official god

Chapter 1326 Skillful Hand

In fact, Yang Hengyi's tone was also very careful. He did not ask aggressively, but Fu Xianfeng was too careful and believed that Yang Hengyi had come to demonstrate.

The main reason is that Fu Xianxian learned Yang Yaoer's words, "A foreigner, and still wants to be domineering in the Xiangjiang River", which stabbed in Fu Xianfeng's heart, because Fu Xianfeng is very clear that although he cooperated with Ye Tiannan, in Ye Tiannan's mind, he is still not as good Trust.

Moreover, before he came to Hunan Province, Ye Tiandu also operated the position of governor. In fact, to be fair, there were some small cracks between him and Ye Tiannan, but they were covered up under the premise of cooperation.

And to be honest, he and Xia Xiang are indeed outsiders. They have no foundation in Hunan Province, which is also the helplessness of his cooperation with Ye Tiannan. In fact, with Fu Xianfeng's pride and complaence, he is unwilling to join hands with Ye Tiannan of the civilian department, because among the senior officials, the civilian series is the .

Fu Xianfeng even suspected that Ye Tiannan was not only in the process of cooperating with him, but also quite selfish. Yang Hengyi may be Ye Tiannan's hidden selfishness. It's not that Yang Hengyi is really indifferent to others, but Yang Hengyi deliberately did it, that is, to alienate him. Fu Xianfeng raised his eyelids gently and casually glanced at Yang Hengyi.

Yang Hengyi's face did not change, but his tone was much more rapid: "Gun Governor Fu, what do you mean by this? Yang Yaoer is now detained in the compound of the provincial party committee. The soldier didn't even listen to me, the head of the public security department, and said that he would only let him go if he spoke first.

"I really didn't catch people..." Fu Xianfeng thought that Xia wanted to be with Zhang Xiao, just grabbing and burying it, kicking the ball to his feet, and making him difficult. It's really a trick." But his face was still surprised, "I can't command the troops, Hengyi, you don't even have this The sentence was very rogue, which stunned Yang Hengyi for a moment. I guess he didn't expect that the governor of a province would even play tricks, which made him despise Fu Xianfeng very much.

"I also know the cause and effect of the matter. It's Yao'er's fault first, here." I solemnly apologize to Fu Xianxian and Governor Fu!" The military's attitude was very tough. Yang Hengyi came forward and asked to let him go. Several soldiers didn't give him a good face at all, so they directly pushed back, which made him very angry, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't command the military, and did not dare to alarm the secretary of the provincial party committee because of a little thing "It's a big disaster." At the same time, it offended Xiaxiang and Fu Xianfeng. I'm afraid it's not easy to end.

You can only bow your head and admit your mistake, and then pass the test in front of you. If he doesn't bow his head, Fu Xianfeng will always be stupid. Xia wants to keep his face. Will he keep Yang Yaoer locked up? After coming to work at dawn, people lost a lot of hair.

Fu Xianfeng also knows that Yang, Hengyi is the Political and Legal Committee [Book] and the director of the Public Security Department after all. He must give face, but he can't let people go so easily. Besides, what he said may not work. He took a look at Fu Xianxian and said, "Hengyi, it was not a little unpleasant It's a matter, but Yang Yaoer speaks too much. As you know, she is at the Fu family first, not only her uncle loves her very much. "The old man also loves her like a pearl in the palm of his hand, even I dare not say anything unpleasant to her..." Yang Hengyi saw that Fu Xianfeng carried out the name of the Fu family, and I had to continue to give in: "I'm sorry, Miss Fu, I apologize to you for Yao'er. Please forgive her for being young and ignorant!" As a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Political and Legal Committee [Book] and the director of the Public Security Department, I bowed my head to face to Fu Xian, a civilian, Son.

Fu Xianxian refused to let go: "Mr. Yang, Yang Yaoer is not a few years younger than me. Why is she young and ignorant? I think she is very sensible. One person can be with three men at the same time. It's amazing! She also scolded our family as animals, but I didn't scold her for a word. But I know that people are all men and women, and only animals are in a mess.

Fu Xianxian didn't curse, but it was more cruel than scolding. He scolded Yang Yaoer as a beast with no one, and he didn't carry half a dirty word.

Yang Hengyi's face turned blue with anger, and the blue veins in his hands soared, almost out of control!

Fu Xianfeng did not accuse Fu Xian of insinuation, but said lightly, "First, well, Director Yang and your elders have apologized to you. You forgive Yang Yaoer and don't make trouble again."

Fu Xianfeng avoids the heavy and light. How can Yang Hengyi not understand that Governor Fu is also furious, but he didn't have an attack in person. He knew that what happened today completely offended Governor Fu. In the future, there would be no peaceful coexistence between him and Governor Fu.

Yes, there is also Xiaxiang.

Xia thought is the biggest beneficiary of this incident. Now he must be talking and laughing with Zhang Xiao in the office, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, waiting to see the joke of his quarrel with Fu Xianfeng... Yang Hengyi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Fu Xianfeng can't afford to offend, and Xiaxiang is not My son just messed up two people at once.

"What's there to forgive? It's not that I took the initiative to provoke her, but that she took the initiative to find trouble. If she is in the capital and doesn't close for a month, she won't think of it!" Fu Xian said angrily, "I didn't catch people. It's none of my business. None of you pay attention to me, I'm bored!" After saying that, he slammed the door and came out.

Fu Xianfeng shook his head helplessly: "Nowadays, girls have too much temper and will suffer losses sooner or later."

Yang Hengyi heard that Fu Xianfeng was giving him a step down, so he took the opportunity to say, "Goverhead Governor Fu, what happened today is really embarrassing...

Fu Xianfeng waved his hand and interrupted Yang Hengyi's words: "Mr. Yang, I didn't catch people. I said it doesn't count. You go to Comrade Xiaxiang to talk about it." He didn't want to listen to Yang Hengyi's polite words of false marriage, and he also saw that Yang Hengyi did not sincerely admit his mistake. He put up with it and said, "As a senior leading cadre, it is also important to educate your children well."

Yang Hengyi came out of Fu Xianfeng's office. His face changed several times, and he finally did not lose his temper. Although he tried to suppress the evil spirit in his chest, he still felt that his chest was stuffy, his throat was astringent, and he was so weak that he almost couldn't move.

Although Yang Yaoer is indiscreet and always causes trouble, after all, it is his daughter. He is extremely doting on Yang Yaoer and can't allow others to say no. Today, he was scolded by the Fu brothers and sisters, and even he was also a little bit by Fu Xianfeng, which is simply a great shame in his

Yang Hengyi's resentment is hard to calm down. It's not a matter of being angry at Fu Xianfeng's place. He has to bow his head to Xia to let him go. As the director of the public security department, he has been in Hunan Province for many years. How can he ever suffered such humiliation? Today's hatred must be doubled in a day. Yang Hengyi secretly made up his mind!

When he came to Xiaxiang's office, he was stunned. Obviously, the office was still bright just now, but why is it dark now? Did Xia want to deliberately avoid it and have to lock Yang Yaoer up until dawn to disgrace him in public?

Yang Hengyi was almost furious. Just as he was about to knock on the door, his mobile phone rang. After answering, he knew that it was Yang Yaoer.

"Dad, I'm home..." Yang Yaoer has been sent home as a gift, but the three unscrupulous young people were directly taken away by the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department. The whereabouts were unknown. Yang Hengyi hung up the phone and stood at the door of Xiaxiang's office for a long time, and finally understood

Xiaxiang is really a smart man. After making a big deal out, he turned around and let go of Yang Yaoer and handed over the bananas to the front line of the vanguard in Chun. Of course, he knew very well that he not only fell into the favor of the vanguard, but also sold his face. He didn't have to bow his head

Yang Hengyi was just snubed and ridiculed by Fu Xianfeng, but Xiaxiang secretly gave him a step. His perception of Xiaxiang in his heart was greatly changed. Compared with Fu Xianfeng, Xiaxiang knew more about the way of progress and retreat.

Obviously, Xia thought wanted him to owe a favor. Yang Hengyi knew it in his heart, but when he remembered another thing, thinking of what Yang Yaoer said to him about Xia thought, he didn't understand what kind of person Xia thought was.

As soon as I went to work the next day, I received a notice from Tong Fan and held a meeting to study the aftermath of Huaiyang Bridge and the handling opinions on the relevant responsible persons of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge. Zheng Sheng, Fu Xianfeng, Ye Tiannan, Xia Xiang, Liang Xia Ning and Zheng Haiqi attended the office meeting.

"Comrades, the investigation team of the State Council has reached a formal conclusion that the collapse of the Huaiyang Bridge is entirely due to the failure of the quality of the project, and the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge bears the main responsibility that cannot be shirked. Tang Jiashao, the former general manager of Daoqiao in Hunan Province, was arrested. According to Comrade Xia Xiang, Tang Jiashao was suspected of serious disciplinary violations, and he committed bribery and bribery when undertaking engineering projects. Zheng Sheng is determined to rectify the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge. Xia Xiang has paved the way now. If he doesn't take the opportunity to take action, he will lack courage.

"Therefore, the problem of the road bridge in Hunan Province has reached the point that it cannot be eradicated. My opinion is to deal with a group of people strictly and give an explain to the people of the whole province. Now the media is full of reports from the collapsed bridge company. Comrades, I feel that there are tens of millions of eyes staring at our Hunan Province. If you can't handle it well, you are the sinner of the people.

Zheng Sheng's words were reasonable, very committed and sincere, which made Fu Xianfeng think deeply. Ye Tiannan thought deeply and knew that the biggest problem was coming.

In the determination of the relevant responsibilities of Shi Ying's disposal of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge, there will inevitably be a quarrel, because politics is a game of in which Zheng Sheng's tone is tactful, but his determination to win the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge in one fell swoop is unprecedented firm. However, there is also reason to believe that Ye Tiannan will still maintain the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge at all costs, because for him, the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge is not only related to political interests, but also economic interests. There is a big difference between gains and losses!