official god

Chapter 1009 Thunder Means

The last book * The office meeting still did not reach an agreement. Fan Ruiheng made a final vote on the spot and submitted it to the Standing Committee for a vote.

Book * Ji is a tacit attitude. The deputy book * Ji and the Minister of Organization are inclined to adjust Li Dingshan. As long as it is submitted to the Standing Committee, the Song Dynasty will undoubtedly be defeated. Even if Governor Song supports Li Dingshan, he will not risk defeat in the Standing Committee. Because if there is a major setback in the Standing Committee, it will be a great blow to his prestige.

Especially in the critical period of promoting the integration of steel resources in the province.

The situation is very serious.

Tianze City.

Before Xia Xiang could make a critical call, he received a call from Li Dingshan.

"Xiaoxia...*..." Li Dingshan's voice was very low, and I could hear that he was very depressed as soon as I heard it. "I asked myself that I was not greedy all my life, and I stood upright, and I have always maintained the pedant and ridiculous literati in the eyes of others. Do you think, why do some It's just political discord, but it's just disagreement. As for the need to be divided into one, you'll die and I'll live?

Li Dingshan's questioning also made Xia Xiang roar in his heart.

People in the officialdom are broad-minded and can tolerate dissident colleagues. Some people are narrow-minded and careless, and they have to worry about small things and wait for the opportunity to revenge. The more powerful people are, the more they can't tolerate other people's opinions. From the supreme leader to a sesame mung bean official, they all have a unique mentality.

Whether Niu Zhiqiang is narrow-minded or based on political intentions, he wants to move away from Li Dingshan and touches the bottom line of Xia Xiang!

"Mayor Li, the officialdom is like this, and life is the same. Some people have principles and personalities, but in the eyes of others, they may think that they are pretending to be pretentuting. The pursuit of life is different. You don't have to care too much with some people. Xia Xiangming knew that what he said was equivalent to not saying anything, but he had to say that Li Dingshan was in a bad mood, which made him very uncomfortable.

"I don't understand!" Li Dingshan suddenly shouted, "Xiaoxia, I really don't understand. It is a well-known fact that Niu Zhiqiang embezzled and took bribes and raised his lover. Instead, he framed me. Why did he do it? I didn't ask for merit in Shuiheng City, but I asked for no mistake. I tolerate everything. Shuiheng City made him smoky and the economy was in a mess. I was also involved and got the nickname of an incompetent mayor. What else did he want? You have to kick me away, you have to put me to death*..."

Xia wanted to know Li Dingshan in recent years. For the first time, he heard Li Dingshan's heartbreaking cry, and his heart contracted and hurt. It really hurts." Ordinary people can't understand his feelings for Li Dingshan, not only because Li Dingshan is the leader of his life, but also because Li Dingshan's fiasco in the previous life left him with deep regret. His feelings for Li Dingshan are mixed, which is not enough for outsiders.

"..." Xia wants to sigh for a long time, "Mayor Li, I will help you get justice.

"No, no need to think about it. I know you have the ability and the skill." Li Dingshan suddenly sneered a few times. "I can also stumble behind my back, but I don't want to do this. How can I be as familiar as a villain in the officialdom? At worst, I will resign, and I will still be my reporter.

After Li Dingshan's business failed in the previous life, he returned to the capital and became an ordinary editor in the newspaper. In this life, Xia wants to change his fate and change the fate of many people. He should also try to change Li Dingshan's fate to the end.

Things in the officialdom were so angry that Xia Xiang patiently comforted Li Dingshan. For Li Dingshan's anger, what he felt was not Li Dingshan's failure to comply with the rules of officialdom, but bursts of sadness. The anger in his heart became higher and higher, and he hated Niu Zhiqiang to the extreme.

Only a few of the materials submitted to him by Wang Qiangwei are enough to ruin Niu Zhiqiang's reputation. Such a filthy person still wants to reverse black and white to slander Li Dingshan, which is really shameless.

Xia wanted to realize that time was tight now, and the province may have convened a standing committee. When the standing committee passed the decision, Huang huācai would be cold. He hurriedly hung up Li Dingshan's phone and called Fu Xianfeng directly.

Since Fu Xianfeng defeated Yanshi, Xia wanted to take the initiative to call him for the first time.

"Congratulations to Director Fu." Xia Xiang politely congratulated Fu Xianfeng, "But as soon as Director Fu took office, the first fire burned to Tianze, which seemed to be very predicated with Tianze?"

There is no need to be polite between Fu Xianfeng and Xia. It's not a day or two to deal with each other. He laughed and said, "Mayor Xia, you know who I'm targeting. Don't talk about it. If you save me, I owe you a favor. I took care of Fu's traditional Chinese medicine again, and I owe you a favor. To put it bluntly, although you and I are not friends, I am a person with clear grudges and will not repudiate the debt.

"Well, then I'll say it directly." Xia wanted to see that Fu Xianfeng was also a wonderful person. He was unambiguous and did not shiver, so he said bluntly, "You must have heard about Li Dingshan. Li Dingshan is my most respected elder. He is not in a good condition in Shuiheng City..."

"I've also heard about it. Do you mean you want to move away from Niu Zhiqiang? I want to remind you that Niu Zhiqiang is the one promoted by Mei Shengping.

Xia wanted to be slightly surprised. No wonder Mei Shengping kept * Zhiqiang. It turned out that there was still this relationship, but he didn't know it!

"It's not moving away, it's breaking down." Xia wanted to say decisively, "He did something he shouldn't do and killed himself. Don't blame me for being cruel*..." He and Fu Xianfeng don't have to be polite. Although Fu Xianfeng is his opponent, he is a real villain, far more talkative than a hypocrite.

Fu Xianfeng was shocked: "Is the material strong enough?" In surprise, he couldn't help but think of the previous tricks he had with Xia. Knowing that Xia thought was powerful and immortal, he secretly regretted Niu Zhiqiang. Unfortunately, there was another cannon fodder. Who was wrong to provoke, but he had to provoke Xia Xiong? Xiaxiang is a more difficult role than the governor.

"It's enough*..." Xia's answer was also concise. It goes without saying too much to deal with the vanguard. The man behind the yin is calculating, and the vanguard is an annoon.

"Okay, I'll help you once, but I've agreed in advance that it's a favor for you*..." For the things that can make the Mei family suffer losses, Fu Xianfeng will naturally not give up, not to mention the matter of pushing the boat along the water. "You can do whatever you want."

After the call with Fu Xianfeng, Xia Xiang hurriedly called Li Yanhong's phone, but no one answered. If you call Song Chaodu again, you can't get through. Shit, have you been to the Standing Committee?

Xia wants to be very anxious. If it is one step at night, it will be difficult to change it after the committee passes.

What should I do? He immediately dialed Wu Caijiang's phone again.

Ning Province.

Wu Caijiang was holding an important meeting. When the phone rang, he didn't want to answer it, but he thought it was wrong. It was not his public mobile phone, but his most personal mobile phone. His most personal phone number, he knew no more than a knife. Unless there was a major event and no one called, he was shocked. He hurriedly suspended the meeting and walked out of the conference room. He saw that the call was Xiaxiang.

"What's the matter, Xia Think, is it so urgent?" Wu Caijiang knew that Xia didn't want to look for him. Since he called his personal mobile phone, it must be a big emergency.

"Third uncle, please do something..." For the first time, Xia wanted to ask Wu Caijiang for help.

Cao Yongguo is holding an executive meeting of the government. Usually, he doesn't answer the phone at this time, but the secretary stubbornly sent the phone. He was a little angry and waved his hand and said, "No one answered the phone. It's a big deal. Let's talk about it after the meeting..."

The secretary has always been obedient, but today he handed over the phone abnormally and whispered, "It's Mayor Xia." Xiaxiang doesn't know who is, and the big thing is not as big as Xia Changjing.

Cao Yongguo was stunned and got up to answer the phone: "What's wrong, Xiaoxia? I'm in a meeting!"

"Dad, I have something to do, you have to help me..."

In the meeting room of the Standing Committee of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, all the members of the Standing Committee are all in place, and one of them is discussing the problem of the disunity of the Shuiheng team.

"First of all, let's talk about Comrade Li Dingshan's economic and life style. Yan Hong, have you further verified the report materials received by the Commission for Discipline Inspection?" The atmosphere is very solemn, everyone looks serious, and the usual easy-going and relaxed atmosphere is all gone, replacing the solemn but tense atmosphere.

Fan Ruiheng gave Song Chaodu more or less face. He also wondered that Song Chaodu knew that there was little chance of winning, and he had to submit it to the Standing Committee. He was defeated. As a governor, he was too ashamed. In fact, he doesn't want to have too much conflict with Song Chaodu. It's unnecessary. Yan Province is too close to the capital. With a sneeze, the capital can be heard clearly.

But Song Chaodu insisted on being held back, which made him a little annoyed. Obviously, it was unreasonable and tough. Political matters can be won by gambling? He sincerely wanted to give a sway to the Song Dynasty, and he also hoped that the Song Dynasty would retreat in the face of difficulties, take back his life and find a step to go down.

So he raised the question of being reported by Li Dingshan as soon as he came up. If Li Yanhong answered affirmatively, then there is no need to discuss it next.

It is said that if the Commission for Discipline Inspection wants to investigate a mayor, it must first communicate with the book and the governor, and nod one or two leaders before it can be carried out. However, Li Yanhong is very alone in Yan Province. He has a close relationship with Shu*ji and the governor.

In addition, Li Dingshan's matter is more special. He first made a conflict with the municipal party committee and then was reported. In fact, adjusting Li Dingshan's work is more important than investigating his economic problems. Whether Li Dingshan has any economic problems or not, the time is too short, and the Commission for Discipline Inspection has not had any news.

Li Yanping was looking down at some documents. As soon as Fan Ruiheng asked, he slowly raised his head. He was not in a hurry, and everyone's hearts were raised, because his words may determine Li Dingshan's future!

"After receiving the report materials, the Commission for Discipline Inspection first investigated and obtained evidence according to the routine procedures, and the result was sent..." Li Yanhong paused and inadvertently looked at Song Chaodu.

Song Chaodu held his breath for a moment.