official god

Chapter 1398 The War between Two Old People

The sound of gunfire seems to be very scary and far away in the quiet night. In fact, it is in the wilderness. Not many people hear the sound of gunfire that brings death to countless lives, and can't even wake up the dream of the village a few kilometers away.

At most, a few night birds flew away.

Chen Faquan didn't understand until his death, why Tang Yuanzhi killed him, and who Tang Yuanzhi was!

But he also died in his place. Although Yingran was shot in the wild, although he fell on a pile of cow dung and died miserably, he also made many people grit their teeth. He used his death to pave a road for Xiaxiang.

Chen Faquan, rest in peace. The political struggle is like this. How ambitious you are, how stupid you are, and you have to pay the price. If Chen Faquan knew that his death was not the end, but only at the beginning, his ferocious face might stretch a little..."...

After hearing the gunshots like firecrackers in the car, Xia wanted to smile knowingly. He just knew that an old man took action, and he didn't know which old man it was.

Compared with Xia Xiang's calmness, as soon as the gunshot sounded, the motorcade waited, the brakes sounded together, and all the cars made a harsh sound of tire friction. In the quiet night, it spread farther than the sound of gunfire.

Zhang Xiao had pulled out his gun and was preparing to fight, but Xia wanted to reach out to stop him.

"The gunshots sounded in the green yarn tent, and no one came out, which proved that the cold gun was fired behind someone else's back." Xia thought not only did not panic, but also smiled.

He knew that there was an old man who would not let him die. He also knew that Henan Province was the last pass. It has been a day since the accident. No matter how slow the old people acted, they should have arranged it.

Sure enough, as Xia wanted to say, the gunshots sounded, and the Qingsha tent fell into a dead silence. No one appeared, no gunshots again, and no one came forward to say hello to watermelon or something.

Xia wanted to pat Zhang Xiao on the shoulder: "Let's go. I guess no one will send tea and cigarettes."

When is it? Xia [Book] is still in the mood to joke. It's simply... Zhang Xiao just broke out of a cold sweat. He is a commander, but he is the commander in the era of peace. He has never really experienced the war. The scene just now is really a hit, which is equivalent to a small-scale local war.

But thinking about it again, Xia [Book] was sure that he seemed to have won for a long time. How could he command the people of the Henan Military Region?

So far, Zhang Xiao also guessed something. Some people in the Yu Provincial Military Region were unknown, and the people sent to ambush. Some people fought back and killed the people who sniped them on the spot!

The gunshots were very dense just now, and I'm afraid that more than a dozen people will die... Good boy, the senior management of the Henan Military Region will be shocked, because the person sent to carry out the task must be the most trusted person. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a time bomb.

It may cause a high-level shock in the Henan Military Region.

In an instant, Zhang Xiao thought of a lot. Looking at Xia, who closed his eyes slightly, he seemed to have fallen asleep and couldn't help laughing. Thinking about it, "He also didn't close his eyes almost a day or night.

The motorcade went back on the road and went straight to Yan Province. At this time, it was less than 200 kilometers away from Yan Province. Before dawn, if there was no accident, it would definitely rush to the single city of Xiaxiang's hometown.

Really, all the crises have been overcome. Can you sing all the way to the capital? Xiaxiang, who seemed to have fallen asleep, did not feel relaxed about the last pass of the Yan Military Region.

It's a little cool in the summer night. Fortunately, the dew is not deep. Sitting in the yard to cool down. Looking at the stars in the sky and listening to the sound of insects in my ears, it is also a rare leisure.

At this time, it was slightly bright, and a ray of sunlight passed through the gap between the leaves and jumped to Mr. Wu's slightly squinted eyes. He opened his eyes wide, looked at the old man opposite who was still not tired at all, and shook his head and smiled.

He dropped the chess pieces in his hand and smiled complaidly: "You lost."

The game is the endgame, and the tea is the herbal tea. The two old people who don't see each other well have not sat together for many years. This time, they actually played a game of chess and a pot of tea, and they sat together all night!

The comparison is who is tougher than who, who is better at staying up late than who, and who is... who loves and cares about that little guy more than who!

The little guy, who was uneasy, worried and had to take good care of, made the two old men who used to slap the table and then often blew their beards endure their nature and endured the sarcasm of the other party. Sitting together, they used a game of chess and a pot of tea, and sat down all night.

Whether it's Mr. Wu or Lao Gu, they all have the same mind. When he sees Xia Xiang, he must hit him with a crutch a few times to vent his anger. Who makes him always make people worryless and always worry?

A pile of chess pieces in the old driver's hand: "If you lose, you will lose. You will win the chess, but you closed your eyes for a while, and you are still not as energetic as me."

"Where did I close my eyes?" Mr. Wu was unconvinced and took a sip of tea and spit it out again, "Lao Gu, you are too stingy. The tea is cold, the hospitality is not good, and the heart is too small."

Lao Gu looked angry: "What does tea have to do with the heart? Old Wu, don't go online with anything. I can tell you that I have played chess with you all night, which has given you a lot of face.

"I'll play chess with you, okay?" Mr. Wu didn't give up, "I'm a guest. You are the master, and you have to distinguish the situation.

The guards in the distance heard that the two old men were bickering again. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so they had to put up with it. However, I watched the two old men sit against each other all night. Although there was no cold in the summer night, as a guard, I was still worried about the old man's health.

It's all for that little family. "Whether it's the old guard or the guard of Mr. Wu, they call Xia Xiang a little family in private, because they have never seen two old people care so much about a young man. If it's someone else, they dare to persuade the old man, but for that little Forget it, so you don't have to be scolded.

The two old people didn't mention Xia's name all night. No one said a word of business, that is, playing chess, drinking tea, and bickering. In fact, everyone knows it. The old people are waiting for a key phone call.

Although the guards are a little jealous and resentful, they still hope that Xia will be safe and arrive in Beijing as soon as possible. In case something happens to a small family, the old man is furious, and it is still a small matter to kill many people. In case there is anything wrong with the old man's health, it will be a big deal.

The sky... It's about to dawn, and it's time for news. The guards are secretly tightening their hearts.

The tea was warmed up again. Lao Gu poured a cup by himself. Mr. Wu smiled and reached out to take the teapot and poured a cup.

Putting down the teacup, Lao Gu finally lost his patience and pointed to the chessboard with his hand: "Obviously, you can fly over with one shot. It's safe and fast. You have to jump a horse and have to jump across the river step by step. Aren't you giving up the distance? Sincerely, isn't it?"

Mr. Wu shook his head and smiled: "One shot flew across the river, it's fast, but crossing the river alone still needs the assistance of cars and horses to be the general. I jumped the horse to push the army to your city and break the city in one fell swoop.

"Your cannon didn't fly over just now, and I almost ate it. If you eat your cannon, won't you miscalculate?"

"My cannon is watched by a car and protected by a horse. Do you dare to eat it? If you dare to eat, you will lose more than me.

"What if my mind is hot and I eat your cannon regardless of the consequences?"

"I'm old, why do I still have a hot brain? Playing chess can be pushed back and down. There are some things that don't go home, and there is no way back to go again.

While continuing to play chess, the two old people drank tea calmly, but they both looked uneasily at the sky that was about to be white in the east. On the table, there are two rare mobile phones with the realm and level of two old people. I can't remember how long I didn't use the mobile phone. For them, mobile phones are something that lowers their identity.

"How slow the horse is, it's time to cross the river." After all, Lao Gu was a little worse than Mr. Wu, and he asked again.

Just after he finished speaking, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang pleasantly. Lao Gu grabbed the mobile phone at the first time, and did not press the connection and listen button, so he fed it three times.

Mr. Wu was still deliberately calm. He picked up his mobile phone unhurriedly and mocked Lao Gu with a smile, "Lao Gu, my phone is ringing." Although it was a light action and an understated tone, his hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, and his body tightened, which still made his [real] side reveal.

I've been waiting for this call for too long.

Mr. Wu pressed the answer button and said indifferently, "Who called early in the morning? I can't sleep?"

Xiaxiang's voice came lightly: "Old man, good morning! Go to bed early and take care of yourself. If you always have a headache, it's mine that I can't go.

Mr. Wu was recognized by Xia Xiang and laughed and scolded, "Little slippery head, how do you know that I didn't sleep?"

"Guess it." Xia wanted to smile, "Please also tell Lao Gu and let him have a good sleep. I will bring him some local specialties."

"How do you know that I'm with Lao Gu?" Mr. Wu was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry because of Xia Xiang. He looked funny and angry, "Be careful that I hit you on the head with a cane!"

"It's still a guess." Xia wanted to continue to play tricks, "Please rest assured, I will arrive in Yan Province soon. Also, I don't have Lao Gu's phone number, so I won't call him.

Xiaxiang's phone was cut off...

Mr. Wu took the phone and was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly laughed again: "Lao Gutou, Lao Gutou, we all let the little slippery head play once."

Lao Gu didn't seem to hear Mr. Wu's words. He took his mobile phone and said to himself, "I waited blindly with my mobile phone for nothing. That little family doesn't have my number. I'm confused. I'm confused. Who else do you call first?"

He raised his hand and threw his mobile phone aside.

"Have you arrived in Yan Province?" Lao Gu seemed to wake up, "So, it's my people's turn to do it?"

seemed to ask again, "Why are we two old guys fooled by the little guy?"