official god

Chapter 1052 Break the first one

For different meetings, the placement of seat plates is different *** signals. Except for No. 1 and No. 2 fixed in the middle of the rostrum, the people around No. 1 and No. 2 are always changing, and no one will always sit next to No. 1 or No. 2.

Today, the Provincial Party Committee attended the meeting with Deputy Secretary Mei Shengping and Secretary-General Wang Pengfei. In addition to Governor Song, there was also Executive Vice Governor Gao Jinzhou, who was the highest level of Tan Guorui. He was also ranked at the farthest position, which must have deliberately embarrassed him.

Basically, in addition to paying attention to their seat plate as soon as they enter the door, everyone will also pay attention to who is sitting around, and then guess the implied *** signal, and see who is in a more important position than himself. Every change contains infinitely rich information, and there are places worth pondering and fun.

Although Tan Guorui is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he didn't know where he sat until he was in many meetings. The problem of ranking is always in charge of the overall situation, as well as Wang Pengfei, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and Chen Haifeng, Secretary-General of the Provincial Government.

Tan Guorui's eyes fell on the rostrum. Seeing that the famous brands on both sides of Fan Ruiheng and Song Chaodu's seats were *** and several old comrades of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he was more determined by his idea. Today is Song Chaodu's intention.

Because if there are only a few more comrades in *** and the CPPCC, it won't make him too close to the side, but there are a few old leaders who have retreated in the middle, which will squeeze him out of a good position, and he will feel very uncomfortable, because no one is willing to stand aside in the row.

Standing aside means that he won't do anything good at today's meeting!

Tan Guorui sat on the side with his head sullen, and felt uncomfortable all over. It seemed that there were countless pairs of eyes looking at him, which made him feel very frustrated. Inadvertently, he looked up and saw that Chen Haifeng and Wang Pengfei, who were busy, were whispering something. He had no reason to be bored. Chen Haifeng is the follower of the Song Dynasty and the running dog. Unfortunately, he is the secretary-general of the provincial government. Otherwise, he would have imagined that someone would deal with Peng Yunfeng and take Chen Haifeng so that he could never turn over.

Looking at Chen Haifeng's appearance, Tan Guorui thought with hatred in his heart. Don't think that no one knows that you and Chu Tong are ambiguous. Believe it or not, you will lose your reputation one day!

The ambiguous relationship between Chen Haifeng and Chu Tong is actually known to almost everyone in the provincial party committee, but it is not a secret. Even Song Chaodu had no choice but to take Chen Haifeng. He asked him to restrain himself a little several times. Don't make things too happy. After all, it's not a good thing to be on the stage. Chen Haifeng always said that he can't pass Chu Tong's pass. In his life, even if he lost the official for her, he

Song Chaodu can only scold him a few words. No one in the officialdom can escape the relationship between men and women, but things should be prioritised. There are also women outside Wang Pengfei, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, but he is very obscure. He is not like Chen Haifeng, who not only does not hide, but At the party, it is called by outsiders who love beauty but not the country.

It is said that Chu Tongxia also wants to know Chu Tong, who has only known Chu Tong with Cheng Da before. I don't know why there was a fate between her and Chen Haifeng and they came together. Chen Haifeng fought a lot with his wife for her, and even to the point of separation, but Chen Haifeng still went his own way, which made everyone laugh and call him a love saint.

The saint of love says that for people in the officialdom, it is not flattery, but derogatory.

... The meeting did not last long, and the invited secretaries, the CPPCC and even retired old leaders did not speak at all. It was completely a decoration, which made Tan Guorui even more indignant. He knew that the idea of inviting some old guys must be a hint of Song Chaodu, and then Chen Haifeng would implement it in detail. Embarrass him.

At the end of the meeting, Fan Ruiheng made a few speeches, and finally the speech was supplemented by Song Chaodu. After affirming the spirit of Secretary Fan's instructions, Song Chaodu pointed out that it should be implemented in accordance with the spirit of Fan ***'s instructions, and then put forward a few points of his views: "First, establish the The office of the director is in charge of Comrade Gao Jinzhou. In view of the fact that the relocation of southern capital to the north is related to the future development of Yan Province, which is a very important work, the burden on Comrade Jin and Zhou is too heavy. The petition work he is in charge of will be temporarily handed over to Comrade Guorui for full responsibility.

Tan Guorui's face darkened at once. The petition work was the most tricky, and the most outstanding political achievements. Song Chaodu gave up the good things that were easy to make political achievements to Gao Jinzhou and threw the mess in Gao Jinzhou's hands to him. It was also at the joint meeting, not at the executive meeting of the provincial government

Tan Guorui was very aggrieved.

There is nothing I can do to be aggrieved. Looking at the whispering of Governor Song and Fan *** just now proves that the governor and the secretary have reached a consensus on this matter. It is useless for him to say anything more. And he can't say anything. What the leader has decided is announced in public at a public meeting. If you have the idea of conflict, you will make public opinions with the leader.

Governor Song, good means, let's wait and see. Tan Guorui thought angrily that he also had a wrist.

But what Tan Guorui didn't expect was that as soon as he took over the petition work, there was a leak in the petition work. Two days later, the national *** and the CPPCC delegation came to Yan Province to investigate and evaluate. As soon as they settled down, they were surrounded by the petitioners and almost made trouble. However, *** and the old comrades of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are nosy. They have to listen to the injustice of the petitioners, which makes the provincial party committee and the provincial government very passive. Fan Ruiheng almost got angry on the spot.

In the end, he still did not argue with the secretary and the old comrades of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and asked several petitioners to talk. Fan Ruiheng immediately instructed Wang Pengfei to assist in the appeasement work to prevent the petitioners from *** again, and severely criticized Tan Guorui. Tan Guorui said that he was suffering. He suspected that someone was making trouble behind the scenes, but if there was no evidence, he could not talk nonsense. He could only eat dumb losses.

Not to mention that, the old comrades received the petitioners and knew that they were all laid-off workers in several provincial enterprises. The enterprise went bankrupt and reorganized, and the subsidies and resettlement agreements originally promised by the province have not been fulfilled. Now they can't even eat and are on the verge of starving to death.

The old comrades were very dissatisfied, so they put forward a lot of opinions on the provincial party committee and provincial government of Yan Province, saying that the old employees of state-owned enterprises are all the meritorious officials of the country and have devoted their lives to the country. In the end, they are old and have no strength, but the country wants to kick them away It's not what *** should do!

*** members talk about both principles and human feelings.

And so on, I rudely wrote a few words about Fan Ruiheng and the Song Dynasty. *** The old comrades of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are basically retired provincial party secretaries and governors from all over the country. In front of Fan Ruiheng and Song Chaodu, they need to have qualifications and qualifications, so that they don't worry about anything. Fan Ruiheng and Song Chaodu can only listen, and they have to pretend to be respectful.

*** and the old comrades of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, although they don't have much power, they can't afford to provoke them. There have been two examples in the past. One is that the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee does not have much respect for the old comrades of the *** CPPCC, and he does not accompany him when he comes down to inspect the work, and his attitude is very cold. Later, when the central government adjusted the provincial party committee, the deputy secretary thought that he could serve as the governor, and the upper and lower levels were very active. As a result, when the leaders of the central government solicited the opinions of the old comrades of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the old comrades said that he was frivolous, unstable and lacked

Another provincial party secretary also didn't pay much attention to the old comrades of the *** CPPCC, and the hospitality was not good. When he arrived at the point, when he faced the intersection of whether to enter the *** bureau or to ***, *** and many old comrades of the CPPCC did not say anything good for him. As a result, he He didn't get a good position, and he was squeezed out by a group of old comrades who had offended him, which made him very depressed.

Old comrades have no right to decide your promotion, but it's still easy to give you some disobtible words and make you lose points in the eyes of the central leadership.

Fan Ruiheng and Song Chaodu are well aware of this and have great respect for their old comrades. After listening to the criticism and suggestions of the old comrades, he immediately began to investigate and found that Tan Guorui was fully responsible for the bankrupt and reorganized enterprise.

Fan Ruiheng was very annoyed - no one would be annoyed, because Tan Guorui's work mistakes made him be given classes by a group of old comrades, and his anger would be transferred to Tan Guorui. After discussing with Song Chaodu, he decided to let Tan Guorui make an in-depth inspection to the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and solve If the livelihood of the workers is overdue, it is not conducive to rectification. You can do it by yourself.

Tan Guorui's heart was full of ups and downs. He was not sure that it was really a coincidence or a man-made arrangement between the employee's petition and ***'s visit, but no matter which one, he lost all his face. The mistakes in the petition work can be shirked, because he has just taken over, but the reason for the petition is still caused by the restructuring of the enterprise he is in charge of, and he has nothing to say.

And to be honest, who doesn't know the tricks in the enterprise restructuring? Several bankrupt and reorganized provincial enterprises he seized were acquired by enterprises from Taiwan. The appeasement money that Taiwan promised to cash has not been in place for a long time. What can he do? These days, if you don't have money, don't want to do things. Not to mention the governor, the secretary of the provincial party committee is the same. If you don't have money, you will still be scolded by the people.

But the work you should be responsible for is not done well. No matter what the reason is, the superior leader will speak directly, and you have to listen. Tan Guorui was resentful, and he could only ensure that within three months, the spirit of the instructions of the provincial party committee and the provincial government were fully implemented and the aftermath was done in front of Fan Ruiheng, Song Chaodu and the old comrades.

When the big words came out, Tan Guorui didn't know that he jumped into a big hole he dug.

... Compared with the obvious signs of breaking the situation in the province, the situation in Tianze is still a fog.