official god

Chapter 1700 Quite Strange

To be fair, Xia Xiang really didn't quite understand the political significance of the major adjustment between Li Dingshan and Li Rongsheng's exchange, or for the long-term layout.

After all, Xiaxiang's position is not high enough to climb to the highest place and look at the major events in the world.

Compared with the age problem caused by the illegitimate daughter incident in Lujiacheng" and the extension of Lujiacheng's suspension of a period of work, as well as a series of problems such as sudden accidents shortly after Qin Kan's departure, etc. are hidden in front of Xiaxiang, because all problems are not as important as the imminent change of What are the long-term political arrangements behind several unexpected personnel adjustments?

General [Book] Remember what kind of idea it is, or what kind of layout Wu Caiyang is. He can't and absolutely can't ask each other. It doesn't conform to the rules of officialdom, and it also seems that he is timid and small. Not to mention that the general [book] has not yet reached the point of intimacy with him, even if he and the general [book] are as close as between him and the Song Dynasty, there are some things that can't be asked immediately.

People in the officialdom must always be vigilant and careful.

What surprised Xia Xiang was that Xie Xin talked to him in private, and even brought the Central Organization Department's intention to arrange his next step. Although it was only an intention, it was very likely, because Xie Xin clearly told Xia Xiang that it was Wu Caiyang's intention.

Sitting in the temporary office of Xie Xincai's hostel of the Provincial Party Committee, Xia wanted to feel the autumn wind blowing slowly outside the window and thought that it would be cold in a blink of an eye. He had not been in Qi Province for a long time. Why did he really leave?

I have just adapted to the climate of Qi Province.

Xie Xincai said earnestly, "Minister Wu really cares about you. He doesn't want you to be adversely affected in Qi Province. After the change of the term of government of Qi Province, it may not be peaceful. Minister Wu means that I hope that you will stay in the capital ministries and commissions before the change of next year..." Xia figured out that Wu Caiyang's good intentions are full of the wind and waves. If there is a slight mistake, it is easy to wet his clothes by the waves, and even The gains outweigh the losses." For example, Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin, although they have temporarily passed the difficulties, in fact, they have lost a lot of points in Qi Province.

When you really reach the critical step of rising, you will definitely be talked about by people and become the word for being attacked.

Wu Caiyang obviously saw that the situation in Qi Province was still surging, so he wanted to transfer him back to Beijing and return to the place after the change of the central government next year. And the action of the general [book] changed the positions of Li Dingshan and Li Rongsheng, which is obviously a precaution.

A Qin Kan, do you really have such a huge energy? How can it be!

Could it be said that in addition to the strong political background behind Qin Kan, he also has the support of other hidden forces, such as... the military? Thinking of this, Xia couldn't help but be shocked and thought of the reminder of the old man not long ago. Gradually, he had a clearer idea in his heart.

"Thank you, Minister Wu, thank you for your concern. Please tell Minister Wu." I don't think there will be any great turmoil in the stable and orderly situation in Qi Province, so I hope to continue to work in the position of deputy [book] and be willing to make greater contributions to Qi Province.

Of course, if there is a systematic overall planning in the organization, I mean to obey the organizational arrangement. Xie Xincai neither persuaded Xia Shang and said anything more. He just smiled and asked, "Comrade Nie Jianhao, are you familiar with it?" Nie Jianhao is the political commissar of the Qi Provincial Military Region. He seems to have a good relationship with Zhou Hongji, and his relationship with Xia Shang is very ordinary. Xia Shen shook his head slightly: "I don't have much contact." But I didn't understand what Xie Xincai casually mentioned Nie Jianhao's intention.

When I came out of Xie Xincai's office, it was almost noon. The sun was not strong. Xia wanted to narrow her eyes slightly. She was not in a hurry to go back to the office, but walked slowly and enjoyed a moment of calm under the autumn sunshine.

The overall situation of Qi Province has finally completely risen to the high-level game. "A series of personnel adjustments can be used to conclude that Qin Kan's energy is not only not small, but also very large." It also proves that what Qin Kan's previous behavior is neither crazy nor desperate, but inevitable action.

Unfortunately, the last time he was drunk in Jin Yinmo's room for one night, he was drunk and eavesdropped. After all, he didn't hear too clearly. The biggest gain was to know that Zhou Rui and Lu Jiacheng were Qin Kan's right-hand men.

Now Lu Jiacheng has been taken away by him. In the name of taking a temporary rest to avoid the limelight, Lu Jiacheng can no longer directly exercise the power of the mayor of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In other words, let Qin Kan directly maimed a right arm.

In contrast, although Zhou Rui's harm is smaller than that of Lu Jiacheng, Zhou Rui's problem is not easy to solve. Because Zhou Rui is Zhou Hongji's secretary, no matter how good the relationship between him and Zhou Hongji is, it is impossible to tell each other directly about your secretary.

That's low and young.

Although the wind and clouds in Qi Province are turbulent, and there is no weakening, and the wind and clouds are still surging, but Xia can't help smiling when thinking about the Lu Meimei incident, because the things are so interesting that people can't help laughing.

It's not easy to maintain an optimistic heart under a complex and sinister political situation. It's better to keep it.

The provincial party committee hostel is very close to the provincial party committee, and it is only five minutes' walk away. Xia wants to think about things when walking the most, so she thinks about the accidents that happen while walking.

Unexpectedly, An Sheng was born the day after Qin Kan arrived at Pindu.

As soon as Qin Kan arrived at Pindu, he also arrived at the scene as soon as possible. At least on the surface, he devoted himself to the work, and he also went deep into the patients, shook hands cordially, and said that the provincial party committee and the provincial government strongly supported the work of the Pindu Municipal Committee to deal with the epidemic, and The people of the city can rest assured." The provincial party committee firmly stood with the people of Pindu.

It must be admitted that Qin Kan can speak better than Li Dingshan in addition to doing things. After a performance, he immediately won a better reputation than Li Dingshan. After all, Li Dingshan only knows how to work hard and does not know how to publicize it. Being capable is a mature politician.

In the evening, after an intensive meeting of the Hepin Municipal Committee, Qin Kan held a press conference on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Originally, it was a very ordinary press conference. Qin Kan would definitely not be thrown eggs by reporters, and he would not say whether you believe it or not. Anyway, I believe such famous sayings. Everything is carried out step by step, but it only reports the latest progress in the handling of the epidemic, which is nothing more than stabilizing the hearts of the people and the mood But in the questioning session, there was a big accident. It's not big, it's really not big, because no one can hold Qin Kan accountable for it. It's not small, it's not small, because Qin Kan's statement has neither reached a consensus with the Pincheng Municipal Committee, nor has he sought the consent of the provincial party committee in advance. That is to say, he made his own decisions and talked to himself. If it's about some fake emptiness, forget it. Every leader of the provincial party committee has the right to tell lies and nonsense and even brag about themselves. The provincial party committee [book] has no right to interfere, but Qin Kan's words are very clear, directly defining the epidemic incident, which is a very serious political event.

Qin Kan's original words were: "According to the investigation, the epidemic in Pindu is not simply an ordinary epidemic caused by infectious diseases, but an organized and premeditated man-made incident, and there are foreign forces that have contributed to this incident, resulting in the delay in the epidemic to be effectively controlled. However, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, "with the proper handling of the Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government, the criminal suspects and some overseas forces have been targeted." The next step will be to take effective and strict measures to stifle some people's attempts to make a big deal.

As soon as Qin Kan said this, he was very gorgeous at the press conference!

Because the media qualified to participate in the press conference are all official media, that is to say, the participants are all official journalists, real mouthpieces of the party, and all very obedient journalists, so that Qin Kan's statement without the approval of the provincial party committee and the provincial government has not been fully disseminated. But even so, there are still some disobedient reporters who somehow revealed Qin Kan's statement.

Although it only spread in a small range did not form an uproar, it still made Li Rongsheng very angry, because Qin Kan's move made him very passive!

It was supposed to be the conclusion of the municipal party committee [book], but Qin Kan said it first. What does the provincial committee think? 〖 What will Yang think? Qin Kan did this, which was too unruly. It was simply a mess. And the whole epidemic incident is also under his control. Where can there be any overseas forces to help? How can Qin Kan, an executive deputy governor, speak up? Even if there are so-called foreign forces, he is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and he is also the leader of Pindu. How can he not hear any news? Qin Kan is just the executive vice governor, not the provincial party committee [book] or the governor. How can he know the top secret?

Li Rongsheng was angry and annoyed, but it was not easy to complain to the provincial party committee. After all, Qin Kan came on behalf of the provincial party committee and was also the executive vice governor. Although he was also a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee, he actually had jurisdiction over Pindu. But he was really angry and was put on by Qin Kan. Li Rongsheng called Xia Xiang and secretly told Xia Xiang about his dissatisfaction with Qin Kan.

After the matter reached the provincial party committee, it was strange that Qiu Renli did not express any opinion, and Sun Ximin also kept silent, which also made Xia Xiang slightly puzzled. Compared with Li Rongsheng's righteous indignation, Qiu [shu] "the attitude taken by the governor on the incident of Qin Kan" was quite intriguing. Silence does not necessarily mean acquiescence, but it must mean indulgence or speechlessness.

Such a big event" Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin did not express their opinions at the right time. Does it mean that there are any extremely complicated secrets? Because if what Qin Kan said is not true, Sun Ximin can make a big deal on this matter, so that Qin Kan has no way to retreat!

From the height of commanding the whole province, Qiu Renli should also scold Qin Kan for opening the river, but Qiu Renli did not say a word, and then thought that Li Rongsheng was suddenly transferred from Pindu to the province. Xia Xiang's mind suddenly flashed, and a very strong idea jumped out...