official god

Chapter 961 Debate

...Really, fake one by one?" At least Li Run's father is also the deputy director of the capital. He also has some insight. He knows what a 30-year-old mayor is. Even if his father is now the governor, he can't guarantee that he can become a mayor at the age of 30.

"Is there anyone who dares to pretend to be the mayor?" Li Ailin's mind to maintain Xia's thoughts is very urgent, "He also said that he is a hundred times stronger than the mayor of Xia. I tell you that two levels larger than the mayor is the ministerial level, a hundred times larger than the mayor, and there is no more than the whole country!"

Li Run and Zhai Peng's eyes were straight: "Are you... really the mayor? There is still a 30-year-old mayor in China. It's amazing." Xia Xiang gently looked at Li Ailin: "Lao Li, don't be too much trouble. Wait for me in the car for a while." Obviously, it is criticism, but it is actually appreciation, which makes Li Ailin feel particularly comfortable.

Xiaxiang said to the two again, "Please take me to the big classroom, thank you." He also understood that he had been fooled by Song Yifan again, and under the clever arrangement of the little girl, he became her child. He has now become her special shield.

It was only 300 meters away from the big classroom. Along the way, Li Run and Zhai Peng asked east and west. They were very curious. They couldn't believe that Xia Xiang was really the mayor, but they knew that the calm and leisurely and not much older than them were actually the mayor, so they asked a lot of strange questions.

Xia thought also answered some patiently.

A lecture on theoretical knowledge is being held in the big classroom, and the lecturer is a professor of nonsense. Xia wanted to laugh as soon as he saw the name. Originally, his name was "Say *...", which was a good thing, but his surname was Hu, which became antonym.

As soon as you enter, you will find that the classroom that can accommodate 500 people is full. Because it is an open lecture, anyone can listen to it. Xia Xiang came to Song Yifan's seat under the leadership of Li Run and Zhai Peng.

When Song Yifan saw Xia, he happily rushed straight to Xia to wave his hand. Xia wanted to see Song Yifan sitting in the middle. He didn't want to go there, but Song Yifan kept waving. He became the focus of everyone and had to squeeze in. As a result, he sat down next to Song Yifan and found that there was also a girl next to him, or a beautiful woman with long hair. He had a very standard melon seed face. Somehow, it was somewhat similar to Gu Yu, which stunned him.

The girl was unhappy and was very hostile to Xia Xiang's eyes: "Don't look at it if you are rude!" Xia Xiang waved his hand, smiled and didn't say anything. Song Yifan took his arm and whispered, "Her name is Murong Rong, and her name is strange. She always likes to look coldly at others." As In fact, she is not as beautiful as me, isn't she?" Song Yifan is telling the truth. Murong Rong is indeed inferior to her. Xia wants to be happy: "Is Murong Rong Rong or is Murong?"

"Guess?" Song Xiaofan blinked his big eyes with a surprised face.

"It must be the latter." Xia wants to know Song Yifan very well. She said that Murong Rong's name is strange, which must be because of her surname Mu, but she came up with a Rongrong's name, which made people feel as if her surname was Murong.

Song Yifan is in good condition. His little face is ruddy, his lips are full, and he is about to be mature. Xia thought and patted her on the shoulder: "What lecture do you have to finish listening to? Governor Song wants to pick you up. He must miss you*..."

"Nonsense professor's lectures are always sharp" I love to listen to. The topic of his speech today is the relationship between high education and high income. You can also listen to it. Maybe it will be very rewarding*..."

Listen to it. "Anyway, the capital is not far from Yanshi, and if you come, you will be at ease." Xia thought about it and stole half a day's leisure, so he simply listened to the high theory of nonsense.

After listening to a few words, I don't think it's right. In my impression, professors in colleges and universities can't speak so directly, let alone be so realistic. Nonsense professors are impassioned and particularly inflammatory, but in Xia Xiang's ears, the more they listen, the less direction they are. At least he is a college professor. Even if he doesn't teach students political and ideological education such as Marxism-Leninism, he should let students establish a correct outlook on life and world outlook. Professor Hu is good enough to talk about it.

"High education is the guarantee of high income*..." Professor Hu said, "For a long time, cultivating the wealth awareness of college students has been one of the contents of my thinking. Wealth means that a lot of GOP, taxes and jobs have been created, which means that society has made great contributions, helped low-income people, and prevented themselves, their families and relatives from becoming a burden to society. For higher education, poverty means shame and failure*..."

"Especially you, you are students of Peking University and elites among the elites. If the students of Peking University go out of the school and have a miserable life in society, some people even polish shoes, set up stalls, sell sweet potatoes, and sell pork. I am not ashamed but proud of them. I am deeply saddened for them. If you are like them, don't say that you are my student. I can't afford to lose this person*..."

The more Xia wants to listen, the more disgusted he is. As a professor in a university, he not only discusses heroes with wealth, but also obviously has a difference of hierarchy and social status in his eyes. Teachers, teaching and teaching, and teaching are the first, and the moral concepts are incorrect. The higher the knowledge of the students cultivated, the greater the harm to

Therefore, it is not uncommon for college students in later generations to drive to school with a rich family. As a result, it is common to hit people to death. What's more, because he learned to play the piano, he stabbed eight times when killing people, and he was also known as a pianist... What's the use of driving? What's the use of practicing the piano?

College students have a weak sense of morality. It is true that parents only pay attention to learning and not to the cultivation of morality, and it also has something to do with the current professors' morality!

When Xia wanted to hear the nonsense professor say the following paragraph, he finally couldn't help sneering.

"You are students of Peking University and the most top talents in the whole society. What I expect from you is that at the age of 40, you must have a wealth of 40 million, otherwise you will have no face to come to see me, and you don't deserve to be my students!" What a nonsense professor, what a bold talk, what a confusing theory.

As soon as Professor Hu's voice fell, there was a lot of discussion in the classroom.

Xia wanted to disdain his theory again, and after the age of debate, he only looked on coldly and did not speak. Unexpectedly, the professor seemed to have a lot of nonsense and said loudly, "If you have any opinions, please feel free to ask. Anyone who has a different opinion can argue with me. I agree that you have the right to speak. If you think you have enough eloquence," you can also try to convince me *..."

After a buzzing debate, some people began to raise objections one after another, but they were refuted by the professor of nonsense. As a result, after five or six people went into battle, "no one had the upper hand, and the opposition was much smaller.

Xia thought it was meaningless, so he whispered, "Let's go, don't waste time." "Professor Hu, Xia wants to speak *..." Song Yifan suddenly raised his hand to speak and pushed Xia to out." He was caught him off guard.

The professor of nonsense is polite. He didn't notice that Xiaxiang's age is actually Xiaxiang's age. In Peking University, where research and doctors are everywhere, he doesn't seem old at all and said politely, "Classmate Xia has something to say. Don't be embarrassed. Isn't it too timid to let the female /P>

Laughing loudly.

Xia wanted to be forced to be helpless, so he had to fight: "Professor Hu, first of all, let me declare that I am not a student of Peking University" and I don't have a chance to come to Peking University for further study, which is a pity. But I don't agree with the saying that high education means high income. College only helps you have a good starting point, but society is the real university in life. Only a high degree obtained in a social university is the beginning of success*..."

The professor of nonsense nodded slightly: "There is nothing new about this statement. By the way, since Xia is not a student of Peking University, does he have any social status in society now? How is the income? What kind of work do you do?

Xia wanted to look ashamed: "I work in a government unit, and my monthly income is about 2,000 yuan." There was another burst of laughter, ridicule, chuckle and indifference.

"Then do you have a graduate of Peking University around you, whose social status and income are superior*..." The professor of nonsense continued to ask, as if he intended to use Xiaxiang as a negative textbook to verify the correctness of his statement.

"There is indeed *..."

"Can you give an example in detail?" The smile on Professor Hu's face was even more open.

"He is the director of a prefecture-level city. Which grade is he a graduate of Peking University? I'm also over 50 years old. I'm not sure if he has more than 40 million yuan." But it is conservatively estimated that there should be 20 million." Xia wants to be honest, but there is no exaggeration at all.

Professor Hu smiled happily: "Classmates, am I right at all? A higher education is equal to a high income, which is equivalent to having a stepping stone to wealth. What's the big difference between this classmate and the director of Peking University he knows? This year's 50-year-old graduate of Peking University, he is more than 30 years older than you, and he has such achievements. Now you are going to society, by the age of 40, you will definitely surpass him a lot..."

After a few nonsolute speeches, he remembered the same thing again and asked Xia, "Can Mr. Xia reveal that you envy the director who graduated from Peking University? By the way, do you work for him?

"I don't envy him*..." Xia thought simply.

"Why? Do you think you can never compare with him, and you don't even need to envy him?" Professor Hu's imagination is also quite rich.

"That's not true. The main reason is that he is no longer alive now." Xia thought said calmly, "He has been sentenced to death for corruption and bribery, and has been executed not long ago *..."

With a "poisonous sound", the classroom suddenly exploded, and the students were surprised when they talked about it.

Professor Hu's glasses almost fell to the ground. He held them a few times before barely holding them: "You, you, you, you deliberately made trouble, didn't you? I want to say that he was shot, and his life is a hundred times better than yours*..."

It's a good one and a hundred times stronger. Xia didn't have time to refute it. Song Yifan finally stood up: "A hundred times stronger? Professor Hu, who dares to say that under the current domestic political system, the level is hundreds of times larger than the mayor*..."

PS: The seventh update of the birthday, ask for votes with 120 percent of your heart and effort! Congratulations to Peng Yunfeng on his promotion to the leader of the official god! Thank you for all the blessings, monthly tickets and rewards of all the brothers today, so that Lao He can spend the most meaningful birthday in his life. Thank you again and again, thank you with tears, and bow!