enough for their part.

Oh, Chen's economic empire collapsed, the political background was far away from him, and he had become a homeless dog.

After Lian Ruohan successfully acquired Chen's listed company, Chen's real estate and other industries in the capital were also suppressed by Xiao Jia and Li Qin and were successfully annexed. In addition, the foundation of Lang City was almost swept away. Oh, Chen was under the double blow of his calculation and abandoned by the background. The economic empire has collapsed, and the funds available to him now are estimated to be pitifully small.

It is preliminarily estimated that within a month, Gu Xiangguo and Oh Chen can both be arrested, Lang City, and the Qingming weather can be restored from then on.

Xia thought that he wanted to say a few more words to Lian Ruohan, but there was a noise outside, and he heard someone shouting "Mayor Xia"... What happened? He hung up Lian Ruohan's phone. Before he could ask, Li Caiyuan knocked on the door and came in.

"Leader, Jiao and his son were stopped at the gate of the Municipal Party Committee. No matter what they say, they will see you. Look..."

Xia didn't say anything. He got up and went out. As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Ai Chengwen coming to the yard, so he pulled Ai Chengwen out together. As soon as they left the gate, they saw Jiao and his son standing at the door of the municipal party committee compound with an excited face, looking up.

Behind Jiao's father and son, there was a crowd full of people. There were journalists and ordinary citizens. As soon as Xia wanted to appear, everyone's eyes fell on him and Ai Chengwen.

As soon as Jiao Da saw Xia, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak. He pulled the Jiao Electric: "Mayor Xia is your savior. kowtow quickly"

Without saying a word, he knelt down in front of Xia Xiang with a "plop" and hit his head on the ground: "Thank you, Mayor Xia, thank you for your life-saving kindness"

Xia wanted to work hard to help the coke, but he didn't pull it. Jiao Dian knelt on the ground desperately, expressing his gratitude in the most simple way. Jiao Dian's face was dark and his eyes were a little dull. He used to be a magnificent college student. It is said that he was still a handsome young man, but now he has become like this. He has suffered a reckless disaster for nothing. Xia thought that he just did what he should do, but he was thanked by Jiao Dian in public. He And touching, on the contrary, it adds more weight.

The camera of the news reporter kept shooting, and the flash flashed randomly. Xia wanted to give up Ai Chengwen as soon as she flashed. He said to Jiao Da, "Old man, Jiao Dian can redress the injustice. It is because of Secretary Ai's wise leadership that has done justice for you."

Xia wants to lift Ai Chengwen out. First, the rule in the officialdom is that the great meritorious person must be the leader, and second, he also has a deep intention to push Ai Chengwen to the front of the stage in front of many citizens and reporters, which is equivalent to announcing in public that the antagonism between Ai Chengwen and

P: The second update of the guaranteed monthly ticket is related to the survival of the official god. All brothers who love the official god, please be sure to submit the precious guaranteed monthly ticket and send the third update A