official god

Chapter 1008 Intensification of Contradictions

Li Dingshan angered Niu Zhiqiang because he had an argument with Niu Zhiqiang, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and finally quarreled with Niu Zhiqiang.

It is normal for the secretary to quarrel with the mayor, but maybe the conflict between Niu Zhiqiang and Li Dingshan has a long history, or Niu Zhiqiang is stubborn in the backstage and does not pay attention to Li Dingshan. He actually makes a suggestion to the provincial party committee and requests the adjustment of Li Dingshan's work on the grounds of dis

The discord between the secretary and the mayor is an ordinary phenomenon. It is the same in all cities, but the size of the contradiction varies. Basically, the mayor is constrained by the secretary, and there are also a few mayors who are strong, tough or skillful in the background, and can be on an equal footing with the secretary. There is a contradiction between the secretary and the mayor, which is in line with the balance of superiors. The secretary and the mayor are completely at the same pace, so the province is worried.

Of course, there are also many irreconcilable contradictions. In this case, if neither of the two parties will give in, one person must be transferred. Usually, the mayor will be transferred to show the existence of the authority of the secretary as the leader.

The Shuiheng Municipal Party Committee has made a discord between the secretary and the mayor and has to the extent that it is irreconcilable. If it is good to say that it is because of different ideas in governance, but it is because of the plan to integrate steel resources, it is clear that it has given eye drops to the Song Dynasty. What's more,

Niu Zhiqiang went too much and bullied people too much.

Song Chaodu was furious. At the secretary's office, he strongly requested the transfer of Niu Zhiqiang, but he was opposed by Mei Shengping. Fan Ruiheng did not nod. Ma Xiao also echoed Mei Shengping's opinion. The secretary's office did not reach a consensus!

This is not enough, and then there was news from Shuiheng City, saying that Li Dingshan embezzled 1.2 million yuan in bribes, took care of his lover, and lived a rotten life style, etc. It was a rumor, but it was rumored. In addition, the Commission for Discipline Inspection has officially filed a case for investigation and will take Li Dingshan into law.

Xia wants to be angry!

He knows Li Dingshan best that embezzlement, bribery and keeping lovers will never happen to him. If it's a normal political struggle, he doesn't want to intervene. Now Niu Zhiqiang doesn't play cards according to common sense, slanders Li Dingshan, and works by means... Who is Li Dingshan? He was one of Xia's most respected people. He was furious and decided to take Niu Zhiqiang.

I haven't had the idea of killing a man with a stick for a long time. Niu Zhiqiang finally successfully ignited the fire of war with his shamelessness. In addition, the dispute between Niu Zhiqiang and Li Dingshan is of great symbolic significance. At this time, the plan to integrate steel resources is about to usher in a key breakthrough. Niu Zhiqiang's move is to take the opportunity to remove Li Dingshan, obstruct the integration plan, and then give Song Chaodu eye drops.

Song Chaodu may not be able to take Niu Zhiqiang from the front for a while. Xia thought he didn't hesitate to do it secretly. No matter what he said, he would kick off this stumbling block, no matter who his backstage was.

It happened that Wang Qiangwei was inspecting the market in Tianze City, and Xia wanted to make an appointment with Wang Qiangwei.

Wang Qiangwei's face has not changed. She wears a plain long skirt and tight clothes, showing more mature charm and intellectual amorous feelings. Her hair is curled up like a cloud, just like a colorful cloud. To be fair, Wang Qiangwei is a very woman who knows how to dress up and can fully show her advantages. Her long skirt sets off her posture very gracefully. When she walks, she is graceful and graceful like a willow in the wind.

Xia wanted to invite Wang Qiangwei to tea, so she found a teahouse at will. The name of the teahouse is Songfeng. The decoration style inside is also like a pine forest. As soon as you enter the door, it gives a cool feeling of breeze into the forest, which is also quite ingenious.

After finding a place to sit down, Xia wanted to first ask Wang Qiangwei how she felt about Tianze City. Wang Qiangwei frowned, gently raised her orchid fingers, closed her hair, and said with a smile, "The grassland of Tianze is so beautiful that people will never forget. After Huahaiyuan is built, I also want a room. Every summer, I stay for a month to escape the summer heat and relax..." He gently bit his lip and squinted at Xia. "Besides, there is Mayor Xia in Tianze City, and it's worth coming often."

Xia wanted to get used to Wang Qiangwei's behavior. She smiled and seemed to be extremely provocative, but in fact, it was just charming and natural. Her seductive postures were all unintentional actions, just like no one was drunk. Whoever took it seriously would admit defeat.

With a smile, Xia wanted to say, "I'll ask someone to reserve a room for you. Just let me know when you choose the location."

"Ah, thank you so much, Mayor Xia." Wang Qiangwei was also in her early 30s, but when she exclaimed, she was as shy and charming as a girl. It happened that the waiter came in to deliver water, but she was fascinated by her for a while.

The name of Wang Rose's social flower lives up to its reputation.

After a while, we talked about the main topic.

"Niu Zhiqiang, Secretary of the Shuiheng Municipal Party Committee, do you know Rose?" Xia wanted to ask abruptly.

"Not only do you know him, but he is also very familiar with him. He is a regular guest of the No. 9 Mansion." Wang Qiangwei is a smart person. She realized something as soon as her eyes turned, "Did he make Mayor Xia unhappy?"

"I'm very unhappy." Since Xia Xiang wants to entrust Wang Qiangwei with a big deal, some things can't be hidden from her. And after dating, he also knows that although Wang Qiangwei is known as a social flower, she is reliable and trustworthy. The key is that as long as there are common interests, "Li Dingshan and Mayor Li are the most respected people I respect most."

Wang Qiangwei understood something at once. Shuiheng City is close to Lang City. She has also heard about the trouble of the secretary of Shuiheng City, but after all, it is not her business, and she is not really into the heart. Now when Xia wants to say it, she knows Xia's intention.

The guests of Mansion No. 9 are either powerful or expensive. Therefore, Mansion No. 9 is a place where the dignitaries gather, and it is also the foundation for her to make friends with the dignitaries and have her current achievements. Therefore, the No. 9 Mansion will inevitably have something that can't be seen. To put it bluntly, the privacy Grip.

But having it in hand does not mean that she dares to take it out to threaten others. If she doesn't do it, she will kill herself. After all, she is just a businessman, not ***.

Niu Zhiqiang's privacy is also available - these days, no official has nothing to see at all - but to Mayor Xia, Mayor Xia can bring down Niu Zhiqiang, and she will offend Niu Zhiqiang and the forces around him to death. There is only one way to follow Mayor Xia in the future, otherwise, he may be tricked. Die.

Wang Qiangwei hesitated.

Xia thought clearly about Wang Qiangwei's concerns and smiled: "Rose, don't be afraid to give you a breath first. The Jingbei New Town project is about to introduce and achieve the group's 7 billion investment."

Wang Qiangwei's heart beat a few times. She has been in Tianze City for a few days. In addition to being attracted by the beautiful grassland, she has not found an entry point for investment. In fact, she also intends to invest in real estate, but she lacks confidence.

If Dacai Group invests 7 billion yuan in Jingbei New Town, the land of Jingbei New Town will appreciate several times. Now it will take out 200 million yuan to buy the land in advance. As soon as the rumor of Dacai Group's investment spreads, it will appreciate to more than 1 billion yuan.

A very expensive gift, it's no wonder that Wang Qiangwei doesn't care.

Do you really want to be tied to a warship with Mayor Xia? Wang Qiangwei looked at Xiaxiang's handsome and energetic face and the firmness in his eyes, and suddenly made up her mind. Because she remembered Mayor Xia's means to deal with Chen and Gu Xiangguo in Lang City. She knew that what Mayor Xia decided would definitely achieve his goal. Now he chose her as a partner. She disagreed. Mayor Xia may not deal with her, but he could also achieve his goal, and she missed once to become the core friend of Mayor Xia. A good opportunity for friends.

When men see beautiful women, they will secrete too many hormones. Similarly, when a woman sees a handsome and capable man, she will also have an irrational side. What's more, Wang Qiangwei is both admired and in awe of Xiaxiang. Psychologically and physically, she has double blind obedience.

"Then I will be bullied by others in the future. Mayor Xia can't leave me alone. I can only follow your footsteps in the future. If you don't want me, I have no place to cry." Although Wang Qiangwei's tone is half coquettish, in fact, she also wants Xia to make a promise.

"After Xiao Wu was hit and injured last time, a lot of things happened..." Xia wanted to take Xiao Wu as an example. "The people around me can't touch anyone as long as they are within my ability."

Wang Qiangwei was still worried and asked again, "Am I the person around you?"

"Action determines the position." Xia wanted to take a sip of tea. "I love Tieguanyin the most in my life, but I didn't expect Tieguanyin in a small teahouse to have an aftertaste."

"I also have the best Tieguanyin, which will be delivered to you in person in three days." Wang Rose can see through with a little bit.

Tieguanyin is tea, but in the mouth of Xiaxiang and Wang Qiangwei, it is not tea, but something else.

Three days later, Xia wanted to receive Tieguanyin sent by Wang Qiangwei in person. He opened the package and there was tea in it. In addition to tea, there was also a thick pile of information. The information is very detailed. After only a few glances, Xia Xiang's heart is interrupted. Wang Qiangwei is really powerful. On the surface, she is charming and touching. In fact, she is also very calculating. Niu Zhiqiang... can't escape the disaster!

For Li Dingshan, Xia Xiang finally made a killing move after a long silence - Li Dingshan is his leader in officialdom. Although he does not have the ability to make Li Dingshan's career broader, he has the ability to clear obstacles for him.

Just as Xia wanted to prepare for the next step, the province was very popular again. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection received the materials to report Li Dingshan and was studying the authenticity of the reported materials. At the *** office meeting proposed by Mei Shengping, Mei Shengping proposed to transfer Li Dingshan from Shuiheng City first, so as to ease the conflict that has intensified in Shuiheng City.

Song Chaodu resolutely disagreed, because Li Dingshan's transfer now is equivalent to acquiescence to the authenticity of the reported materials. He can never agree until the truth is implemented.

However, on the incident of the intensification of the conflict between the secretary of Shuiheng City and the mayor, Fan Ruiheng and Ma Xiao both supported the adjustment of Li Dingshan, while Song Chaodu firmly opposed it, so it could only be submitted to the Standing Committee for a vote.

The situation is imminent!