official god

Chapter 1051 The Means of the Song Dynasty

Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu have cooperated tacitly several times. But this time, the two of them are in a mystery at the same time, and they are too busy to take care of themselves. How can they respond one by one and fight against the enemy together?

The difference between Pi and Pi directly crossed Xia and ignored it and talked to Peng Yunfeng. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection talked to An Xingyi and asked for the opinions of Song Chaodu in advance. After listening to the work of the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Song Chaodu nodded and agreed.

Because of the work facing the Song Dynasty, it was Li Yanhong, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The relationship between Li Yanhong and Song Chaodu has always been average, but this time he respectfully asked Song Chaodu for instructions, and his tone was also very pertinent, so that Song Chaodu had no reason to interfere with the independent investigation of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, so he nodded.

Is there really a problem with An Xingyi? Song Chaodu did not comment first. He also knew the reason for Li Yanhong's good attitude, because although Li Yanhong usually had an ordinary relationship with him, he did not want to offend him on the issue of An Xingyi.

Li Yanhong is doing things according to the procedure. When he receives a real-name report, it must be handled according to the regulations.

Song Chaodu politely sent Li Yanhong away. He could probably guess who was behind the scenes. It's hard to say whether it is in response to the sudden change of the situation in Tianze City, but it is certain that someone wants to challenge his position.

In the last rumor that he was about to leave Yan Province, there was a person behind him. Because he left Yan Province, he might be right to take charge of Yan Province. I also heard that he played a certain role behind the scenes. This time, he used the investigation of his hand-to-handed people to attack his prestige, which can be said to be well-intentioned. First, he was too busy to support Xiaxiang in the provincial party committee. Second, if An Xingyi is found to have economic problems, whether it is suspended or heavier punishment in the end, it will discredit his face.

jealousy, **naked jealousy. When he completed the integration plan of Yan Province and its position in Yan Province became more and more stable, someone came up with this policy to weaken his aura, which was really abominable.

Song Chaodu punched the table. Due to excessive force, he broke a piece of Yi Yan.

Chen Taizhong was shocked when he heard the sound outside. After listening carefully for a while, he still didn't dare to come in and shake his head, and then sat back in his seat. The relationship between him and Governor Song has not reached the point where he can explore the joys and sorrows of the leader. If Xia wants to, he will knock on the door. No matter how angry Governor Song is, he will not attack Xia.

Xiaxiang.. Thinking of Xia, Chen Taizhong's heart was full of bitterness and unspeakable jealousy.

Song Chaodu turned his hands back in the room for a few times. He was the governor, and it was impossible to be knocked down by several jumping clowns. In fact, the other party was not a clown, but a big history.

The composition of the Standing Committee of Yan Province is too complicated. There are too many cadres in the capital, so the work is not easy to carry out. However, to be fair, several Beijing cadres, such as Mei Shengping, who are representatives of family forces, are unique, but generally not behind them. For example, although Li Yanhong has an average relationship with him, he pays attention to principles. For example, although Gao Jinzhou has a huge Wu family as the support behind him, he acts gently, never surpasses it, and is not much trouble. Even if Ma Xiao is the direct line of the Fu family, since Fu Xianfeng left Yan City, Ma Xiao has been much more low-key and pragmatic.

Tan Guorui, the only Beijing faction cadre who is not a family power but is ambitious, is the most restless member of the whole Yan Provincial Party Committee.

Relatively speaking, the vice governor and the governor have little chance of winning, and it is even worse than the deputy secretary and the secretary's secret, because the power of the deputy secretary is bigger than that of the deputy province. At the same time, the governor's restriction on the deputy governor is to some extent greater than the secretary's restriction on the deputy secretary. But things can't be generalized. When there is a convention for things in the officialdom, there is a trick between the deputy and the forehand. There will be a prominent problem anywhere. And the most daunting thing about the officialdom is that you never know who stands behind others. In other words, whether it is an opponent or an ally, you can never see which one his real backstage is.

But it is also because of this that the games in the officialdom are immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves, because if they can see clearly, there will be no sense of mystery and surprise.

Tan Guorui is like this. There are many rumors about his origin. Until now, Song Chaodu has not figured out who is standing behind him. Because many things in the officialdom can't be asked, and it is impossible to know clearly. There is an open relationship between people, and it is a secret relationship. For example, he and Xia Xiang are well known to everyone, but Xia Xiang has a father-in-law who serves as the governor of the western province. Relatively speaking, there are fewer people who know. In addition, Xia Xiang's relationship with the Wu family, the people in the circle know some, Less again.

And Xia wanted to know the interaction between him and the prime minister. If Xia didn't want to tell him, he wouldn't have known about it.

Because of many things in the officialdom, only the parties concerned know. The Prime Minister will definitely not say that if Xia doesn't want to say it, it will be a pending case. This text is provided by Guanshenba Qingcheng.

Tan Guorui, who has an unknown origin, has made several extraordinary moves to challenge the authority of the governor of the Song Dynasty.

Admittedly, as a deputy governor. Although it is a member of the Standing Committee, the deputy position is a deputy position after all, which is still very different from the main position. Since Tan Guorui took office in Yan Province, although he seems to be relatively low-key in the outside world, in fact, he has always been ambitious and wants to do something big.

Tan Guorui is 5 years younger than the Song Dynasty. In the eyes of ordinary people, the difference of 5 years is not the difference, but in officialdom, 5 years old is a threshold and a boundary that can be crossed.

Tan Guorui believed that he was a Beijing cadre and was young. In addition, the backstage repeatedly hinted that he could help him on the spot in Yan Province. He kept an eye on the position of the Song Dynasty and thought that he could definitely replace it one day.

At the beginning, Tan Guorui acted implicitly, because a member of the Standing Committee of Yan Province seemed to be mediocre, but in fact, everyone was shrewd. With a deep understanding of the way of being an official, he carefully observes and analyzes everyone's position. Later, before the steel integration, there was a rumor that Song Chaodu might be transferred from Yan Province, so he was moved and thought that his opportunity was coming.

Unexpectedly, after going through twists and turns, the integration plan finally passed, which raised the prestige of the Song Dynasty to an unparalleled height. The loss in Tan Guorui's heart can be imagined.

But Tan Guorui was not disappointed. He was younger than the Song Dynasty. He thought that when he didn't have to reach the age of the Song Dynasty, he could be in charge of the government and said it again. Which deputy didn't want to be the official one day, but the degree of exposure was different.

Not only did Tan Guorui keep a close eye on the position of the governor, but Song Chaodu also understood that Mei Shengping, Gao Jinzhou and even Li Yanhong all have the foundation and qualifications of the governor. In contrast, Tan Guorui's qualifications are the shallowest, but he is the most urgent and strong.

. ... Song Chaodu thought about it alone in the office for an hour, and carefully studied the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate An Xingyi and Peng Yunfeng of the Tianze Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Is there any intrinsic connection between the two.

If it's just a coincidence, no one will believe it. It's too coincidental, and the timing is too accurate. It is precisely when he wants the provincial party committee to protect Xia, the people around him and the people around him have an accident at the same time, and the artificial traces are too heavy. The anger in Song Chaodu's heart became more and more fierce. If only someone was calculating, he could say that he had endured a lot of winds and waves and had long been used to political inclination. Xia thought that for the sake of his integration plan, he and Chen Jiewen had made trouble to the same level as water and fire. If it was said that It's no different from spitting directly in his face!

After many years, Song Chaodu decided to use his means again to let some restless people know what restraint is!

After making several phone calls one after another, he first learned about the problem of An Xingyi, and then asked Chen Taizhong to call Chen Haifeng, the secretary-general of the provincial government.

Chen Haifeng is in his early 50s. He is quite tall, not fat, with a big face, big eyes and wide shoulders, which gives people a very powerful feeling. He doesn't look like the role of a big housekeeper. In fact, he can't be good-looking. Chen Haifeng is careful, reliable, and has a big look Everyone has a conclusion that if one day Governor Song moves from the provincial government to the provincial party committee, then Chen Haifeng will take the position of secretary-general of the provincial party committee.

It can be seen that Chen Haifeng is the most reliable staff member in the mind of the Song Dynasty.

As soon as Chen Haifeng came in, he saw the broken Yi Yan. He was shocked. As the Secretary-General, he must always know what the leader is thinking and what he needs, and what the leader is most concerned about at this stage. Although the Secretary-General of the Provincial Government is the steward of the Provincial Government and serves the Provincial Government. In fact, the Secretary-General of the Government has only one person to serve, that is, the governor. The governor's joys, sorrows and work needs are the whole meaning of his work.

The provincial government is a broad title. In Chen Haifeng's eyes, the governor of Song is the provincial government.

Thinking of An Xingyi, the mayor of Lang City, being investigated, and Peng Yunfeng, the secretary-general of Tianze Municipal Government, was also questioned by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Chen Haifeng immediately understood the root of Governor Song's anger, and also knew what Governor Song needed him to do.

A day later, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government held a joint meeting to coordinate and discuss the aspects from which aspects the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government should start in the process of moving south capital to the north of Lingnan Province. Strive for more investment in the transfer of Lingnan Province and give full play to the geographical advantages of Yan Province surrounding Beijing and Tianjin. For this reason, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have set up the "Southern Capital Northward Migration Guidance Office", which will be led by a provincial party committee leader and responsible for the specific work.

Tan Guorui was also notified to attend the meeting. He was full of ambition and thought that he was the only person in charge of the guidance office. But as soon as he entered the conference room, he was stunned, because his seat was arranged to the edge of the rostrum.

The ranking of the leaders at each meeting is different. In addition to the secretary and the governor, the seats of other members of the standing committee are determined according to the occasion. Tan Guorui also knows it, but today he was directly put in a side position and almost couldn't sit on the rostrum. He was very upset. . Looking at what Song Chaodu sat on the rostrum with a serious face and whispered to Fan Ruiheng, Fan Ruiheng still looked at him inadvertently, and he suddenly had an ominous feeling.

ps: There are only 30 votes left to 100 votes. Today's fourth update plus tomorrow's fourth update. In fact, it is between raising hands. Two-thirds of the journey ahead has been completed. At the last moment, brothers, add gas and rush up. As soon as you relax, Lao He will be lazy. Come on? Come on! Lao He is now typing and trying to get more than 90 votes at 23 o'clock, so he will dedicate it to his brothers. ( To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in to the starting point, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)