official god

Chapter 1325 At the beginning

Yang Yaoer shouted on the ground, "Let go of me, you guys let me go. I'm Yang Yaoer, the daughter of Director Yang!"

Xia wanted to shake his head secretly. Yang Hengyi was so unfortunate that he had a daughter. He was not only stupid, but also stupid. In the current situation, it's better to shut your mouth than anything else. You have to say loudly that she is Yang Hengyi's daughter, so that everyone around you can hear it clearly, and you will lose more.

It's even more bullish than "My father is Li Gang", because Yang Yaoer shouted again, "My father is the director!" As soon as Yang Yaoer said, some people around him said, "No wonder he was so arrogant just now. It turned out that her father was the director." "That is, there is one in Yan Province that my father is Xiang Province Niu, my father is the director!" "My father is not even the village head. No wonder I don't have three boyfriends."

"Do you know what it means to be ashamed and have three boyfriends? You don't have the director's father. Be careful of being caught.

"Why is the director's daughter different? She was arrested differently!"

"She's just a fool!" The voice of the crowd around him was very chaotic. It must have reached Zhang Xiao's ears, but Zhang Xiao's face was as usual, as if he didn't hear it. He asked Xia, "How to deal with a few people, please ask Xia [book] to take instructions." Xia wanted to wave his hand Forget it."

Zhang Xiao smiled knowingly. Xia was smart enough to kick the problem to the well vanguard.

Fu Xianxian didn't know Zhang Xiao, but he immediately understood something from the two people's question and answer, and said angrily, "Bry it back to the provincial party committee and let Fu Xianfeng deal with it."

Zhang Xiao was stunned and shook his head and smiled. Well, Governor Fu had such a sister who called his name directly, and I guess he also suffered.

When he was talking, the [police] came, and the [police] who received the report finally appeared.

However, as soon as he saw that there were soldiers at the scene, he didn't even dare to come forward. He only turned around the periphery. Xia wanted to shake his head with a smile and ignored them. He thought about it with Zhang Xiaoyi. The two and Fu went first and returned to the provincial committee.

As soon as Xia Xiang and Zhang Xiao left, several soldiers escorted Yang Yaoer and three unscrupulous young people into the military vehicle and went straight to the provincial party committee. Yang Yaoer still didn't accept it. He made a few noises. The soldiers executed the order ruthlessly. With a little effort, Yang Yaoer's face turned pale with pain and a cold sweat. Knowing that it's better to be honest, he didn't dare to make trouble again.

Three unscrupulous young people, look at me and I look at you. I don't think so. I think that when it comes to the provincial party committee, Yang Hengyi will come forward. The big problem can be solved. Of course, with their political mind, they don't know that things are rapidly sliding in an unpredictable direction.

The provincial party committee compound, although it is late at night, the lights are still bright. Many people who work overtime are surprised to find that not only the governor's office is bright, but also the office of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee [book], the office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and even the office of Commander Zhang, which is rarely in the I think, what's going on today?

... From the moment he received a phone call from Fu Xianxian, Fu Xianfeng was furious and sleepless.

Originally, Fu Xianfeng was exhausted today and lay down early. The Huaiyang Bridge accident made him anxious. He didn't expect that soon after he took office as governor, he would have encountered a major accident. If it hadn't been for the help of the Xiang Provincial Highway Bridge, he would have been able to open the Xiang Provincial Highway Bridge with his temper, because although the Huaiyang Bridge accident would not be smeared in his Love.

Just after the meeting with the investigation team of the State Council, the next step is to study the opinions on the treatment of the relevant responsible persons. "There is still a hard battle to be fought, and he wants to refresh and have a good rest for a night." Tomorrow, he will fight energetically. Unexpectedly, Fu Xianxian and Yang Yao There was a conflict.

Forget the conflict. Yang Yaoer also scolded her family, which made Fu Xianfeng furious. Although Fu Xianxian has always been good at him, his love for Xianxian is 100%, and he is the most protective of his shortcomings. He will never allow others to insult his family. "Whether intentionally or unintentionally" is his taboo!

Fu Xianfeng was too lazy to think about the cause of the conflict. His desire to have a good rest was disrupted, so he was completely angry with Yang Yaoer, and then had some views on Yang Hengyi.

Yang Hengyi is a little rigid and seems to be inhuman. Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan had private contact, and Hu Ding also sat together once. They also improved their understanding of each other, and they also had a lot of contact at work, which was regarded as a preliminary friendship, but after several months, they had no private contact with Yang Hengyi.

Ye Tiannan explained, "Yang Hengyi is like this, so that Fu Xianfeng doesn't have to mind. He also said that although Yang Hengyi is rigid, he must be reliable in terms of specific things. Despite this, Fu Xianfeng is still dissatisfied." Not to mention his heart of maintaining the Hunan Provincial Bridge, even if he is the governor, Yang It's right to ask him for more instructions to report.

Yang Hengyi is the director of the public security department, and he must report more to the governor, but Yang Hengyi seems to deliberately alienate him. Even if he can't get around the work report, it is also a business tone, which does not mean to get closer at all.

Fu Xianfeng was very dissatisfied with Yang Hengyi.

Now Yang Hengyi's daughter bullied Fu Xianxian again, and scolded Fu's family rudely. It's strange that Fu Xianfeng felt good. He went back to the office and made a cup of tea. He wanted to send someone to ask Qingpan. After thinking about it, Fu Xianxian could not suffer losses.

When I think of Xia, Fu Xianfeng has a headache.

His feelings for Xiaxiang are too complicated. He is not only grateful for what Xiaxiang has done for Fu Xianxian, but also helpless for Xiaxiang's stubbornness and principles. If Xia wants to take the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge just to claim justice, he won't believe anything. But if Xia wants to fully fall to Zheng Sheng in order to show her goodwill to Zheng Sheng, it doesn't seem to make sense.

What on earth is Xia's purpose?

Is it just because Tang Jia is rude to Yan Shi? No, if it is only for Tang Jia, there is no need for the public to target the layout of the Xiang Province Road Bridge again and again. Besides, Xia Xiang is not a man who is desperate for women. He has enough means to deal with a Tang Jia Shao.

Fu Xianfeng was a little confused about what Xia wanted to do, but he couldn't ask in person, so he had to look at it while walking. He also knows that until today, although he and Xiaxiang have known each other for many years and have dealt with each other countless times, he still can't understand Xiaxiang's second time. Xiaxiang and Zhang Xiao returned to the provincial party committee together, but neither of them met Fu Xianfeng, but went straight back to the office. Fu Xianxian came directly to Fu Xianfeng's office. His eyes were red and swollen. As soon as he saw Fu Xianfeng, he cried.

Fu Xianfeng's anger became higher and higher. Hearing that Yang Yaoer was so lawless and said such unbearable words, he was so angry that he slapped the case: "If you have the ability, even the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] and the governor can't suppress it. It's really

Although Fu Xianfeng also thought that maybe Fu Xian was deliberately added oil and vinegar by Xiaxiang's instice, but as soon as Fu Xian cried and made trouble in front of him, his heart was confused. "I don't care about anything else. I just want to ask Yang Hengyi to make a good understanding.

Think about it again, after all, it's a matter of not being on the stage. It's really going to alarm a governor and a provincial political and legal committee [book]. It's a little too much to face the confrontation. After all, Fu Xian and Yang Yaoer are making trouble again. It's also a private matter.

Fu Xianfeng made a good note for Yang Hengyi in his heart. Coupled with Yang Hengyi's previous attitude towards him, Yang Hengyi was a big loss in his mind.

However, he was angry. Zhang Xiao's behavior still surprised him secretly. He knew that Zhang Xiao's move was aimed at showing goodwill to Xia, and at the cost of offending Yang Hengyi, was it because Xia Xiang was very charming, or because Zhang Xiao and Yang Hengyi had not been at peace for a long time?

The situation in Hunan Province is even more complicated in the new round of reshuffle.

As for how to deal with Yang Yaoer and a few little hooligans, Fu Xianfeng has made up his mind. Yang Yaoer can let them go. A few little hooligans must let them suffer a little and humiliate Fu Xianxian face to face. It's strange that they can be spared. At least it will be closed

Fu Xianfeng comforted Fu Xianxian with a few words, "Let her rest first, and leave the rest to him to deal with. Fu Xianxian didn't leave. He had to wait for the result, otherwise she would call and tell Grandpa.

Fu Xianfeng's head was big and he thought about it. "Let Secretary Hai Feng urgently call Sun Zaichun, deputy director of the Public Security Department.

Haifeng is the secretary brought by Fu Xianfeng from the capital. He is quick to know what happened. "I know the meaning of Fu Xianfeng as soon as I hear Fu Xianfeng's instructions. The secretary is the second image of the leader." The secretary who can't fully understand the leader's intention is not a good secretary and has no future.

He immediately called Sun Zaichun. Sun Zaichun is the executive deputy director of the Public Security Department. He has been at peace with Yang Hengyi for many years. After Fu Xianfeng took office, he showed a proactive approach. First, Sun Zaichun has fallen asleep. After receiving the call from Secretary No. 2, he suddenly woke up with a thrill, and Come to the provincial party committee.

When Haifeng was doing business, Fu Xianfeng was naturally relieved. He was patiently persuading Fu to go back to rest first, because he had to catch the plane tomorrow. What Fu Xianfeng didn't expect was that he had not trouble Yang Hengyi, and Yang Yanyi actually took the initiative to find the door!

It was not easy for Fu to promise to go back first. He was about to leave when someone knocked on the door, and Yang Hengyi's indifferent voice came from outside: "Goverter Fu, I'm Yang Hengyi. There is something I want to talk to you about." The tone was as thin as ever. At the hearing of Fu Xianfeng It's soaring.

Fu Xianxian has stood up and sat down steadily, which means that she hasn't left yet." Let's see what Yang Hengyi can say.

Fu Xianfeng deliberately paused for a while before coughing and said, "Heng Yi is here? Come on in." The tone is very light.

Yang Hengyi pushed the door and came in. He couldn't see the joy and anger on his face, but there was an uncontrollable anger in his eyes. After coming in, he didn't say hello or sit down. He directly asked, "Gun Governor Fu, Yang Yaoer and Fu Xian had a conflict first Why did you arrest him?" Fu Xianfeng thought to himself, "Well, he came to question him first." He pretended to be confused unhappily: "Who arrested someone? Why don't I know?"