official god

Chapter 1704 The Real Killing Move

Since I wanted to take office in Qi Province, I have never had a tripartite meeting with Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji. There are many opportunities for him and Zhou Hongji to sit together. It seems that there is always a gap between him and Sun Ximin. In my impression, I really haven't had a chance to get along alone.

Today can't be regarded as being alone." Because of Zhou Hongji's company, it is also a rare face-to-face conversation between Xiaxiang and Sun Ximin.

In fact, there is no deep-rooted contradiction between Xiaxiang and Sun Ximin. The enmity that had existed in Yanlu has also faded with the passage of time. After Sun Ximin arrived in Qi Province, there was no direct conflict of interest between him and Xiaxiang, although at the beginning, because of the salt industry problem, they stood in their Above that, there has been a competition in the dark, which is also a normal state of officialdom.

After all, the governor has the right to decide. It is impossible for everything to follow Xia's will, or even Qiu Renli's will. Although Sun Ximin is a little angry about the Dacai Group, Xia Xi still understands Sun Ximin's approach and does not think that Sun Ximin has made much fault.

He has also made the same mistake of being confused." Sun Ximin was also fascinated by civilians for a while, which was also exonible. Sitting together today, further speaking, it is rare to sit together. Xiaxiang is also very gratified in his heart. It is not a compromise with Guang Tongchen, but to enter together. Now he and the two main cadres who oppose the first series will sit together to discuss how to stabilize the situation in Qi Province. When he first came to Qi Province, it is an unimag

But today, it really happened on the ground, and it can only be said that the situation is better than people.

The emotion in Xiaxiang's heart is very different from what Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji think in their hearts. If Xia wants to just sigh, Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji are more helpless and ashamed in addition to gratitude.

Thanks to the fact that as an opposing party, Xia wants to have selfless help to them at the critical moment. He doesn't talk about conditions and doesn't submit it. The starting point is only for the overall situation of Qi Province. If a person is immersed in bureaucracy and indifference in the officialdom, he also secretly praises Xiaxiang's sincerity

Helpless and ashamed, they have benefited from Xia's help a lot. Not only did they not return anything back, but they still have a lot of things to ask Xia in their future work. In addition to shame, what else can they say?

So today's party was initiated by Sun Xi [Min] and personally wanted to toast to Xia with the respect of the governor.

"Xia [Book], I'll give you a drink." Sun Ximin raised his glass in his hand. Before Xia wanted to speak, he drank it and said, "Thank you, Xia [Book], for your support for my work all the time."

Although it does not directly say the words of respect for doing first, in fact, it has clearly expressed the meaning of respect for doing first.

Xia wanted to drink all the time: "Mr. Governor Sun, you're welcome. What I do is everything I do, and it's all something that should be done."

Sun Ximin sighed: "As a governor, we should make due contributions to the economic development of the country and the people. As a national cadre, we should be honest and honest, selfless, and benefit the government. There are too many shoulds in the world, but how many people have done it? Our connoisseur cadres have a good attitude and a good complexion. "The work is proactive, which is the right thing, but now it has become a high standard and high requirement! Just like a party member and a cadre who is not corrupt is a good party member and cadre, what is the logic? This is the right job!"

"Society is progressing, but our party members and cadres are losing virtue, and their ability is low in corruption and corruption. As long as they take money to do things, they are good officials. As long as they do not harm the country and the people after embezzlement, they do not evade money, and still What kind of phenomenon is this? This is the greatest [Dao] regression in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is the sadness of society and the shame of the country!"

"There are also some leading cadres, with the slogan of for the country and the people everywhere. In fact, they don't do anything practical at all." Just for their own selfishness, they don't hesitate to take the stable and united political situation of the whole province as a bargaining chip. What kind of behavior is this? This is the biggest scum."

Somehow, Sun Ximin seemed to be a little too excited. He came up with a generous statement, which surprised Xia for a moment. Although what Sun Ximin said is also true, it is a big difference to think of the identity of Governor Sun Ximin and say the above words.

spread to [Zhong] in the ears of the central leader, Sun Ximin lost points again.

Xia thought it was also clear that Sun Ximin's words implied that the gang leader, He Jianghai. "The corpse vegetarian" Tang Shicheng. Sima Bei is the one who harms the country and the people. The biggest scum, Qin Kan.

Admittedly, under the impassioned enthusiasm of Governor Sun, there may be no hidden intention. But Xiaxiang also knows that the Chinese nation has been keen on infighting for thousands of years. It has not stopped fighting for thousands of years, and it is very happy for you to come and go, but history is also moving forward in stumbling. Personal strength is really small, and you can change as much as you can.

And Governor Sun came up with a very high beginning, which made Xia Chang guess too much. It was not easy to answer Sun Ximin's words, but just smiled silently.

Zhou Hongji said, "Xia [Book], Governor Sun is a little excited today. In fact, he has some ideas to communicate with you. Governor Sun and I, today, come to sit and talk with you with 100% sincerity.

Zhou Hongji is playing for Sun Ximin." He was worried that Xia would think too much about it. Because Sun Ximin's performance just now was indeed a little radical, which was not in line with the identity of a governor. Only he knew Sun Ximin's inner pain in his heart, but what surprised him was that how could Sun Ximin lose his temper in front of Xiaxiang and show his [true] real thoughts?

Xia wanted to raise his glass to return to Sun Ximin: "I would like to give a toast to Governor Sun. In fact, from the time of Yan Province, I admired Governor Sun very much for his character. He has a sense of responsibility and justice. In my opinion, a person's ability and conduct do not lie in the level of the official position, but in whether he really has a heart to worry about the country and the people. The ancients often had the noble act of resigning for the people. Now, who would say, "It's better to go home to sell sweet potatoes than to be an official who is not in charge of the people, and hangs it in his heart as a warning? Ancient officials were not elected by the people "..."

Xia Xiang was just following Sun Ximin's words. Unexpectedly, after saying a word, Xi Min was almost excited and grabbed Xia Xiang's hand: "Xia [book], confidant, true confidant!"

At this time, Sun Ximin showed the image of an intellectual in front of Xiaxiang, not a bureaucratic governor, let alone a politician who ignored the overall situation of Qi Province for his own selfishness during the Dacai Group project dispute. Everyone has a complicated side, and so does Sun Ximin. Thinking that in Yan Province, he was single-minded to win over Xia, but he couldn't win over, but he took action to suppress it. It was the face of a complete bureaucrat.

But in Qi Province, Sun Ximin has experienced a lot and matured a lot, and looked back and saw through a lot.

Xia thought that all the things Sun Ximin had in front of him today were not a gaffe or a performance, but a real expression in his heart. After a big event soon after that, Xia wanted to recall today's scene again, and he was suddenly shocked.

Xiaxiang is actually not Sun Ximin's confidant. He and Sun Ximin do not have confidant friends. In contrast, Xiaxiang would rather admit that he is Ye Shisheng's confidant. Because there has always been alienation between him and Sun Ximin. Maybe the feeling between people is very strange. He always feels that there is a lack of opportunity to get close to Sun Ximin.

It's not even better to be with Zhou Hongji. Although they have known each other for a short time, they have a common language. Perhaps because of what Sun Ximin did in Qi Province, it still made the county feel unhappy.

"The government has returned to Beijing, before leaving," he also asked me to thank you." Zhou Hongji mentioned that the government will return to Beijing for medical treatment soon after being beaten, which is equivalent to a statement that he will no longer pursue this matter, which is in sharp contrast to the last time.

Xia wanted to nod: "The medical conditions in the capital are better, and it's better to go back. The investigation of the investigation team is probably eye-catching, and the results will come out in a day or two...", that is, the identity of the government is special. Otherwise, a businessman was severely beaten, which actually shocked the provincial party committee to set up an accident investigation team, which is really a big face.

Face is not for the government, but for someone in the capital.

Yesterday, Xia wanted to have high hopes on the conclusion of the investigation team, but today, after he was awakened by the Song Dynasty, he knew what the incident, the mine disaster incident, and the epidemic incident, etc., as well as the new energy bus project and the five golden huā project are just a fake shot, not a real killing. Trick.

So it is certain that the investigation team will not find any useful conclusions. Even if the final evidence points to Qin Kan, it is impossible to take an executive vice governor because of a beating. The more in-depth the investigation team investigated, the more they were hit by Qin Kan's plan to divert his attention.

Xia Shang is not sure where Qin Kan's killing moves fell, but it is certain that the series of things that have just happened, whether they are aimed at Sun Ximin or Zhou Hongji, are not Qin Kan's real foothold.

I have to say that Qin Kan is the biggest level Xia wants to encounter since he came to politics. It is the largest, but not the most difficult, but it is the most difficult and far away.

I also have to admit that Qin Kan succeeded, at least he hid it from Xia for a while. Although he is not as resourceful as Ye Tiannan, and not as radical and brave as Zhou Hongji, under his seemingly loyal appearance, what is hidden in the wrinkles on his face is not a story, but one bad thought after another.

At the end of the party, Sun Ximin slightly mentioned the topic: "After the change of office, I want to adjust the division of labor of the government team appropriately." At that time, I also hope that Xia [Book] and Qiu [Book] will make more suggestions.

Xia Shangming nodded, but he said, "I hope Governor Sun will be psychologically prepared. I'm afraid it won't be smooth sailing!"

Sun Ximin obviously didn't want to see far-reachingly as Xia. He was shocked: "What's the inside information about Xia [book]?"