official god

Chapter 1397 An old man took action

Chapter 1397 An old man took action (please recommend tickets!)

Although Yu Province is close to Yan Province, it is almost a completely strange province for Xiaxiang, because he knows no one, such as the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor, as well as a member of the military region.

The road to Henan Province, it is no exaggeration to say that it may be a more dangerous road.

Mei Shengping held Xiaxiang's hand tightly: "After Chu Province, I can't protect you. Have you really decided?"

Although Mei Shengping understood Xiaxiang's decision, he did not agree with it. He also knew that Xiaxiang was angry and wanted to take the opportunity to create smoke and dust in some people's eyes.

But after all, it's too dangerous. He and the secretary and governor of Henan Province have no depth and can't speak at all.

So is Chen Feng.

Mei Shengping was worried about Xia's journey.

"It has been decided. Now that it has been all the way to Chu Province, it is not far from Yan Province. Let's take it as a self-driving trip." Xia wanted to look relaxed and didn't put the danger in his heart. It seemed to be like a trip.

Life is a journey. Everyone's destinations are the same, but the difference is the scenery along the way.

Xiaxiang's practice is to say whether it is an adventure, whether the enemy is in-depth, or to teach some people some lessons. In short, Mei Shengping did not agree with it very much, and even felt that Xiaxiang was a little too confident.

But it's not easy to persuade Xia to think about anything, because Xia Xiang is now mature, and it is difficult for others to persuade him to turn back on what he decides.

Somehow, looking at the fleet of Xiaxiang and Zhang Xiao, Mei Shengping suddenly thought of Mei Xiaolin. In the matter of dealing with Mei Xiaolin, Xia thought was so stubborn that he didn't know why, and it seemed that there was no possibility to turn back.

Never mind... At the moment of turning around, Mei Shengping silently said in his heart, "Xiaxiang, have a good journey!"

At the moment when Xia wanted to drive out of the border of Chu Province, Xia wanted to ask Zhang Xiao, "Have you decided?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and learned from Xia's words: "It's been decided."

Xia wanted to laugh and pat Zhang Xiao on the shoulder hard: "Come on, it's a worthwhile trip. I'm a real friend."

Zhang Xiao's eyes were firm: "When I entered Chu Province, I had already decided that Secretary Xia would go east, and I would not go west."

Although the trip to Henan Province may be a more dangerous journey, because Zhang Xiao is more or less aware of the distribution of the forces in the Henan Military Region, and the other faction has the upper hand. That is to say, if Chen Faquan comes to Henan Province ahead of them and then lays it calmly, they may really be buried in Henan Province!

But Xia wanted to insist on going north by land. Naturally, he had his consideration. After deciding to go with Xia, Zhang Xiao did not consider turning back - in fact, there was no way to retreat at this point - but the starting point of Secretary Xia's consideration of the problem was a little difficult for him to understand. He deliberately took the land road to let Chen What else can't be relied on?

But it's too dangerous!

Although wealth is in danger, Zhang Xiao really can't see what Xia wants to rely on and what he wants. Of course, then again, he mocked himself and warned himself that if he could have Xia's ability and connections, he would not be a major general now.

People still can't be compared with people. He knows very well that compared with Xia's ambitious future, he can't catch up with him.

Xia's deep consideration, of course, can't be told. Not to mention that he can't tell Zhang Xiao, even Chen Feng and Mei Shengping, he doesn't understand half.

Although, Chen Feng and Mei Shengping will definitely guess something.

It is their wisdom to guess how much it is, and it is his persistence to avoid it.

Xia is not reckless or aggressive, because he believes that although some people want him to die, some people want him to live, such as the general secretary, such as a few unfathomable old people.

The Mei family, the Qiu family and the Fu family must also have military power, but how much influence they have. It's hard to say. Mei Shengping did not mention the factional forces of the Henan Military Region, nor did they greet him to the Henan Military Region, which proves that it is not that Mei Shengping refused to take the lead for him, but Limited, perhaps more precisely, at least in the military region of Henan Province, there is no weight in speaking.

Xia wanted to look at the sinking sunset, and then looked at the road extending all the way to the north, but it was unprecedented firmness - many things, it was time to reveal part of the truth.

"get off the highway and take the national highway." Xia said softly.

Zhang Xiao hardly hesitated and gave the order. There is a minefield or a cliff in front of him. He is not afraid. Although he doesn't know what tricks Xia wants to do, he believes that Xia wants to joke about his life.

If in ancient times, he should have been the work of the dragon. When Zhang Xiao thought of the upcoming hard battle, he couldn't help sweating in his palms, and his blood was boiling inexplicably.

Xiaxiang was still surprisingly calm. When the motorcade drove out of the highway, the sunset just completed the last leap and disappeared in the western sky. The night came, and if he didn't expect it, it would be the last night before he went to Beijing.

A night to uncover many secrets, test the bottom line of all parties, and fight for life and death!

If Chen Faquan didn't come to Henan Province... it wouldn't be fun. Xia thought even maliciously, and there was a playful smile on the corners of his mouth.

It is impossible for Chen Faquan not to come to Henan Province, because when he learned that Xiaxiang did not fly to the capital in Chu Province, and still chose to go north along the land road to Henan Province, he felt that the previous idea that Xiaxiang was extremely smart really raised Xiaxiang.

What a stupid move. What a long time!

I thought that I would have no worries when I arrived in Henan Province. Haha, there are provincial party secretaries and governors to protect you in Chu Province. In Henan Province, the provincial party secretary and governors don't know who you are. In addition, the Henan Military Region also has the majority of its own strength. Xia wants not to be buried in Henan Province

Chen Faquan also couldn't understand how stupid Xia's decision was. He couldn't figure out why Xia had to go all the way north, but it didn't matter if he couldn't figure it out, as long as he could kill Xia's life.

Chen Faquan drove all the way and rushed to Zhongyuan City, the capital of Henan Province, when he was in front of Xiaxiang.

contacted the character on his side. After a short discussion, although the other party hesitated for a moment, he finally agreed to his request, arranged human and material resources according to his request, and quickly dispatched troops to fortification on the main arty road, and developed a careful plan. It is the only way to pass in the summer. After calculating the time and deployment, be sure to hit it.

I can no longer let Xia want to leave Henan Province alive, otherwise countless forces have been launched to intercept. From Hunan Province to Chu Province, and then to Henan Province, Xia wants to escape. Isn't it a joke?

And he can't even do this kind of thing well. What's the face to go back to the Xiang Provincial Military Region?

Although the Yan Provincial Military Region also has its own power, it does not become a climate, and Yan Province is the root base of Xiaxiang. As soon as it enters the territory of Yan Province, Xiaxiang will be open to the sea.

If Xia wants to return to Beijing safe and sound, it must be the beginning of his nightmare.

Chen Faquan was desperate and decided to fight.

He personally led a team of people. After locking Xiaxiang's position, he quickly completed the layout. This time, he was too lazy to set traps. He directly chose a remote place and let the horse ambush by the roadside. After Xiaxiang's motorcade came, he did it immediately.

Chen Faquan was anxious, because in Chu Province, the provincial party secretary greeted him and the governor sent him off. Such a huge situation made him realize that if he let the tiger return to the mountain, Xia wanted to fight back, which must make him very uncomfortable.

Losing an official is light, and it is also possible to go to a military court. What's more, you may be in prison for a lifetime.

After the fact, Chen Faquan only guessed less than half right...

When Xia wanted to arrive in the central part of Henan Province, it was already the middle of the night. There are very few vehicles on the national highway at this time. In midsummer, the crops on both sides of the road have become an excellent hiding place, an endless green gauze tent.

Zhang Xiao's heart has never been put down. He has always been raised high. He thought that Secretary Xia was really good at putting on others. He casually took the national highway with a word, and the result was good. Now the degree of danger is more than ten times more than on the highway! Not only is it not fast, but it is also possible to rush out of countless people from both sides of the road at any time, and then... the consequences are unimaginable.

Zhang Xiao told the front and rear vehicles to be vigilant and ready to fight at any time. Yes, he directly said the words to welcome the battle for fear of a little mistake.

not far ahead is a sharp turn to the right. At the turn, there are ditches on both sides. Outside the ditch are crops more than one person's height. When the night wind blows, it rustles. It usually sounds like a normal sound. Now it falls in Zhang Xiao's ear, but it is like a life-threatening charm

In the depths of darkness, there may be a pair of fierce eyes staring at passing vehicles, ready to strike thunder at any time.

Zhang Xiao guessed right. In the field at the sharp turn, Chen Faquan was waiting anxiously and excitedly for the last moment. He knew that Xiaxiang was finally unable to escape. As soon as dawn, he immediately went to Beijing to bring a piece of news that made many people happy.

Xiaxiang's vehicle was approaching. Chen Faquan was so nervous that his hands sweated and sweated. He turned back and said to Tang Yuanzhi, a lieutenant colonel of the Henan Military Region who was with him, "I'm ready to do it."

Tang Yuanzhi nod slightly and repeated: "Commander Chen, are you sure you want to get rid of Xia and Zhang Xiao?"

Under the excitement and full expectation, Chen Faquan did not notice the deliberately emphasized part of Tang Yuan's words, and nodded to confirm the order: "Confirm to get rid of Xiaxiang and Zhang Xiao!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Faquan suddenly realized what was wrong, because he suddenly found that Tang Yuanzhi's eyes were full of coldness and murderous intent, and it was normal to have murderous intent, because he wanted to kill, but the target was wrong, as if he was aimed at him... What's the matter?

Chen Faquan suddenly felt a huge danger. He was about to draw the gun, but it was too late. Tang Yuanzhi's gun shot at close range against his sun!

With a " bang" gunshot, Chen Fa's whole brain burst, like a piece of wood, fell to the ground with a splash, and died on the spot!

Tang Yuanzhi shouted, "On the order of the chief, Chen Fa will be shot on the spot!"

Suddenly, the soldiers brought by Chen Faquan did not know what had happened and were about to resist. After a dense sound of gunfire, the body fell to the ground.

... The Wu family took action, and as soon as they took action, the corpses were everywhere!

: Work very hard to ask for a recommendation ticket! RA