official god

Chapter 1701 Curious

Chapter 1701 Curious (want for tickets...)

In Lu City in autumn, the sky is high and refreshing. If it is not included in the intricate political climate, the blue sky, the white sky, and the gentle breeze make people feel refreshed. It is definitely a good day for an autumn outing.

If there is another beautiful woman around, I believe that many people will steal half a day's leisure. No matter the flood or the material copywriting, they will go for a ride in the suburbs first.

Don't say, Xiaxiang really thinks so - because Song Yifan and Wei Xin came to Lulu City.

Of course, it was Song Yifan's idea to come to Lu City. She shouted that she had been coming to Lu City for a long time, but she had been delayed until now. Of course, there are all the reasons, but also because Song Yifan has been very busy since he became the vice president of Wei Xin.

Although the girl was busy, to be precise, she was in a mess. Fortunately, Wei Xin was careful and patient enough, and took good care of her, which also made Song Yifan's growth full of warmth and affection.

In fact, according to Xia's thinking, he does not approve of warm growth, which is easy to make people slack and grow slowly, and even cultivate mediocre talents. People are often like this. Without a sense of crisis, there is not enough awareness of alertness.

It's true that I was born in worry and died in peace.

But for Song Yifan, he is still willing to indulge more, mainly because Song Yifan's nature is too adorable. She is neither suitable for politics nor for business. In fact, with Xia Xiang's assumption, Song Yifan is more suitable for sitting quietly and indifferently in college, reading or meditating quietly in a library full of bookish atmosphere, and then time passes quietly, which can neither bring pain nor disappointment, but like autumn in the afternoon. The sun is as calm and long as the sun.

I also have to admit that it's time for Song Yifan and Wei Xin to come. Otherwise, if the general meeting is held today, Xia wants to spoil Song Yifan no matter how much he wants to play with her. However, after discussion, Xie Xincai and Qiu Renli unanimously agreed to officially hold the general meeting tomorrow morning, and all the work in the early stage should be completed today.

Xia always wanted to do things in advance. His mess of things had been completed long ago, and he had nearly a day's free time. Therefore, when Song Yifan proposed to go out to play, if it was someone else, Xia Xiang might have to hesitate, but she was not someone else, but Fan Yan, and Xia Xiang agreed without hesitation.

Of course, there is also a reason because Wei Xin is also here. If for Song Yifan, Xia wants to be spoiled, and for Wei Xin, he is tolerant and affectionate - it is a strong family affection that everyone, including Wei Xin, can't understand.

The matter of the provincial party committee has come to an end for the time being. Qin Kan and Li Rongsheng are rushing to Lu City from Pindu. In order to hold the general meeting, everyone who should be notified has been notified, and the work to be done has been done. After all, a large group of people in the provincial party committee are still familiar with Next.

Qin Kan's speech about the promotion of foreign forces not only did not stir up the waves in the provincial party committee, but also the central government did not have any spirit of instructions on this matter. The silence of the central government and the provincial party committee made clear that I'm afraid that things are really windless and no waves.

Xia thought didn't pay much attention to the inside stories behind the scenes of Qin Kan's speech. He just wanted to wait for the change of the term, when all the dust settled, he didn't believe that Qin Kan had any other motivation to make trouble.

The central government has taken action, can't you decide the world in one fell swoop?

So, he would rather be a little lazy.

In fact, he is not idle at all. Wu Tianxiao is secretly investigating Zhou Rui's problems. According to the investigation, Zhou Rui may have economic dealings with Qin Kan, but it is only possible, because there is no real evidence.

Wu Tianxiao is secretly responsible for this matter. Xia Xiang will not put his eyes on the secretary of a Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. His eyes can only be on the overall situation of Qi Province and the layout of the central government. I believe that Wu Tianxiao can do this matter safely, and then cut off Qin Kan's right-hand man.

The central government will finalize the overall situation by the change of office, and then he and Wu Tianxiao will jointly kill Qin Kan's right-hand man. At the same time, Qin Kan, who has lost his upper and lower support, what ability is there to create trouble?

Of course, Xiaxiang will certainly not take it lightly because of this, but after all, it is also a lot of relaxation, because Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji are not idle. They are arranging the next step for Qin Kan, and there will also be surprise gifts for Vice Governor Qin Kan.

It is also based on the above reasons that Xia wanted to drive in person, far away from the urban and downtown, and also far away from the disturbance and noise of the provincial party committee. He took Ermei to the unknown manor by the unknown lake, flying kites and barbecue in the wild, which is a real leisure moment.

Song Yifan had to go fishing and wanted Xia to accompany her, but Xia didn't go. He just sat on the lounge chair and enjoyed the tranquility of the shade and breeze. Song Yifan was so angry that he went fishing angrily.

Wei Xin set up a barbecue bracket beside him to prepare for the picnic at noon.

Comrade Xiaxiang, the shopkeeper, wore a sunshade hat, sat in the shade of a willow tree, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the graceful figure of a pair of busy jade people not far away, and couldn't help admiring the beauty of life.

In fact, what Xia Xiang likes most is to compare a woman's figure, appearance or personality, but Wei Xin in front of her is eye-catching, which is definitely a gentle and charming little wife. Song Yifan jumps and jumps, as bright and clean as the autumn sun, which is the most ideal sister image in the minds of all men. As Man, at this moment, how can there be a sense of happiness and satisfaction in this situation?

So Xia wanted to miss the evil old society while jumping his eyes and shuttling back and forth between Wei Xin and Song Yifan from time to time.

In fact, it is only to judge a woman by her appearance and figure, and the conclusion will be biased and far away from the truth. Women are complex animals. They can never judge from their appearance whether a woman is gentle and elegant, whether she is gentle and charming, whether she is worth a man's possession or... treasure.

Although beautiful women in the world are rare resources, to be honest, they are not so rare that they are rare. You can't see the elevator lady, the receptionist girl, and even some kind of physical worker in the dark.

If a beautiful woman has no connotation, she is a vase with an empty belly, because it is the beauty of the country. After watching it for a long time, there will be a greasy day, and a person's connotation and personality are the most long-term charm.

Wei Xin is not as young as Song Yifan, not as bright as Song Yifan, and amazes Song Yifan's brightness and sunshine, because she is like an elf who doesn't know what sorrow in the world is, only happiness and laughter.

But Wei Xin's gentleness and gentleness have given her the qualities that countless beautiful women can hardly have - reliable and a good wife and mother. There are often beautiful women, and there are not often good wives and mothers among beautiful women. Not only is it not often, but it is also an extremely rare resource.

Therefore, Wei Xin is the most favorite woman for all mature men with vision and vicissitudes of life, and can be married and cherished at home.

Song Yifan, naive and lively, innocent and cheerful, is also a sister that all men yearn for forever young and makes themselves happy.

Although it is already early autumn and the weather is slightly cool, Song Yifan and Wei Xin both wear skirts. Of course, it is Xia's favorite long skirt. The long skirt fluttered, the long hair shook, and Xia Chang was slightly intoxicated in the autumn sunshine.

In a daze, I was about to fall asleep. Suddenly, I felt my nose itchy. When I touched it with my hand, it was not itchy, and then my ears were itchy. Xia wanted to grab a small hand that made trouble and said with a smile, "Don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught."

It was Song Yifan's slippery and soft little hand that was caught by him.

Song Yifan held a plush grass in his hand. Just now, she deliberately thought that Xia wanted to fall asleep. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to sleep was also very alert, so she giggled: "Brother Xia, you sleep as cleverly as a puppy..."

"..." Xia wanted to be speechless directly. He took a dignified deputy of the provincial party committee as a puppy. Only Song Yifan dared to say it. Even Gu Yu would not talk nonsense casually. There was nothing he could do about her.

Wei Xin listened and said anguously, "Sister, don't talk nonsense. Xia is now the deputy of the provincial party committee. He is a person with status."

Song Yifan is not afraid of Xia: "When I knew him, he was thin, black, small and obedient. Now he is a little fat and white, but he is still as obedient as before. He is the eternal brother Xia in my heart."

A word brought Xia's thoughts back to the past. Thinking of the first time she met Song Yifan, she was the real thin and small little girl. When she first met him, she instructed him to wear designated slippers. In a blink of an eye, many years later, the once green little girl had grown into a beautiful woman.

But Song Yifan was still in front of him without a sense of defense as before. She bent over to hurt him. The killer on her chest was not close to his nose, and the heat and fragrance hit him uncontrollably. Xia thought it was not easy to push her away directly, so she had to say, "Go and help Wei Xin. She can' If you want to eat anything, you can bake it yourself.

"I want to eat corn." Song Yifan finally jumped away, but his eyes were full of cunning, and he looked at the cornfield in the distance, "Brother Xia, you accompany me to steal a few corns and bake them, okay?"

What a big joke? The deputy of the provincial party committee went to steal corn. When it spread, Xiaxiang's reputation was ruined. In case he is caught by a few farmers, he will really become indisputable.

"If you want to go, I won't go." Xia wanted to wave his hand, but he would not indulge Song Yifan unconditionally, "Aren't you fishing just now?"

"Don't mention, I didn't catch a fish. Later, I got angry and simply threw all the bait into the lake." Song Yifan pouted, but after all, she was shallow-minded and her mind turned quickly. She suddenly remembered, "Oh, I almost forgot when it comes to fishing. Dad has something for me to tell you."

Did Song Chaodu ask Song Yifan to spread the message? Does Song Chaodu think that Song Yifan can deliver political signals? Xia thought couldn't help but be curious.

... When Xia Xiang was on a relaxing vacation, a big conflict broke out between Qin Kan and Li Dingshan. RO