official god

Chapter 1204 The next game first, and then the plan

Fan Ruiheng did not make people wait for a long time. He nodded and said: ... Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal is in line with reality, and the vacancy of a member of the Standing Committee of Qin and Tang is not conducive to the development of the work. I agree with Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal."

Everyone's eyes fell on Gao Jinzhou again.

Gao Jin and Zhou smiled slightly: "I personally have no problem. Comrade Fu Xiaobin should be a member of the Standing Committee of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee. Comrade Peng Fei, what do you say?" "The Organization Department has no intention. Qin Tang is vacant a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, which is not in line with the rules."

"In fact, even if Comrade Xiaxiang doesn't mention it", I'm just trying to discuss with Peng Fei. I can't let the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee have been vacant as a member of the Standing Committee. It happens that Comrade Xiaxiang mentioned it out. "I suggest that the comrades discuss this matter. "If there is no problem, Well, as soon as Xia thought about a proposal, the Provincial Party Committee [Book], the Governor, the Minister of Organization and the Deputy [Book] of the Provincial Party Committee all agreed. They were all among the top heavyweight standing committees. They unanimously expressed their support. Who would object to the people below?

Even if you want to object, you have to weigh your own weight.

Tan Guorui opened his mouth and wanted to express a little different opinion, so as to show that he was different. Unexpectedly, before he opened his mouth, the Discipline Inspection Commission [book] Zhang Qian spoke first: "I just came to Yan Province" I don't know much about the situation. How can Qin Tang City vacate a member of the Standing Committee? It's not in line with the pulse! The members of the Standing Committee are not equipped. How can we carry out the work? I firmly support Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal.

Tan Guorui choked in one sentence. "His words turned in his throat, and then swallowed back. "I didn't swallow well." He coughed a few times and hurriedly drank water to suppress it.

Subs, the Yan Municipal Party Committee [Book] remembered that it was also a cautious and optimistic support attitude. The United Front Minister Zhang Canyang did not make a statement, and Secretary-General Xiao Yuanxin also strongly supported the "Publicity Minister Li Feng's attitude was vague." Zhang Jianguo, the political commissar of the Provincial Military Region, abstain Xiaobin is a member of the Standing Committee of the Qin and Tang Dynasties Municipal Committee!

Xia Xiang stepped into the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. After that, Fu Xiaobin was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee. The power aura of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee was really dazzling and amazing!

Since Xia wanted to mention the personnel appointment of Qin and Tang Dynasties, Fan Ruiheng saw that it was still early, so he simply raised the issue of the punishment of the relevant responsible personnel in Yan Province.

The Organization Department has come up with punishment opinions. The deputy county magistrate and the transportation director of the county party committee [book] and the county magistrate, both dismissed, were transferred to the judicial organs for handling according to law. The deputy mayor of Yan City was in four, and the punishment was recorded, and Peng Yong, the secretary-general of

After the opinions are published, each member of the Standing Committee will express their own opinions.

Most people agree with the opinion of the Organization Department, because now that the situation in Yan Province is initially determined, they basically know the opinion of the Organization Department, that is, Fan Ruiheng's opinion, so they follow the trend. Anyway, there must always be someone to come forward.

Whoever you love, it's not just yourself.

In fact, Peng Yong can have a good relationship with Gao Jinzhou and Tan Guorui, but now the general trend is that neither of them has pleaded for Peng Yong.

No one expected that "when it was Xia Xian's turn to speak in the end", Xia thought was the only one of all the members of the Standing Committee who excused Peng Yong.

"Comrade Peng Yong actually did not have much fault in the huge security accident in An County. He was in a hurry and said a wrong word" and was caught by the reporter" and put it on the Internet. If you think about it carefully, he is also eager to save people. "Standing at the starting point of work" Although there is a small mistake, it is not a big responsibility. Are we considering the demotion of Comrade Peng Yong in accordance with the principle of treating the sick, saving people and punishing the former and the latter? The deputy mayor of Shancheng is on time. Comrade Peng Yong has the ability and enthusiasm for work. He can work in his new job for a period of time..."

Xia wanted to see everyone's surprised eyes on him, so he smiled calmly and added, "It's just my personal immature opinion" inappropriate. Please ask Fan [Shu], Governor Gao and leaders to criticize and correct it."

Tan Guorui's eyes are as gloomy as water. What a summer thought. He not only wants to take the opportunity to be a good person, but also wants to test Fan Ruiheng's support for him again. What a lot of tricks!

Xiaxiang's proposal was beyond Fan Ruiheng's expectation. He was a little uncertain and meditated.

Gao Jin and Zhou cast an admiring look at Xia Xiang. Xia Xiang's opinion on Peng Yong's handling is in line with his ideas. Peng Yong is not a big deal, but if he says the wrong sentence, he will be beaten to death with a stick. "It's really a little overcorrected, but now he is only the acting governor, and the situation has just stabilized, and he doesn't have much friendship with Peng Yong." It's not easy to propose.

Gao Jinzhou is gentle, not as skilled as Sun Ximin's political skills, and he doesn't play much with power." He and Fan Ruiheng set up a team, which is a good thing for Fan Ruiheng.

Fan Ruiheng was meditating and speechless, and Gao Jinzhou said in time: "Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal is not unreasonable. Comrade Peng Yong has always been capable and outstanding in his previous work, and has not made any mistakes. Now it is also unfair to avoid it to the end..." Tan Guorui thought, "It's not fair or The first sentence? Is it fair for Sun Ximin to resign?

Now Xia wants to be a good person, and Gao Jinzhou immediately agrees. "What kind of scene will the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee be because of too much Xia?

Tan Guorui shook his head secretly. The situation was not good and the prospect was not good. It was not easy to live.

Fan Ruiheng still didn't say anything.

Hu Zengzhou said: "Comrade Peng Yong's demotion is also a good idea. I think it is necessary for the Organization Department to carefully consider Comrade Xiaxiang's proposal."

As the deputy [book] in charge of personnel, Hu Zengzhou is directly in charge of the Organization Department. His speech is very heavy, and Wang Pengfei must answer.

"Do it according to the spirit of the instructions of Hu [book]."

A trace of unhappiness flashed in Fan Ruiheng's eyes. He felt that Xia thought that his hand was a little too long. After thinking deeply, he knew that Xia thought must have a lot of intention, but it still made him dissatisfied, because he didn't like Peng Yong very much, just because Peng Yong was too close to Sun Ximin before

"Since Comrade Xiaxiang has different opinions on Peng Yong's disposal, we will discuss it later. It's getting late today, and the comrades are tired. "The meeting will be over first." Fan Ruiheng came with a plan to slow down.

Xiaxiang can't do without giving face, because behind Xiaxiang, "there is a member of the Standing Committee to support, not to mention Gao Jinzhou and Hu Zengzhou, that is, Xiao Yuanxin and Zhang Qian first came to Yan Province. Under the premise of not figuring out the specific situation of Yan Province, it is also possible to quickly approach

Fan Ruiheng obviously felt a trace of pressure, although he also knew that Xia thought was not necessarily aimed at him. But as a leader, he will always be wary of any threat to his power.

Although Xiaxiang's second proposal has not entered the discussion stage, many people have seen the situation clearly. Even if Peng Yong is not appointed as the deputy mayor of Shancheng, he will not be spared to the end.

A newly ranked member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, who has such a heavy voice in the Standing Committee, can't help but be secretly surprised, and has to analyze the political situation in Yan Province in the future. What will happen to Xiaxiang?

... Facts have proved that Xia wants to become a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has indeed brought a certain degree of impact to the political situation in Yan Province.

After the meeting, it's strange that Xiaxiang didn't go back to Qin and Tang Dynasties directly. There were too many entertainment to deal with, including invitations, dinner, tea, visits, and countless phone calls for various reasons, which made Xia want to be tired of dealing with it.

But he has to deal with it. If he has just served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he will ignore everyone's enthusiasm. It is not the way to be a person, let alone the way to be an official. He must also be polite and enthusiastic, which shows that he is not superior and polite. Even if he refuses people

The higher the position, the more generous, tolerant and self-restrained.

I met many people and answered countless phone calls in one night, but Xiaxiang did not sit and eat with any provincial leaders. With Fan Ruiheng, it is easy to make Gao Jin and Zhou more worried. Together with Gao Jinzhou, he would make Fan Ruiheng think more. He simply called Fan Zheng and another call to Mr. Gao, which was not biased.

For dinner, Xia thought that he was in a boat with Zhong Yiping, Zhu Ruile, Sun Xianwei, Feng Xuguang and others. "It can be regarded as a gathering of officials and businessmen, but there is one thing in common." They are all the people he trust most.

Zhong Yiping said, "Xia wants to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee." He was so excited that he couldn't even drink. He knew that he would follow Xia's [book] footsteps closely, and he would definitely be flat in the future.

Zhu Ruile came specially from Shancheng to meet Xia. His mood was also [xing] to be indescribable. He thought that he had stepped into the main hall and finally reached the same level as Xia. Although he was the mayor, at least he was at the same level. It was not thought that his mayor's appointment had not officially passed the Single City People's Congress, and Xia [Shu] had become a

It's amazing, it's unbelievable.

Zhu Ruile was shocked and even more convinced that he had previously regarded Xia as the biggest nobleman in his life, which was absolutely wise. From then on, he devoted himself to following Xia [Book]. At the age of the master, he jumped to the promotion speed of the sub-provincial level, and the future is unlimited.

Zhu Ruile thinks longer than Zhong Yiping." After all, he is already the mayor. He secretly calculated Xia's current age and position, and a person's Gu Qiushi suddenly flashed in his mind. The promotion road of Xia [book] is similar to Gu Qiushi. Is it true that Xia [book] will be after Gu Qiushi... I don't dare to think about it. When I think of Zhu Ruile, my mind is swollen and my palms are sweaty. It's amazing!

Sun Xianwei, Feng Xuguang and others looked up to Xiaxiang even more. "When they first met Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang just entered the officialdom for the first time. Now they are deputy provincial cadres, the difference between heaven and earth!

A lot of people are more in awe and up to Xia.

The next day, Xia thought of the provincial party committee and made sure that there was no important meeting to be held for the time being, so he set off to return to the Qin and Tang Dynasties. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, but he is still the head of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, and his main energy is to preside over the overall work of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Wang Pengfei went to Qin and Tang Dynasties with Xia Xiang and officially announced the appointment of Fu Xiaobin by the Provincial Party Committee.

The Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has notified Qin and Tang in advance that the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee are in person, and there must be a corresponding reception. But the question is, when Xia wanted to leave the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he still became a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee when he came back. What attitude will Zhang Guowei take to welcome Xia Xian's party?

Qin Tang, the situation is about to change greatly because of Xiaxiang's high-ranking member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee!