official god

Chapter 962 Macro Confrontation

, the city is one by one, one by one long? The professor can't believe his ears... He can be the mayor*..."

"It's rare and strange!" Song Yifan took a blank look at the nonsense and pulled up Xia to leave. "Don't come to see you without 40 million. You are almost 50 years old. In terms of level, it's a department level. In terms of income, thousands of yuan a month. You still keep your mouth shut. Do you think that only your students in the country are talents, and others are fools? Professor Hu, you are out of date*..."

"The famous saying written by Mr. Qigong is to learn to be a teacher and behave in a worldly way. I hope Professor Hu can read more of the books of Confucius and the sages, and hope that you will flow more blood of Taoism in the future, instead of money and snobbish!" Xia thought sneered contemptuously and left with Song Yifan. He won't pretend to be a professor who teaches students money-only theory.

I think that even Cheng Xixue's master-level experts dared to argue face to face, not to mention talking nonsense about a professor! What Xia Sang was angry was that it was because a large group of so-called scholars with the cultivation of Taoism like nonsense professors were flooded in the university campuses, which led to the loss of the current students, and there were another criminal incidents of college students that made people sigh.

On the Internet of later generations, the group is excited, and college students have once again become a useless synonym from the proud son of heaven. Whose is it? Tracing back to the source, there are also a lot of incorrect factors for guidance, which is also the root cause of Xiaxiang's anger today.

After Xia wanted to leave with Song Yifan, the professor of nonsense was stunned and couldn't say a word on the podium for a long time!

When Xia wanted to walk far away from Song Yifan, he heard the shouts and warm applause from the classroom!

When Song Yifan held Xia Xiang's arm tightly and sat in the back seat of the car, Li Ailin didn't dare to look at it again. It was so beautiful that she was simply a little fairy. He has never seen such a bright girl. She is so beautiful that she only dares to take a look. "I dare not look at it for the second time."

Seeing Song Yifan holding Mayor Xia tightly again, Li Ailin has nothing to say. Young people, handsome young people are also the mayor, and it is impossible not to be liked by girls. He is honored. His leader is young and has the ability. As a driver, he is also an honor.

Song Yifan kept chattting all the way, and Xia Chang always listened with a smile on his face. "It's nothing more than who chased her, who fought for her, who thought he had left, or which professor's class was not good, which professor is very elegant, etc. It's all about little girls, and there is nothing about Rumors of the transfer.

After all, she is a girl. She is not only outgoing, but also doesn't care about politics. Xia Xiang listened to Song Yifan's whispers in his ears, but his mind has already flown to Yanshi.

It was exactly noon when he arrived in Yanshi. Because he was going to Song Chao's home, Li Ailin was not easy to accompany him as a driver. Xia Xiang asked him to go to the driver's class of the provincial party committee to rest. A phone call to Fang Ge said, "Don't worry about it. He will take care of good

Li Ailin was very moved. Mayor Xia was so careful that he could think of the feeling of taking care of him. He thanked him repeatedly and then went to the provincial party committee. The square is also very face-saving. He came to pick it up in person, which made him feel very useful. Mayor Xia is really good at the provincial party committee, and sooner or later he has to be the leader in Tianze.

Song Chaodu came home from work early. As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Xiao Fan" went out to help Dad buy some fruit to eat*..."

"Dad, don't you usually like fruit?" Song Yifan didn't understand Song Chaodu's intention.

Song Chaodu was helpless. As a governor, many of his men were thinking about his thoughts. His every move would be guessing his idea, and his daughter did not give him face at all.

Xia thought and said, "Xiao Fan is obedient. Buy me a watermelon."

Song Yifan said "Oh" and said, "I see. You don't want me to listen to you. I'm too lazy to listen. Really, it's enough to say it clearly. I'm not a fool... Well, Brother Xia, you asked me to buy watermelon to satirize me as a fool, aren't you?" Song Yifan was dissatisfied and went out obediently. As soon as she left, Song Chaodu sat on the chair and lay back It's grown up, Xia think. It's been seven or eight years since you helped me for the first time. You haven't come up with any advice for a long time. Today, you have to help me solve my worries..." Xia wanted to be surprised: "Gun Governor Song, what's the trouble?" Seeing that Song Chaodu's face was tired, It's not very uncomfortable. The governor is also a human being. Behind the scenery, there is also endless fatigue and fatigue.

The people often don't understand and think that officials are in power and do whatever they want. In fact, no matter where they go, there are constraints and great problems that cannot be solved.

Those who are in high positions, especially at the provincial and ministerial levels, are tired of heart-wless. Most of their thoughts are national affairs and national livelihood. They all have the aspirations to serve the country and serve the people. They all want to develop the economy for the benefit of the people. If they want to think about it, it is another thing that they can

As the governor of Yan Province, Song Chaodu did bear more pressure from internal and external troubles. Xia Xiang could fully understand his situation, and there was a rumor about his transfer, which must have made him more overwhelmed, and it was also the pressure of the Wu family. It made him speechless.

"A lot of things are very messy and messy, and they are all together." Let Song Chaodu say the above, it can be seen that it is indeed a real difficulty for him. He is a person who does not easily admit defeat. Xia has wanted to know him for nearly 10 years, and has never seen him depressed and retreat.

"Or is it because of the transfer problem?" Xia thought still asked the question in his heart.

"The transfer is a problem created by the Wu family. On the one hand, there is only one problem, and on the other hand, the integration of the steel industry in Yan Province is the biggest problem. It is also because of the integration of steel that the Wu family has the idea of moving me. Xia Xiang, I will also say it directly in front of you. The Wu family is the representative of the family's forces. The political ideas between me and the family forces are not inconsistible, and there must be conflicts and contradictions. But no matter how much pressure I am, I will promote my own governing philosophy*..."

Song Chaodu's eyes were very firm.

Xia nodded: "You must also know that I have implemented the policy in Tianze, and the interests of the people are always ranked first in my heart *..."

Song Chaodu seemed to be very confident in Xia Xiang's position. He didn't care whether he was inclined to family power or civilian power at all. He directly said the problem: "The above means that if you want to integrate the steel industry in the country, you want the three central enterprises of Baosteel, Wugang and Angang to integrate the whole country. Agreed. Who knew that after the project of Single Steel was reported, the National Development and Reform Commission did not approve it, and it was required that it must be Baosteel Holdings. I don't agree. Why do you have to let Baosteel Holdings, not Single Steel Holdings*..."

Xia wants to fully understand Song Chaodu's position.

According to the principle of tax-sharing system, this means that the corporate income tax of the integrated Shanbao Group will be divided into 50% in Shanghai. It is no wonder that Yan Province is willing! Local taxes in Beijing and Shanghai are so high not because their economy is really developed. To a large extent, it is caused by the current tax system, that is to say, it is due to the tilt of national policies.

The national tax revenue in Xicheng District of Beijing can rank ninth among all provinces in the country, because the five major banks, PetroChina, Sinopec, electricity and telecommunications are all paid together here. It is not how many talents there in Xicheng District, nor how many advantages there are, but the convenience of the land.

The west gas east transmission spans 12 provinces, but the resource export provinces such as Xinjiang, Shaanxi and Sichuan do not get tax benefits, because the company is registered in Shanghai, so the tax must be handed over to Shanghai. Shanghai's prosperity largely comes from policy care, so calmly recognizing the situation is conducive to long-term development in the future.

Therefore, it is absolutely reasonable for all localities to protect their own tax sources. Don't use the big hats of national interests, national strategy, and overall situation to slap people. The starting point of the market economy is to maximize interests. If you don't pursue interests, it is not a market economy. The interests of each interest group are equal. . The country demolished the east wall by the west wall, and the west wall was happy. The east wall wanted to ask, why should the east wall exchange poverty for the prosperity of the west wall? It is an indisputable fact that there is a conflict between local interests and central interests, as well as between local interests and local interests. There used to be, but now there are more.

To be honest, the root cause is actually caused by the central government. The economic command is a basic national policy, but in the specific implementation, the central government has been constantly engaged in special zones and preferential policies for some areas, in an attempt to concentrate resources to make some areas rich first, and then drive the rich later. The idea is good, but it ignores the inferiority of people!

First of all, it will inevitably cause an imbalance in regional resources, and everyone is willing to be the first to get rich! But the reality is that those who get rich first will not take the initiative to help those who get rich later. Instead, they use the advantages of getting rich first to continuously expand their advantages. The resulting situation is that the richer the area is, the richer and the poorer the area is.

Internationally speaking, the three worlds are divided into small divisions, and the domestic world is also the three worlds. Because of the policy, the economic gap has been caused, but the media has shifted the responsibility to the ideological conservatism and laziness of backward areas, which is an absolute one-sided word, and it is also a cover for the country.

"But if you don't agree, the National Development and Reform Commission will not approve it, and the country is actually forced to apportion." Song Chaodu rubbed his forehead, "I've been tough for a period of time, and now I can't stand the pressure, mainly because the family's power has made a lot of money."

Xia figured out that many large central enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai and other places absolutely have the shadow of family power behind it. Behind the integration of the national steel industry, it is actually another macro confrontation between family forces and civilian forces!

The Song Dynasty wanted to ask Xia about the plan, and he was really right, because Xia Xiang was a native of Shancheng. He clearly remembered the series of changes that happened to Shan Gang in later generations. He then made a wonderful plan for Song Chaodu, which not only made Shan Gang make a bright turn over, but also touched the interests of the family again, which And problems.

PS: Needless to say more, Lao He should keep it in mind, and there are only two words to express the inner touch: Thank you! Yesterday, nearly 22,000 words broke out. Today, it is still updated with tens of thousands of words, many words, to show Lao He's heart and sincerity. Thank you, brothers! Support Lao He, Lao He will never let you down.