official god

Chapter 1562 I really have something to say

Chapter 1562 I really have something to say

Fundamentally speaking, there seems to be a close relationship between Xia Xiang and the family forces, but in fact, there is also a certain degree of alienation, because in addition to having more contact with Mr. Wu, there is little contact with the actual helm of the Mei, Qiu and Fu family - the three respected old men. It can be said that in addition to In addition to several meetings and unpleasant talks, he has rarely met any old man for several years.

Most of the time, he still has more contact with the second and third generations of the family forces. If you really think about it carefully, Mr. Fu, who has the least meeting and the longest interval, has not said a word for almost four or five years.

What Xia Xiang never expected was that today, on a sudden day, under the circumstance that he was not prepared at all, the four old men of Wu, Mei, Qiu and Fu gathered together and unexpectedly gathered in Mr. Wu's study, which shocked him and secretly congratulated himself. I came back at the right time, just in time for the grand event.

Xia thought that the four old men gathered together, not specifically for waiting for him - he didn't have so much face, no one in the country - but definitely wanted to discuss something big.

As soon as Xia wanted to enter the door, several old men smiled at him with different expressions and said hello. Among them, the most enthusiastic and surprising one was Mr. Fu.

Then again, I have the deepest contradiction with Xiaxiang, and there have been direct confrontations. Only Mr. Fu is the only one. Therefore, Mr. Fu's excessive enthusiasm is particularly meaningful.

However, several of the people here are all old and elite. They all know that behind Mr. Fu's enthusiasm, there is certainly a reason why Xia wants to save Fu Xianxian, but more importantly, he has a lot to do with Xia Xiang's close cooperation with Fu Xianfeng during the period in Hunan Province. There is also a well-known point that after The political and economic team left over from the province is still shaking hands with Fu Xianfeng.

It was also with the pull and help of Xia Xiang's economic team that the Fu family quickly opened up the economic situation in Hunan Province, and it has initially gained a firm foothold.

Mr. Wu did not say anything, but smiled silently. Mr. Qiu just nodded and smiled for a long time. Instead, Mr. Mei nodded frequently and secretly praised Xia Xiang's cleverness and wrist in his heart.

The longest way to cooperate is to build a community of interests. As the saying goes, if everyone eats in the same pot, we will definitely be optimistic about the porridge in the pot, so as not to let outsiders get involved, let alone let outsiders break everyone's pot.

What Xia wants to be smarter is that no matter who he cooperates with, his generosity is admirable, because he is not small, not greedy, not careless, and even... doesn't care about gains and losses.

This is also his highest point, because the more he does not put forward excessive conditions, the more favorable to him, and no one will treat him badly, because no one can erase that face.

Xia Xiang has cooperated with the Wu family in Yan Province. At the same time, the relationship with the Wu family is the closest and most complicated. In Hunan Province, He and the Fu family have established a foundation for further long-term interests. Now in Qi Province, it is a sincere cooperation relationship with the Qiu family. As for the Mei family, there seems to be a slight estrangement. In fact, under the hint of Mei Shengping, Mr. Mei has long regarded Mei Ting as the flesh and blood of Xiaxiang, so for the Mei family, Xiaxiang is far from an outsider.

The four old men all love one person selflessly. Xia wants to win the love of several important old men in China. It is not a fluke, nor is it because of how sweet and treacherous he is, because in front of several old men who have experienced countless ups and downs, any deliberate trick Both will fail.

Only one point, only sincerity, can make them fully accept it. It is because of his sincerity, sincerity and sincerity that Xiaxiang has become the most trustworthy and worthy young man in the eyes of the four old men.

If you have to look back on the process of not fighting with several old men and gradually being accepted by them, it will be an extremely heavy book of life.

Xia wanted to smile respectfully and kindly, and said hello to every old man. Indeed, in front of them, he had no reason not to be modest and low-key at all. Although he now has a little achievement, which is also the speed of rocket promotion, the old men here were all dazzling political stars in China.

Xia Xiang sat at the bottom of the head smartly, neither asking a word, nor too enthusiastic - after all, if you really want to count, he is also a guest in the Wu family, and he can't turn against the guest - but he doesn't take the initiative to leave, just wait for Mr. Wu to speak.

Mr. Wu really said, "Xiao Xia is just in time, so it's good to listen. Anyway, it has something to do with you. When you have an idea, you can also express your opinion.

Is it equivalent to a major meeting of a small-scale family force? Xia wanted to jump in his heart, and his intuition told him that the four old men, who rarely sit together, must discuss something important at today's rare party. Thinking of the recent frequent actions of the Song Dynasty, and the upcoming change of the term of the provincial government in China, no matter how big it is, and the change of the central government next year, he vaguely guessed something.

Xia Xiang sat aside and listened to the conversation of several old men. Sure enough, it was for the next layout and long-term planning of the family power, in order to seek more provincial and ministerial positions, and to promote suitable and qualified people to enter the bureau, such as, etc., it was completely an unprecedented joint between the family forces. Big action.

If the content of the meeting is revealed, it will definitely cause a huge sensation from all parties!

Unfortunately, there are many things in the world that will never see the light and will never be known by the outside world.

However, even if Xia thought, even if he was psychologically prepared, he was shocked and honored to hear the grand and delicate plan of the family's next step.

If it was only the Wu family who recognized him in the past, and although the other three families supported him, they were also limited support and did not achieve real trust, but today, at this time, without avoiding him at all, showing the plan of the whole family's power in front of him, that is, the four families have 100% trust in him. The performance.

In addition to his deep honor, he also knows that the responsibility is on his shoulders.

"Xiaoxia, tell me what you think." After several old men discussed, Mr. Wu put the topic in Xia Xiang's hands, and also threw out a difficult question, "You have been prejudiced against family power for a long time. After years of ups and downs in officialdom, you have seen more human nature, and also realized that many people's on the surface are backing slogans for the country and After that, you are doing the opposite thing. You should have a deeper understanding now. Let's talk about it..."

In fact, as early as in Hunan Province, Xia Xiang had already admitted Mr. Wu's long-term and profound eyes, and he admired his patient and confident superior political wisdom.

Because when Xia wanted to recognize the so-called family power in China today, whether it is a civilian system, or even an opposition system, no matter how loud the slogan is shouted, no matter how much the political concept is for the country and the people, in fact, they are taking the same route - family power!

In other words, it is barely possible to describe it as powerful capitalism. In a word, before the domestic political reform has progressed to democracy, it is the first to occupy the highest point, whether it is by political means - or economic means - monopoly and monopoly, to establish an economic empire - or if you want to achieve The purpose is the same, that is, a few years later, domestic politics entered the era of popular election. When the cheerful people elected the leaders of the country, they suddenly found that the leaders finally elected through legal and democratic means were once the descendants of the leaders of a certain country.

To this day, the alternation of power is not supported by father and son, not by imperial power, not by appointment, but by the hearts of the people. But where do the hearts of the people come from, from the news, from the media, from the overwhelming publicity, from all channels, and from the pervasive influence, but behind the scenes, what is the driving force to support the huge publicity?

Two words - money!

The change of dynasties, the change of power, and the laws of history can't be changed. However, in the history of thousands of years of human civilization, there is one thing that is eternal and has always guided the hearts of the people. It is everyone who is eager and willing to pay everything for it... or money.

Generally speaking, whoever has money is an uncle. Elegantly speaking, whoever is the powerful capitalism, whoever is the will of the people, who is the representative of democracy, will have the greatest political power.

The reason why the family power has always been tolerated by the civilian department or the opposition department, and it is often criticized by some so-called experts and professors in the media. The fundamental reason is that the family power is ahead of all forces, in order to hold power in China in the long-term and take a solid step and seize it. The first step!

After other factions woke up, the family power has become the climate. They have no choice but to envy and hate, and behind the verbal attack, they all scramble to follow the family's approach in order not to lag behind.

The most fundamental reason for suppressing, winning over and dividing the family power is not for the country and the people, but to break the power of the family, so that you can take the opportunity to take the position.

It took Xia to realize the subtleties from the beginning of resisting the family's forces, and thoroughly understanding the real political purposes and economic interests of the factions!

Du Mu has a poem: "Ten years of Yangzhou dream, won the name of the brothel." However, in terms of Xiaxiang, it is a ten-year dream of officialdom, and he began to be awake and clear.

The huge and complex state machine, chaotic and hidden human nature, is not something that a young man who is new to the officialdom can see through at a glance. He must have personally experienced the world, know what people in the officialdom think, and truly feel the truth behind everyone's face, can fully see the past. The light of the square and the road under your feet.

"I really have something to say..." Facing the questions or expectations or kind eyes of several old men, Xia wanted to say something in front of the helm of the family for the first time, which surprised several old men. RO