official god

Chapter 1703 Open the curtain

Chapter 1703 Open the curtain (sincerely ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Song, everything is going well." Li Dingshan's face had long been angry, replaced by calmness and determination, as if what had just happened had been expected.

"Good." The Song Dynasty was concise and didn't say much, but when it comes to Song Yifan, it's different, and there are too many words. "Xiaofan is in Lu City, and Xia wants to accompany her. This child doesn't know what he thinks all day long. He doesn't want to be in politics or do business. He became a vice president in a small company in the capital, but I heard that he still did a good job? Forget it, don't care about her. If you don't want to stay, go with her.

Speaking of Song Yifan, Song Chaodu showed a warm and true side. Li Dingshan heard a lot of emotions. When it came to his family, he agreed with Song Chaodu to have a big party in Yan City during the Spring Festival.

Song Chaodu agreed: "It's time to get together. When I'm old, I like to miss the past. People can't escape time.

Even for Li Dingshan, Song Chaodu, as a classmate, sighed in front of him very little. In my memory, since Song Chaodu lost power in Yan Province, he has become silent.

It was not until today's phone call that Song Chaodu showed his true side again that Li Dingshan confirmed that the taciturn Song Chaodu was still the Song Chaodu in those years. In addition to his cherishing words like gold, his conduct and temperament, as always.

If the previous taciturn was due to the failure of officialdom, then the real expression now should be that the Song Dynasty is finally reaching the peak of life?

Thinking that Gao Chengsong, who had harmed Yan Province for a while, had died in desolation. When he was dying, his son could not stay on his body. His former power and prestige had long disappeared, only desolate. On the news, only a piece of tofu was published, and even the memorial service was not held. How decayed the evening scene was. Compared with Gao Chengsong's power in Yan Province, who can see the long-term life?

What did Gao Chengsong get in his life? He was deprived of power and his property was confiscated. In his later years, he was lonely and helpless in house arrest. Although his wife did not leave, his son had dispersed. As an old man, he could not even get the most ordinary family affection in the world, which was the biggest failure in life.

As an official, power and money can't bring happiness and peace of mind. Only good officials who really serve the country and the people are often missed by the people. When they die, it is not in vain to be an official.

Li Dingshan felt a lot, and he almost expressed his feelings with Song Chaodu on the phone. Fortunately, he resisted, because Song Chaodu mentioned another thing.

"Ding Shan, if you tell Xia to think about it, I won't call him. I wanted to ask Xiaofan to bring him a message, but I'm afraid Xiaofan can't explain it clearly, so I'll tell you again." Song Chaodu's voice was much more serious. "During the period in Qi Province, Xia Xiang grasped the general direction very well and handled the details very well. But recently, he has walked a little fork in the road. He ignored a key factor, which made him not understand why others repeatedly provoked trouble."

"There is a sentence for him - there is something to do in Qi Province, and there is wind in the capital."


"There is something wrong in Qi Province, and there is wind in the capital?" Xia Shen was stunned, reached out and twisted Song Yifan's ears, and pinched her nose. "Are you sure your father asked you to tell me this sentence, not your dream after you just woke up?"

Song Yifan shyly dodged Xia's hand: "Brother Xia, I'm not a child. Don't twist my ears anymore. I have a problem!" After expressing my personal dissatisfaction, I returned to the topic. "Of course, I confirmed that I haven't missed it since I was three years old. Humph, look down on people and ignore you.

Song Yifan turned around and left, and the skirt fluttered in the breeze. She was like a popping lark, disappeared in the distance in a blink of an eye and sneaked into the cornfield.

Xia Sang did not notice what Song Yifan was doing, but bowed his head and meditated on the meaning of Song Chaodu's words. Obviously, Song Chaodu's words alluded to Qin Kan's abnormality of taking the initiative to provoke trouble, which was indeed in one sentence. In the point, he is now unable to understand the problem.

I thought I could wait for the change of office, and Qin Kan would naturally stop. Imagine that after everyone took their positions, it was difficult to readjust his position according to the usual practice, and Qin Kan would give up. Then Sun Ximin will, with the support of Qiu Renli, divide Qin Kan's division of labor as much as possible, part to Li Rongsheng and part to Zhou Yuyuan.

Qin Kan is under the double pressure of not being supported by Qiu Renli and not favored by the governor, and the power in his hand is overhead to the greatest extent, how much trouble can he have? It's autumn, and the grasshoppers haven't been alive for a long time.

But Song Chaodu's words still opened a door for Xia Xiang, making his thinking much broader - if he knew that Li Dingshan had already made a move with Qin Kan under the hint of the Song Dynasty, Xia Xiang would understand that in fact, Song Chaodu had been paying close attention to the situation in Qi Province from beginning to end - since the Song Dynasty As an outsider, he has always been very concerned about the situation in the province, so all the senior officials in the capital should always pay attention to the situation in the province.

The opposition system must be staring at the situation in Qi Province, and Wu Caiyang's action also proves that the family forces are also very concerned about the province of Qi Province. Thinking of Li Rongsheng's transfer, it also shows that they have always invested energy in the province of Qi Province, but when almost all the forces in the capital have set their sights on Recently, it has been too silent...

It should be said that from the car accident in He Jianghai's government building, and then to Mr. Fu's birthday, a certain force seems to have completely withdrawn from Qi Province - abnormal, too abnormal!

Xia wanted to be shocked and suddenly stood up. Sure enough, there was something to do in Qi Province, and there was wind in the capital!

He has been ignoring another shareholder wind in the capital. A vast but invisible east wind is also the most confusing east wind. When he first entered the officialdom, the east wind that once fascinated him and turned him unconscious. Today, he was almost fascinated by the sense of direction in Qi Province!

What a great east wind.

Xia thought finally figured out the links. A key point that had been difficult for him to figure out was finally solved, which made him feel extremely comfortable. As long as he knew who Qin Kan's backstage was, it was not difficult to deduce what Qin Kan's purpose was and how confident Qin Kan would have to continue to make trouble.

Now that he knows Qin Kan's cards and confidence, Xia Can has more confidence to kill Qin Kan's plot.

When he was thinking about it, suddenly a fragrance came from his nose. As soon as he turned around, he saw Wei Xin smiling and sending a bunch of baked potato chips. Xiaxiang was really hungry, so he took it over rudely and ate it happily. Not to mention, Wei Xin's craftsmanship was really good.

Then, Xia wanted to eat a few more barbecues in a row, and he felt more refreshed and extremely comfortable. At first glance, there was no one around, and Wei Xin stood quietly in front of him, as quiet as the afternoon sun, as beautiful as the autumn sky. It was so refreshing that he couldn't help but move Make fun of her.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he held Wei Xin in his arms, and then put his hand up and down. He smiled and said, "There is no one left and right, little lady, you just follow me."

Wei Xin was both panicked and shy. He wanted to push Xia Xiang away, but he was powerless, so he had to beg for mercy: "My father-in-law, please forgive me. If the girl comes back, it will be miserable. You forgot that the last time you were at home in the capital, you were harmed by the mortal girl once..."

Xia Xiang doesn't really want to have a day**, but he just wants to tease Wei Xin. It is rare that today there are beautiful women with him, and good things are approaching. He really wants to relax for a moment, but after listening to Wei Xin, the bad signs in his heart rose uncontrollably, and he directly put Wei Xin down on It's up to me. She must be having fun there now. How can she have time to pay attention to us..."

Wei Xin had already blushed like blood, and the fluff on the pink neck stood up, just like a layer of honey. When Xia wanted to be ready to feel a life as sweet as honey, she suddenly heard an urgent cry from the distance...

"Help! Brother Xia, come and save me! There are bad guys!"

is Song Yifan.

Xia wanted to be shocked. There were still bad people in broad daylight. He immediately ran in the direction of Song Yifan's call, thinking that Song Yifan had encountered some major accident. In shock, he had already forgotten all the good things that teased Wei Xin.

Unexpectedly, after Xia wanted to run away, he couldn't help crying and laughing. It turned out that Song Yifan was found taking the farmer's uncle's corn without permission. The farmer's uncle told Song Yifan what kind of corn was roasted deliciously out of kindness - probably seeing a girl like Song Yifan's fairy taking a few worthless corn, which could not be regarded as stealing.

As a result, Song Yifan misunderstood the farmer's uncle and thought that the other party was a bad guy like a big gray wolf, so he shouted for help.

Xia wanted to apologize to the farmer's uncle, took back Song Yifan, and spent another ten yuan to buy a few corns. On the way back, he also criticized Song Yifan for not being mean to the farmer's uncle, let alone suspecting that the other party was not a good person.

Song Yifan is still unconvinced: "He is not a good man."

"Why are you not a good person? Look how loyal and kind he is.

"People who are loyal, but loyal people must be kind? What logic! Didn't you find that he looks like Zhang Yimo? Fearing that Xia would disagree with her idea, Song Yifan stressed, "Some people have wrinkles on their faces, which are not the vicissitudes of time and stories, but one bad thought after another."

"..." Wherever it is, Xia wants to take Song Yifan and there is nothing he can do.

Returning to the Provincial Party Committee, Xia Xiang heard about Li Dingshan and Qin Kan's quarrel. Although he was puzzled, he probably guessed why Li Dingshan had an opinion with Qin Kan. It was okay to let Li Dingshan contain Qin Kan's attention. He just took the opportunity to lay out.

We must sit and talk with Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji, because it is a matter of great importance, so we can't talk about it. Before Xia wanted to take the initiative to find Sun Ximin, Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji came to visit together and took the initiative to visit.

The last drama in Qi Province kicked off. RO