official god

Chapter 1203 The alternation of the old and the new, facing the problem

Chapter 1203 Alternate between the old and the new, face the difficult problems

In the solemn conference room of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Xiaxiang came in for the first time.

A few years ago, when he was working in the industrial structure adjustment leading group, he was at the department level. In the compound of the Provincial Party Committee, he passed by the gray building of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee several times and couldn't help but feel a sense of mystery and awe.

Because all the policies and resolutions of the highest power level of Yan Province are generated in the conference room in the Standing Committee Building of the Provincial Party Committee. Everyone who works in the provincial party committee compound, regardless of level or age, is the mysterious and heavily guarded standing committee building of the provincial party committee, yearns for and respects it.

People in the officialdom regard the standing committee building as a holy place, because the most important sign of whether a person can hold power in a city or a province is whether he can sit in the conference room of the Standing Committee, talk freely and guide the country.

When he first entered the officialdom, Xia Xiang once accompanied Li Dingshan to the provincial committee to meet the Song Dynasty. It was his first long-distance observation of the standing committee building. At that time, he just felt that the tone was gray and gloomy, and there was nothing surprising.

Later, after he was promoted to the right place, he worked in the compound of the Provincial Party Committee. He often had to leave the building once a day, and he would have a different feeling every time. Seeing the figure of the highest number of people in and out of Yan Province, he also had a fantasy at that time. When could he have a place in the standing committee building as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee?

At that time, I still felt that it was a distant and unrealistic dream. Who would have thought that a few years later, he came to the Standing Committee building again with a completely different identity...

Now he is a real provincial leader. He is one of the 13 members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province. He not only has a key vote in the Standing Committee, but also has an exclusive seat in the conference room of the Standing Committee, and also has his own special office in the Standing Committee Building

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the weight is not small, and the improvement of the level not only brings a significant increase in power, but also the corresponding treatment and political rights, etc., naturally has many benefits. The huge aura and magic of power, everyone yearns for and tends to.

As a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for the first time, Xia wanted to sit in the conference room of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, which was not very spacious and bright. His heart was so excited that he could not suppress his excitement.

Once the dream comes true, everyone will be extremely excited. From the main hall to the deputy province, it is the most critical check point in the middle of the continuous upward road to the sky. After that, the world is wide, and you can climb high and look far. If you can't pass, you will stop in the main hall, and your vision is limited to one place and one city.

Only when you climb high can you look far. If you don't climb high, your horizons will never be broadened.

The first meeting of the Standing Committee of the new Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province was grandly held

Fan Ruiheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting. First of all, on behalf of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, he expressed a warm welcome to Zhang Qian and Xiaxiang, the two new members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and hoped that the two comrades would work hard in Yan Province, make greater contributions to their new jobs.

Subsequently, Zhang Qian and Xia wanted to speak separately, which was nothing more than thanking the central government for its trust and the support of the provincial party committee. In the future work, they will definitely guard against arrogance and impatience, wholeheartedly contribute their lives to the party and the country.

Next, there will be a meeting, walk through the motions, say hello, and get to know each other.

As a cadre who came to Yan Province from the West Province to communicate in different places, Zhang Qian is indeed a new face. Xiao Yuanxin introduced him one by one. When introducing Xiaxiang, Zhang Qian smiled and said, "I have heard of Xiaxiang's name for a long time. For me, it's strange, but the name is like thunder."

Xia wanted to laugh: "No one wants to thunder in his ear. It's scary and annoying. I hope my name is not bothered by Secretary Zhang."

Zhang Qian laughed even louder: "Look, look, you want to give me a horse to bully me, aren't you?"

Everyone was secretly surprised when they saw it, and they didn't know whether it was Xiaxiang was really popular and liked by others, or for another reason.

But after careful consideration, I can understand the inside story. Zhang Qian is the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Western Province, and Cao Yongguo is the governor of the Western Province. Zhang Qian and Xia want to talk kindly, which is completely reasonable.

Then introduce Xiaxiang. Although Xiaxiang didn't need to introduce too much from Xiao Yuanxin, after all, they all knew each other, but they had to go through the scene.

Fan Ruiheng and Xia want to shake hands: "Xia thought, when I first met you, you were the deputy county magistrate. It's not easy to get to this day step by step. You have to take every step under your feet."

There are words in Fan Ruiheng's words, and everyone here heard it, which is a sign that he wants to get closer to Xia.

Gao Jinzhou and Xia wanted to shake hands and smiled: "Xia thought, in a blink of an eye, I have been in Yan Province for almost 10 years. I have known you for almost 10 years. How time flies. Yesterday, my father asked you about you and asked you to sit at home..."

It's true that I haven't sat down with Mr. Gao for a long time. For Mr. Gao, Xia is also very affectionate.

Governor Gao's goodwill is more kind and homely, which makes people think. Well, when Xia Xiang first entered the Standing Committee, he became the object of the secretary and the governor. Originally, he thought that Xia Xiang had the lowest seniority, and he would definitely not have the right to speak at the Standing Committee. Unexpectedly, when he stepped into the deputy provincial level, he became the focus of attention of one or two leaders.

Many people looked at Xia Xiangshi's eyes, which changed from surprise to surprise.

Hu Zengzhou, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Xia want to shake hands: "Xia wants to shake hands: Xia, OK, OK, work hard. In the future, we will be colleagues. It's rare, rare."

Hu Zengzhou's words are kind and implicit, which seems to contain a lot of rich information, which makes outsiders confused. But politics is about inclusion without revealing it. If you don't understand it, it's right. Both parties understand it.

What you want is to have a close and a long distance.

According to the ranking, it's time to shake hands with Zhang Qian, but it has been shaken before, but there is still a program. The two of them gently shook it and smiled.

Li Bingwen, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, has been in Yan Province for a long time. Xia Xiang also knows him, but he doesn't deal with much. Li Bingwen just smiled, shook hands with one hand, and patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder with the other hand: "Yes, young and promising."

The attitude is not cold or hot.

Vice Governor Tan Guorui is full of spring breeze and Xia wants to shake hands: "Comrade Xiaxiang, in the future, we will work hand in hand and strive to do a good job in Yan Province. I feel very happy and honored to work with you."

Tan Guorui's ranking in the Standing Committee has risen. At present, the division of labor of the deputy governor of the provincial government has not been clearly adjusted, but the discerning person has seen that Tan Guorui will preside over the executive work of the provincial government in the next step.

When the Politburo promoted the proposal to dismiss Sun Ximin, Tan Guorui also did a lot of work behind his back, reporting the reasons for Sun Ximin's inspection of the mountains and waterways, which played a certain role in promoting the central government's final decision to hold Sun Ximin accountable.

If Sun Ximin knew that Tan Guorui had done a black hand behind his back, he would probably be very angry.

Organization Minister Wang Pengfei shook hands with Xiaxiang: "Comrade Xiaxiang, welcome, very good." There are not many words, but the smile on his face is very rich, showing a familiar and kind expression with Xia.

Yu Fanran, Secretary of the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee, still has the same indifferent tone: "Speaking of which, we have known each other for a long time, and we really haven't sat down together. Tonight, I'll be the host of Chufeng Building. How about it?"

is rich in meaning and reminiscent.

Zhang Canyang, Minister of United Front Work, and Xiaxiang are also old friends. He laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I'm about to retreat. It just so happens that the new force has added again. There is a successor to Yan Province's career."

Secretary-General Xiao Yuanxin and Xia wanted to shake hands when they were much more casual: "We had tea together a few days ago, and you joked that I was the provincial leader. Now in a blink of an eye, you are also the provincial leader. Secretary Xia, the weight of your tea is too heavy, and I have to treat you back for a big

The joke between Xiao Yuanxin and Xiaxiang caused everyone to laugh. In the laughter, there were a few more meaningful eyes.

Li Feng, Minister of Publicity, only shook hands with Xia Xiang and said, "Welcome."

Zhang Jianguo, the political commissar of the provincial military region, is even more concise: "Good"

At this point, the whole meeting ceremony is officially over.

The meeting ceremony, Xiaxiang's connections and relationships, and popularity shocked Xiao Yuanxin and Zhang Qian secretly, and also made Tan Guorui's eyes flash, and his heart was full of ups and downs. He was more worried about how to get along with Xia in the future.

As soon as the meeting ceremony was over, the first meeting of the new Standing Committee was officially held.

First, Fan Ruiheng reiterated that he supported and supported the decision of the Central Committee, and re-emphasized the importance of safe production. Then he made a brief briefing on the current political situation and economic situation in Yan Province, and finally said: "There is no clear theme in today's meeting. If any comrade has a proposal, you can put it up now Come out and discuss the research on the spot.

Generally speaking, whether the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will be held easily, only major matters will be discussed and decided by the Standing Committee. Secretary Fan's words are obviously to give Xiaxiang face, implying that if Xia wants to have any suggestions, they can be submitted immediately, which is equivalent to giving Xiaxiang a big gift for the first time to the Standing Committee.

Xia wanted to smile, humble and low-key: "I don't know much about the work of the provincial party committee, and I dare not propose it, so as not to cause trouble to the leaders and comrades here. However, there is a personnel arrangement of the Qin and Tang Dynasties that has been pending, which is not conducive to the development of the work of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Here, I solemnly propose to the Standing Committee to implement the appointment of Comrade Fu Xiaobin as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee as soon as possible.

Fu Xiaobin was only appointed as the Propaganda Minister of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, not as a member of the Standing Committee. The root of the matter is still with Sun Ximin. Now that Sun Ximin has left Yan Province, and Xia wants to mention this matter again, many people secretly speculate that if the proposal is approved, one is to show that Sun Ximin's influence in Yan Province has completely faded, and the other is to show that Xia wants to exercise the nomination and recommendation rights of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for the first time.

At the same time, the more significant significance lies in the fact that Xia Xiang was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. If he successfully helped Fu Xiaobin solve the appointment of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he would not only let Fu Xiaobin follow Xia Xiang from now on, but also let Xia Xiang's prestige In fact, the first person.

Absolutely a trick to kill two birds with one stone

What a summer thought. No wonder he became the youngest deputy provincial official in China at a young age. He is proficient in political tactics and does have a set.

As soon as Xia thought and finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Fan Ruiheng. Secretary Fan's approval or opposition will directly show his attitude towards whether he really supports Xiaxiang...RA