official god

Chapter 969 Two Incidents

But behind the hot scene, another discordant voice appeared, which made Chen Jiewen very unhapprovaled. At Yang Jian's suggestion, Xia wanted to approve, and the municipal government set up a land investigation team in Paoma County, and soon he would rush to Paoma County for in-depth investigation!

The problem of Paoma County has officially surfaced!

Regarding the matter of Cheng Yu's investigation team, Xia Xiang had already mentioned it to Chen Jiewen, but Chen Jiewen did not object.

There is no way to object. Everything is on the surface. As a secretary, she can't always turn a blind eye to the problems of Paoma County? A fair and just image must be maintained, and sometimes a rule must be paid to things in the officialdom.

And sometimes the rules are too big.

After Xia wanted to mention it, there was no follow-up. Chen Jiewen thought that the thunder was heavy, and then she forgot it. Unexpectedly, just when Xia wanted to attract investment was in full swing, the problem of Paoma County was submitted to the table again. What exactly did Xia Zuchang want to do?

Chen Jiewen was very unhappy, and she made a fuss about small things. Obviously, she deliberately challenged her secretary's authority. There is also the matter of Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming's declaration of heroic deeds mentioned last time. After the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department visited the site, it did not find any problems. It wasted human and material resources, and also delayed time, which was simply unreasonable.

Now I still hold on to the matter of Running Horse County. To put it bluntly, it is public revenge, which is revenge on the last temporary motion!

Chen Jiewen, of course, just looked at the problem from her own standpoint, thinking that Xia wanted to be completely trouble-looking and her character was too bad. Whether it's a temporary motion or illegal land, it doesn't seem to her to be a big deal.

But it is impossible to prevent the investigation team from going down. Chen Jiewen asked Li Yifeng to inform Bian Youshui in advance. Let him do the preliminary work well. Bian Youshui naturally understood and let Li Yifeng tell Secretary Chen four words: no water dripping.

The investigation team is headed by Yang Jian, Li Xiaomin as the deputy team leader, and two deputy secretaries-general of the government are members. The manpower of the Public Security Bureau and the National Bureau was also transferred. In the afternoon of the same day, he left for Paoma County and officially kicked off the investigation of illegal land in Paoma County.

..... It was a long time after the incident that someone linked the matter of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee at that time with the investigation of Paoma County and found one of the key lines. Because the Paoma County incident is the third fire since Mayor Xia took office. But Mars is a field bow, and some people think that the field incident is the third fire of Tianze City when Mayor Xia takes office. Although some people think it's a little far-fetched, if you calculate it carefully, it is indeed after the fire in Paoma County. The wilderness has also played an indispensable role in the role of vertebral waves.

About the investigation of Paengma County. The mayor took the lead and the secretary nodded, but because he raised objections, he still held a secretary's office meeting to discuss.

I don't know if it's Xia's intentional negligence. It was still Yang Jian's deliberate forgetting. No one talked to Pi in advance. As a deputy secretary and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Pi Buji felt very frustrated. He proposed to Chen Jiewen to hold a secretary's office meeting. It was necessary to discuss the issue of the investigation team again. As the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he also has something Discipline. .

Xia thought seemed to have expected his endless dissatisfaction for a long time, knowing that he had something to say. He deliberately delayed to the last one to enter the secretary's office. When he came, Chen Jiewen, Wu Mingyi, Pibu and Chen Tianyu had been waiting for a long time.

Xia thought that before anyone could express his dissatisfaction, he first blocked everyone's mouths: "I'm sorry. I talked to the old man just now, and I forgot the time as soon as I talked about it.

Chen Jiewen is a little unhappy. Recently, she often complains that Xia wants to walk a little too often. The Propaganda Minister of the Municipal Party Committee always reports to the mayor, which is not a matter! However, the reasons for frequent ridicule are always sufficient. The aspects that need to be publicized are always related to the work of the government. She can't tell the Minister of Publicity how to do her job well, which is too unlevel.

The meeting was initiated by Pi Nong, and Pi Nong was the first to put forward an opinion: "Mayor Xia. I have no objection to the investigation team's investigation of illegal land in Paoma County. But since it is a violation of the law, there must be a need for the Commission for Discipline Inspection to come forward. Even if you don't invite the Commission for Discipline Inspection to participate in the investigation team, you should let me know in advance that there is such a thing!"

The endless tone was a little angry.

Pi didn't stop fighting directly against him, and Xia thought that he had to fight. He was not only not angry with Pi's endless doubts, but also smiled: "Lao Pi, don't be angry at any time. It hurts your body. Cheng Yuli of the investigation team delayed for a few days. Before going down, I asked Mayor Yang to let you know. Something suddenly happened in Paoma County, and Lao Yang hurried down and didn't have time to say it. I was about to say that I often have something to do with me, and things happen to have something to do with you, so I think it's better not to say it.

"What's going on with me again? If you have anything, just say it. I'm right and stand up straight.

Pi couldn't stop hearing that there was an obscure meaning in Xiaxiang's tone, and he became even more popular, "Mayor Xia. I cooperate with your work, and you also need to cooperate with the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, which is a united team.

Xia wanted to be embarrassed: "Lao Pi, I respect your person very much and don't believe in some words, so I don't want to mention it.

Pi didn't rest was successfully introduced into a trap by Xia. He had forgotten that the original intention of convening the secretary's office today was to hold Xia for why he didn't inform the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Now he asked Xia thought about what had to do with him.

Pi stood up endlessly: "Mayor Xia, if you have something to say in front of Secretary Chen, hesitating and not happy."

"Do you really want to say it?" Xiaxiang's face slowly sank and put away his smile, "Lao Pi, do you really want to make it clear in front of your comrades?"

Pi didn't stop feeling nervous. Xia's face was too scary, and he changed as soon as he said it. Just now, he was still happy, and he suddenly became hung up with frost, which made him panic inexplicably. Is there really something to reveal?

But now he is forced to the corner of the wall and can't turn around, so he can only brace himself: "I'm not afraid of shadow evil. Just in front of the comrades, listen to who burys me."

"Lao Pi, have you played any disgraceful role in the matter of Ji Fengsheng's suicide? For example, he privately promised to give Ji Fengsheng a deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to write an article insinuating the life style of superior leaders? As a result, Ji Fengsheng didn't dare to write, so you threatened that if he didn't write, you would let him lose his reputation, let his wife be laid off, and his son couldn't find a job... Is there such a thing?" Official God Bar Qingcheng, please support the genuine version.

After Pi didn't stop standing up just now, he sat back to show his calmness. As soon as Xia thought finished his words, he suddenly became furious and slapped the table and stood up: "Mayor Xia, you are bullying too much. It's simply a slander of me!"

Xia wanted to see Pi's endless anger, and his eyes showed an uneasy look. Knowing that he was bluffing, he would not be scared by his momentum. Instead, he sat down slowly: "Lao Pi, it's reasonable and not loud. What are you shouting in front of Secretary Chen?"

Chen Jiewen's depression in her heart, everyone carried her out, as if she could control the scene, but in fact, they were taking her as a cover and pulling the tiger's skin! She had to say, "Mayor Xia, Lao Pi is an old party member and an old cadre. How can you make such an accusation to an old cadre? It is not easy for the party and the state to train a cadre. To refer to a cadre, you need to hold a meeting of the Standing Committee to study, and you also need to report to the provincial party committee!"

Everyone understands the meaning, that is, Xiaxiang is too arrogant. He went beyond the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and directly accused a member of a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. It's a completely unorganized and undisciplined performance!

Wu Mingyi and Chen Tianyu looked at each other. It's not easy to interrupt. Because it happened suddenly. There was no sign in advance, and Mayor Xia didn't have a sense of breath. They didn't dare to help indiscriminately. The key is that Mayor Xia's accusations are really amazing. Even if Wu Mingyi and Chen Tianyu have heard about the disgraceful things behind their backs, there are some things that they know but can't be said.

I know but don't say it. It's mature. It's naive to know what to say. What's wrong with Mayor Xia? Is it too righteous or is there another trick?

"You don't have to go to the Standing Committee to discuss it, and you need to report it to the provincial party committee. It's a matter of catching the wind and shadows, and there's no need to make a fus." To my surprise, Mayor Xia waved his hand lightly, "I don't believe that Lao Pi will do such a thing. Secretary Chen, Lao Pi, don't be angry. I just said it. It's not what I said, it's an online comment. I just came a step late, just reading the post on the Internet. I was very angry. . It's too late."

Well, just now, Xia wanted to question the skin aggressively. Everyone thought that he was blaming the skin in front of him. Unexpectedly, Mayor Xia's tone changed, but it became his reputation of his comments on the Internet. It's really hard to adapt to his rhythm.

Chen Jiewen suddenly flashed an ominous foreboding, and she didn't care about how to let Xia want to master the rhythm. Whether it is the secretary's office or the standing committee, it should be the secretary to master the rhythm. Whoever controls the rhythm has the initiative. She can't care so much in a hurry, so she hurried "What website is so nonsense and dare to make nonsense? If you go back for decades, you will be sentenced if you arrest him directly!"

Xia can't laugh or cry. It has been more than 20 years since the reform and opening up, and some people still miss the previous dictatorship.

Again, during the period of autocracy, one sentence can be sentenced, a hooligan crime can be shot, and even an unintentional act can be attacked as a political prisoner, so it must be sent to reform through labor.

Xiaxiang did not accept Chen Jiewen's words, thinking that the governor of Song and his father-in-law were older than Chen Jiewen, and they were not as left-leaning as her. With her conservatism and stubbornness, it is strange to lead Tianze to make great strides! Of course, complaining is just complaining. You can only complain in your heart and never say it.

He got up and helped Chen Jiewen open the web page, and then entered the keyword "Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Forced to Death". As soon as he knocked in the car, tens of thousands of searches immediately appeared, and casually opened the top page. A strongly worded and impassioned article appeared.